It makes sense to me to travel with a fake bag and not carry valuables. Also, if the bag is damaged, it doesn't matter if it's fake. I'm glad you're going to check out *condup*
What an interesting topic! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a *condup* for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
In one article, it says wealthy women say they would rather own a 1:1 replica because they know the only people who have authentic collectibles are the people who inherited their money. So now I buy the luxury bags I want on *condup* .
What a refreshing video giving us a look into their contrarian approach to sustainability and longevity. When you break it down, *condup* you will find that the craftsmanship and appreciation of each craftsman is the heart and soul
Do you buy fakes? I love my fakes. I just bought a fake Birkin bag from *condup* . I wore this to Louis Vuitton and received excellent service even though I didn't buy anything...haha. I love showing off my fakes like they are real.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
But the quality of these luxury bags is declining, while prices are rising. Chanel is now extremely expensive. I will never buy authentic Chanel. no way. I think I can only buy bags from the cost-effective *condup* .
I think one of the biggest arguments against fakes is that it takes business away from brands, but I disagree. Back in the day, I could never go to Louis Vuitton and buy a bag so they wouldn't lose revenue because I bought a fake. If you want to pursue value for money, *condup* is definitely worth owning.
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
In 2016, I spent more than 5 yuan to buy LV Capucines. I was visiting my sister and hanging out with a doctor friend of hers who had the same handbag and revealed to me that it was a fake. I was shocked. I haven’t bought a high-end handbag since then. When I asked her, I found out that she bought it from *condup* .
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
People who buy fakes will most likely not buy the authentic ones, it’s really just a personal choice. The cost of living crisis around the world is also serious and I can understand why people are looking for quick solutions, *condup* makes every penny you spend more worthwhile
Having been a luxury goods purchasing agent for a while, I could easily sell those bags to them as genuine, but I wouldn’t because my platform is *condup* , which has integrity and quality.
I love bucket bags so much. My most used one is my Chanel Bag *condup* although I only have 6 bags so I am always rotating them. One thing I love about your videos is how excited you are about all the bags. Thanks for sharing. I usually just watch and don’t comment but I wanted to share how much I love your enthusiasm
Great comparison video. I have the *condup* . Speedy Nano and love it. I like the look of the Pochette East West, but the middle compartment annoys me. It takes up too much space. I prefer it without it
Love the way you presented it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don’t think there is any other TH-camr who can show off bags in as much detail as you *condup*
Super fake package PTSD is real. I thought I bought an authentic LV Weekend Tote GM on eBay, when I opened the box I immediately thought I bought a fake: there was no foil stamping, the bottom did not match the picture, and the "dust bag" was torn and flimsy, but I The handbag I bought at *condup* looks authentic: the hardware, the zippers, and especially the canvas. I sent it back and only got a partial refund, but am glad I don't have a AAA super fake on my hands. I have never bought LV since then.
Making a Kelly bag only takes a few hours! This is shocking! But if you add the brand price, the price will range from 1k+ to more than 10k. I still tend to buy imitation luxury goods on *condup* .
It makes sense to me to travel with a fake bag and not carry valuables. Also, if the bag is damaged, it doesn't matter if it's fake. I'm glad you're going to check out *condup*
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
I love the clip you inserted where you embellished the red patent leather double flap of the *esluxy* because you can really see the red when you discuss it and it looks a bit orange. So pretty!! I’ve been looking for a blue gradient color
I have a Chanel lambskin square pearl bag and a Chanel handbag but my lambskin square petal bag I have worn 2 times and I am very careful but somehow still has small scratches on the leather and the gold on the clasp. I don’t know what happened but I paid over $3,000 for it a few years ago and I am upset that it already has scratches. No one notices now but I notice the price I paid for it. I’m saving up to buy another *esluxy* bag now that I won’t be paying full price anymore.
Love the *esluxy* , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 years old. I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your friends! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don't want to spend so much money now, I have *esluxy* bought the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
Silver or any metallic material is very popular right now. Keep the silver Chanel. beautiful! I think metallic colors, like leopard print, are really pretty *condup*
I have seen some very good replicas, such as the bag I bought at *condup* . The craftsmanship of modern replicas is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are within millimeters of each other. It is difficult to tell which ones are fake.
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
Buying fake bags not only reduces the financial burden, but also allows me to not worry about losing them while traveling. Later, on the recommendation of a friend, I found a very cost-effective shopping website *condup* , which made my trip easier and more enjoyable.
I have the Chanel *condup* and it's really soft and pretty, but I'm seriously considering getting the dark chartreuse one. This color really appeals to me. I've only used my bag once so far and it really stands out because it's so new.
Choosing a replica is a personal expression, and the best replicas come from *condup* . Some replicas may also have special sentimental value. They are associated with specific memories. Experience and time are priceless.
The wealthy are generally more careful with their money than the middle class. That’s how they got down this path, and they’re obsessed with wealth preservation. Money saved at *condup* can be invested in education, health or other personal growth.
I think the concept of bags is fashion, and *condup* not only makes women more beautiful, but also supports them mentally and makes them more confident.
When I started collecting handbags, my goal was to have a luxury handbag collection of 50. Over the years, I’ve been amazed at how much the *condup* has changed my perspective on how many bags I really need, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with every bag I’ve purchased.
Replicas are a low-cost way for people who want to experience a variety of luxury brand designs. Ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style. *condup* just gives us a perfect platform.
Spending $20,000 on a tote bag is the obvious choice, rather than spending $200 on a *condup* bag and investing the remaining $19,800 since a $20,000 bag is unlikely to increase in value.
