你好呀,請問family information果張form個instruction要我地填all name in ENGLISH and your native language,係咪即係要寫埋中文名,個我用個pdf software顯示唔到中文,填中文會變左方格👉🏻口,did you have the same problem and how did you solve it? Thanks in advance
Hello, may I ask if we should tick yes or no in the national identity document part in form 1295? We have HKID but no expiry date in it. Is it ok we tick yes and leave the expiry date empty? Many thanks.
Thanks for your sharing. BTW, you can consider to study an online UK degree and to finish this by 12 months, so you can still apply the Stream B for PR. Our classmates and me do this to apply the OWP in HK, and this is WES recognized. I also got one classmate in CA now doing this. Bless you.
Hi wilson & neuru, would you like to provide us more details on which online uk degree program we could apply for? Look forward to your reply, thank you
would like to know for BNO what code to input for the question field : "Select the code that matches the one on your passport? e.g. some youtubers say it should be 'GBN', but the code showing in my new BNO is "GBR" ! And, the dropdown options for 'GBR' is 'GBR (UK -British Citizen)", whereas for 'GBN' is (GBN - UK - British. Ntl. Overseas), I am confused!
My earnest gratitude for your kind sharing! May I ask if there is any difference between the two correspondence letters you received? And is that correspondence letter equal to the OWP introduction letter? Thank you very much for your time looking into my concerns!
我都係2017畢業生,冇錢去讀書,所以都想申請OWP,但自己本身係小學老師,冇其他技能,好驚過到去搵唔到工,係呢個心理關口爭扎緊🥺 覺得你好叻好勇敢踏出呢一步✨
加油呀 如我影片所講 可以申請左再慢慢諗🤣 佢都要一段時間去批~ 考慮嘅時候一定要做足功課 亦要做定心理準備 做唔番自己嗰行 可以接受自己做啲咩其他嘅工 最重要係諗清楚自己過嚟嘅目標係啲咩先☺️ 諗通咗就未必會再咁爭扎了~
路係人行出黎既 係睇你有無決心去踏出第一步姐
@@holkn 恭喜你
大胆露脸 没事的!粉丝马上会变成10万!
Welcome to Canada, I am sure that you will love this beautiful country as much as I do. Cheers!
Hope you settled in Toronto nicely!
Finding a job should not be too hard. Good Luck!
到咗加拿大未呀?有咩可以幫手?Leave your email here, leave or if here, will message you. 加油
Sorry typo, leave your IG here
@@hkostree ??
@@hkostree 唔係好明你嘅回覆??
@@hkostree got it
Welcome to Canada, 香港人加油!
好有毅力。keep going.
Thank you very much! informative and useful link provided!~
都係17年畢業 被遺忘既一班人
@@ohsilliw Congrats!!
thank you very much, very clear and useful sharing
Thanks for your sharing!
To all of you here, welcome to Canada
Best wishes for you
Now it only took around 1month for the whole procedure; I submitted the application at Jun.19 and got the final approval decision on Jul.22.
I hope it goes well .
I went there for 20 years and received a bachelor of education. Received a part job at the most .
Halo! 好詳細呀你條片! 我想問吓簽證嘅相同香港護照嘅相係咪唔同格式 所以要分開影唔可以用同一張 thanks!!❤
係呀 唔同的
請問我有Bechlor學歷證明同Higher Diploma學歷證明,咁我係咪唔需要去WES學歷認證?直接上載所有證書同埋中學文憑成績表就可以?
Thank you!
上載最高學歷就得 即你的bachelor certificate + transcript
@@neuru_ 唔需要做上WES做學歷認證嗎?
@@kikichen-r8k bachelor degree 申請OWP不用學歷認證的
我最近做咗medical exam 升到$2300了 我都係2017年grad 見步行步啦 加油
@@neuru_ 我都系17年grad。果陣6月畢業。想請問如果今年過左6月先申請系咪就等於過左5年期唔可以申請?
