Supersessionism in Jewish-Christian Relations: An Unresolved Controversy

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 82

  • @andresisrael5817
    @andresisrael5817 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Zechariah 8:23 Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’”

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well, let’s pray that things fall in place the way they are meant to happen

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Odd, sad greasy in his heart that he created all things and saw that they were good, and that mankind became so sinful to the point that they’ll hate on their neighbors mass genocide, their neighbors murder and sacrifice their neighbors and perverse way. What God seen is so sad and so traumatizing, I don’t know if he can never turn around and reach out for us

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My body is my temple, my church I have a relationship with God you won’t take it. No one else will either I’m taking my faith with me when I go.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The demon ego that’s in people like that man doesn’t feel guilt. Something seriously traumatizing will have to happen for him to wake up because he they’ve stolen a lot of money and gotten away with a lot of things, and it gave him power and powers. What ego thrives on.

  • @henryfirus6856
    @henryfirus6856 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Greetings Dr. Novak, and Rev. White, with great interest I watched “Supersessionism in Jewish-Christian Relations: An Unresolved Controversy”,
    Please consider following theological insights for Jewish Christian reconciliation based on the Torah:
    In Genesis 2:20 we have: “it is no good for Man to be alone I will make him a helper”, this helper is not Eve, it is "the seed of the women".
    Mankind is created naked, that is defenseless against deception, already in need of the helper Messiah
    After Man is deceived, God covers them with garment of skin, signifying atonement.
    This hairy garment of skin (or its idea) is passed on through generations to Abraham, Isaac, and eventually to Joseph.
    Esaw is born hairy, as if in a garment of skin, Isaac perceives this to be the sign of the Messiah.
    When Isaac is about to bless Esaw, Rebeca instructs Jacob to take on the identity of Esaw, but Esaw is hairy, Hebrew “saweer”.
    Jacob also becomes hairy “saweer” like Esaw, and becomes “saweer azazel”, "goat of departure" or "scapegoat", when escaping to Laban.
    In the Day of Atonement in Leviticus ch 16:5 we have three sacrificial victims, two “saweer” and a ram, typology for the three is: Esaw, Jacob, Isaac, “saweer azazel” or scapegoat is Jacob, the ram represents Isaac, all three represent the Messiah, the word “azazel” can also mean “God fighter” and is similar to Israel the name given to Jacob.
    In Isaiah chs 40 to 55 we have the hidden God of Israel revealing Himself as the triumphant Savior, and also as the suffering servant of His incarnation, the "seed of the women".
    On Golgotha there are three sacrificial victims, either side of the hidden Savior King of Israel we have two malefactors, representing the Christian Church, and the Nation of Israel, Golgotha is the Day of Atonement or Reconciliation for the sins of the world, the Jews become the “scapegoat” in the wilderness of the nations.
    Christians are also persecuted, both Jews and Christians are the the visible earthly suffering servants, siblings, of the hidden Savior, fulfilling redemptive service for humanity.
    This service or warfare of of the Jews under the Law of Moses is accomplished in Isaiah ch 40:2, also in Gen 32, it is the struggle of Jacob with the hidden Savior, and before the dawn of redemption there will be reconciliation with his brother Esaw, the story of Joseph parallels this.
    In Targum ben Uziel Genesis ch @ there is this: “... Jehoshua ben Joseph will take away the reproach of Mizraim from the childern of Israel”.
    And the imperative in Malachi 4:4-6 is for Christians and Jews to reconcile.
    Above is a rough sketch of ideas that can be helpful in Jewish Christian dialogue.

  • @ConciseCabbage
    @ConciseCabbage 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Is Fr White seriously advocating for dual-covenant? And is he also saying that it’s not a novel teaching in the church? Very weird.

    • @SammyJ..
      @SammyJ.. 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don’t think he’s saying that there’s a dual salvific covenant, but that the Jewish people still have a role to play in God’s plan, which is what the Bible says

    • @Rabmcm32
      @Rabmcm32 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      C S Fr White is modernist. The Catholic dogma (pre conciliar) is that the old covenant ceased . Actually the Jewish speaker Dr Novak was more forthright about it with his talking about “hard Catholic supersessionism.”

    • @Steveorino123
      @Steveorino123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SammyJ.. - that role is to convert to Christ as Messiah, Son of God, Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Everything else the Jews do is ancillary.

