I miss this Dizaster, yea he's still aggressive, but he doesn't look furious or like he's on coke; he looks like he's having fun, and that's what battle rap should be.
adil jamal lol well be sure to grow out of the habit, otherwise you'll have memorized battle rap lines in your head for a long time (or at least thats what happened to me...)
you should check out the music videos on my channel! just trying to network some and figured people like you guys might have an interested in some raw hiphop
I remember watching this forever ago, everyone looks so young. This was the first the suarace battle I saw and one of the first Diz battles I saw. Both game so far.
I love how Diz goes "oooohh that was racist" and then years later he brings the most savage racist bars of all time. Diz has grown so much since this, Thesaurus was such a bigger name at this time... Wild
"Until he came to the battle in a black shirt.....with a little orange underneath it." That line won him the battle, Peter underestimated and paid the price. Big ups to diz!
The Saurus was fucking great back in the day, dizaster had a slow start but came with fucking fire, but i gave it to The Saurus, the bonus round i give to dizaster but since The Saurus was killing him all rounds lyrically he killed dizzy just because diz rapped faster doesnt knock down whole hearty nutrition bars vs diet bars no calories
this is my first diz battle, i ever saw classic shit miss these grindtime days... where two mcs could rap and have a good time, now days shit is too intense and personal... no fun anymore just people want to ruin others careers.... classic shit one of the best ive seen .
@@OENIGMA1its not that, its about if they interrupted each other, Mad Illz basically tried to copy the WRC’s to a T, and since they “fouled” if you interrupted your opponent mid round or touched them, you got a “foul.” It didn’t have to do with racist content or the number would be like 999999
hi guys im from germany i got question about the battles and how the mcees prepare themself for the battel i mean before the battle they get time to prepare and wrote there lyrics what i wanna know do the wrote there lyrics over a beat or just writin without a instrumental just pen and paper but without music. and could be that in the battle the put some freestyles in on top of the written stuff an how does that work i mean mix the written stuff with some freestyle please give me a good answer
Its 2017, and to this day I think Saurus beat Dizaster in 3. BUT If i remember correctly, this was Dizaster's first Grindtime battle and they were hype to see him and dickriding his antics.....the OT was well deserved though, but Saurus shouldve won nonetheless. Dope battle tho
This "win" by dizaster is absurd at best. He literally doesn't make sense for half his rounds. Dizaster is all show and no lyrics. Always has been and always will be.
This did create diz atleast to me, thanks the saurus, I was content listening to your shit but like 15 years later you did this. You fathered the scene and fathered diz in this one. Thanks bud I think. Like I am literally impartial. I like diz these days and kukoc was good but damn we all grew up liking you and thanks for giving us diz as the future lmao
Anyone who wants to go first against Thesaurus knows off the top that they gunna get destroyed, Diz got his ass handed to him even before Saurus started spitting. He did indeed get pointed and laughed at.
lmao thesaurus "ever since you left from your desert turf, youve been destined for gettin work, not as a rapper, but as the freshest seven eleven clerk"
As far as I know, this is his first battle ever in GT. He was battling in WCP(West Coast Pit) before Drect met up with him. Diz was pissed off then, cause he put some great effort into Pit, who even didn't put all of his footage out. THEN, Drect promised Diz he would look up the best opponent he can. Drect spoke to Lush, who talked with Sauras, thought Diz was pretty impressive to accept the battle and here it is. BAM there goes dizaster still spitting his way up to the top.
wow, these niggas are actually freestylin their bars, you can just feel the creativity, the off-the-top unpredictability of these two. this is what a true freestyle battle should be, IMO.
Thesaurus has always looked 39.
That's cuz you always watch videos on 144p and can't tell the difference 🤣
@@eastsideog2054 1080p he would look older like 55
@@jamesbond8348 lol.. no 🧠
I miss this Dizaster, yea he's still aggressive, but he doesn't look furious or like he's on coke; he looks like he's having fun, and that's what battle rap should be.
He has improved way better in these years.. Maybe ur on coke...but the only time u see a coke is when you go to Walmart 🤣
I like his style better when he's all coked out
Bodied finish and done
This is such a funny comment knowing that Dizaster went to battle all over the world becoming the most viewed and most paid.
Dizaster's Southpole shirt helps date this lol
Haha tbh he was one of the last holdouts even then
and that shirt was hella old and outdated then lol
damn i miss the days in high school when i'd watch these religiously
Lol I'm in high school right now and I come home and watch these religiously
adil jamal lol well be sure to grow out of the habit, otherwise you'll have memorized battle rap lines in your head for a long time (or at least thats what happened to me...)