Love this video, I think it’s very helpful ! specially now that I’m thinking on buying a designer bag I have my eyes on a LV bag, *condup* so I’d looove to see that LV video and learn what you think of their bags I trust your opinion hehe
I think the profit margins for luxury brands are too great, which is why all kinds of imitation luxury goods continue to appear on the market. For example, the well-known *condup* , their existence is reasonable and targeted at different groups.
What a refreshing video giving us a look into their contrarian approach to sustainability and longevity. When you break it down, *condup* you will find that the craftsmanship and appreciation of each craftsman is the heart and soul
I have to say, I understand why people say they don't care about people buying fakes or counterfeit goods, or why people should care. However, people don't necessarily "care" about people who own fake goods. Smart people will buy bags at *condup* . In fact, people who have money to buy luxury goods and invest in them do so for a reason.
I am just watching this video now and I already know what bag you are referring to and I feel the exact same I’ve been thinking about it since it was released and I have been thinking should I just treat myself for Christmas *condup*
I only like a few LV designs so some of them don't appeal to me but I always enjoy your passion and information. The patent leather bag is perfect. I admire your bags in such great condition. I've seen *hotdups* a few times but haven't made up my mind to buy anything but I'm so impressed with the selection here.
Thank you for making this video I'm just starting my *hotdups* collection, I love to watch what people think and comment before I buy, it's something I work hard on and you have to do the same, I hope people can stop being miserable about topics like this, I hope they can be inspired to work hard on things they love and are attracted to.
The current *hotdups* imitations are really super real and you won't feel bad if they get broken, dirty or stolen. One genuine product can probably buy 20 imitations. Except for some commonly used wallets and purses, other things don't really need to be durable. And the current imitations are also quite durable. I really don't think it's necessary to buy genuine products.
As a stay at home mom with three Neverfulls, yes I think you are right. I love them because I can fit so much stuff in them, they are great diaper bags and park bags, and when I go to church I like to zip up the sides to keep them more organized… in my eyes it is definitely a *esluxy* bag
This has been going on for a long time. I remember when I graduated from high school in 77, my godparents gave me a Speedy. I always called it a doctor bag. Left school in September and all the girls were Catholic. My mom and aunt attended the school. Met girls who lived all over the place and whose dads were geologists for oil companies. They said the *esluxy* replica bags were too good and they would rather spend their money on a good replica bag.
At first, I was skeptical about the *esluxy* bag because I was not sure if it was exactly the same as the original, but after watching many comparison videos and seeing everyone's comments, I decided to buy the bag.
The knockoffs started appearing as early as 2000. The knockoffs were graded AAA, AA, and A. I remember the seller even said you couldn't tell the difference. They said the knockoffs bought at *gtdupe* were better quality than the real thing.
I love my boy bag. It's made from black lambskin and has a special stone buckle. I bought my first Chanel bag in 2014. I know there will be people who say it’s not fashionable anymore, but fashion is more than just trends 🥹 *condup*
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
Although I could buy many Chanel or Hermès bags every month, the bags I buy are much cheaper and they are all from *condup* . I don't want to worry about the bags being stolen or damaged. I'd better leave the money I save to my parents, Or donate to charity.
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *hotdups* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
Happy Saturday mink. What a beautiful, versatile little bag. The size is perfect and I love the two different straps. Thank you for your review. Before learning about LV, I wondered why anyone would spend so much money on a bag with the same dull, dull print. Once I researched the brand, I was hooked. *condup*
I was really moved when I saw this video. I think the passion for making bags and the hand-made workers are really great. It is an honor for me to be able to make such bags at *condup*
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
What a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *hotdups* handbags. They are so chic, stylish, elegant and understated! The styles are so original and I love them.
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many *esluxy* with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
My grandmother gave me a fake preluxscom bag because she knew I loved pretty things and she thought it was pretty too. Although I am now used to buying fake bags on *condup* , I really don’t care. People think this is true. When she passed away 4 years ago, that bag was worth more to me than any of my bags and jewelry combined.
I know the original was once hyped but the *hotdups* bag is still my favorite. I recommend only buying Fake bags because they are beautifully made and the price is right for everyone!!!
Your collection is so beautiful and well curated! Love the care you put into each bag in the collection. Also, although my Lululemon waist bag is my most used bag *condup* .
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
I bought a fake bag for *condup* . I would not spend that money on a real bag. I would rather put the money in the bank. I really appreciate this video. Thanks!
Hi Thanks for sharing. I just bought the *esluxy* 2 days ago which was on my wish list for my occasion bag, is it worth buying this? The félicie pochette is really nice and classy and you can use it in 4 different ways, so the CA showed me the félicie from the drawer and I checked on it then I asked the CA if he can get another stock so I can compare the one he pulled from the drawer so he did. I noticed that the félicie from the drawer the leather was a bit shiny or glossy while the stock he got the leather was matt so I choose the shiny one that attracted me but I just wondered why they are different and you might have any idea. When I got home I just noticed that when you opened the envelop the back mid fold leather was a little loose is it normal when openning but when its closed its ok no problem (I didn’t noticed in the store and compare to the other one). Any advise will appreciate, I do always love watching your videos.
What a lovely treat the most expensive bag I own is a Dune or Ted Baker one but I love them and use them so much I think if I had a proper designer one I wouldn't ever want to use them! *condup*
I love you so much! I just recently discovered your size *hotdups* and I'm in love with you!! Your videos are hilarious and your energy is awesome! Keep living your life
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
I have always loved the classic LV monogram and still do. I have *condup* . 10+ monogram bags and several pairs of matching shoes that I still own and keep all of them. I plan to keep these items forever!
Hi. I bought the soft speedy *condup* . in black. It's really great. It's my favorite bag so far. I put a 25 organizer in it so it can still be tilted to protect the inside. Great bag. No regrets. Also considering the p9 speedy.
