I think why i love to watch ferg is because of his personality he's got insane character man that charismatic aura he got and that positive vibes from him will drive anyone crazy Ferg if you are reading this comment I LOVE U MAN
*Things that you might not know:* •If you get a nuke, its an instant win •The flare when your infected is a checkpoint •You have much more health if your the last man surviving •If your the first infected, you can still use your gun once **If you already know this, you already got a nuke :)*
I had a lot of fun with this mode not gonna lie at all And I'm really good with the throwing axe/ tomahawk but in this game the ricochet barely gets kills so just try to hit people But I've always enjoyed Tunisia infected and wish They made crossword infected since these maps are so big
Me while playing attack of the undead: **lets camp and put sentry's and trip mines on where I camp so they can't get me and my teammates unless they're axe throwing skills are on point**
Normal people: infected mode Psychopaths: A.O.T.U Hannibal Lecters: the one of many game modes in the mobile game Call of Duty Mobile released by Activision and also released by Garena in Asia servers where there are ten players, one player becomes infected and tries to infect the rest of the players with a melee weapon and the rest try to survive with range guns that shoot projectiles
THE BEST moment I've had on this mode, i was a survivor, was the last then i was out of ammo . Then i grabbed my flashbang( or the other one but not trip mime) and ran for about 1 and half minute. I was on my toes the entire time untill the game ended and i won 😂😂
damn i was running with my knife cause i didnt put a pistol in my class and the death machine took my primary and my sentry ran out and i wasbrunning around the whole map of Tunisia until multiple infected cut me off i was bouts to win wit 10 sec on the clock but lost😥
But the i hate the most in this mode is even if you select your secondary the death machine takes your primary (i didnt test much so im wrong i happy to hear that)
i was camping with a M4 and then got a nuke but i ran out of ammo and the zombies where chasing me till i pulled out my hachi and killed them all and i called in my nuke and boooom
Still alive surely cos they only have knives? I must be missing something here. This game is about 10 times easier than the AI practice game for beginners. What am I missing peeps?
When the dead find your fortified spot, one mine will have normally be blown before you get another back. Depending on the map. I seem to always be last alive with all the undead running at me. At that point I wish I could have 6 mines and 2 sentrys :)
@@triggeredpickachu6956 I look at ur previous comments on his other videos saying 1 like is 1 prayer for his eyes. Joking cuz it's only 60 likes when I saw the comment
@@DHEER-np9qs I just went 30-0 in attack of the undead not to long ago and didnt get a nuke... gave me a death machine though. Edit: just finished the video, and saw that he got one to. Still dont see how I didnt get a nuke though.
2:54 Ferg surprised me with the way he said “ima survivor” sounded like an actually singers voice in my opinion Edit: I’m serious the more I listen to him repeat it I’m convinced he’s hiding another talent
I would agree, me and my friends would invite each other and basically play hide and seek in Attack of the undead game mode. It’s EXTREMELY FUN !! But I wish it was a permanent mode ......
"To live is to risk it all. Otherwise, you're just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you." -Rick Sanchez This is the most 2013 poster I have ever seen If you know you know👀
I think why i love to watch ferg is because of his personality
he's got insane character man that charismatic aura he got and that positive vibes from him will drive anyone crazy
Ferg if you are reading this comment I LOVE U MAN
thats a fact *insert ferg's voice*
Love you to!
@@iFerg much love Ferg!
110% AGREE‼️‼️☢️☢️☢️
I see youve inserted the ferg key words: insane and crazy
I love this mode!
We are already at 1,018,000 subscribers wow...
Hey ferg
Try getting a nuke in this mode :)
I actually got a nuke in this mode, but I couldn't use it because zombies keep chasing me
I like the intro
*Things that you might not know:*
•If you get a nuke, its an instant win
•The flare when your infected is a checkpoint
•You have much more health if your the last man surviving
•If your the first infected, you can still use your gun once
**If you already know this, you already got a nuke :)*
I was gonna press launch nuke and boom some zombie knifed me
Check my account in Garena PH
IGN: Dark_0ne
31 0 1
got nuke in the map standoff using M4 Backscratcher and Knife Contamination
Ahh that was the flare for thank you for telling.