    • @Steveorino123
      @Steveorino123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think that shows that Dr. Novak has a interior sense of wishing that Christians would take the Jews on with these questions instead of always making ‘nice’ and treading so softly on the subject all the time. An interior yearning saying “convert me, please. I want to change and you won’t tell me that I should”.

    • @Steveorino123
      @Steveorino123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      So Fr White, you are saying that God sent His Only Son, judged a deciever, a liar, a blashphemer by the Jews, to bring His light to the 4 corners of the world. The Jews see this and it strengthens their resolve to keep stepping on His people with their racist tribalism. They ARE a group, identifiable, and at its highest level those ‘big Jews’ are an international criminal conspiracy. Most little Jews are frightened by the rabbis into staying on the tribal reservation. For safety and promise of worldly success.
      You let this esteemed rabbi walk all over your ambivalence. He probably made some converts to Judaism today. He’s not saddled with the hyped up guilt of the Shoah. He gets to be the victim with the ‘victim’s privilege’. We’ve been hoisted on our own petard. Ask your average person today and they can tell you more about the Holocaust than the Crucifixation. It’s been made into the “greatest crime in human history” which it is not.
      We can discuss all these things and then some, but not the Holocaust. It’s become the cornerstone for their positions of power. That’s nonsense. And using that power is what has brought and kept them to this point of cultural supremacy. Novak has no qualms in bashing back at you HARD. Why don’t you give it to him back in spades like your predecessors from the Middle Ages? Because Vat ll attitudes were developed in the shadow of an overblown and faulty idea about the Shoah, tippy toeing around being nice, bending over backwards to accept past guilt, etc. Times up. Be bold and come out from under the stifling shadow of the guilt trip foisted upon us, that to oppose has been made ILLEGAL to even discuss in many places through the world. Upside down clown world. Unbelievable. Novak leaves the table further convicted in his thinking. We can do better. Please work on becoming a stronger and better force for the Catholic faith. You’ve been unwittingly put in the position a conquered people in your pattern of response. You’ve internalized the commands of your oppressor.

  • @andresisrael5817
    @andresisrael5817 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me. It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yes, remember God can make the worst the best yes and he cares about all of his creatures

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well, he would have to turn on our lights were in a fallen state and I think in order for him to turn on our lights, we must show compassion and love for one another, and do right instead of wrong we know right from wrong after all don’t we

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It’s like when you’re a father or a mother and your children don’t do right do you quit loving them we are a package deal they’ll never change, but God can give them a new heart
    Let God be their judge because I don’t want to hurt God. He cared about all of his creation he created him he has the right to judge I’m a sinner myself.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want to serve God not because I want to be a slave or because I want to worship because it gives my life meaning because I’m a sinner and I know I’m nothing without God because I love God and I know how to love somebody

  • @ryanrestivo4270
    @ryanrestivo4270 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Paul (directly or indirectly) has been used as the source of Supersession theology, though those who defend this misplaced theology will instead claim it came from Christ.
    Jesus and the Apostles never taught Supersession and in ACTS 21:21 you will see Paul would have been removed from the Christian Church if he were to confess he ever taught it.
    Remember what Peter said about the writings of Paul (2 PETER 3:17). That he is hard to understand and will lead you to lawlessness!

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wasn’t until God woke me up, and now I’m seeing all the evils like the Gaza Strip and all the children of the poor, and when I got woke up, I asked God to show me all the things that happened to the children of the poor throughout all the generations and he did, and what I have seen and what I was shown is so devastating so traumatizing so sadslavery is a horrible thing and it’s got to go away. I care about all those people. God please bless them mighty and raise them up his life could’ve been a beautiful thing and they didn’t stand the chance you know it I love you God, Jesus name amen

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nobody’s trying to be superior to the other guy we’re all sinners that’s why we’re here where God’s not

  • @danield9653
    @danield9653 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Indeed "It was a Super Session!" :)

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There are lots of people standing up for the poor. I’ve been seeing it and I’m glad I just don’t like how they twist things around.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Their books, we know right from wrong in our hearts. Let God be our judge my body is my temple God‘s always resting on my mind the righteous God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Jesus the Christ, I won’t let anybody take the faith in the righteous God from me I’m taking my faith with me. It’s the only thing I’m allowed to take.

