Birkat Kohanim, Passover 2018

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 40

  • @VrindavanUpasi
    @VrindavanUpasi 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I am muslim but also respect to the Jews and hashem our God is create the universe

    • @aambibambi983
      @aambibambi983 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @sarka74
      @sarka74 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      you are muslim with a name like ritesh chaturvedi? that a hindu name

  • @cynthiarosas8214
    @cynthiarosas8214 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ❤please put these names on the wall Juanita Bernie jr roy Cynthia ruby Pedro Jacob joshua Natalie little Jacob Dominick Andrew Emilio amor Emma elianna skye jay

  • @71144400
    @71144400 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Avinu malkeinu sh'ma kolenu
    Avinu malkeinu chatanu l'faneycha
    Avinu malkeinu chamol aleynu
    Ve'al olaleynu vetapeinu
    Avinu malkeinu
    Kaleh dever
    vecherev vera'av mealeynu
    Avinu malkeinu
    kaleh chol tsar
    Umastin mealeynu

  • @rochalainalain1103
    @rochalainalain1103 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    vu le nombre croissant chaque année Cela annonce l arrivé imminente de Mashia’h
    La loi de Moïse contre les lois de finances 👍❤️🕯🙏🏼
    shalom torah shabbat
    paix félicité fraternité partagées

  • @marcismiles
    @marcismiles 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey did you know about these verses?
    Numbers 5:17 ylt
    and the priest hath taken holy water in an earthen vessel, and of the dust which is on the floor of the tabernacle doth the priest take, and hath put it into the water,
    (Holy water God. Holy dust holy man. In an earthen vessel)
    Numbers 5:28 Youngs Literal Translation.
    And if the woman hath not been defiled, and is clean, then she hath been acquitted, and hath been sown with seed.
    The rabbinical interpretation of Numbers 5:28 is that when a woman accused of adultery who was innocent drinks the bitter water, even if she was previously unable to conceive, she will now conceive and give birth to a male.
    Isaiah 7:14 New International Version (NIV)
    14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
    Isaiah 7:14 Immanuel means God with us!
    Who is God? Hes the invisible power that lived in Jesus Christ who is the image of God. He lowered himself as a human to die for our sins.
    Leviticus 17:11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar, to make atonement for your souls; for it 'is' the blood which maketh atonement for the soul.
    Did you know Jesus the body and blood of God died for our sins at passover?
    From lords prayer. Thine is the reign(kingdom), the power and the Glory . From Matthew 6:13.
    1 Timothy 1:17 niv
    New International Version
    Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
    Collosians 1:15 NIV
    The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
    1 Timothy 3:16 New International Version (NIV)
    16 Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great:
    He appeared in the flesh,
    was vindicated by the Spirit,[a]
    was seen by angels,
    was preached among the nations,
    was believed on in the world,
    was taken up in glory.
    Daniel 7:13
    I was seeing in the visions of the night, and lo, with the clouds of the heavens as a son of man was one coming, and unto the Ancient of Days he hath come, and before Him they have brought him near

  • @todddavis4586
    @todddavis4586 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Actually a Roman garrison wall, Fort Antonia.

    • @sn00pysfone
      @sn00pysfone 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Actually it was a squash court, you know, if we are making stuff up and all.

    • @todddavis4586
      @todddavis4586 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Esab Squash court not so sure but a Roman garrison wall is a fact, Fort Antonia. This wall had absolutely nothing to do with Herods Temple. In other words there's nothing Holy about it.

    • @RichardGMoss
      @RichardGMoss 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Having bought into the myth you seek fame by spreading the fabrication!

    • @todddavis4586
      @todddavis4586 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      RichardGMoss No ,just telling the truth.

    • @todddavis4586
      @todddavis4586 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Johun Not eating my heart out , just stating the facts. It's a Roman garrison wall of Fort Antonia.
      It has nothing to do with the Temple Complex.

