Trnava lives in a summer (may - september) mainly. a lot of music and other events are on the street, courts, promenade park. bars and cafes have open air etc..
Ahoj Caterina, urobilo mi radosť, že si navštívila moje mesto! Dúfam, že sa ti páčilo... Odporúčam navštíviť Banskú Štiavnicu, bude sa ti páčiť, rovnako ako napríklad Slovenský Raj. Dva - tri krát do roka navštívim Taliansko, z dvadsiatich regiónov som navštívil pätnásť. Mám to tam veľmi rád! Tvoje videá sa mi páčia, pokračuj! Marek.
Hello, your Slovak doesn't have much dialect, it's really refreshing to hear foreigners learning and speaking our language as it's quite hard 😃 There aren't people on the main streets in general, in the summer months, it's different with all the outside terraces to sit on. During the other seasons though, it's quite rare that people fill up the main street like it used to be ~30 yrs ago, shopping malls are mainly full though 😃 I definitely recommend Košice and its surroundings, but I have to warn you, there's a lot of beggars in the centre, so be ready for that 😃
I literally live on Trojičné Square, and Trnava is always empty at noon on Saturdays after the markets, as well as on Sunday afternoons. Everything starts filling up again by 3 PM, and it’s so crowded. The funny thing is that people from Bratislava always come here for lunch when no one is around. It never fails to make me laugh that someone would comment on this without having any clue.
@suBrainMachine I hadn't said Trnava is empty, since I am not from there, but from my experience from multiple cities, the centre is crowded (people actually staying in the centre) for ~3 days in the week at most, which is thursday-saturday (sometimes sunday) and the rest of the days it just works as a commuting street with some people staying, I experienced multiple european cities and our street culture is nothing compared to theirs, even Brno is crowded every day of the week regardless of the season. Slovak cities experience this mostly in the summer and winter (markets), other seasons are more vacant and it's just a fact in general, maybe Trnava is an exception, but even Bratislava experiences this.
Hello Michal. To mesto sa rozpada ludom pred ocami. Zobral som tam manzelku z UK ukazat jej starobile mesto Nitra a skoro som sa prepadol od hanby ked som to neskutocne skarede centrum po rokoch stravenych v zahranici uvidel 😂.
@josepfgrant9093 Suhlasim s tym ze Nitra bola dlhe roky zanedbavana, ale v poslednej dobe sa podla mna vela veci zmenilo k lepsiemu, aj ked stale je co napravovat a budovat. Aspom tu pesiu a namestie by to chcelo ozivit.
Ciao Caterina! Io sono molto felice che tu abbia visitato Trnava, la cittá dove vivo. Ti raccomando di tornare in tarda primavera quando la cittá é piena di fiori e c´é molta gente per le strade, soprattutto la sera. Io sono certo che l´atmosfera del centro storico ti piacerebbe moltissimo.
You should definitely visit old mining cities in central Slovakia: Banská Štiavnica, Banská Bystrica, Kremnica, Špania Dolina, etc. Since you like history you would appreciate these cities. I recommend reading about their history before visiting them. There is a lot to see so do some investigation and planning beforehand.
Ciao Caterina. Grazie per visitare la mia città. Il tuo slovacco è molto buono. Complimenti. La Ceska pojistovna e stata fondata nel 1827 cioè prima della Cecoslovacchia. La prossima volta potresti visitare anche Piešťany. Ache questa città e vicino di Bratislava è ci sono i termi più grande nella Slovacchia. A Piestani ci sono molte statue è la città funziona come una grande mostra. Ma anche i palazzi sono molto interessanti.
You need to visit Banska Bystrica, we have the best nature (better than High Tatras in our opinion)if you are in the central area i also recommend Banska Stiavnica, considered to be the most culturally rich town in Slovakia.
I love Banska Stiavnica, I want to visit it again and I definitely added Banska Bystrica to the list 🙂 I think the mountains in that area are Low Tatras?
Your Slovak is pretty good but cannot give a rate need to hear more of it. Places to visit are in the east, that’s also the forgotten part of Slovakia but in my opinion the most beautiful one - Bardejov just throws you in the Middle Ages especially the main square, Stará Lubovna and it’s castle and open air museum are very nice but to visit in the summer, Levoča worth the visit as well and Spiš castle and Spišsky salaš as well just very nice and then as we say metropola vychodu - Košice, it’s cathedral is just impressive but maybe for you as an Italian not so much.