  • @ByGraceThruFaith8453
    @ByGraceThruFaith8453 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I do not think that God has anything to do with the Zionist state in the middle east. That doesn't mean I question the state of Israel as a space for people who see themselves as Jews, even though I ask myself how this can be possible since no one can completely trace their heritage back to any of the twelve tribes because of the destruction of Jerusalem/Israel in 70 AD. That doesn't mean there is such a thing as "replacement theology" because the very category of “replacement” assumes an Israel-centric way of thinking. It assumes that the temporary, national people was, in fact, intended to be a permanent arrangement. Such a way of thinking is contrary to the promise in Gen. 3:15. The promise was that there would be a Savior. The national people were only a means to that end, not an end in itself.
    The church has always been the Israel of God and the Israel of God has always been the church. Of course I distinguish the old and new covenants (2 Cor. 3; Heb. 7-10) and I recognize that the church was temporarily administered through a typological, national people, but the church has existed since Adam, Noah, and Abraham; and it existed under Moses and David; and it exists under Christ.
    This church has always been one, under various administrations, under types, shadows, and now under the reality in Christ, because the object of faith has always been one. Jesus the Messiah was the object of faith of the typological church (Heb. 11; Luke 24; 2 Cor. 3), and he remains the object of faith.
    That brings me to the conclusion that the NT church has not “replaced” the Jews. Paul says that God “grafted” the Gentiles into the people of God. Grafting is not replacement, it is addition.
    Whether or not there will be a massive conversion of Jews (I don't have a definite answer there too), a Christian doesn't have to (in my opinion should not) support the Zionist efforts to create a state as it was in David's time, quite the contrary in my opinion.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dilute wow look at that man next to him he’s just lost for words to him. It’s sad somebody needs to record him that Jewish man and let him listen to himself. Maybe it would help me.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Then we must love one another

  • @Ryahn2893
    @Ryahn2893 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who are the biblical bloodline Israelites and Judeans today?

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish I would’ve wrote all my notes in my journal instead of TH-cam. I’m gonna go back and try to find them maybe somehow, but look at this. I’m gonna close on this if people start thinking in a spiritual level, they’ll realize the seriousness of the sins that we commitus it’s very serious and even corrupts the ground. The stones are crying out to God they really are.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We can’t compare ourselves to the prophets of the Almighty God that are in our Bible or the apostles of Jesus Christ. We don’t even compare let’s pray right now that all of them, Almighty God’s profits all Jesus is people are blessed mighty.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is that why they’re over there wiping out the Gazza strip

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God created all things and saw that they were good

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I guess we’re a package deal

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m gonna quit listening to this, if that man doesn’t quit talking

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He wants to roll the world doesn’t he? He uses the church in his religion to get on top of things I get it now duh.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I know mantels have truth, but words can come alive when you have an outstanding faith in a righteous God, so I guess I don’t have a certain religion I consider myself one of God’s people

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I said it was cut in half even spoke of the Christ. Do you know how he knew cause he was sent back just like Elijah was sent back they were sacrificed. Nobody gets out alive and you won’t either the wages of sin is death.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He puts me in the mind of the United States Italians, when the mafia was making all this Hollywood movies lol

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Then we need to find out who the real cheese are if you want us to go by our past in our history, shouldn’t we know the truth

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Black people from Ethiopia were Christian’s first they were Christians

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I guess you’re right

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mystery. Babylon does not have a right to play God.

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus was the son of man MAN and there’s nothing wrong with that because he was righteous and even though he was going through so many horrific things some of those that read their Bible, don’t even know

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe some of those people are God’s people and you just don’t know that because you’re not God