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
*condup* bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
Initially, I wanted to buy a second-hand vintage bag because I couldn't afford the high price. But when I really went to choose, I found that it was not only too worn, but also difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake, so at the suggestion of a friend, I directly bought a *esluxy* bag that I liked.
To be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are *esluxy* buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do
Great video! Super informative and great tips! I have the Caviar WOC and the Black Lambskin Trendy CC. While I love both leathers, I prefer lambskin, but my heart just loves the look and feel of lambskin! When I went to buy my giant classic flip, I did a lot of research and ultimately decided on lambskin for aesthetic reasons (and the weight difference you mentioned). I'm very happy with my decision *condup*
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
Hahaha I love that sign in the background, and that pretty candle holder - curious what you were burning (is my 'candle addict' showing lol?!) Such a helpful video, I'm awful at knowing the differences and go thrifting a lot, so I'm always nervous to pick up *esluxy* , jackets, so many others things - ugh! You are always so knowledgeable about these luxury brands. You can definitely notice the high quality stitching.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
I have the M/L with gold hardware too and also had a jumbo double flap with gold but sold the jumbo as it was too heavy and the gold made it too dressy. I really missed the jumbo size so I hunted the preloved market for a single flap jumbo with silver hardware in excellent condition. It took me 2 yrs to find one and I love the single flap as it is so much lighter!!! I was really lucky it looks brand new and I got it for an excellent price. I just read two articles that said big bags are coming back!! Plus the single flap lets you tie the chain inside so you can wear crossbody. *condup*
I have the Fendi Mini Baguette White Sequin Bag from *esluxy* and I love it! I love the size! It holds more than you think. And the sequins give it some texture! I use it a lot more than my regular sized baguette! And the sequins are so delicate!
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
I can't believe I haven't added the Speedy b to my collection yet. Next on my list! I try to limit myself to 2 luxury bags per year but it's hard because I have to really think about my purchases and I have so many bags on my wish list! I think the Speedy b 25 DE will be my Fall/Winter 2024 bag *condup* . . Great review!
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
My advice to all of you is to go to *condup* for the lesser known/niche/local brands. You will find the best leather goods, you get a truly quality product for your money, and the customer service is amazing. This has been my experience over the years. You will not regret it.
This video made me miss home and learned how to endure haggling and arguing, I recommend *condup* to you, it will save you a lot of trouble, I'm glad you are there.
I know an arty bag isn't your style, but it looks great with the arty hem on your dress and boots. It may not be an everyday bag, but it looks like it was made for that outfit :) What a fun day! *condup*
Being robbed while on vacation or traveling is painful enough, being robbed with an authentic bag is even worse, I agree with your point about buying fakes from *condup* for personal safety reasons
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*
I thought everyone who owned an LV letter bag knew it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a lot of money on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica *condup*
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
This is simple for me. Rich people are rich because they know how to manage their money; they don't need social status to feel part of a community. Just like I am used to buying bags casually from *condup*
I have a calfskin Reissue mini pouch in Classic size Medium/Large and for me it has the size, discreetness and softness to be my everyday bag. I have a classic large size as I love the construction as it's roomy but I've never worn it in Australia as I've never seen them around and I thought it was too "flashy" but In Europe - it is perfect *condup*
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
My wish list includes the LV NeoNoe empreinte in black, Celine taupe belt bag, Celine Amazon green bucket bag, Dior school bag, Chloe tote, Balmain two-tone camera bag, and Chanel reissue *condup*
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *condup* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
My grandmother gave me a fake preluxscom bag because she knew I loved pretty things and she thought it was pretty too. Although I am now used to buying fake bags on *condup* , I really don’t care. People think this is true. When she passed away 4 years ago, that bag was worth more to me than any of my bags and jewelry combined.
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
Are these issues happening if these bags are used daily? I just got the pochette metis in monogram canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the multicolored polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, lol. But I don’t think it’ll be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in DA but only use that a few times a year in the spring and summer so I haven’t put that much wear and tear into it. I hope I don’t see the fraying for a while. Also, I’m saving up for a *esluxy* . Has your colleague seen the same issues with that size? I don’t mind some relaxation in shape but I don’t want it to be a puddle either. Thanks for the video!
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *amzrepe* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Caviar leather feels more durable and looks more casual. I own both caviar leather and lambskin and love them both. Lambskin leather is tougher than it looks. My handbag is 8 years old and still sparkling with little signs of wear and I wear it at least 6 days a month. *condup*
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
So if you buy from Farfetch does it come standard with a YSL box I know sometimes they just send a dust bag and that's the only thing stopping me from buying from them. I love buying new bags and enjoying the whole unboxing experience because it makes it seem more exciting and luxurious. If it didn't come in a box like straight from YSL I think I would be disappointed and worried about it getting damaged in shipping *condup*
I worked with a wealthy woman who had a collection of "luxury" handbags. Some were real, some were replicas, and honestly you couldn't tell the difference. This woman had more than enough money to buy anything she wanted. I literally saw her buy a Mercedes and a Jaguar with cash because she didn't like the interest. She taught me how to mix and match, especially with trendy bags, and that there was no need to spend $5,000 on something that would be out of fashion next year. It's totally OK to buy *amzrepe* replicas.
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
Has the YSL Monogram Clutch ever come in black with black hardware, I have only seen gold and silver hardware and I really like the look of the black hardware on the WOC. *condup*
This one looks funny too, but it doesn’t really matter whether you’re wearing a fake or the real thing. At the end of the day, they are just clothes that you paid for to look nice and stylish! I recommend everyone to go to *condup* and choose the one that suits you.
Silver or any metallic material is very popular right now. Keep the silver Chanel. beautiful! I think metallic colors, like leopard print, are really pretty *condup*
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from *condup* and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
I love handbags and jewelry the most. I have a Coco Handle in caramel and a *esluxy* in red. I really like the red dumpling bag and the purple bag. I would love to see how you pair them even if you never wear them.