The Flare is called a tactical insertion
Nice bro
Ferg: They cant get here how are the gonna kill me.
Tactical Axe : let me introduce myself
Akif • 15 years and Combat Axe to be precise
Bro you're sooooo goooood
I had a lot of fun with this mode not gonna lie at all
And I'm really good with the throwing axe/ tomahawk but in this game the ricochet barely gets kills so just try to hit people
But I've always enjoyed Tunisia infected and wish They made crossword infected since these maps are so big
RaZe Gaming eh tomahawk’s better
Every time I hear fergs old intro I remember the good all days
Me too
Ferg : "If you've been living under a rock..."
Me : *looking at my roof*
Also me : "Perhaps..."
Ben imagine not having a roof tho
Patrick Star
@@GWKrae some people don't have it😔
It could be a brick roof, you never know
Spongebob SquarePants!
2019 ferg: *"sweaty boi"*
2020 ferg: *Haha gun go bruut*
2:26 broke my heart
Hi noah I subbed to y
Dayuuum that’s sad
Yeah Noah is broke my heart ferg
2:54 "im a survivor" -IFerg
black lung
Me: going to study after playing cod for an hour
Phone: Ching Ching
Ferg just uploaded another video 😂
Lol hahahaha
Haha notifications go brr
i dropped a nuke in this mode
@EyeFragsYT UNO There are a few schools open for certain years . My school is open for year 7's - year 10's. Im year 11 so i don't got to go
Ferg: CODM sponsored this video.
Me : CODM? '-'
CODM: You heard him boi.
*comment ruined*
@@kamikaze_k_o ehhhh RIP ENGLISH....
Ferg: we need a fun good gamemode
Codm: *I'll make it all come true*
*Your wish is my command*
Tripmines: me too!!
Every phone is a gangsta until Ferg uses his ‘The OP Water Bottle Phone’
4:29 lowkey sounds like those classic cartoon laughs when u fall of a clift like the ones from bugs bunny or tom and jerry LMAO😂😂
yeah hahaha
thats goofy scream
Eyyyy it gottaaaa heart omg first timeeee daaaamn thanks ma dudeeeee
You just gave me a rush of nostalgia, so that deserves a like 👍
Ferg: talking through a bottle of water
*Doppio approves*
@@zazithym3569 Moshi Moshi, Ferg desu
In the beginning, it sounds like me:
"MeGA VoIcE CRaCks"
Like how ur profile pic is codm. But ur vids are recordings of school
@@hahamzhaa 😂😂😂😂
Im still cherishing those moments with these vids and gameplay in codm .Those time will never comeback either that og codm
Me while playing attack of the undead: **lets camp and put sentry's and trip mines on where I camp so they can't get me and my teammates unless they're axe throwing skills are on point**
Imagine knifesios playing the mode...
@@tec.9codm470 he did
Lol i did it all the time
I usually just camp if I'm last alive up near where the a flag would be
For Tunisia
The other maps are just too small
Ferg: puts a bottle of clear liquid to his ear
Me: I didn’t know you liked vodka
*W A T E R*
iFerg: These guys stand no chance
John Cena: are you sure about that
Normal People: *Infected Mode*
Psychopaths: *Attack Of The Undead*
For me its like this
Normal people: It’s Infected Mode
Psychopaths: iT’s ZoMBiE mOdE!1!111!!!
