*===== LUMA ISLAND W/ KRONII =====* *=== SPECIAL TIMESTAMPS ===* *[ ANNOUNCEMENT ]* 03:02:30 Kronii Tomorrow will have Musical for Promise HoloEN 7 pm PST/12 PM JST/10 PM EST | Kaela will open another guerilla stream after this, soon. Its not gonna be that long, bcs she needs to prepare for sponsorship stream *[ TIMESMITH AND THEIR RANDOM TALK ]* 00:38:25 Kae: What city slicker? City slicker is someone who only lives in a city (reading chat) | Kro: what the heck is that? | Kae: Kronii are you EN? 00:38:54 Kae: So I'm a studio slicker, someone who only lives in the studio | Kro: so is it good? 00:43:18 Kro: I got jellyfish | Kae: Is jellyfish always jealous? | Kro: That's very funny kaela 00:50:12 Kro: I tried so hard and got so far and in the end it doesn't even matter (Kronii helps Kaela to remember the right lyrics) 00:53:28 Kae: I need to find the cave but cave doko | Kro: that's the thing, you need to open your eyes Kaela (then they're arguing about sleeping) 01:38:31 Kae: Vegetarian don't look (Kronii said fish don't deserve to live, they meant for consumption) *[ KRONII SHOWING OFF HER BIRD WHISTLE ]* 03:04:12 Kro: Kaela do you wanna hear my bird whistle? 03:04:44 Kro: What do you think? | Kae: Kronii... 03:05:07 Kronii do the bird whistle again and kaela change to ending screen *[ ACCENT TEST ]* 01:08:21 Ask kronii to do accent guess thingy but actually kronii already did that. Kronii got english 01:09:22 BURMESE, OFC IM BURMESE. I tried so hard and it always get burmese *==========[ FULL TIMESTAMP ]==========* 00:04:13 Stream start 00:04:30 Kaelachiwa hellooo 00:05:09 Customizing character 00:05:27 Kae: Haiyaaa Kronii close steam VR | Kro: I don't have steam VR thoo -------------------------------------------------- 00:06:19 Kae: This is like what? Alien grandma | Kro: Alien grandma? You make like a red grandma or something? 00:07:39 SEXY GRANDMA? Will sexy grandma do? (wearing bikini outfit) 00:08:21 Kae: What's your opinion about bikini grandma? | Kro: i mean, not bikini grandma | WHY?? YOU THINK THAT GRANDMA CAN'T WEAR BIKINI? 00:09:45 NICEE~ Confirm, play tutorial? THERE'S A TUTORIAL? 00:10:10 Okay now what? Welcome to Luma island- (Doing a Tutorial) 00:12:19 Kro: How far are you in? saw mill? | Kae: yeah | Kro: HAHA SLOOOW 00:13:16 Kro: We were gonna play POE2 but the ping issue.. | Kae: this game is so chill, it's good. | Kro: yeah 00:14:27 Kro: you know honestly kaela we probably can wing it | Kae: not really | Kro: I think we could *==[ GAME START ]==* 00:16:12 Kaela trying to create private party and invite Kronii 00:17:06 Can we remove this? Because Kronii will not like it when she see this maybe (placement things) 00:18:10 OH! There you go hello! wow she's in and go back to work i see | Kro: it's called being efficient 00:18:40 Kro: It's ok I'm doing the work for you. | Kae: AH THANK YOU! TIME TO WALK AROUND 00:19:54 Kaela wondering if they can die, and search for hunger bar 00:20:34 WOOH Quest completed! 00:22:11 KRONII THERE'S A CHEST THERE 00:22:24 I got water whatever spirit ulala ulala I don't know (opened the chest) 00:23:40 copper ore, nice. It's gonna dark soon 00:23:51 Kro: This maps is driving me insane | Kae: Kronii I'm not the best person to read maps | Kro: Well what a surprise, me too. 00:24:47 Kae: FISHING ROD KRONII! (got fishing rod) IT'S TIME TO FISH! | Kro: No not yet 00:26:02 Kronii asking Kaela to go to Town Hall with her 00:26:53 Oh you got it now? How can you go that way? Tell me the way (Kronii is at the Town Hall already) 00:27:53 Kro: That is not the Town Hall that is a ruin (wrong place previously) *[ At TOWN HALL ]* 00:28:17 Kae: OH! This one is the Town Kronii it's super close | Kro: Really? I did that for nothing? 