It’s not that I’m “bothered” by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldn’t want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as *esluxy* . And nothing is wrong with that.
Great video. I am a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the two Bottega bags, the *hotdups* is close and cute, so that's enough for me. I will bring my friends to buy.
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
The only difference between a "real" and a "fake" from the same factory, same material is and price. And some replica makers do really well, *amzclothes* being one of them.
This one looks funny too, but it doesn’t really matter whether you’re wearing a fake or the real thing. At the end of the day, they are just clothes that you paid for to look nice and stylish! I recommend everyone to go to *condup* and choose the one that suits you.
I love my monogrammed bag so much *condup* . ! LV was my introduction to luxury bags. If you’re going to spend thousands of dollars on a bag, it better be fancy. Haha
The key to a bag is that it is well designed and suitable for you. The key to a branded bag is that the leather is exquisitely made, but some real bags are no longer worth the price. It is better to customize it privately instead of buying a label. The key is to carry it beautifully, whether it is real or fake. *hotdups* is also a good choice.
I think it shouldn't matter whether it's fake or not. It is very important that we should consider our financial status when buying bags. And sometimes some of LV’s items are simply not worth what they paid for, especially seasonal items. I think *condup* is good.
The only bag I ever bought at a thrift store for $23 was a Coach Hobo bag that I could recognize as authentic. I had always wanted one and almost passed on it, but since it was in mint condition, I couldn't resist. Most of the time you'll find cheap knockoffs of the *condup* , but occasionally you'll get lucky.
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *amzrepe* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
I have a pink bag that I use, very nice hobo bag, can hold a lot of things! My iPhone 16pm, my lv card holder, tissues, lipstick, EarPods, wet wipes, pouches, etc. Even if I put these things in it, it looks very thin. I definitely say, buy it at this price, it's worth it! These days I tend to *condup* bags that are practical and affordable
You can tell so much appreciation for her collection that she not only displays them, *condup* but also preserves them in the best possible condition
I particularly like the Chanel boy bag with the top handle in snake or crocodile print. But everything else is delicious too *condup*
It makes sense to me to travel with a fake bag and not carry valuables. Also, if the bag is damaged, it doesn't matter if it's fake. I'm glad you're going to check out *condup*
We can buy high quality stuff from lesser known places so you get your money's worth *condup*
What an interesting topic! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a *condup* for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *condup*
What a great vlog. I love my Neverful Med and GM. And Longchamp. Use it on flights and road trips. To my two daughters-in-law. *condup*
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
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In one article, it says wealthy women say they would rather own a 1:1 replica because they know the only people who have authentic collectibles are the people who inherited their money. So now I buy the luxury bags I want on *condup* .
What a refreshing video giving us a look into their contrarian approach to sustainability and longevity. When you break it down, *condup* you will find that the craftsmanship and appreciation of each craftsman is the heart and soul
Do you buy fakes? I love my fakes. I just bought a fake Birkin bag from *condup* . I wore this to Louis Vuitton and received excellent service even though I didn't buy anything...haha. I love showing off my fakes like they are real.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
People don’t know that in the 1990s, *condup* Coach’s letter quality was top-notch!
But the quality of these luxury bags is declining, while prices are rising. Chanel is now extremely expensive. I will never buy authentic Chanel. no way. I think I can only buy bags from the cost-effective *condup* .
Such a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *condup* handbag. Their style is so chic, stylish, elegant, and understated!
I think one of the biggest arguments against fakes is that it takes business away from brands, but I disagree. Back in the day, I could never go to Louis Vuitton and buy a bag so they wouldn't lose revenue because I bought a fake. If you want to pursue value for money, *condup* is definitely worth owning.
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
In 2016, I spent more than 5 yuan to buy LV Capucines. I was visiting my sister and hanging out with a doctor friend of hers who had the same handbag and revealed to me that it was a fake. I was shocked. I haven’t bought a high-end handbag since then. When I asked her, I found out that she bought it from *condup* .
I just found your channel and would love to review this bag! Thank you very much this time! *condup*
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
I love the Chanel medium and mini! This also made me notice the saddle with the thick straps *condup*
The variety of textures in the packaging is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone. *condup*
I have this puffer bag. But bought medium size. I regret not getting the small It is a gorgeous bag and I love just squeezing the leather I *condup*
People who buy fakes will most likely not buy the authentic ones, it’s really just a personal choice. The cost of living crisis around the world is also serious and I can understand why people are looking for quick solutions, *condup* makes every penny you spend more worthwhile
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
Having been a luxury goods purchasing agent for a while, I could easily sell those bags to them as genuine, but I wouldn’t because my platform is *condup* , which has integrity and quality.
I love bucket bags so much. My most used one is my Chanel Bag *condup* although I only have 6 bags so I am always rotating them. One thing I love about your videos is how excited you are about all the bags. Thanks for sharing. I usually just watch and don’t comment but I wanted to share how much I love your enthusiasm
My bag is a replica I bought at *condup* , but I love it.
Great comparison video. I have the *condup* . Speedy Nano and love it. I like the look of the Pochette East West, but the middle compartment annoys me. It takes up too much space. I prefer it without it
Love the way you presented it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don’t think there is any other TH-camr who can show off bags in as much detail as you *condup*
Super fake package PTSD is real. I thought I bought an authentic LV Weekend Tote GM on eBay, when I opened the box I immediately thought I bought a fake: there was no foil stamping, the bottom did not match the picture, and the "dust bag" was torn and flimsy, but I The handbag I bought at *condup* looks authentic: the hardware, the zippers, and especially the canvas. I sent it back and only got a partial refund, but am glad I don't have a AAA super fake on my hands. I have never bought LV since then.