  • @briward1654
    @briward1654 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is Piper Pro Biden and anti-Trump because of Piper's Replacement Theology views? See what you think?
    It is interesting that in Piper's latest article he seems to think Biden's Character isn't an issue.
    I could have agreed with Piper's article IF he had also shown Biden's Character and evil deeds, Piper hides Biden's character and evil while focusing on exposing Trump's. Also what Piper seems to be implying is that "Yes, Biden is a little misguided in some of his policies but his Character is much much better than Trump's." What Piper hides is just as revealing as what Piper highlights. I essential agree with what Piper wrote but it is only one side of the coin, I would like to flip the coin over and now highlight what Piper hides.
    Piper is more offended at Trump's brash manner than Biden's evil deeds. Piper discounts Trump's deeds as almost unimportant. Could it be that Trump's deeds as a leader are much more Biblically aligned than Biden's ever were? Trump's deeds are: pro-life, pro-church, pro-constitution, pro-law and order, pro-freedom, pro-Israel, pro-Peace in the middle east, pro-family, pro-equal opportunity, anti-corruption and Trump takes no salary for all of his headaches. These are Trump's deeds that we can applaud, Piper never mentioned those as being important. Like CNN he seems to not notice those things that contradict the narrative he is putting forth.
    Now let's look at Biden's deeds...Pro-Iran government giving them Billions in cash which were clearly intended for terrorism and IS being used to destroy Israel and kill Christians as a rule of Iranian law. Death to Israel's right to exist is Iran's #1 Goal...Biden is Pro-Iran and helping them do that by his policies. Biden is Pro-Corruption, selling his position for money to the Ukranian corrupt politicians, selling his influence to Russia through Hunter, selling his influence to China for huge amounts of money. Corrupting his own family (Hunter) and making him play this role for the GOOD of the Biden family Bank Account. Biden is corrupt in falsely accusing Trump of the very things he and Obama actually did. Biden knew all of those false charges he was making and was complicit in making. He knew they were total fabrication. Biden's deeds are terrible, yet what Piper seems to like is that Biden can do it all with a calm facial expression. To Piper it seems Biden's demeanor while he is actually practicing evil is so good that the evil deeds that Biden actually does should be considered of little consequence because Biden's demeanor is so quite and smug. Yet in the book of Jeremiah God hates it that "When they practiced abomination they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush." Piper seems to like that about Biden. He calmly practices evil. That seems to be good for Piper.
    Biden's character and deeds are: Pro-killing babies, anti-church, anti-constitution, anti-police, anti-Israel, anti-peace in the middle east, anti-family, pro-corruption in the government including the courts, pro-Iranian hatred of Israel. But Biden win's Piper's heart because he can do all this evil with a calmness that comes from a heart practiced at doing evil. Let's look at the names of satan and see if Biden reflects any of those characteristics: Devil means "false accuser, slanderer", Angel of light "capacity to deceive by outward appearances" "father of lies" "Liar" "Deceiver". It is also clear that Biden is a "Lover of Money" Psa 52 "a worker of deceit. You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking what is right." Mic. "you who hate the good and love the evil" Biden is obviously a hater of God according to Proverbs "all who hate me love death" anyone say Abortion, Biden loves killing babies, even encourages it and gives Baby killers lots of money to do it more and more. So at the end of the day why is Piper so Anti-Trump? Is there more to the story? Is there a deep seated reason for this despising of Trump and being favorably disposed towards Biden?
    I submit that there is and it is REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. Trump won the debate with Piper as it relates to Replacement Theology. What do I mean?
    PIPER is a huge replacement theology guy. The Peace deals in the middle east right now PROVE clearly that Replacement theology is a terrible error and a false teaching, (which Piper has arrogantly preached for decades). Replacement theology at it's root has always had an element of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism comes from the one who is and has always been the Biggest anti-Semite ever, Satan himself. Many Replacement Theology guys resent Israel's existence in the middle east and I have heard it said by them that the middle east would be better off without an Israel. (Just maybe Piper was hoping that Israel would finally get snuffed out by Iran (which Biden supports) and thereby prove his Theology correct. Now under Trump, with Israel gaining strength and the peace deals coming one after another Piper is in a state of crisis, one last hail mary in Biden's direction who is always Pro-Iran the greatest hater of Israel.)
    I believe one of the underlying root reasons Piper is so Anti-Trump is because of what Trump has achieved in the middle east deals giving Israel Peace in the middle east and establishing an even greater prominence in the middle east for Israel, this pricks Piper's conscious and exposes his false teaching. These things scream in Piper's conscious that his teaching has been terribly wrong for decades. When the debates were merely intellectual and you could simply say "well great scholars differ on these issues" Piper felt good because he was NOT yet SHOWN to be wrong. But all that is happening in the middle east right now, through Trump's dealings now PROVES that PIPER is wrong and that Replacement Theology is a lie. Piper hates Trump because it is through Trump that his theology has been proven to be wrong. This brash man has PROVEN Piper's theology to be wrong. The facts do NOT line up for Replacement Theology, the facts do NOT line up in favor of Piper and the greatest debater of Replacement theology ironically has been Trump's deeds in the middle east. Piper's pride in his intellect allowed him to argue everything away until now. But now, even his intellect cannot get him out of the unavoidable Truth before his eyes. The middle east happenings are proving daily that Replacement Theology is a hoax, and Trump reminds him of it...
    So of course Piper is going to shoot the messenger (Trump) the one who proved by deeds and facts that Piper's theology is wrong. I expect Piper to be Anti-Trump simply because of his Replacement Theology and how Trump shakes Piper's tree right down to the roots. Here is a quote from SEA and relates to Replacement theology, I believe it helps us understand Piper's Hail Mary at this stage as his tree is being uprooted.
    “If a man builds his house in a tree, he will defend that tree with his life, even when it is discovered that the tree is diseased, simply because his life’s investment (the house) is in that tree. I am convinced this is what happened... Better to build one’s house on solid rock.”
    Replacement Theology is that diseased tree and Piper's whole house is in that tree. Trump's deeds have proven that Piper's tree is diseased, and Piper is angry at the messenger. Ultimately Piper is angry at God for God not holding to Replacement Theology. Piper is like Jonah angry at God for God's Good plan for Nineveh. None the less maybe Piper will get his wish (Biden). Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap, however I hope it is only for Minnesota where Piper lives. God help us.