  • @doloresdeaguero1832
    @doloresdeaguero1832 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    These people are worshiping at the wall leading to king herods quarters. This isn't the location of the temple it's actually a Roman fort called Anrinon, hilarious

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm about to explain why the hilarity is actually a product of your hogwash.
      The "renown biblical archaeologists" you rely upon to assert such drivel (Ernst Martin was a meteorologist who knew nothing about academic archeology and the same goes for Robert Cornuke) clearly have not studied Charles Warren, Eilat Mazar, Conrad Schick, Barclay and Willson. Dr. Martin's theory was disproved by the experts already in the early 1990s.
      The Giḥon spring only fed the residents' needs for water. Conversely, multiple cisterns and water sources are found on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount has over 20 cisterns and conduits which were plenty of water for the services. One cistern could hold over 2 million gallons and another around 700,000 gallons. This is verified history. On top of this, Jewish records show that there was an aqueduct that brought water in abundance to the Temple Mt. from the Pools of Solomon at Etan near Bethlehem (not to be confused with the aqueduct that Pilot later built).
      These people really do not know what they are talking about. The building of the Ophel south of the wall was actually the Akra which was built by Antiochus IV and destroyed by Shimon the Macabee. The City of David is not wide enough to place the 740 x 740 feet that made the 500 x 500 cubits of Temple Mt.
      Bad scholarship by these people using Ernest Martin's book which was discredited a while back.
      Ernest Martin is not a credible resource but Dr Benjamin Mazar, Dr. Eilat Mazar, Captain Charles Warren, Conrad Schick, Lee Ritmeyer and others are, and they all agree Mt. Moriah is the Temple Mount. By the way, the Fort of Antonia was around 40 cubits high on a high ground. The 10th legion only came to Jerusalem after the siege of Jerusalem and a cohort is 500-600 soldiers. According to Josephus the Antonia fortress was raised to the ground by the Romans in order to access the Temple Mt during the destruction of the 2nd Temple. This is only one of many points that I can give to why Dr. Martin's theory can not hold water and why Robert Cornuke is fooling thousands of gullible people who do not know any better.
      The headquarters for the Roman soldiers was in Caesarea by the sea. The Antonia was not new, it was a fort that was constructed by Solomon and then rebuilt by Nehemia and called the Baris. Herod later expanded the area by filling in the fosse found on the north of the Temple and it was according to Josephus 60 feet deep and 250 wide as protection for the Temple from the north. Herod filled it up and expanded beyond the 500 cubits starting from the offset stone called the Persian stone from the time of Nehemia's time.
      The experts of the City of David excavations and around the Temple Mt who work daily to reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem have found nothing to date that suggests that the Temple Mt was the Antonia fortress.
      Anyway, Herod expanded to the north, west and south and those are retaining walls which were not part of the biblical measurements.
      By the way, no credible recognized archeologist says the Temple was south of the Temple Mount. For example, all these archaeologists from the 1800's and 1900's who had access to the site said the same thing about the Temple being on the Temple Mt.: DeVougue 1864, Ferguson 1878, Warren 1880, Conder 1884, Schick 1896, Watson 1896, Mommert 1903, Dalman 1909, Hollis 1934, Simons 1952, Vincent 1954, Ritmeyer 1985.
      And Josephus must be studied in unity with the Mishnah, Tosefta and the works of Conrad Schick topographical work of the Temple Mount. Josephus whom Martin and Cornuke both falsely quote, never said the Temple was in the city of David nor did he ever say an entire legion of Roman soldiers and their hangers on was permanently living in Jerusalem. He used the word "Tema" which means a lesser amount. Cornuke also doctors excerpts from the Jewish Bible so that they fit the claims he attempts to hawk. He has even lied that Israeli archaeologist Eli Shoukrun claimed that the Holy Temples stood in the City of David, whereas Shoukrun insists on the traditional site's location.
      The Jewish tradition about the Temple Mount's location boasts anecdotal contiguity since the early AD 70's. Evidently, Josephus was aware of Jews who had begun returning daily to the Mount a mere 2-3 days after the Holy Temple had been sacked. This presence continues among others through early rabbis who ascended to it and was punctuated only for a few years in the Bar-Kokhvah revolt of 132-135 AD until the Byzantine era, when Jews were permitted to go there only one day a year. It is then, intriguingly, in the 4th century, that two gentile authors attest to this Jewish presence and note how the Jews would come up to the giant Foundation Stone and brush it with oil.
      Daily Jewish presence is renewed during the Persian occupation of the early 7th century and shortly afterward with the Arab Muslim occupation of 638, a presence that was pretty uninterrupted until the First Crusade of 1099. To even suggest we Jews are so dumb that we managed to forget our holiest site along the way since the AD70 Destruction is preposterous and offensive; and utterly arrogant when stated by non-Jews. So this tradition is rock solid, and none of the Christians who attempt to defy it can provide convincing answers that bear scrutiny to the question of when the Jews forgot the supposed original site.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's worth adding you're such a bumbling fool that you couldn't even spell the fortress's name (Antonia) correctly.