00:30:37 Checking Upgrade tools 00:31:42 OPEN THE DOOR! SIR! (wanna meet The Mayor) 00:32:06 Kro: Oh he's awake! (Talking with The Mayor) 00:33:03 HERBERT (Mayor's name) 00:33:38 Why this feels like my lore 00:34:13 Choosing Profession Permit 00:34:49 Kaela choose Blacksmith, Kronii choose Fisherman -------------------------------------------------- 00:36:36 Upgrading tools 00:37:04 Sylvia is The Blacksmith of this town 00:37:31 Kae: Sylvia hellooo | Kro: Caterpillar hellooo 00:38:03 Talking with Sylvia 00:38:25 Kae: What city slicker? City slicker is someone who only lives in a city (reading chat) | Kro: what the heck is that? | Kae: Kronii are you EN? 00:38:54 Kae: So I'm a studio slicker, someone who only lives in the studio | Kro: so is it good? 00:41:29 Back to the Farm 00:43:18 Kro: I got jellyfish | Kae: Is jellyfish always jealous? | Kro: That's very funny kaela 00:47:03 Everything is working everything is just so good (kaela building workbench, etc) 00:47:40 What is going on Kronii? You good? (Kronii groans noises) 00:49:19 Kaela goals is build a Blacksmith's Forge 00:50:12 Kro: I tried so hard and got so far and in the end it doesn't even matter (Kronii helps Kaela to remember the right lyrics) 00:51:06 KRONIII THERE'S A GHOST (met and got chased by a ghost) 00:51:39 Wow Kronii i just killed a ghost -------------------------------------------------- 00:51:51 Get into The ancient Farm Temple 00:52:23 Wow i got so many coins from destroying stuff! 00:53:08 Get out from the Ancient Farm Temple 00:53:28 Kae: I need to find the cave but cave doko | Kro: that's the thing, you need to open your eyes Kaela (then they're arguing about sleeping) -------------------------------------------------- 00:55:01 Get in to The Abandoned Farm Cave 00:55:42 Kae: Kronii i will die real soon, i can feel it | Kro: Well comeback before you die 00:56:09 Kae: KRONII THERE'S SPIDEEER | Kro: That's what you get for being in the cave 00:56:45 This is so weird (got out from the cave) 00:58:31 Kro: Do you have like a shared inventory that we can use? | Kae: Not really -------------------------------------------------- 00:59:02 Sylviaaa~ (Talking to Sylvia again) 00:59:44 Kae: What's your quest right now? | Kro: I'm ignoring my quest rn | Kae: Amazing 01:00:04 Kae: Kronii I'm rich! | Kro: How rich are you rn? | Kae: 1200! 01:02:06 Kae: Wow Kronii is such a hardworking | Kro: I mean yeah you're also a hardworking 01:02:38 Laughing at Kronii that cleaning the grass 01:05:34 IM GOING BACK TO THE MINES ! 01:06:15 The mine so good, i will not leave this place 01:06:46 WHATS THAT ? SPIDER ! 01:07:15 NOOOOOOO (chased by spider) 01:07:24 WOOHOO all good (killed the spider) 01:08:21 Ask kronii to do accent guess thingy but actually kronii already did that. Kronii got english 01:09:22 BURMESE, OFC IM BURMESE. I tried so hard and it always get burmese 01:09:57 WHY WHY WHY IM FISHING (accidentally use fishing rod when fight spider) *==== OTHER TIMSTAMPS AT THE REPLY SECTION ======*
*[ KRONII AND HER DIET PROBLEMS ]* 01:13:34 Kronii said she wanted to eat Pho. | Kae: to eat what? FA? DOREMIFASOLASIDO? 01:14:08 Kronii reject her mom's offer to eat pho bcs she is on diet 01:14:30 Kae: That's the thing guys she's on the diet but she got sick too! are you okay now? | Kro: I'm okay, ofc I'm okay 01:15:01 EAT YOUR VEGGIES ! 01:15:43 Kaela hv never really done any diet 01:16:55 Kae: When you're feeling miserable just make it MORE MISERABLE | Kro: Exactly! 01:18:23 1 or 2 days ago, kaela remember saying negative and viewer ask kaela to be more positive. K: How can i be more positive when i have an oshi that always think to KMS every single day | Kro: OW WHA- WHA- 01:18:58 Why it triggered you so much? I didnt say who or anything (then Kronii giving Kaela advice) 01:19:31 Yeah yeah no one will knows who is this blue oshi that always says KMS -------------------------------------------------- 01:20:56 Kae: WE CAN ACTUALLY SLEEP! | Kro: why would you sleep tho | Kae: To end the day! (proceed not sleeping) 01:23:16 Kaela tell Kronii she always sleeping whenever she's out/going somewhere to skip the time (on the plane, car, etc) 01:24:46 Reading chat "Kronii sounds like she has depression". Kae: She's the embodiment of depression | Kro: Hey hey hey! I don't think so hey hey hey 01:25:46 Kr : OMG i can make sushi ? | Kae : Yeaaah 01:26:40 Kro: Mamamia pizzaria omg now i wanna eat Pizza so bad, Kaela do you know that i had 8 slices of Pizza? 