More like old school cod
Normal people: infected mode
Psychopaths: A.O.T.U
Hannibal Lecters: the one of many game modes in the mobile game Call of Duty Mobile released by Activision and also released by Garena in Asia servers where there are ten players, one player becomes infected and tries to infect the rest of the players with a melee weapon and the rest try to survive with range guns that shoot projectiles
THE BEST moment I've had on this mode, i was a survivor, was the last then i was out of ammo . Then i grabbed my flashbang( or the other one but not trip mime) and ran for about 1 and half minute. I was on my toes the entire time untill the game ended and i won 😂😂
Same lol
damn i was running with my knife cause i didnt put a pistol in my class and the death machine took my primary and my sentry ran out and i wasbrunning around the whole map of Tunisia until multiple infected cut me off i was bouts to win wit 10 sec on the clock but lost😥
lol same and they would try to corner me but I would knife my way out of it which was hilarious 😂
But the i hate the most in this mode is even if you select your secondary the death machine takes your primary (i didnt test much so im wrong i happy to hear that)
i was camping with a M4 and then got a nuke but i ran out of ammo and the zombies where chasing me till i pulled out my hachi and killed them all and i called in my nuke and boooom
Ferg: Nobody is gonna kill me up here.
Ferg ten seconds later: “Dies”
P.S. When Ferg screams he sounds like me when I watch a scary movie
Doppio in a nutshell
@@tsal5341 nani? Hamon?
10:44 the first guy on un dead is named jotaro lol
Zombies before: comes in hordes and are slow
Zombies now: im fast as fricc boi
They aren't zombies buddy they're jus infected 😂
@@LeX-fr- mutated zombies
World War Z 😂
Like cats at 2 am 😂
I am speed
6:46 Ferg: Doesn't camp and goes for the ammo from Vulture.
Me: Ah, I see you're a man of culture.
A man of vulture
"Everywhere I go"
"I see this shit"
I hate when people camp like bro so many tripmines
I got a nuke on standoff with the lava axe (not camping) but then I died
People just steal my vulture ammo so I just camp lol I hate those people
1:44 when you smoke weed for the 1st time
Nostalgia, Ferg’s old videos were the best
4:29 thats how tom from tom and jerry screams lol
I can't breathe bruh
Me: I wonder if its possible to get a nuke in the new infected mode
Ferg:I'll make it all come true
I get the nuke, but I couldn't activate it
Ferg: How am I still alive
Common sense: well emmm because you haven't died
Thanks for the like ferg. Big fan ✊🏼
@@leoudeh5866 bruh
2:58 which track is that..??
Still alive surely cos they only have knives? I must be missing something here. This game is about 10 times easier than the AI practice game for beginners. What am I missing peeps?
u stupid?
I love the way he says "OKAY"
We can clearly see the impact of tiktok in Ferg
Trip Mines and stuns refresh when you’re defending. Spam the trip mines.
*you can only have two trip at a time
@@gggaming4tg Yeah but imagine 8 survivors using 3 trip mines each
Anshul Patil no it’s 2
When the dead find your fortified spot, one mine will have normally be blown before you get another back. Depending on the map.
I seem to always be last alive with all the undead running at me. At that point I wish I could have 6 mines and 2 sentrys :)
@@blinkingintensifies8212 make more vids
iFerg: what is attack of the undead?
Me: knifes only aid here
Remembering this was nostalgic is crazy
Me when i camp on the side thinking I'm gonna win by chilling on a corner: dies tomahawk🥺
4:30 Yo did you just got scared or something
Yess.... two unskipable 15s add
He got scared cuz you are stuck and someone's chasing you
@@jianky_ r/wooooosh
Am I the only one that’s loves the way he says “ok” at the beginning of the video???
ME!! its so cute tbh
Me its funny
Good old memories. Old Is Gold.
5:41 *should be Nomad's voice when he kills someone*
*_Ferg:_* Uses Shield
*_Meanwhile Sentry Gun:_* Am I joke to you.😂
shield is what i go with, since you can use the larger part to COMPLETLY block a doorway and the sentry is good to have a buddy bring
One of my teammates got stuck on his own sheild XD
Sorry for the bad grammer -~-"
One teammate should use sentry gun and other shield to block the door way
@@aeoma7325 it's not even bad lol
Whats so funny
Should I laugh?
