+ChalkyHypeZz "The schedule assumes matches will last around seven minutes on average. Nine minutes into a match, a one minute warning will be given. Whoever is ahead at the ten minute point will be declared the winner. "
+JackMilnesMedia "The schedule assumes matches will last around seven minutes on average. Nine minutes into a match, a one minute warning will be given. Whoever is ahead at the ten minute point will be declared the winner. "
Who won
I think Tyler!! :D
Drew Bezanson had to go up against Logan Martin.
So I think Drew won.
GamingByRyan But Drew got more letters, so I can't understand it! :D And actually it doesn't matter who won because they both rock at this!!! :D
+ChalkyHypeZz "The schedule assumes matches will last around seven minutes on average. Nine minutes into a match, a one minute warning will be given. Whoever is ahead at the ten minute point will be declared the winner. "
It was awsome
The video was ended
Nobody won?
Tyler got third place from that contest, then I guess tyler won! :D
+JackMilnesMedia "The schedule assumes matches will last around seven minutes on average. Nine minutes into a match, a one minute warning will be given. Whoever is ahead at the ten minute point will be declared the winner. "
ahhh okay
maybe tyler should go to joyride IDK ??