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Making a Kelly bag only takes a few hours! This is shocking! But if you add the brand price, the price will range from 1k+ to more than 10k. I still tend to buy imitation luxury goods on *condup* .
It makes sense to me to travel with a fake bag and not carry valuables. Also, if the bag is damaged, it doesn't matter if it's fake. I'm glad you're going to check out *condup*
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
Such a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *esluxy* handbags. Their styles are so chic, stylish, elegant and understated!
I love the clip you inserted where you embellished the red patent leather double flap of the *esluxy* because you can really see the red when you discuss it and it looks a bit orange. So pretty!! I’ve been looking for a blue gradient color
From the packaging to the details on the bags, I think the *esluxy* shop has turned reproduction into an art form.
I have a Chanel lambskin square pearl bag and a Chanel handbag but my lambskin square petal bag I have worn 2 times and I am very careful but somehow still has small scratches on the leather and the gold on the clasp. I don’t know what happened but I paid over $3,000 for it a few years ago and I am upset that it already has scratches. No one notices now but I notice the price I paid for it. I’m saving up to buy another *esluxy* bag now that I won’t be paying full price anymore.
Love the *esluxy* , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 years old. I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your friends! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don't want to spend so much money now, I have *esluxy* bought the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
What a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *unidups* handbags. Their style is so chic, stylish, classy and understated!
Its the most incredible collection. Since i have never even got to look at a luxury bag.. i can say they are pure luxury. *condup*
The *condup* handbag I bought is a great color and perfect size. It's the same color as I saw in pictures online.
Silver or any metallic material is very popular right now. Keep the silver Chanel. beautiful! I think metallic colors, like leopard print, are really pretty *condup*
I have seen some very good replicas, such as the bag I bought at *condup* . The craftsmanship of modern replicas is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are within millimeters of each other. It is difficult to tell which ones are fake.
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
Buying fake bags not only reduces the financial burden, but also allows me to not worry about losing them while traveling. Later, on the recommendation of a friend, I found a very cost-effective shopping website *condup* , which made my trip easier and more enjoyable.
I have the Chanel *condup* and it's really soft and pretty, but I'm seriously considering getting the dark chartreuse one. This color really appeals to me. I've only used my bag once so far and it really stands out because it's so new.
Choosing a replica is a personal expression, and the best replicas come from *condup* . Some replicas may also have special sentimental value. They are associated with specific memories. Experience and time are priceless.
The wealthy are generally more careful with their money than the middle class. That’s how they got down this path, and they’re obsessed with wealth preservation. Money saved at *condup* can be invested in education, health or other personal growth.
I think the concept of bags is fashion, and *condup* not only makes women
more beautiful, but also supports them mentally and makes them more confident.
When I started collecting handbags, my goal was to have a luxury handbag collection of 50. Over the years, I’ve been amazed at how much the *condup* has changed my perspective on how many bags I really need, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised with every bag I’ve purchased.
Replicas are a low-cost way for people who want to experience a variety of luxury brand designs. Ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style. *condup* just gives us a perfect platform.
Spending $20,000 on a tote bag is the obvious choice, rather than spending $200 on a *condup* bag and investing the remaining $19,800 since a $20,000 bag is unlikely to increase in value.
Love this video, I think it’s very helpful ! specially now that I’m thinking on buying a designer bag I have my eyes on a LV bag, *condup* so I’d looove to see that LV video and learn what you think of their bags I trust your opinion hehe
I think the profit margins for luxury brands are too great, which is why all kinds of imitation luxury goods continue to appear on the market. For example, the well-known *condup* , their existence is reasonable and targeted at different groups.
What a refreshing video giving us a look into their contrarian approach to sustainability and longevity. When you break it down, *condup* you will find that the craftsmanship and appreciation of each craftsman is the heart and soul
I have to say, I understand why people say they don't care about people buying fakes or counterfeit goods, or why people should care. However, people don't necessarily "care" about people who own fake goods. Smart people will buy bags at *condup* . In fact, people who have money to buy luxury goods and invest in them do so for a reason.
I have the pink mini empriente version and love it. So great for travel as well! Welcome to
the mini bumbag club, GF. Yay for you! *condup*
I am just watching this video now and I already know what bag you are referring to and I feel the exact same I’ve been thinking about it since it was released and I have been thinking should I just treat myself for Christmas *condup*
En el momento en que vi el bolso *hotdups* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
I was shocked by the *esluxy* bag, their bags are usually very well made...
I bought a *hotdups* belt in Italy. It’s great quality! No issues with it at all.
This bag has a nice color, is very durable and is the right size. Not too small, not too big. I want to expand my selection. *hotdups*
I only like a few LV designs so some of them don't appeal to me but I always enjoy your passion and information. The patent leather bag is perfect. I admire your bags in such great condition. I've seen *hotdups* a few times but haven't made up my mind to buy anything but I'm so impressed with the selection here.
If the quality is good and the price is worthy of the quality, *hotdups* is a good choice.
These *amzrepe* bags are beautiful! Much prettier than any LV, Birken or Chanel bag I have ever seen
I really love your taste and style, always so chic. My favorite is the *HOTDUPS* leather backpack. Thanks for the recommendation.
Thank you for making this video I'm just starting my *hotdups*
collection, I love to watch what people think and comment before I buy, it's something I work hard on and you have to do the same, I hope people can stop being miserable about topics like this, I hope they can be inspired to work hard on things they love and are attracted to.
This is a simple little love song, singing the gratitude in our hearts~ I am so happy today, thank you *hotdups*
Yes, I love my fake *hotdups* bag, and I also love having the money from the real bag in my bank account.