01:27:44 Eh really ? it always come only 1 size ? no personal ? medium ? 01:29:23 Kro: What the heck is the Luma | Kae: Luma is the title of the game | Kro: I mean yeah but wth is the luma -------------------------------------------------- 01:32:52 OH REALLY? RICH RICH? (Found out that the point of crafting food so they can sell it, Kronii sell one) 01:33:13 Kae: Luma egg ? | Kro : LUMA LUMA YE ~ | Kae : LUMA LUMA YE ~ 01:33:35 That reminds me of the Despacito all over again 01:34:45 Asking kronii what's the most mysterious place | Kro: Your mind | Kae: Ok maybe Luma is in my mind 01:35:50 I dont care about the map, i just go all around this place 01:36:16 YEAY CONGRATULATIONS (Kronii can counts after 10) 01:37:10 Kae : Kronii do you want to go to temple ? | Kro: No im fisherman | Kae : Fisherman cant go to temple ? | Kro : thats other job | Kae : So you think blacksmith can go to temple ? what blacksmith do ? 01:38:31 Kae: Vegetarian don't look (Kronii said fish don't deserve to live, they meant for consumption) 01:39:41 Talking to stone gur. K: EY DONT BE SO SAD ! NOW I FEEL SO BAD (kaela reject to listen to this island history) 01:41:24 WHAT ARE LUMA ? A QUESTION ? (suddenly stone gur giving question after tell the tales) 01:41:38 Kronii i bet you are listening, SO WHAT ARE LUMA ? 01:42:39 ALL CORRECT ! AW THE STONES ARE HAPPY NOW ! (success answer all question) 01:43:05 Can you give more pop up quiz stone ? and give me good items ? 01:44:14 What is this ? red blue green ? red blue green ~ WOHOOOO (solved rgb crystal puzzle) 01:45:47 Kae: This is supposed to be very chill game | Kro : owh its very chill 01:46:27 EM WHAT ? KRONII ITS EARTHQUAKE ? (earthquake cutscene) 01:47:41 Put offering crystal on stone 01:49:19 Thats new again ? i can get new stuff ? (rgb crystal) 01:49:49 My voice is low ? noo i just leaning back... 01:49:58 Kaela said her voice is low because she's leaning down. Kro: Kaela, it's not a really good posture| Kae: But why? | Kro: Sit up straight! sit up straighttt 01:51:01 It all depends on what game kaela play (low/high voice) 01:51:45 Wow this is so good what's happening with this? Rabbit? wow Kronii is working so hard (seeing Rabbit cage/farm) 01:52:16 Owh i can fish ? CAST FISHING ROD ! 01:52:44 I got a jelly fish ! 01:53:00 Good fishing suggestion from the fisherman, the expert; ouro kronii 01:54:27 Kro: How can i find the Luma egg? | Kae: In the temple! let's goo to the templeee
*[ FINDING LUMA EGG ]* 01:54:44 Enter the temple to find luma egg 01:55:12 WHIP THAT KRONII wohooo (Kronii whipped the bat) 01:56:07 Kaela laugh when kronii got hit by fire and respawn 01:56:33 YAY THANK YOU....*dead (kronii laugh, kaela dead bcs of fire) 01:58:14 Kro: Ow (Kronii died by flying fire) Kaela laughing at her bcs of the animation of die is funny 01:58:54 Kro : careful, *Kaela got hit by fire, Kro : I just said careful 01:59:12 YEAAY WOOHOO (Got Ancient Book) 01:59:43 Owh we got the mysterious egg ! 02:00:28 They're re enter the temple 02:02:04 Leave the temple -------------------------------------------------- 02:03:31 Time to go to town ! 02:03:49 Talking to Mio -------------------------------------------------- 02:03:54 Kronii sneeze TSKR -------------------------------------------------- 02:04:26 Kro : Kaela stop talking to that man, omg...(kaela talk to milo) 02:04:52 Kae: WHY THIS GUY TALKS SO MUCH | Kro: I KNOW! (Proceed to continue talking with milo) 02:05:41 FINALLY YOU FINISH TALKING ! BUT YOU MAKE ME FORGET WHAT I NEED TO DO 02:06:05 IM NOT SINCHAN! (her VA sounds like shinchan) 02:06:20 Mayor how are you doing ? (talk to herbert) 02:06:51 WHAT? OW (profession permit) 02:07:19 Kronii is it better to take treasure hunter or jewelrycrafter? 