    • @AdolfStalin
      @AdolfStalin 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      now come on Iran doesn't think that but yea Biden is a cretin

  • @andresisrael5817
    @andresisrael5817 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pope John Paul II called Jews the "people of God of the Old Covenant, which has never been abrogated by God (cf. Romans 11:29, "for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" [NRSV])." In 1997, John Paul II again affirmed the Jews’ covenantal status: “This people continues in spite of everything to be the people of the covenant and, despite human infidelity, the Lord is faithful to his covenant.”

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I will be grafted in, but not by someone like him the Jews have a lot of work to do and they surely truly don’t need to sacrifice anymore Jesus they down his life for all the sins of the world from all of us you can’t go wrong with the Messiah, like that, Jesus Christ will be the only one I call Rabbi

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We know how he thinks ego it’s a demon it’s in him. Ego is in a lot of people ego and jealousy are demons. They travel, hand-in-hand, like thieving and lying. Them are two demons. Also, our generation suffers from Migo bad they want to be on the first floor don’t they the top floor they wanna be on the top of the pyramid dummy he doesn’t understand he doesn’t have a clue he’s dangerous, if he gets any power

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not true it comes from the Christ Christian

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus wasn’t you?

  • @rogerdildeau7507
    @rogerdildeau7507 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    There is only one way to be saved and that way is Jesus Christ. Jews MUST convert.

    • @malpercio123
      @malpercio123 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And so they will at the time of the resurrection and Second Exodus (ie. The Day of the Lord, Zech 12:10). Of course that does not mean that we don't proselytize Jewish people, rather we know that God can credit his blood to them via their faith in the coming quering Messiah to come. I believe the Rabbi hit the nail on the head. I'd love pushback of course. God be with you Roger

    • @Steveorino123
      @Steveorino123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@malpercio123 - It’s called the Second Coming and it marks the end of human history. Those who have not chosen to follow Christ will be those goats envisioned mourning for their eternal loss of Heaven, gazing upon the Christ they rejected.

    • @DarknessOfSorrow
      @DarknessOfSorrow ปีที่แล้ว

      Or else what? You Christians torment the Jews for a very time. You Christians created antisemitism and you Christians created Hitler to the Holocaust to murder Jews by the millions

    • @mosesking2923
      @mosesking2923 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@malpercio123 The Messiah has already come and His name is Jesus Christ. The Jewish belief in a coming Messiah is not enough to be saved. The saving faith is in Jesus Christ's death on a cross and His resurrection and exaltation to the right hand of God as Lord and Judge of all. THAT is the Gospel. Anything else is watered down.

    • @malpercio123
      @malpercio123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mosesking2923 your right. I have studied out the matter more closely, and have repented of my erroneous notions. God bless you Moses King

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Like the American Indians, you mean

  • @KarenOtte
    @KarenOtte 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m so lucky for this respect because I can’t get in anybody’s rat race over religion. I’m going to God‘s people they Almighty God the creator of all things. The reason if I have to pick one, I would call myself a Christian is because of Jesus Christ believe in Jesus, makes us Christians Jesus was a Jew, he was moral laid down his life I care about what they did to Jesus and his people I care about all those that they genocide and murdered. Remember the victors always write our history so DD and if you can’t find it out from them ask the Almighty God in this real worry earth to show you the truth and I promise you you can go out in your backyard and pick up a rock And you’ll see the truth. Jesus said the rocks cry out he wasn’t kidding if I can see something in the sycamore tree in a rock can you imagine what God sees wow we’re a blessed people with God without God it’s not worth it here because man doesn’t know how to love his neighbor like he loves his self.