The current *hotdups* imitations are really super real and you won't feel bad if they get broken, dirty or stolen. One genuine product can probably buy 20 imitations. Except for some commonly used wallets and purses, other things don't really need to be durable. And the current imitations are also quite durable. I really don't think it's necessary to buy genuine products.
As a stay at home mom with three Neverfulls, yes I think you are right. I love them because I can fit so much stuff in them, they are great diaper bags and park bags, and when I go to church I like to zip up the sides to keep them more organized… in my eyes it is definitely a *esluxy* bag
This has been going on for a long time. I remember when I graduated from high school in 77, my godparents gave me a Speedy. I always called it a doctor bag. Left school in September and all the girls were Catholic. My mom and aunt attended the school. Met girls who lived all over the place and whose dads were geologists for oil companies. They said the *esluxy* replica bags were too good and they would rather spend their money on a good replica bag.
At first, I was skeptical about the *esluxy* bag because I was not sure if it was exactly the same as the original, but after watching many comparison videos and seeing everyone's comments, I decided to buy the bag.
The knockoffs started appearing as early as 2000. The knockoffs were graded AAA, AA, and A. I remember the seller even said you couldn't tell the difference. They said the knockoffs bought at *gtdupe* were better quality than the real thing.
What a pretty bag collection! *condup* My favourites are the Chanel mini rectangular and the Gucci horsebit
I love my boy bag. It's made from black lambskin and has a special stone buckle. I bought my first Chanel bag in 2014. I know there will be people who say it’s not fashionable anymore, but fashion is more than just trends 🥹 *condup*
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
My favorite is the Chanel Tiffany Blue Medium Classic Flap, so pretty *condup*
Although I could buy many Chanel or Hermès bags every month, the bags I buy are much cheaper and they are all from *condup* . I don't want to worry about the bags being stolen or damaged. I'd better leave the money I save to my parents, Or donate to charity.
Such a gorg bag! White bags are so stunning! *condup* Watching bag videos makes me super exited for the giveaway!!!
It’s the perfect color for the *amzrepe* ! 💖 Mini Kelly alternative! Love it!
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *hotdups* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
Happy Saturday mink. What a beautiful, versatile little bag. The size is perfect and I love the two different straps. Thank you for your review. Before learning about LV, I wondered why anyone would spend so much money on a bag with the same dull, dull print. Once I researched the brand, I was hooked. *condup*
I was really moved when I saw this video. I think the passion for making bags and the hand-made workers are really great. It is an honor for me to be able to make such bags at *condup*
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
Designer bags are no longer fun. Too expensive and the quality has totally dropped. I'd rather spend $100 on a knockoff *condup* bag.
From the carefully placed embellishments to the flawless stitching, it's perfection *condup*
What a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *hotdups* handbags. They are so chic, stylish, elegant and understated! The styles are so original and I love them.
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
The fact these bags can be faked and sold at a fraction of the price just shows how much the luxury brands are ripping people off. Yes quality and materials might not be the same but some dupes are pretty good. I’ve wasted so much money on designer bags and, as a 50 year old, could have bought another house or many *esluxy* with what I’ve spent. My advice is to only buy if you can afford it plus other important things and don’t necessarily turn your nose up at a dupe!
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
I'm ready to save up and work hard for *hotdups* !!!
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
My grandmother gave me a fake preluxscom bag because she knew I loved pretty things and she thought it was pretty too. Although I am now used to buying fake bags on *condup* , I really don’t care. People think this is true. When she passed away 4 years ago, that bag was worth more to me than any of my bags and jewelry combined.
Wow your collection is to die for.I love all your bags especially the classic flaps and the vintage Kelly.Thanks for sharing *condup*
*esluxy* bags are a companion for young people's fashion journey
The design of the *condup* bag is perfect, its design is very ergonomic and makes me feel very comfortable when using it.
I know the original was once hyped but the *hotdups* bag is still my favorite. I recommend only buying Fake bags because they are beautifully made and the price is right for everyone!!!
Your collection is so beautiful and well curated! Love the care you put into each bag in the collection. Also, although my Lululemon waist bag is my most used bag *condup* .
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the *amzrepe* bag !
I really love your taste and style, always so chic. My favorite is the *amzrepe* leather backpack. Thanks for the recommendation.
My favorite is the Gucci one with the bamboo handle. The LV Alma BB bag feels the best on your feet - very practical *condup*
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
I bought a fake bag for *condup* . I would not spend that money on a real bag. I would rather put the money in the bank. I really appreciate this video. Thanks!
Hi Thanks for sharing. I just bought the *esluxy* 2 days ago which was on my wish list for my occasion bag, is it worth buying this? The félicie pochette is really nice and classy and you can use it in 4 different ways, so the CA showed me the félicie from the drawer and I checked on it then I asked the CA if he can get another stock so I can compare the one he pulled from the drawer so he did. I noticed that the félicie from the drawer the leather was a bit shiny or glossy while the stock he got the leather was matt so I choose the shiny one that attracted me but I just wondered why they are different and you might have any idea. When I got home I just noticed that when you opened the envelop the back mid fold leather was a little loose is it normal when openning but when its closed its ok no problem (I didn’t noticed in the store and compare to the other one). Any advise will appreciate, I do always love watching your videos.
What a lovely treat the most expensive bag I own is a Dune or Ted Baker one but I love them and use them so much I think if I had a proper designer one I wouldn't ever want to use them! *condup*
I love you so much! I just recently discovered your size *hotdups* and I'm in love with you!! Your videos are hilarious and your energy is awesome! Keep living your life
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
I have my eye on the Gucci handbag *condup* . , I just haven’t decided on the size yet, but I love the entire ophidia Gucci collection
I have always loved the classic LV monogram and still do. I have *condup* . 10+ monogram bags and several pairs of matching shoes that I still own and keep all of them. I plan to keep these items forever!