  • @carlalima9348
    @carlalima9348 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13


  • @indrayanibedis1354
    @indrayanibedis1354 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    koi bhi muslim nahi hai sabhi christian hai to jaldi priyya prabhu yeshu mumma pappa ke paas aa jaye plea🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💋💋💋💋💋💖🌲⛪🎇🔔🔑🗝✝️🕎✡️🇮🇱🌝🌞🌤🌈🌏🤲🤶🎅🧚‍♂🧚‍♀ niche ek bhai ne likha hai ki mai muslim hu par muze prabhu yeshu achhe lagte hai tum choose kiye huye resp.Priyya prabhu yeshu mumma pappa ki vachan ke anusaar santaan ho childrens ho tum sabhi khushi manao resp.dear bhaiyya.

  • @eugenialesiuk1189
    @eugenialesiuk1189 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Love listening to this as it comes from Hashem and Torah.

  • @jmw613
    @jmw613 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow..... Mah Nehdar. Sheyiboneh Bais Hamikdash, venihyeh sham kulanu.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      video clips like this are a reminder of our pathetic situation; `Am Yisra'el should flock to the Mount's own gates and demand to enter it. "The Kotel" should be abandoned. It was not meant to be unique at all.
      The Temple Mount would be in our hands if all of us Jews ascended to it.

  • @EJPost-un6qr
    @EJPost-un6qr 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @久保田暁子-b9d
    @久保田暁子-b9d 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @dodoliveira33
    @dodoliveira33 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    just as when he ascended Mount Sinai he returned with the glory in his face and covered himself with the veil, because the Jews could not see the glory of God, so it was with his Son Jesus Christ, he came to you and their hearts were covered with the veil and did not see the glory of His Messiah, but one day This Veil would open from your hearts and Recognize Yeshua Jesus Christ As His Messiah, He did not want to be God, He wanted to be King over You, and He spread His ministry by All Planet Earth All Countries Have Heard To Speak In The Name Of Jesus Christ, I Love Judaism With All My Heart, Peace On Israel, And Hashem Realize The Requests Of The Jews, Shalom