@@c10126 係呀!快啲把握時間申請
@@neuru_ 咁請問系唔系畢業證書上既日期前交左申請表,之後等結果or入境時間過左期都無問題?因為加拿大系我second choice,最近唔記得renew本passport就申請左其他visa。無奈要等結果出來先可以知道申唔申請,d時間真系搞到好緊😢
@@c10126 係呀 按apply日期為準 (係加拿大時間呀記得🙈)
因為加拿大放很少資源去upgrade 這個政府網站,而且這個網站同時又承載住local本地人同時登入使用,所以唔係死機就係hang 機了
🙈🙈thanks! 原來係咁 不過好彩冇遇到過啲咩大問題 ~
多謝教學,收到biometric letter約咗下星期去打指模同影相。請問張相係佢地幫我影定係自己provide?
@@neuru_ 唔該晒!叫去打指模,係咪好大機會批呢?🤔
個網站好似唔俾upload 多個一個File. Passport pages 唔知點upload
咬字真係好清晰 聽得好舒服😂而家啲人都好多懶音
可唔可以搵次拍片解釋點樣行EE條path 我同你個case一樣 2018年grad 趕唔切stream b儲時數🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️🙇🏻♂️
你好呀🙏🏻 可唔可以問一下知唔知upfront medical exam有冇話做完幾耐之前要submit application🙏🏻 個medical exam有效期係一年valid入境,咁submit OWP個application有冇限制話做完upfront exam幾耐之前要遞交🙏🏻
brave girl
Thank you 🥺
wanna says a brave intelligence lady leave for Canada.. all the best wishes to you.. stay warm ❤️God bless
thank you😳
Welcome to Canada
Did you apply through OWP to Toronto Ontario Canada?
Hello Neuru, thanks for your sharing. Might I know any deadline on arriving Canada if the OPW has been approved?
你好呀,請問family information果張form個instruction要我地填all name in ENGLISH and your native language,係咪即係要寫埋中文名,個我用個pdf software顯示唔到中文,填中文會變左方格👉🏻口,did you have the same problem and how did you solve it? Thanks in advance
我在香港親身到警察總部提交CNCC申請表及打指紋後, 警察總部只給我付費收據. 當我upload已申請CNCC的證據給IRCC時, 發覺必須輸入文件的issue date及expiry date, 但這兩項資料在收據並沒有, 我應該怎樣處理?
16 年grad 👋
想問如何知道需要做學歷認證和是否submit application 前完成認證?
That's a GC key problem, use the 2nd option "partner with your bank account", it should be ok
CV有冇reference 呀?🙏🏻🙏🏻
唔需要太在意格式的 最緊要列清楚啲工作經驗 公司名等等
Hello, may I ask if we should tick yes or no in the national identity document part in form 1295? We have HKID but no expiry date in it. Is it ok we tick yes and leave the expiry date empty? Many thanks.
但我有個問題想問下:我係2022/3 master畢業,但係咪都 要有語言能力測試合格證明ga?因為我無考。
Email會通知你有個新訊息/狀態有更新 跟住要自己上返去睇
如果冇打疫苗係咪唔可以用open work permit入境
Thanks for your sharing. BTW, you can consider to study an online UK degree and to finish this by 12 months, so you can still apply the Stream B for PR. Our classmates and me do this to apply the OWP in HK, and this is WES recognized. I also got one classmate in CA now doing this. Bless you.
That sounds good😯😯 Thanks for the information. I’ll definitely take a look into this!! Good luck to you too~
hello Willson and neuru, could you share which online UK degree program?
Hi wilson & neuru, would you like to provide us more details on which online uk degree program we could apply for? Look forward to your reply, thank you
No need na
想問下transcript 係咪要學校send過去?
@@neuru_ 係for ECA?但係如果唔駛ECA,係咪問學校拎official transcript 跟住影相upload 上application?
@@Nobody-rm4gd yes 就咁自己影相就得
would like to know for BNO what code to input for the question field : "Select the code that matches the one on your passport? e.g. some youtubers say it should be 'GBN', but the code showing in my new BNO is "GBR" ! And, the dropdown options for 'GBR' is 'GBR (UK -British Citizen)", whereas for 'GBN' is (GBN - UK - British. Ntl. Overseas), I am confused!