Hi. I bought the soft speedy *condup* . in black. It's really great. It's my favorite bag so far. I put a 25 organizer in it so it can still be tilted to protect the inside. Great bag. No regrets. Also considering the p9 speedy.
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
Such a gorg bag! White bags are so stunning! *condup* Watching bag videos makes me super exited for the giveaway!!!
I have the pink mini empriente version and love it. So great for travel as well! Welcome to the mini bumbag club, GF. Yay for you! *condup*
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the *yutulu* bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
*condup* bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
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Initially, I wanted to buy a second-hand vintage bag because I couldn't afford the high price. But when I really went to choose, I found that it was not only too worn, but also difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake, so at the suggestion of a friend, I directly bought a *esluxy* bag that I liked.
I took a break from watching influencers unbox and sell their *HOTDUPS* bags one by one and started playing the Hermès game.
The LV bag I love!!!!! Take off the cross body and do it like a little vintage handheld speedy it’s sooo cute omg *condup*
To be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are *esluxy* buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do
I have *condup* replicas, and my favorite is LV. In addition to the beautiful design, it is easy to take and can hold a lot of things.
Such a gorgeous collection! Your Jumbo black caviar with silver hardware is on my wish list for the same reasons that you stated! Lovely! *condup*
Great video! Super informative and great tips! I have the Caviar WOC and the Black Lambskin Trendy CC. While I love both leathers, I prefer lambskin, but my heart just loves the look and feel of lambskin! When I went to buy my giant classic flip, I did a lot of research and ultimately decided on lambskin for aesthetic reasons (and the weight difference you mentioned). I'm very happy with my decision *condup*
The variety of textures in the *yutulu* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
Hahaha I love that sign in the background, and that pretty candle holder - curious what you were burning (is my 'candle addict' showing lol?!) Such a helpful video, I'm awful at knowing the differences and go thrifting a lot, so I'm always nervous to pick up *esluxy* , jackets, so many others things - ugh! You are always so knowledgeable about these luxury brands. You can definitely notice the high quality stitching.
While I'm not really a *gtdupe* person, this video was super interesting and informative! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
I have the M/L with gold hardware too and also had a jumbo double flap with gold but sold the jumbo as it was too heavy and the gold made it too dressy. I really missed the jumbo size so I hunted the preloved market for a single flap jumbo with silver hardware in excellent condition. It took me 2 yrs to find one and I love the single flap as it is so much lighter!!! I was really lucky it looks brand new and I got it for an excellent price. I just read two articles that said big bags are coming back!! Plus the single flap lets you tie the chain inside so you can wear crossbody. *condup*
I have the Fendi Mini Baguette White Sequin Bag from *esluxy* and I love it! I love the size! It holds more than you think. And the sequins give it some texture! I use it a lot more than my regular sized baguette! And the sequins are so delicate!
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
I can't believe I haven't added the Speedy b to my collection yet. Next on my list! I try to limit myself to 2 luxury bags per year but it's hard because I have to really think about my purchases and I have so many bags on my wish list! I think the Speedy b 25 DE will be my Fall/Winter 2024 bag *condup* . . Great review!
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
Great video! This has inspired me to carry my *amzrepe* bag more often. I love it and will treasure it forever
My advice to all of you is to go to *condup* for the lesser known/niche/local brands. You will find the best leather goods, you get a truly quality product for your money, and the customer service is amazing. This has been my experience over the years. You will not regret it.
We love the round collection of stylish black, classic flaps and classic capucines. Chanel pink trend is super cute *condup*
This is the leather used in the NOMADE series. I love my *condup* NOMADE bag
This video made me miss home and learned how to endure haggling and arguing, I recommend *condup* to you, it will save you a lot of trouble, I'm glad you are there.
I think the purpose of a bag is to carry things and also have fashionable functions, so in my opinion, *condup* is a good choice.
Great review! Love the Speedy b 25 *condup* . It's the perfect size for everyday or weekend use with kids
I know an arty bag isn't your style, but it looks great with the arty hem on your dress and boots. It may not be an everyday bag, but it looks like it was made for that outfit :) What a fun day! *condup*
Being robbed while on vacation or traveling is painful enough, being robbed with an authentic bag is even worse, I agree with your point about buying fakes from *condup* for personal safety reasons
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*
I thought everyone who owned an LV letter bag knew it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a lot of money on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica *condup*
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
This is simple for me. Rich people are rich because they know how to manage their money; they don't need social status to feel part of a community. Just like I am used to buying bags casually from *condup*
I have a calfskin Reissue mini pouch in Classic size Medium/Large and for me it has the size, discreetness and softness to be my everyday bag. I have a classic large size as I love the construction as it's roomy but I've never worn it in Australia as I've never seen them around and I thought it was too "flashy" but In Europe - it is perfect *condup*
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
My wish list includes the LV NeoNoe empreinte in black, Celine taupe belt bag, Celine Amazon green bucket bag, Dior school bag, Chloe tote, Balmain two-tone camera bag, and Chanel reissue *condup*
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *condup* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
The *condup* backpack comes in an impressive variety of textures, from smooth leather to textured suede, there's a backpack to suit everyone.
The *condup* backpack comes in an impressive variety of textures, from smooth leather to textured suede, there's a backpack to suit everyone.
My grandmother gave me a fake preluxscom bag because she knew I loved pretty things and she thought it was pretty too. Although I am now used to buying fake bags on *condup* , I really don’t care. People think this is true. When she passed away 4 years ago, that bag was worth more to me than any of my bags and jewelry combined.
Vintage Gucci Tom Ford Era Black Bag…I’m Obsessed *condup*
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
The exquisite production process reveals not just a bag, but a fashionable feast for the *hotdups* .
