What does "Szerokosc przsela" means? What is the distance between the pillar and the fence? The total distance should not be the sum of the length of the fence panel and the distances between the panel and the pillars? If the panel is 2m long, should the total distance between the pillars be 2,04m? Thanks!
It means panel length + 1cm, but this gives you not much place for mistakes. 202 cm will do. It can be wider, but i don't know precisely how far you can go.
What does "Szerokosc przsela" means? What is the distance between the pillar and the fence? The total distance should not be the sum of the length of the fence panel and the distances between the panel and the pillars? If the panel is 2m long, should the total distance between the pillars be 2,04m? Thanks!
It means panel length + 1cm, but this gives you not much place for mistakes. 202 cm will do.
It can be wider, but i don't know precisely how far you can go.
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