Same! On the weekend, I'd be up til like 4 AM watching them
SO fucking true now I'm going back and watching the good ones.
you should check out the music videos on my channel! just trying to network some and figured people like you guys might have an interested in some raw hiphop
legendary battle!
word, and now you’re about to repeat it in a few days
@@avoidbeing man!!
i cant stop laughin at the "myspace" link at the bottom lol
I loved Myspace
Damn both these dudes have came a long way in battle rap.
I remember watching this forever ago, everyone looks so young. This was the first the suarace battle I saw and one of the first Diz battles I saw. Both game so far.
You know it's 2008 when everyone is wearing echo and southpole lol.
I love how Diz goes "oooohh that was racist" and then years later he brings the most savage racist bars of all time. Diz has grown so much since this, Thesaurus was such a bigger name at this time... Wild
thats becaue thesaurus made his name free styling
Was about to give your comment a thumbs up until I looked at your thumbnail pic
@@kolbytard judgemental bastard.
Lab Baby nah he didn’t wtf are you on crack and salvia
Diz didn’t say it was a guy by he camera.
Diz has come a long way
To think that was six years ago.. fuck time goes quick
JimmEhism 9 now lol
@@thecooleststufficouldfind 12 now
@@chriscueva1866 12 now
13 now
"Until he came to the battle in a black shirt.....with a little orange underneath it." That line won him the battle, Peter underestimated and paid the price. Big ups to diz!
That was a wack line 😂
They should have a rematch.
Good times, man, good times..
Yeah, bro.. good times..
ㅅㅂ 여기서 한국인이 머하누
@@starightforward2481 sup
This battle was sort of a landmark in battle rap... One of The Saurus' very first loss. It shocked a LOT of people. LOL.
The Saurus was fucking great back in the day, dizaster had a slow start but came with fucking fire, but i gave it to The Saurus, the bonus round i give to dizaster but since The Saurus was killing him all rounds lyrically he killed dizzy just because diz rapped faster doesnt knock down whole hearty nutrition bars vs diet bars no calories
Dizaster took this battle and became a hometown hero. His creativity stole the show.
What creativity? Honestly diz seemed pretty boring to me
+schouvler15 people were blinded by his rhymes. whether they made any fuckin sense or not. the saurus took this
Diz won!!
Won what the queer contest...?...
dam ive been watching these old grindtime classics forever haha
You know its 2008 when they talking about myspace lol
this is my first diz battle, i ever saw classic shit miss these grindtime days... where two mcs could rap and have a good time, now days shit is too intense and personal... no fun anymore just people want to ruin others careers.... classic shit one of the best ive seen .
To summarize Dizaster: "Hey yo, hey yo!"
He's come a long way since then. One of the greats now IMO.
@@MatthiasTTV facts! One of the goats to me!
What do the fouls in the bottom corners mean?
It was pretty much anything said that was Racist, was a foul. I'm glad they didn't continue with that.
@@OENIGMA1its not that, its about if they interrupted each other, Mad Illz basically tried to copy the WRC’s to a T, and since they “fouled” if you interrupted your opponent mid round or touched them, you got a “foul.” It didn’t have to do with racist content or the number would be like 999999
The saurus For sure. Dizaster aint even on hommy hom's level.
hi guys im from germany i got question about the battles and how the mcees prepare themself for the battel i mean before the battle they get time to prepare and wrote there lyrics what i wanna know do the wrote there lyrics over a beat or just writin without a instrumental just pen and paper but without music. and could be that in the battle the put some freestyles in on top of the written stuff an how does that work i mean mix the written stuff with some freestyle please give me a good answer
Its 2017, and to this day I think Saurus beat Dizaster in 3. BUT If i remember correctly, this was Dizaster's first Grindtime battle and they were hype to see him and dickriding his antics.....the OT was well deserved though, but Saurus shouldve won nonetheless. Dope battle tho
robbbyyy25 agreed
Brap'n Winners by Round:
Rd.1- Thesaurus
Rd.2- Thesaurus
Rd.3- Dizaster
Rd.4- Dizaster
Brap'n Result: (WL) Debatable 2-2
The Saurus clearly won.
Most definitely, I myself had The Saurus winning all 3 rounds.