Ak máš rada prírodu, určite odporúčam Žilinu a jej okolie - Malá Fatra, lyžiarske stredisko Vrátna, Súľovské skaly, obec Terchová... krásne kopce a doliny, ktoré majú svoju krásu v zime ❄️ i v lete ☀️.
Ahoj som z Trnavy snad sa pacilo aj v chladnejsom pocasi 😊 nadpis Ceska poistovna vznikol po roku 1993 kedy sa Ceskoslovenska poistovna rozdelila na Cesku 🙂
Keď si bola v bazilike sv. Mikuláša, mala si prejsť okolo nej dozadu a tam sa dá vyliezť po schodoch na hradby. Odporúčam navštíviť Pezinok: vinárske mestečko blízko Bratislavy, vinárske múzeum, zámocký park a výborné reštaurácie. A samozrejme degustácie vín.
Choďte do Bardejova. Kamarát hovoril, že je to malé Miláno. Neviem prečo. Nikdy som nebol v Miláne, ale mám kamaráta Milana.
Ja som bol v Bardejove aj v Milane ale čo majú tieto dve mestá spoločné to by ma naozaj zaujímalo 😳opálených ľudí? :).. Ale Bardejov by som aj ja odporučil to je pekné mesto
Ak Trnava je malý Rím kvôli počtu kostolov, kde na Wikipédii píšu 13, tak potom Poprad je čo, keď na Wikipédii je ich 22 a je dosť menší ako Trnava? 🤔 Len tým počtom kostolov to nebude.
Nejde čisto len o počet kostolov, ale aj o panorámu mesta. Kde veže a vežičky kostolov a katedrál v Trnave dotvárajú túto špecifickú atmosféru so silným sakrálnym nádychom.
Československo sa rozdelilo na dva samostatné štáty 1. januára 1993. Rok 1989 a to in concreto 17. Novembra bol v našej spoločnej histórii výnimočný z iného dôvodu. Aj by som vám napísal niečo o elementárnych vedomostiach, ale zo slušnosti si "zahryznem do jazyka".
Bullshit? You seem to be a very polite man. And yes, Trnava is really referred to as a little Rome owing to a great number of churches. I recommend you to do some research before you write something. I wish you could speak Slovak as well as Caterina does.
I have been living in Slovakia 24 years. Never heard anyone refer to this city as Little Rome. I don't think this city is this to be honest. I visited twice. What a stupid channel. Don't write me. I don't deal with trolls.
If you watched the full video you’ll know that I also spoke in Slovak: please rate my Slovak from 1 to 10 🙈
Tvoja slovenčina je výborná
Ďakujem! 🙂
😂 ďakujem!!
9/10 úprimne výborne. Poznám domácich, čo tak dobre nehovoria :D
Grazie for the video! I studied at university in Trnava, the city has a special place in my heart! 🥰🥰🥰
Trnava lives in a summer (may - september) mainly. a lot of music and other events are on the street, courts, promenade park. bars and cafes have open air etc..
Ahoj Caterina,
urobilo mi radosť, že si navštívila moje mesto! Dúfam, že sa ti páčilo... Odporúčam navštíviť Banskú Štiavnicu, bude sa ti páčiť, rovnako ako napríklad Slovenský Raj. Dva - tri krát do roka navštívim Taliansko, z dvadsiatich regiónov som navštívil pätnásť. Mám to tam veľmi rád!
Tvoje videá sa mi páčia, pokračuj!
Ďakujem Marek! 15/20, takmer všetky! V Trnave sa mi veľmi páčilo 😊
Hello, your Slovak doesn't have much dialect, it's really refreshing to hear foreigners learning and speaking our language as it's quite hard 😃 There aren't people on the main streets in general, in the summer months, it's different with all the outside terraces to sit on. During the other seasons though, it's quite rare that people fill up the main street like it used to be ~30 yrs ago, shopping malls are mainly full though 😃 I definitely recommend Košice and its surroundings, but I have to warn you, there's a lot of beggars in the centre, so be ready for that 😃
I literally live on Trojičné Square, and Trnava is always empty at noon on Saturdays after the markets, as well as on Sunday afternoons. Everything starts filling up again by 3 PM, and it’s so crowded. The funny thing is that people from Bratislava always come here for lunch when no one is around. It never fails to make me laugh that someone would comment on this without having any clue.