我喺第一次申請時用咗BNO 但citizenship果行填錯咗HKSAR, end up係俾人拒簽咗要從新做過。問過好多人都建議用特區護照整, 始終呢個scheme都係想幫香港人, 而BNO嘅認受性喺加拿大未必高, 拎黎搵工都好麻煩, 所以後黎我都無再用BNO整
多謝分享資訊。想請教:三年係由邊日開始計?由收到approval letter計,定係你到埗加拿大嗰日先計?如果係前者,咁一收到就要即飛喎(如果想用盡嗰三年)
正式個張work permit係由入境嗰日開始計3年
@@neuru_ 多謝秒回 !❤咁收到Approval letter後要幾耐限期去land?因為我嚟緊九月會讀多個master,就算中間批咗都唔去得住, 要2023 summer交咗diss先去得
@@sillyfillet 都係3年啊 但要留意返medical exam 一年就會過期 遲過一年入境就要重新做過
@@neuru_ Thanks a lot! ❤
My earnest gratitude for your kind sharing! May I ask if there is any difference between the two correspondence letters you received? And is that correspondence letter equal to the OWP introduction letter? Thank you very much for your time looking into my concerns!
可唔可以share你喺條片提及過嘅TG group links on OWP and stream B?
Added in description :)
謝謝你的詳細解釋! 好實用!👏
請問點解family information form 唔簽名但都唔打得名而直接留空既?
咁Application for work permit outside canada Form 個簽名欄點處理? thanks 🙇♀
我都係問d成功申請既人先知道e form可以唔洗簽名 同埋其實submit application之前佢都會有個位俾你打返自己個名當e-signature (for所有你提供的docs & info) -> 10:36 ; Application Form 我當時有就咁打個名上去 但後來發現好似都係唔使的lol
@@neuru_ I see. Thanks for replying ☺️
同埋想請教optional 果2份文件係咪唔洗理?🙏🏻
@@kobilovechocolate 係呀 唔使理
我想問一下個stream B申請OWP deadline 係2023.2月份,係呢個時間之前提交申請就可以,定係要呢個時間之前伶到OWP先OK
Hi 多謝分享!!
想問下medical test係咪有指定嘅診所?
係邊可以搵到?我都想做左medical test 先去apply
多謝你詳盡解釋,好有用!請問開咗application account 後,有冇時限要幾時press to submit ? 因為仲等緊transcript/ certificate .Thx 🙏
好似60日 我都唔太記得 你試下login入去睇吓有冇寫吖
@@neuru_ 知道!唔該晒♥️
感謝你既教學呀!我有個小問題想問就係form 1295e佢有一度問Have you ever used any other name呢一題要點樣填?謝謝
佢講嘅係legal name 如果你冇改過名 一般都係no~
@@neuru_ 明白曬,唔該你,希望大家都展開新生活🙏🏻
可以日後請你分享身邊有 "非救生艇計劃的經驗" 嗎
像是有" 國外職業經驗" 然後透過EE的方式申請經驗嗎
>> 來自台灣的觀眾
好的 如果有認識這樣的朋友 再拍一個影片分享一下🤣
@@neuru_ 感謝心美人美的YT 主
您好,十分感謝您的視頻,另外想請教一下,請問拿了3年OWP stream B 一年工作經驗,中間可以有中斷嗎,比如說爲僱主A工作6個月,然後中斷一個月找工作,然後爲僱主B工作6個月,這樣也符合PR申請條件的是嗎?十分感謝!
本身2016年畢業,已批OWP1年,正因為B stream 五年內畢業要求可能重新.用返BNO visas...之前聽過有人正遊說移民局,請問有冇最新嘅消息?
即使無收到要求,TNCC 可以以防萬一,提早申請嗎?
你指CNCC?只能book期先 冇得upfront做 一定要收到佢指示先有得做
@@neuru_ yesyes, ok 甘我keep住改期,thank you~~
Hello, 想問問,姐係我有bachelor's degree就唔洗WES?
@느루neuru oic 好多人都係呢個數 你揾到工未?
@@MathiaLiu 仲未呀 嚟到之後玩咗陣 啱啱先開始搵工咋🤣🤣
@@neuru_ 祝你成功!
@@neuru_ 我錢都唔多,想問10萬左右可以順利租到屋?