The surface took round 1 and 2 but diz took 3 imo
this is one of my favourite battle
two legends
Damn Lush has gone down hill since these days…This is Lush (skip to a new KOTD video) and this is Lush on drugs
do u know what lush means? once you figure that out it will all make sense
No, I don't know what Lush means because I'm ten years old. Of course I know wtf lush means. I also Know Lush aka Nick, in real life.
i swear his white lips in the new vids remind me of david chappelle as a crack head
Word, everyone still watchin' old grind time battles ! ;)
dizaster won this hands down
saurus looked like he didnt even come prepared or put alotta effort into it
This is by far one of the funniest battles i saw
This "win" by dizaster is absurd at best. He literally doesn't make sense for half his rounds. Dizaster is all show and no lyrics. Always has been and always will be.
Jehu Pitchfork have you seen his battle against iron Solomon? Or canibus?
nice to see a battle with good showmanship and plenty of syllable usage
Thesaurus 2-1
Dizaster has come a LOOOOONG way since this battle.. So much more polished now.
The Saures killed Dizaster!!
This did create diz atleast to me, thanks the saurus, I was content listening to your shit but like 15 years later you did this. You fathered the scene and fathered diz in this one. Thanks bud I think. Like I am literally impartial. I like diz these days and kukoc was good but damn we all grew up liking you and thanks for giving us diz as the future lmao
Damn...Dizaster has gotten a lot better since this battle.
what is the pit that thesaurus referenced to in the 1st round?
was this diz's first ever battle? if not, what is?
lol that battle was awesome. fun to watch these guys go at each others throats. 2 of the best
Thesaurus came out the womb looking middle aged
How do you choke when you want to go first?
Is that dude in the back the guy from AHAT?
crazy to see how much diz has progressed since these battles
hey what was the 2nd foul for?
The atmosphere in these battles are great, real natural instead of the punchline-induced oohs and aahs we are so used to hearing these days.
How do you choke and still body your opponent?
love to see them battle again now!!!!!!
How old do you think I am drop? I been around since the cold crush brothers and cool Herk I was around when rap started in Bronx NY youngon
Some of the most recognized battlers are the ones who have solid verses that never fail to insult and humour.
where is dizaster from exactly?
Wow 9 years ago
Back in the day when they'd plug the MySpace.
Any physical contact
I'm glad they put the height of the battlers at the beginning I wouldn't have been content watchin the battle not knowing that ;)
By far the calmest introduction i've ever seen dizaster be apart of...
What was the foul for?
Anyone who wants to go first against Thesaurus knows off the top that they gunna get destroyed, Diz got his ass handed to him even before Saurus started spitting. He did indeed get pointed and laughed at.
i dont get the fouls system on grimd time lol any one care to explain?
Is this diz first battle
What are fouls? was it grindtime exclusive?
lmao thesaurus "ever since you left from your desert turf, youve been destined for gettin work, not as a rapper, but as the freshest seven eleven clerk"
Now that was a legend battle right their. Good shit
This is actually legendary.
where did The Saurus get that tee?
@Runyakickz What are you talking about, they sound completely different.
This battle was BEAST !
do the fouls count for anything ?
what do they get fouls for
what was the foul? i didnt catch it..
what happened to battles like this...no more
@ 0:58 That guy in the background is like damn son gimme some room {:>_
Classic battle. Thesaurus came with punchlines and Dizaster came with lyricism
Best battle I have watch
Battle rap has evolved so much.
@TheYoungslate I don't get it no body was talking else the saurus?
the good ol grindtime days...
As far as I know, this is his first battle ever in GT. He was battling in WCP(West Coast Pit) before Drect met up with him. Diz was pissed off then, cause he put some great effort into Pit, who even didn't put all of his footage out. THEN, Drect promised Diz he would look up the best opponent he can. Drect spoke to Lush, who talked with Sauras, thought Diz was pretty impressive to accept the battle and here it is. BAM there goes dizaster still spitting his way up to the top.
why does it say "fouls:1" wat are they for
two of the best!!
How do you know?
@AgentMcQueen It's from Dizaster talking during Saurus's bars
Who'd have known Diz was a lyrical miracle back in the day?
what's the foul for? 4:00
@Masonsfinest101 like locksmith? illmaculate? organik? reverse live?
what was the foul?
what is fouls in battle rap
what do they mean by fouls
back when these battles werent 1 hour long
This Dizaster bloke has potential for being a really good rapper. He has the background people can use.
What do you think 10 years later? lol
@@professorXcross hell yeah
Damn, both of em look skinny compared to their current looks.
Havent seen this in centuries, the good old days!
wow, these niggas are actually freestylin their bars, you can just feel the creativity, the off-the-top unpredictability of these two.
this is what a true freestyle battle should be, IMO.
Just because 2 people battle doesn't mean they dislike eachother.
I don't know if they were buds before the battle, though.
if u were listening to this back in 08 youd think this was the shit. Battle raps evolved since this.
Wow Diz has come a LONG way.