@suBrainMachine I hadn't said Trnava is empty, since I am not from there, but from my experience from multiple cities, the centre is crowded (people actually staying in the centre) for ~3 days in the week at most, which is thursday-saturday (sometimes sunday) and the rest of the days it just works as a commuting street with some people staying, I experienced multiple european cities and our street culture is nothing compared to theirs, even Brno is crowded every day of the week regardless of the season.
Slovak cities experience this mostly in the summer and winter (markets), other seasons are more vacant and it's just a fact in general, maybe Trnava is an exception, but even Bratislava experiences this.
Nice video!I didn’t knew that Trnava is so beautiful
Thank you! 😊
Ahoj, super video. Mala by si sa prisť pozrieť do Nitry. Pozrieť hrad, katedralu, park, kalvariu, Zobor...
Hello Michal. To mesto sa rozpada ludom pred ocami. Zobral som tam manzelku z UK ukazat jej starobile mesto Nitra a skoro som sa prepadol od hanby ked som to neskutocne skarede centrum po rokoch stravenych v zahranici uvidel 😂.
@josepfgrant9093 Suhlasim s tym ze Nitra bola dlhe roky zanedbavana, ale v poslednej dobe sa podla mna vela veci zmenilo k lepsiemu, aj ked stale je co napravovat a budovat. Aspom tu pesiu a namestie by to chcelo ozivit.
Ciao Caterina! Io sono molto felice che tu abbia visitato Trnava, la cittá dove vivo. Ti raccomando di tornare in tarda primavera quando la cittá é piena di fiori e c´é molta gente per le strade, soprattutto la sera. Io sono certo che l´atmosfera del centro storico ti piacerebbe moltissimo.
Grazie per il commento e per il consiglio 😊
Nice video. Good music.
Thank you very much!
Chvalim ta za tvoju slovenčinu 😊 Odporucam ti navštíviť Skalicu, Holic a okolie
Ďakujem! 🙂
You should definitely visit old mining cities in central Slovakia: Banská Štiavnica, Banská Bystrica, Kremnica, Špania Dolina, etc. Since you like history you would appreciate these cities. I recommend reading about their history before visiting them. There is a lot to see so do some investigation and planning beforehand.
Thanks 😍
Ciao Caterina. Grazie per visitare la mia città. Il tuo slovacco è molto buono. Complimenti. La Ceska pojistovna e stata fondata nel 1827 cioè prima della Cecoslovacchia. La prossima volta potresti visitare anche Piešťany. Ache questa città e vicino di Bratislava è ci sono i termi più grande nella Slovacchia. A Piestani ci sono molte statue è la città funziona come una grande mostra. Ma anche i palazzi sono molto interessanti.
Grazie per il commento e le informazioni 🙂
ulice sú prázdne, lebo všetci sú v obchodných centrách
There were more people in the shopping mall, true 🙂
lebo všetci sú tady u nás v Česku v parlamentu 😀
You need to visit Banska Bystrica, we have the best nature (better than High Tatras in our opinion)if you are in the central area i also recommend Banska Stiavnica, considered to be the most culturally rich town in Slovakia.
I love Banska Stiavnica, I want to visit it again and I definitely added Banska Bystrica to the list 🙂 I think the mountains in that area are Low Tatras?
@@palmacate Yes low Tatras, Mala and Velka fatra are also accessible from BB with a short drive or Bus journey.
Banska Bystrica je krasne mesto v nadhernom prostredi, Pre mna zaujimave miesto kusok odtial je vypalena obec Kaliste 😍
you should visit Bardejov 100 percent
Ale picu
Super 🙂
Provi visitara Moravia Mikulov, Valtice, Lednice, Brno, Olomouc :)
Grazie 😊
Your Slovak is pretty good but cannot give a rate need to hear more of it. Places to visit are in the east, that’s also the forgotten part of Slovakia but in my opinion the most beautiful one - Bardejov just throws you in the Middle Ages especially the main square, Stará Lubovna and it’s castle and open air museum are very nice but to visit in the summer, Levoča worth the visit as well and Spiš castle and Spišsky salaš as well just very nice and then as we say metropola vychodu - Košice, it’s cathedral is just impressive but maybe for you as an Italian not so much.
