Waves of Change

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 พ.ค. 2024
  • I’m beyond thrilled to finally share my documentary with you all! I’ve titled it, “Waves of Change: The Quest for Cleaner Beaches”; all photos and videos featured were captured by me. I chose to make this film because I believe litter throughout the oceans and along our beaches is a serious problem. I frequent Long Island (N.Y.) beaches all throughout the year and constantly see the damage our plastic waste has done to the environment. It's heartbreaking when you attempt to take a nice picture of the sun setting, then observe a plethora of trash along the shore. I hope viewers who watch my documentary will be inspired to pick up at least one piece of trash whenever they visit the beach. For viewers who may unintentionally litter, I hope they will realize what an issue this is and be a bit more conscientious of where they are putting their garbage. I chose to make my film in this manner because I feel it’s the most effective and powerful way to get the message out. Although the matter of plastic pollution is a very sad and serious situation, I still tried to show the beauty you’ll encounter when doing a beach cleanup. The various music I’ve included helps to set the moods and my narration brings the full story together. The biggest challenge I had was trying to take good quality videos of the shore birds. The ospreys’ nests are so high up, I had to be patient and wait for one to fly out. The piping plovers of course are so tiny and blend in so well with the sand, it’s ‘beep’ like chirp helped me to find one. I had a great time putting this documentary together and I’m very proud of all the work I’ve put into it. Please enjoy and help keep our beaches clean!

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