02:07:39 Take jewerlycrafter permit -------------------------------------------------- 02:07:58 Treasure hunter! 10k? HOW CAN I GET 10k! (cant take treasure hunter permit bcs dont have enough money) 02:09:23 Kae : WHY IM DOING ALL OF THIS READING AND NOT KRONII! | Kro : That bcs i dont bother with people 02:11:19 Owh hello there ~ (talk to shopia and use girly voice) 02:12:30 Huuuuh i need to drink.. (from VA shopia) 02:12:44 You know what, one thing that i need to do is to buy the recipes but i need to talking talking? 02:13:37 Can you stop talking AND STOP CRYING, kronii the girl is crying right now... 02:15:06 Ask kronii to bring some fiber and the key to the town maybe Shopia will sell something nice 02:17:02 Owh this is pet paradise maybe you can get a dog 02:19:21 Checking fisherman's shop 02:20:23 So if i talk with the people, they give us a quest? (she just talked to Nelson, and got some quest) 02:21:55 LETS GO (fixing general store) 02:22:32 YAY WOHOOOO (rebuild pet shop). K : Wait we need to fix it too? 02:24:37 Buying luma incubator drawing from drawing shop 02:27:00 Chest is done! (make small chest) 02:30:11 The luma incubator done 02:31:11 Put some spirit and use the luma incubator 02:32:16 Kro: Oh! we're making a creature 02:32:47 Finally the luma is here 02:33:24 What is this thing doing ? its following you isnt it ? (luma following kronii) 02:36:15 It will grow ? grow faster then ! (luma) 02:37:24 KILL IT! Kill it, it will give you drops (Kronii meet with the ghost) 02:39:27 THIS TOWN IS A MESS 02:39:44 Fixing the pet shop 02:40:00 LUMA FOOD ? OWH YOU NEED TO GIVE IT FOOD ! A CAT, A DOG (check pet shop) 02:41:00 Ok back to the mines ! adios ~ 02:45:15 WHATS THAT SOUND, die in this game is not punish 02:47:12 Oh there's no maps in the cave? Very funny 02:48:24 How many legs are spider have kronii ? 8 isnt it ? 02:48:54 Kae: Kronii I'm afraid | Kro: Dont be afraid, everything are all over at the end 02:49:11 Kae : KRONII THEY ARE COMING OVER ME | Kro : its okay dont worry 02:51:09 Kae : I DESERVED BETTER THAN THIS | Kro : Im agree we deserved better than thia 02:52:53 Actually honestly speaking all of those spiders are gonna give me some money 02:53:34 Stop stealing my items, the spider can stealing items 02:54:37 OH SO THE SPIDERS CANNOT KILL ME? (chat said spider got nerfed, only dropped items when kaela got hit by them) 02:55:36 SPIDER IM NOT AFRAID OF YOU,YOU CANT KILL ME RIGHT 02:56:48 Kaela will probably get only jellyfish in the place where they can't see fish 02:57:24 Kae : Wow kronii working hard | Kro: Yeaah *[ OTSUTIMESMITH ]* 02:59:06 Kronii asking kaela to call it a day for today 02:59:49 Kro: Maybe I'll take a nap so that I'm feeling better | Kae: Maybe I'll be playing other games! So I'll feel better! 03:00:09 Kaela really want to continue her balatro 03:00:46 I can open another stream.... 03:01:34 Kro: It's your specialty after all, everyday is a guerilla stream 03:02:09 Kronii Tomorrow will have Musical for Promise HoloEN 7 pm PST/12 PM JST/10 PM EST | Kaela will open another guerilla stream after this, soon. Its not gonna be that long , i need to prepare for sponsorship stream 03:04:12 Kro: Kaela do you wanna hear my bird whistle? 03:04:44 Kro: What do you think? | Kae: Kronii... 03:05:07 Kronii do the bird whistle again and kaela change to ending screen 03:05:35 KRONII: MY STOMACH BRO STOP GRUMBLING I'M SO FREAKING DONE HUEHUEEEE 03:06:45 Still asking kronii if she ending her stream and Kronii still talking and grumpy 03:07:18 Kronii there is always time to go eat,GOOOOO 03:07:48 Kae : PICK YOUR CHOICE NOY YET OR END | Kro : I end
Kaela, keep on eye of Raora. She's gonna play in Minecraft at EN Server. Last time, Justice are having tour guide with Bijou, Calli and Kronii. And you need some help to finished this World Tree. They need you calling for help.