Normal people: *Call on phones*
Ferg: Nah Bit- *_Calls on water bottle_*
Ferg makes everyone's day better.
True my brother just bullied me for no reason😭😭😭😭😭 saying im usless
0:24-0:28 me when I see ferg doesn’t tuck the adjustable strap in the band of his hat
Literally nobody:
Ferg: talking to a bottle
Tysm for the likes its my highest record
@@triggeredpickachu6956 guessing you didn't gain any from the "1 like=1 pray" comment huh
@@JonathonGomez i dont really understand it
@@triggeredpickachu6956 I look at ur previous comments on his other videos saying 1 like is 1 prayer for his eyes. Joking cuz it's only 60 likes when I saw the comment
@@JonathonGomez yeah i did not whats ur prob huh
this is a proof that ferg can summon the nuke in ANY mode
He would probably drop a nuke on BR tbh lol
I dropped a nuke in attack of the undead last second and was so confused lol
goldenskiaPW same but sadly the time ran out
@@DHEER-np9qs I just went 30-0 in attack of the undead not to long ago and didnt get a nuke... gave me a death machine though.
Edit: just finished the video, and saw that he got one to. Still dont see how I didnt get a nuke though.
Kids: Get Nukes in Domination
Men: Get Nukes in Hardpoint
Legends: Get Nukes in TDM
Ferg: Gets Nukes in Infected Mode
@@Alraeesi_01 did you see the video?
Noah also get some nukes in this mode. OP
Ferg tier rank
@@Alraeesi_01 you can ._.
It is pretty easy to nuke in Infected mode, I got one on my second game. Ferg gets nuke in legendary ranked, that is why he is a pro.
2:54 Ferg surprised me with the way he said “ima survivor” sounded like an actually singers voice in my opinion
Edit: I’m serious the more I listen to him repeat it I’m convinced he’s hiding another talent
He can sing XD
I wanna set that part as my text alert. "I'm a surviiivOoorrr"
That so cute xd im a survivor!!
He can sing he has video on tik tok
The part where he was reading it after he dabbed and it want SAYYYYYYYYN😂
6 year old me sending a “i like you” message to my crush:
Roberto Sanchez what type of massage did you give her nah jk
Dudee, this is soo underrated lol
@@light-ff7td back chop
I think that he wanted to say "message".
Keshav Thakur that’s why I said jk
Ferg:using his bottle to talk when he has a phone
Where can i buy this bottle?
It's exclusive only ferg has it
Ferg: *Lets play **-Attack of the Undead-** Infected!*
I can’t believe that I got a nuke before you did
@@dejamarbinns1333 ?
@@dejamarbinns1333 hello
@@dejamarbinns1333 yello you in there
1:01 turn on captions english auto generate
4:53 Ferg's accent made it sound like he said “Your dad” instead of “your dead”
I thought your bad
69 likes i guess its time to like
@WHAT'S MY NAME? now im the like 69
*quit like*
@WHAT'S MY NAME? now i like again
@WHAT'S MY NAME? i quit like
1:28 I’ve been playing zombies since I was 5. And this just brought back nostalgia ❤️
I would agree, me and my friends would invite each other and basically play hide and seek in Attack of the undead game mode. It’s EXTREMELY FUN !! But I wish it was a permanent mode ......
Same mate
I love it so much, boi!
Same Mate
If u make a room by chat u can choose attack of the undead
Seeing ferg like this after 2 years hes like a different person he would be trash talking the whole match if he dies
1:43 Omg that iPhone is OP..it has the feature to vanish people's thirst!😂😂😂
In Game Name: Attack of the Undead
What I see: Once you Play U don't ever Wanna Stop
IKR! I spent like straight 3 hours playing this game mode hahaha
I literally played 25 matches in the first day!
