Ermor is finding out what negative diplomatic relations with your neighbours when you're no1 on provinces can do. Couldn't have won this war if they even tried. As soon as I saw them mess around with slowly eating up yomi I knew they were in trouble. A few NAPs might have helped them out. C'tiss would have been a useful ally, maybe even vanheim could have been persuaded or at least paid off. They had the income to do it. And Yomi spreading rumours about them they could have countered or at least denied or something. Literally anything is better than being silent when you're facing a potential coalition of this size we see now. Their knee jerk reaction to counter raid their opponents is entirely futile and they all know it.
I put that global message in response to Fomoria's last turn. I have on multiple occasions messaged the person I was strategizing against, turns out it is because I'm thinking about that player when I go to send a message and wind up clicking on their name. Poor Xibalba, air shield items would have helped a lot
It's impressive how these wars keep raging and still no one has been taken out. Good on all the players for sticking it out and not just rolling over.
"Hannibal cannot move through the mountain"
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
threat level finally reached the scripting point for Ermor.
Ermor is finding out what negative diplomatic relations with your neighbours when you're no1 on provinces can do.
Couldn't have won this war if they even tried. As soon as I saw them mess around with slowly eating up yomi I knew they were in trouble. A few NAPs might have helped them out.
C'tiss would have been a useful ally, maybe even vanheim could have been persuaded or at least paid off. They had the income to do it.
And Yomi spreading rumours about them they could have countered or at least denied or something.
Literally anything is better than being silent when you're facing a potential coalition of this size we see now. Their knee jerk reaction to counter raid their opponents is entirely futile and they all know it.
I put that global message in response to Fomoria's last turn. I have on multiple occasions messaged the person I was strategizing against, turns out it is because I'm thinking about that player when I go to send a message and wind up clicking on their name. Poor Xibalba, air shield items would have helped a lot
they should really give hannibal and his elephants mountainsurvival :D
To be fair, all but one of Hannibals elephants died crossing the alps.
@@theprideofafrica1186 So give just the commander's elephant mountain survival! And name it Surus after Hannibal's elephant
14:40 I see what you did there
If ermor can hold off everyone I will be majorly impressed.
A little late for Coffee, but I think ill have to make some to have while watching. It just wouldn't feel right without it.