*===== LUMA ISLAND W/ KRONII =====*
03:02:30 Kronii Tomorrow will have Musical for Promise HoloEN 7 pm PST/12 PM JST/10 PM EST | Kaela will open another guerilla stream after this, soon. Its not gonna be that long, bcs she needs to prepare for sponsorship stream
00:38:25 Kae: What city slicker? City slicker is someone who only lives in a city (reading chat) | Kro: what the heck is that? | Kae: Kronii are you EN?
00:38:54 Kae: So I'm a studio slicker, someone who only lives in the studio | Kro: so is it good?
00:43:18 Kro: I got jellyfish | Kae: Is jellyfish always jealous? | Kro: That's very funny kaela
00:50:12 Kro: I tried so hard and got so far and in the end it doesn't even matter (Kronii helps Kaela to remember the right lyrics)
00:53:28 Kae: I need to find the cave but cave doko | Kro: that's the thing, you need to open your eyes Kaela (then they're arguing about sleeping)
01:38:31 Kae: Vegetarian don't look (Kronii said fish don't deserve to live, they meant for consumption)
03:04:12 Kro: Kaela do you wanna hear my bird whistle?
03:04:44 Kro: What do you think? | Kae: Kronii...
03:05:07 Kronii do the bird whistle again and kaela change to ending screen
01:08:21 Ask kronii to do accent guess thingy but actually kronii already did that. Kronii got english
01:09:22 BURMESE, OFC IM BURMESE. I tried so hard and it always get burmese
*==========[ FULL TIMESTAMP ]==========*
00:04:13 Stream start
00:04:30 Kaelachiwa hellooo
00:05:09 Customizing character
00:05:27 Kae: Haiyaaa Kronii close steam VR | Kro: I don't have steam VR thoo
00:06:19 Kae: This is like what? Alien grandma | Kro: Alien grandma? You make like a red grandma or something?
00:07:39 SEXY GRANDMA? Will sexy grandma do? (wearing bikini outfit)
00:08:21 Kae: What's your opinion about bikini grandma? | Kro: i mean, not bikini grandma | WHY?? YOU THINK THAT GRANDMA CAN'T WEAR BIKINI?
00:09:45 NICEE~ Confirm, play tutorial? THERE'S A TUTORIAL?
00:10:10 Okay now what? Welcome to Luma island- (Doing a Tutorial)
00:12:19 Kro: How far are you in? saw mill? | Kae: yeah | Kro: HAHA SLOOOW
00:13:16 Kro: We were gonna play POE2 but the ping issue.. | Kae: this game is so chill, it's good. | Kro: yeah
00:14:27 Kro: you know honestly kaela we probably can wing it | Kae: not really | Kro: I think we could
*==[ GAME START ]==*
00:16:12 Kaela trying to create private party and invite Kronii
00:17:06 Can we remove this? Because Kronii will not like it when she see this maybe (placement things)
00:18:10 OH! There you go hello! wow she's in and go back to work i see | Kro: it's called being efficient
00:18:40 Kro: It's ok I'm doing the work for you. | Kae: AH THANK YOU! TIME TO WALK AROUND
00:19:54 Kaela wondering if they can die, and search for hunger bar
00:20:34 WOOH Quest completed!
00:22:24 I got water whatever spirit ulala ulala I don't know (opened the chest)
00:23:40 copper ore, nice. It's gonna dark soon
00:23:51 Kro: This maps is driving me insane | Kae: Kronii I'm not the best person to read maps | Kro: Well what a surprise, me too.
00:24:47 Kae: FISHING ROD KRONII! (got fishing rod) IT'S TIME TO FISH! | Kro: No not yet
00:26:02 Kronii asking Kaela to go to Town Hall with her
00:26:53 Oh you got it now? How can you go that way? Tell me the way (Kronii is at the Town Hall already)
00:27:53 Kro: That is not the Town Hall that is a ruin (wrong place previously)
*[ At TOWN HALL ]*
00:28:17 Kae: OH! This one is the Town Kronii it's super close | Kro: Really? I did that for nothing?
00:30:37 Checking Upgrade tools
00:31:42 OPEN THE DOOR! SIR! (wanna meet The Mayor)
00:32:06 Kro: Oh he's awake! (Talking with The Mayor)
00:33:03 HERBERT (Mayor's name)
00:33:38 Why this feels like my lore
00:34:13 Choosing Profession Permit
00:34:49 Kaela choose Blacksmith, Kronii choose Fisherman
00:36:36 Upgrading tools
00:37:04 Sylvia is The Blacksmith of this town
00:37:31 Kae: Sylvia hellooo | Kro: Caterpillar hellooo
00:38:03 Talking with Sylvia
00:38:25 Kae: What city slicker? City slicker is someone who only lives in a city (reading chat) | Kro: what the heck is that? | Kae: Kronii are you EN?
