You gave a great breakdown for why a customer should consider each or all of the options in the Aviators Advantage program. The fifty hour Sim savings alone could easily reach $6,000 for a commercial student. That savings results from not flying and just boring holes in the sky while dropping well over $150/hr. There is also an unstated, but very real student benefit to the program. The benefit is that using the program stimulates consistency in practice. At certain levels of learning, even brief breaks tends to create slight degradation of skills. With the program, the students at all levels will progress as much as each individual can do. I'm impressed.
You gave a great breakdown for why a customer should consider each or all of the options in the Aviators Advantage program.
The fifty hour Sim savings alone could easily reach $6,000 for a commercial student. That savings results from not flying and just boring holes in the sky while dropping well over $150/hr.
There is also an unstated, but very real student benefit to the program. The benefit is that using the program stimulates consistency in practice. At certain levels of learning, even brief breaks tends to create slight degradation of skills. With the program, the students at all levels will progress as much as each individual can do.
I'm impressed.
Thanks, Woody! We feel the same way and appreciate your thoughts!