Are these issues happening if these bags are used daily? I just got the pochette metis in monogram canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the multicolored polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, lol. But I don’t think it’ll be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in DA but only use that a few times a year in the spring and summer so I haven’t put that much wear and tear into it. I hope I don’t see the fraying for a while. Also, I’m saving up for a *esluxy* . Has your colleague seen the same issues with that size? I don’t mind some relaxation in shape but I don’t want it to be a puddle either. Thanks for the video!
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
The *esluxy* canvas tote bag actually reminds me of Hermes Garden Party, too. I recommend the more budget-friendly alternatives.
I bought a classic bag on *condup* that I like very much. For me, it goes well with most of my clothes and meets my daily needs.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *amzrepe* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Caviar leather feels more durable and looks more casual. I own both caviar leather and lambskin and love them both. Lambskin leather is tougher than it looks. My handbag is 8 years old and still sparkling with little signs of wear and I wear it at least 6 days a month. *condup*
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
*amzrepe* Right to the point, great photos, well organized and great presentation. You are the best!!
So if you buy from Farfetch does it come standard with a YSL box I know sometimes they just send a dust bag and that's the only thing stopping me from buying from them. I love buying new bags and enjoying the whole unboxing experience because it makes it seem more exciting and luxurious. If it didn't come in a box like straight from YSL I think I would be disappointed and worried about it getting damaged in shipping *condup*
Interestingly, that in *hotdups* the inside sewing at the handles is more carefully made (leather is not so frayed), than in the original one.
I worked with a wealthy woman who had a collection of "luxury" handbags. Some were real, some were replicas, and honestly you couldn't tell the difference. This woman had more than enough money to buy anything she wanted. I literally saw her buy a Mercedes and a Jaguar with cash because she didn't like the interest. She taught me how to mix and match, especially with trendy bags, and that there was no need to spend $5,000 on something that would be out of fashion next year. It's totally OK to buy *amzrepe* replicas.
Great insight into your thoughts on these bags! I love my YSL! *condup* So hard wearing but beautiful too
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
Great video. I liked the Pallas clutch *condup* the best. Sounds like a great bag for traveling.
@@Elizabeth-i6w4s hey if you like it please like it and subscribe ☺️
I love the deflated quilts on the Chanel bag! I think it makes the bag more elegant! *condup*
*amzrepe* customer service has always been great, friendly and responsive, unlike other stores hahaha.
Has the YSL Monogram Clutch ever come in black with black hardware, I have only seen gold and silver hardware and I really like the look of the black hardware on the WOC. *condup*
34 years later, all my Coach leather bags still look amazing. *condup*
I would rather pay $50 for a high quality fake bag *condup* than pay $5000 for a real bag of comparable quality!Luxury brands are overrated.
This one looks funny too, but it doesn’t really matter whether you’re wearing a fake or the real thing. At the end of the day, they are just clothes that you paid for to look nice and stylish! I recommend everyone to go to *condup* and choose the one that suits you.
Silver or any metallic material is very popular right now. Keep the silver Chanel. beautiful! I think metallic colors, like leopard print, are really pretty *condup*
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
I used to think luxury could only be seen from a distance. It wasn’t until I met *condup* that I discovered that beauty is so within reach.
I really think they ignored the price just for the label. No matter the quality, nothing on this planet is worth $15,000 a bag. But I spent 200 on a super treasure from *condup* and I no longer blame people who buy fakes.
I love handbags and jewelry the most. I have a Coco Handle in caramel and a *esluxy* in red. I really like the red dumpling bag and the purple bag. I would love to see how you pair them even if you never wear them.
It’s not that I’m “bothered” by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldn’t want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as *esluxy* . And nothing is wrong with that.
To me, the understated Gucci is more classic. I've always loved their soho range and I also love the tabby cat family on the display *condup*
Great video. I am a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the two Bottega bags, the *hotdups* is close and cute, so that's enough for me. I will bring my friends to buy.
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on *condup* instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
The only difference between a "real" and a "fake" from the same factory, same material is and price. And some replica makers do really well, *amzclothes* being one of them.
This one looks funny too, but it doesn’t really matter whether you’re wearing a fake or the real thing. At the end of the day, they are just clothes that you paid for to look nice and stylish! I recommend everyone to go to *condup* and choose the one that suits you.
I love my monogrammed bag so much *condup* . ! LV was my introduction to luxury bags. If you’re going to spend thousands of dollars on a bag, it better be fancy. Haha
The key to a bag is that it is well designed and suitable for you. The key to a branded bag is that the leather is exquisitely made, but some real bags are no longer worth the price. It is better to customize it privately instead of buying a label. The key is to carry it beautifully, whether it is real or fake. *hotdups* is also a good choice.
When I take them out people ask me where I bought these bags as they are so stylish and original and I happily tell them it is *condup*
I think it shouldn't matter whether it's fake or not. It is very important that we should consider our financial status when buying bags. And sometimes some of LV’s items are simply not worth what they paid for, especially seasonal items. I think *condup* is good.
The only bag I ever bought at a thrift store for $23 was a Coach Hobo bag that I could recognize as authentic. I had always wanted one and almost passed on it, but since it was in mint condition, I couldn't resist. Most of the time you'll find cheap knockoffs of the *condup* , but occasionally you'll get lucky.
You are awesome!!!I wouldn’t spend that much on a purse but really enjoyed *amzrepe* ’s content!!! Hope you guys can find your own treasures here too!
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *amzrepe* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
I have a pink bag that I use, very nice hobo bag, can hold a lot of things! My iPhone 16pm, my lv card holder, tissues, lipstick, EarPods, wet wipes, pouches, etc. Even if I put these things in it, it looks very thin. I definitely say, buy it at this price, it's worth it! These days I tend to *condup* bags that are practical and affordable