Hello did u pay WES for the EAC ?
請問比錢個acc同GCkay acc 一樣,唔明點解入極都入唔到比錢個戶口,試過忘記密碼時入電郵話冇我資料,跪地求救
你好, 由於黎緊OWP 明年2月deadline,我想了解一下當批左OWP 之後,加拿大移民局比到幾耐時間之內限定要離港(letter of introduction with a deadline to enter Canada)呀?
Hello 一般嚟講係3年內入境 但要留意返個medical exam有效期只有一年 (由佢pass嗰日起計 會早過owp批出時間少少) 如果喺嗰一年內冇入境就要重新做過medical exam ~
@@neuru_ 哦, 你好,晤該晒你呀, 想了解, 即係submit stream b 時是否需要連medical exam? 如果我係明年2月deadline 前申請(因為我11月才拿到cert), 我如果想2024年summer 走前都要做多次medical exam嗎?
@@waiwailk0605 申請PR時都要做medical exam呀 第二個問題就真係視乎你申請OWP 時個medical exam 係幾時pass
@@neuru_ 哦明白呀 好多謝你條片加上你既快速回覆 我睇好多片都無提呢點 同埋我覺得某些youtube片由於係移民顧問掛釣所以只是不斷提stream a (因為有升學利益)所以希望你多些分享stream b流程
@@neuru_ 想了解 係我提交申請後再拿申請信去辦medical exam嗎?當中有提到重做我是否去番那一間醫務所再做體檢即可?
你好 岩岩收到 biometrics letter 請問你之前去邊到做架?thanks
Visa centre at Electric rd, North Point
May I know how do u just pay $155+85 without paying the 100? They forced me to pay all total of CAD$340 in one go online
Pls see 07:44
Hello 느루, thank you for the videoHow long does CNCC take to issue record and does IRCC homepage updates you, once CNCC is uploaded by HK police?
想請問approve左application 後要限幾耐前要過去? 我未決定幾時去,但知道要係02/2023 前申請。
我想請教下, 有無人係中醫類 DEGREE 畢業 (或獸醫/牙醫類) , ECA 結果出黎係 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES ? 請問有沒有辦法成功申請到 OPEN WORK PERMIT ?? 唔該各位, 指點下小弟迷津。 TKS MUCH。
來左溫哥華兩年,my OWP application still in process, chi sin, my case is spousal sponsorship
Oh did you web form ask ask IRCC?
@@neuru_ yes, tons of requests raised
hello~想問下攞到open work permit之後有無話要幾日內到加拿大㗎🙈 有無得攞到permit再留香港一陣先?唔該你吖
三年內 但medical exam 一年過期 同埋要留意番自己嘅stream b期限
@@neuru_ 好~唔該你❤
Thanks for the sharing ! 💕想問下WES proof 係有bachelor degree就唔使做?定要喺加拿大grad先得?🥺我係英國大學grad 係咪唔需要WES proof 淨係sd transcript ?
想問下如果我係拎左舊passport 去做upfront,咁到我真係申請owp果時係咪都用番舊passport number去做apply好定用新passport! 衰心急無等埋新passport先去做upfront
加油阿 有三年搵工 應該都分申請pr
Thank you! 會努力🙏🏻
唔該想問下點解17年畢業唔可以行stream b?我19年畢業行唔行到?
你好,想請問關於填1295 form嘅employment問題。請問唔夠位寫嘅話,加紙填完應該點樣做?會係照原本份pdf填完出埋bar code再merge張加紙入去?定係merge左張加紙先再㩒validate出bar code呢?🥺🥺🥺
想請教一下因為我係2018年7月畢業,所以而家申請過到去儲夠左時數之後都行唔到stream b😵💫如果我只係申請OWP去搵工再行EE申請移民,係唔係即係變相我申請咗之後都唔使咁趕住要去加拿大?
5707E 三個位都可以唔簽?
有關學歷認證嗰度,請問hk 本地大學issue 既part time degree 要唔要做eca? 勞煩妳
3年 但medical exam 一年就到期
@@neuru_ 同即係拎左之後3年內過去,land左再計3年owp??
You can try to send IRCC the receipt through web form ah
@@neuru_ thanks!