00:38:54 Kae: So I'm a studio slicker, someone who only lives in the studio | Kro: so is it good?
00:41:29 Back to the Farm
00:43:18 Kro: I got jellyfish | Kae: Is jellyfish always jealous? | Kro: That's very funny kaela
00:47:03 Everything is working everything is just so good (kaela building workbench, etc)
00:47:40 What is going on Kronii? You good? (Kronii groans noises)
00:49:19 Kaela goals is build a Blacksmith's Forge
00:50:12 Kro: I tried so hard and got so far and in the end it doesn't even matter (Kronii helps Kaela to remember the right lyrics)
00:51:06 KRONIII THERE'S A GHOST (met and got chased by a ghost)
00:51:39 Wow Kronii i just killed a ghost
00:51:51 Get into The ancient Farm Temple
00:52:23 Wow i got so many coins from destroying stuff!
00:53:08 Get out from the Ancient Farm Temple
00:53:28 Kae: I need to find the cave but cave doko | Kro: that's the thing, you need to open your eyes Kaela (then they're arguing about sleeping)
00:55:01 Get in to The Abandoned Farm Cave
00:55:42 Kae: Kronii i will die real soon, i can feel it | Kro: Well comeback before you die
00:56:09 Kae: KRONII THERE'S SPIDEEER | Kro: That's what you get for being in the cave
00:56:45 This is so weird (got out from the cave)
00:58:31 Kro: Do you have like a shared inventory that we can use? | Kae: Not really
00:59:02 Sylviaaa~ (Talking to Sylvia again)
00:59:44 Kae: What's your quest right now? | Kro: I'm ignoring my quest rn | Kae: Amazing
01:00:04 Kae: Kronii I'm rich! | Kro: How rich are you rn? | Kae: 1200!
01:02:06 Kae: Wow Kronii is such a hardworking | Kro: I mean yeah you're also a hardworking
01:02:38 Laughing at Kronii that cleaning the grass
01:06:15 The mine so good, i will not leave this place
01:06:46 WHATS THAT ? SPIDER !
01:07:15 NOOOOOOO (chased by spider)
01:07:24 WOOHOO all good (killed the spider)
01:08:21 Ask kronii to do accent guess thingy but actually kronii already did that. Kronii got english
01:09:22 BURMESE, OFC IM BURMESE. I tried so hard and it always get burmese
01:09:57 WHY WHY WHY IM FISHING (accidentally use fishing rod when fight spider)
01:13:34 Kronii said she wanted to eat Pho. | Kae: to eat what? FA? DOREMIFASOLASIDO?
01:14:08 Kronii reject her mom's offer to eat pho bcs she is on diet
01:14:30 Kae: That's the thing guys she's on the diet but she got sick too! are you okay now? | Kro: I'm okay, ofc I'm okay
01:15:43 Kaela hv never really done any diet
01:16:55 Kae: When you're feeling miserable just make it MORE MISERABLE | Kro: Exactly!
01:18:23 1 or 2 days ago, kaela remember saying negative and viewer ask kaela to be more positive. K: How can i be more positive when i have an oshi that always think to KMS every single day | Kro: OW WHA- WHA-
01:18:58 Why it triggered you so much? I didnt say who or anything (then Kronii giving Kaela advice)
01:19:31 Yeah yeah no one will knows who is this blue oshi that always says KMS
01:20:56 Kae: WE CAN ACTUALLY SLEEP! | Kro: why would you sleep tho | Kae: To end the day! (proceed not sleeping)
01:23:16 Kaela tell Kronii she always sleeping whenever she's out/going somewhere to skip the time (on the plane, car, etc)
01:24:46 Reading chat "Kronii sounds like she has depression". Kae: She's the embodiment of depression | Kro: Hey hey hey! I don't think so hey hey hey
01:25:46 Kr : OMG i can make sushi ? | Kae : Yeaaah
01:26:40 Kro: Mamamia pizzaria omg now i wanna eat Pizza so bad, Kaela do you know that i had 8 slices of Pizza?
01:27:44 Eh really ? it always come only 1 size ? no personal ? medium ?