Thank you! 🙂
hey i am from Trnava :D next time you come here, ping me up
Ak máš rada prírodu, určite odporúčam Žilinu a jej okolie - Malá Fatra, lyžiarske stredisko Vrátna, Súľovské skaly, obec Terchová... krásne kopce a doliny, ktoré majú svoju krásu v zime ❄️ i v lete ☀️.
Ahoj som z Trnavy snad sa pacilo aj v chladnejsom pocasi 😊 nadpis Ceska poistovna vznikol po roku 1993 kedy sa Ceskoslovenska poistovna rozdelila na Cesku 🙂
😍😍 ďakujem ☺️
Now i see you can speak slovak. Im just wondering if it is different to understand czech for you?
I only understand it a bit, especially if I read!
Keď si bola v bazilike sv. Mikuláša, mala si prejsť okolo nej dozadu a tam sa dá vyliezť po schodoch na hradby.
Odporúčam navštíviť Pezinok: vinárske mestečko blízko Bratislavy, vinárske múzeum, zámocký park a výborné reštaurácie. A samozrejme degustácie vín.
Thanks! Noted both suggestions 😀
Alkohol je pre lúzrov.
the city of FIGARO (mainly Tatiana) ... mmmmm yum yum
Veľa ľudí hovorí že jedno z najkrajšich miest na Slovensku je kupeľné mesto Piešťany vzdialene asi 30km od Trnavy.
I suggest my birth city, Trebišov.
Choďte do Bardejova. Kamarát hovoril, že je to malé Miláno. Neviem prečo. Nikdy som nebol v Miláne, ale mám kamaráta Milana.
Ďakujem za komentár! Bardejov vyzera velmi dobre! 🙂
Nemáte za čo.
Ja som bol v Bardejove aj v Milane ale čo majú tieto dve mestá spoločné to by ma naozaj zaujímalo 😳opálených ľudí? :).. Ale Bardejov by som aj ja odporučil to je pekné mesto
@cijaksavola1096 S kamarátom Milanom je všade ako v Miláne.
Ak Trnava je malý Rím kvôli počtu kostolov, kde na Wikipédii píšu 13, tak potom Poprad je čo, keď na Wikipédii je ich 22 a je dosť menší ako Trnava? 🤔 Len tým počtom kostolov to nebude.
Nejde čisto len o počet kostolov, ale aj o panorámu mesta. Kde veže a vežičky kostolov a katedrál v Trnave dotvárajú túto špecifickú atmosféru so silným sakrálnym nádychom.
Czechoslovakia does not exist anymore, since 1993. So now we are 2 countries, so that is why it is czech insurance company.
I know, I thought it was a very old sign (like from the ‘80s or earlier) that’s why I was not sure why it was only ‘česká’ 🙂
@@jozefsimek99 To je jedna z mála výnimiek.
Československo sa rozdelilo na dva samostatné štáty 1. januára 1993. Rok 1989 a to in concreto 17. Novembra bol v našej spoločnej histórii výnimočný z iného dôvodu. Aj by som vám napísal niečo o elementárnych vedomostiach, ale zo slušnosti si "zahryznem do jazyka".
@@MaximusMusicus Opravené.
Doesn’t look like Rome at all.
Sounds like bullshet to me. I have never heard of people refer to this city as little Rome. Do you even speak Slovak?
Just google “little Rome Trnava” or “malý Rím Trnava” :) there’s plenty of articles mentioning it in both languages.
Bullshit? You seem to be a very polite man. And yes, Trnava is really referred to as a little Rome owing to a great number of churches. I recommend you to do some research before you write something. I wish you could speak Slovak as well as Caterina does.
I have been living in Slovakia 24 years. Never heard anyone refer to this city as Little Rome. I don't think this city is this to be honest. I visited twice. What a stupid channel. Don't write me. I don't deal with trolls.