Something like 70 I guess,and 8 Nukes
4:29 his reaction tho 😂😂😂
*ferg saying the modes*
Me:will my dreams ever come true😢
Intro: ill make it all come true
Me: 😮😮😮😮😮😮❤❤❤❤
Ferg yoy make my day :)
4:29 So that's where they got the sounds they used in Tom & Jerry
Lmao yes!
So funny 😂🤣
Lol 😂
"To live is to risk it all. Otherwise, you're just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you." -Rick Sanchez
This is the most 2013 poster I have ever seen
If you know you know👀
Good observation
Wubba lubba dub dub
2:58 which track is that..??
Ferg: sleep's with headphone
Yes it did take me 3 month's to get this meme
Now, Ferg: getting every nuke in a game
Later, 2050 Ferg: Nuking every planet in the universe
*Damn.. he really is a god*
I like how he used several colors for his drawing and not only just BLUE...
When it says 1 minute:
18 minutes...💩
2:53 when you the top 5s in battle royale in call of duty mobile
Wow. 3 years passed. Now look how ferg and codm has changed now. I really i miss the lockdown days :(
“I’ll make it all come true”
Much love from Philippines 😊❤️
Ferg: Im camping
Me: Where is iFerg and what have you done to him...
Ferg thou art the camping CEO
If Ferg camps it's pretty much over
Bruhhhh.....Its not a big joke hahahah soooo stupid you lol fella
7:29 Bruh he said “im cracked!” And 5 seconds later he got Axed🤣🤣
It's actually 2 seconds
@@josiphinedalmacio8196 it’s an approximation lol
@@tserinac lol
69 likes lul
Miss the og content diddly🔥
Me: sees a cockroach and knowing im about to kill it
*starts flying*
Me: 4:29
Does it involve trapping yourself in your own shield?
0:50 ME: ferg hits 1 mill
Ferg: Attack on the undead!?!
Also me: oh, uhhh.. ok.
literally nobody :
iFerg : uses a bottle as a phone
If my kids ever asked me who i watched as a kid, ima introduce them to this man.
No one:
Absolutely No One:
Ferg: Look at my 1 million😏
1:30 Feels like he's taking inspiration from Nogla 😂🙂
No one:
Me: 4:30 While rushing up the stairs after turning off the lights
So true
I love the intro of iferg putting the codm gamemodes and picking what to play 1:36
Also yeah I know why iferg did that sound I do that sometimes I play attack undead too 4:29
4:29 that’s me every time I die but 100x louder lol
Attack of the undead,more like campers with tripmines against zombies
Trip mines too op cuz no one can use hard wired lol
But this game is so cool
I mean mode
Have you ever played Ghosts or MW19 OR EVEN MW3,that's how it's been for the last nine years.
Get out if you're complaining.
ferg's intros get wierder but more funny that is why i love him
This is the ferg I like, PLEASE GO BACK TO CODM PLEASEE😢
Ferg out here adding some hilarious moments. Appreciate it. Back then we don't have that 300k subs ago.
iFerg when he see something new :
It's good,it's nice,it's spicy
*1:46** the most expensive phone I've ever seen in my life Jesus Christ !*
"just woke up"
*ipad opened, sleeping on gaming chair, sleeping while wearing gaming headphones, mic already set, and has a cap already on.*
4:29 thats when I died in dis mode
Same we all got a heart attack
ferg: im not movin im campin!
everyone: you have become what you swore to destroy
Just imagine him doing the intro, without the edits
idk why im crying but this is giving me nostalgia years
6:15 Me when I get a heart from ferg
When Team Deathmatch appeared:
Ferg: *triggered*
Me : *triggered as well*
Thx Ferg) ❤️ from Russia
0:10 vateran players know that this screenshot of hardpoint was back when it was still a temporary event
I remebered
In 4 days this video will be officially a Year old
ferg: nwhat!!!!!