01:29:23 Kro: What the heck is the Luma | Kae: Luma is the title of the game | Kro: I mean yeah but wth is the luma
01:32:52 OH REALLY? RICH RICH? (Found out that the point of crafting food so they can sell it, Kronii sell one)
01:33:13 Kae: Luma egg ? | Kro : LUMA LUMA YE ~ | Kae : LUMA LUMA YE ~
01:33:35 That reminds me of the Despacito all over again
01:34:45 Asking kronii what's the most mysterious place | Kro: Your mind | Kae: Ok maybe Luma is in my mind
01:35:50 I dont care about the map, i just go all around this place
01:36:16 YEAY CONGRATULATIONS (Kronii can counts after 10)
01:37:10 Kae : Kronii do you want to go to temple ? | Kro: No im fisherman | Kae : Fisherman cant go to temple ? | Kro : thats other job | Kae : So you think blacksmith can go to temple ? what blacksmith do ?
01:38:31 Kae: Vegetarian don't look (Kronii said fish don't deserve to live, they meant for consumption)
01:39:41 Talking to stone gur. K: EY DONT BE SO SAD ! NOW I FEEL SO BAD (kaela reject to listen to this island history)
01:41:24 WHAT ARE LUMA ? A QUESTION ? (suddenly stone gur giving question after tell the tales)
01:41:38 Kronii i bet you are listening, SO WHAT ARE LUMA ?
01:42:39 ALL CORRECT ! AW THE STONES ARE HAPPY NOW ! (success answer all question)
01:43:05 Can you give more pop up quiz stone ? and give me good items ?
01:44:14 What is this ? red blue green ? red blue green ~ WOHOOOO (solved rgb crystal puzzle)
01:45:47 Kae: This is supposed to be very chill game | Kro : owh its very chill
01:46:27 EM WHAT ? KRONII ITS EARTHQUAKE ? (earthquake cutscene)
01:47:41 Put offering crystal on stone
01:49:19 Thats new again ? i can get new stuff ? (rgb crystal)
01:49:49 My voice is low ? noo i just leaning back...
01:49:58 Kaela said her voice is low because she's leaning down. Kro: Kaela, it's not a really good posture| Kae: But why? | Kro: Sit up straight! sit up straighttt
01:51:01 It all depends on what game kaela play (low/high voice)
01:51:45 Wow this is so good what's happening with this? Rabbit? wow Kronii is working so hard (seeing Rabbit cage/farm)
01:52:16 Owh i can fish ? CAST FISHING ROD !
01:52:44 I got a jelly fish !
01:53:00 Good fishing suggestion from the fisherman, the expert; ouro kronii
01:54:27 Kro: How can i find the Luma egg? | Kae: In the temple! let's goo to the templeee
01:54:44 Enter the temple to find luma egg
01:55:12 WHIP THAT KRONII wohooo (Kronii whipped the bat)
01:56:07 Kaela laugh when kronii got hit by fire and respawn
01:56:33 YAY THANK YOU....*dead (kronii laugh, kaela dead bcs of fire)
01:58:14 Kro: Ow (Kronii died by flying fire) Kaela laughing at her bcs of the animation of die is funny
01:58:54 Kro : careful, *Kaela got hit by fire, Kro : I just said careful
01:59:12 YEAAY WOOHOO (Got Ancient Book)
01:59:43 Owh we got the mysterious egg !
02:00:28 They're re enter the temple
02:02:04 Leave the temple
02:03:31 Time to go to town !
02:03:49 Talking to Mio
02:03:54 Kronii sneeze TSKR
02:04:26 Kro : Kaela stop talking to that man, omg...(kaela talk to milo)
02:04:52 Kae: WHY THIS GUY TALKS SO MUCH | Kro: I KNOW! (Proceed to continue talking with milo)
02:06:05 IM NOT SINCHAN! (her VA sounds like shinchan)
02:06:20 Mayor how are you doing ? (talk to herbert)
02:06:51 WHAT? OW (profession permit)
02:07:19 Kronii is it better to take treasure hunter or jewelrycrafter?
02:07:39 Take jewerlycrafter permit
02:07:58 Treasure hunter! 10k? HOW CAN I GET 10k! (cant take treasure hunter permit bcs dont have enough money)
02:09:23 Kae : WHY IM DOING ALL OF THIS READING AND NOT KRONII! | Kro : That bcs i dont bother with people
02:11:19 Owh hello there ~ (talk to shopia and use girly voice)
02:12:30 Huuuuh i need to drink.. (from VA shopia)
02:12:44 You know what, one thing that i need to do is to buy the recipes but i need to talking talking?
02:13:37 Can you stop talking AND STOP CRYING, kronii the girl is crying right now...
02:15:06 Ask kronii to bring some fiber and the key to the town maybe Shopia will sell something nice
02:17:02 Owh this is pet paradise maybe you can get a dog
02:19:21 Checking fisherman's shop
02:20:23 So if i talk with the people, they give us a quest? (she just talked to Nelson, and got some quest)
02:21:55 LETS GO (fixing general store)
02:22:32 YAY WOHOOOO (rebuild pet shop). K : Wait we need to fix it too?
02:24:37 Buying luma incubator drawing from drawing shop
02:27:00 Chest is done! (make small chest)
02:30:11 The luma incubator done
02:31:11 Put some spirit and use the luma incubator
02:32:16 Kro: Oh! we're making a creature
02:32:47 Finally the luma is here
02:33:24 What is this thing doing ? its following you isnt it ? (luma following kronii)
02:36:15 It will grow ? grow faster then ! (luma)
02:37:24 KILL IT! Kill it, it will give you drops (Kronii meet with the ghost)
02:39:44 Fixing the pet shop
02:40:00 LUMA FOOD ? OWH YOU NEED TO GIVE IT FOOD ! A CAT, A DOG (check pet shop)
02:41:00 Ok back to the mines ! adios ~
02:45:15 WHATS THAT SOUND, die in this game is not punish
02:47:12 Oh there's no maps in the cave? Very funny
02:48:24 How many legs are spider have kronii ? 8 isnt it ?
02:48:54 Kae: Kronii I'm afraid | Kro: Dont be afraid, everything are all over at the end
02:49:11 Kae : KRONII THEY ARE COMING OVER ME | Kro : its okay dont worry
02:51:09 Kae : I DESERVED BETTER THAN THIS | Kro : Im agree we deserved better than thia
02:52:53 Actually honestly speaking all of those spiders are gonna give me some money
02:53:34 Stop stealing my items, the spider can stealing items
02:54:37 OH SO THE SPIDERS CANNOT KILL ME? (chat said spider got nerfed, only dropped items when kaela got hit by them)
02:56:48 Kaela will probably get only jellyfish in the place where they can't see fish
02:57:24 Kae : Wow kronii working hard | Kro: Yeaah
02:59:06 Kronii asking kaela to call it a day for today
02:59:49 Kro: Maybe I'll take a nap so that I'm feeling better | Kae: Maybe I'll be playing other games! So I'll feel better!
03:00:09 Kaela really want to continue her balatro
03:00:46 I can open another stream....
03:01:34 Kro: It's your specialty after all, everyday is a guerilla stream
03:02:09 Kronii Tomorrow will have Musical for Promise HoloEN 7 pm PST/12 PM JST/10 PM EST | Kaela will open another guerilla stream after this, soon. Its not gonna be that long , i need to prepare for sponsorship stream
03:04:12 Kro: Kaela do you wanna hear my bird whistle?
03:04:44 Kro: What do you think? | Kae: Kronii...
03:05:07 Kronii do the bird whistle again and kaela change to ending screen
03:06:45 Still asking kronii if she ending her stream and Kronii still talking and grumpy
03:07:18 Kronii there is always time to go eat,GOOOOO
03:07:48 Kae : PICK YOUR CHOICE NOY YET OR END | Kro : I end
Tags Credits: Naga, Satria, and Vous.
thankyou and appreciate 👍
Vod gang here🙇
OtsuTimeSmith thanks for the collabthe ending was perfect, I love how close they are, it was so funny
Otsu TimeSmith thank you for the collab this gams is so cool
Otsu Timesmith! This game was pretty fun, I hope you gets get to continue it.
Otsu Timesmith! Thank you for the collab, VA Kaela
Otsutimesmith., thanks for the stream
thank you for the collab stream, Kaela♡!!
it was fun
Otsu TimeSmith~💙💛
Thank you for the super fun collab stream!✨
Looking forward to seeing you again~❣
Otsuu~ see you on the next stream ig
Otsu Timesmith 💛💙
otsu timesmith!
have you ever tried pho Kaela?
Otsu timeSmith
Thank you for the Collab stream kaelaa and Kronini
indahnya game ini❤
Otsu Timesmith 💙💛 Thanks for the stream
Thanks for the collab ela. Collab kali ini sangat seru haha..
40:10 its turn base minecraft all over again lemao😂😂😂😂
Kaela, keep on eye of Raora. She's gonna play in Minecraft at EN Server.
Last time, Justice are having tour guide with Bijou, Calli and Kronii.
And you need some help to finished this World Tree. They need you calling for help.
such a lovely couple 🥰💙💛
Is Kronii Husband x3 or more like SIster or great Friend : 3 ? thank you help me fall asleep with your calm voices Kaela and Kronii x3
so it's really a short stream huh