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Since you believe that all your sins have been “forgiven” because you believe Jesus Christ “the savior” died for and instead of you, you are in real trouble! Not only are you still sin-laden, you have added a new, terrible sin to the old batch! You are guilty of idolatry for worshiping a false “savior” and god. The Word of YHWH plainly states that He (YHWH) alone is Savior; (Isaiah 43:11)- He alone can forgive sin, (Isaiah 43,25)- He alone is the True Deity, (Isaiah 43:10)!!
      Moreover, you cannot “believe away” sin! Magic plays absolutely no role in the system of sin and atonement established by YHWH, the sole Creator of this universe. Atonement by “faith” is not part of YHWH’s setup. The only way a sinner can get his sins forgiven is; by repenting and; by doing and fulfilling what YHWH wants him to do!! YHWH says: “again, when I say to the wicked, you shall surely die; if he turn from his sin (repents) and do that which is lawful and right (“good works”)…… he shall surely live, he shall NOT die!! NONE of his sins which he had committed shall be remembered against him! He has done that which is lawful and right! He shall surely LIVE!” Ezekiel 33:14-16. (Ezekiel was a prophet of YHWH. He wasn’t a Christian preacher!)
      In Moses’ day, the repentant sinner usually (NOT ALWAYS) offered an animal sacrifice to symbolize his “giving” and YHWH’s “accepting”.
      Later prophets elaborated on how sacrificial offerings are worthless without obedience.
      “Behold, to OBEY is BETTER than sacrifice”! Samuel 15:22.
      “Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?” Psalm 50:13.
      “By practicing mercy and truth is sin atoned for!” Proverbs 16:6
      HOW can you come to YHWH? YHWH provides the answer: “Return, Oh Israel, to YHWH your Almighty, for you have stumbled in your iniquity! Take with you WORDS and return to YHWH! (WHAT words?) Say to Him: ‘forgive all iniquity and accept GOODNESS’ (good works). Thus, will we offer, INSTEAD of bullocks (blood) the offerings of our LIPS!” Hoshea 14:2-3.
      According to YHWH's word, NO ONE can die for you! If you don’t believe me, read Exodus 33:31-33; Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:3-4. But YHWH’s demands can be met by you, if only you will know the truth. You can come to YHWH on your own! Read YHWH’s word! “With what offering can I come before YHWH, and bow myself before the Mighty One on high? Should I come to him with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Will YHWH be pleased by thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Should I give my first-born for my transgression (human sacrifice, like the crucifixion!), the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? It has been told you, man, what is good, and what YHWH (not religious doctrine but YHWH!) requires of you: ONLY to DO what is just (YHWH’s COMMANDMENTS) and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Almighty!” Micha 6:6-8.
      Hallelu-Yahh, praise YHWH! His Salvation is open to all! No believing in fairy-stories, no bloody crucifixions! No “divine suicide” on a Roman Cross! Plain and simple is the Way of YHWH! Will you take Him at His Word today?
      Circumcise your heart, loosen your neck and remove the Jesucks scales covering your eyes.

  • @chalklite7
    @chalklite7 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gog and Magog bound, bound behind a wall. This will probably be the last year for this. 5 is God's number of Grace. 2013 saw 5 earthquakes in 5 days. That grace is over nor have they paid their tithes to Jesus Christ.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Since you believe that all your sins have been “forgiven” because you believe Jesus Christ “the savior” died for and instead of you, you are in real trouble! Not only are you still sin-laden, you have added a new, terrible sin to the old batch! You are guilty of idolatry for worshiping a false “savior” and god. The Word of YHWH plainly states that He (YHWH) alone is Savior; (Isaiah 43:11)- He alone can forgive sin, (Isaiah 43,25)- He alone is the True Deity, (Isaiah 43:10)!!
      Moreover, you cannot “believe away” sin! Magic plays absolutely no role in the system of sin and atonement established by YHWH, the sole Creator of this universe. Atonement by “faith” is not part of YHWH’s setup. The only way a sinner can get his sins forgiven is; by repenting and; by doing and fulfilling what YHWH wants him to do!! YHWH says: “again, when I say to the wicked, you shall surely die; if he turn from his sin (repents) and do that which is lawful and right (“good works”)…… he shall surely live, he shall NOT die!! NONE of his sins which he had committed shall be remembered against him! He has done that which is lawful and right! He shall surely LIVE!” Ezekiel 33:14-16. (Ezekiel was a prophet of YHWH. He wasn’t a Christian preacher!)
      In Moses’ day, the repentant sinner usually (NOT ALWAYS) offered an animal sacrifice to symbolize his “giving” and YHWH’s “accepting”.
      Later prophets elaborated on how sacrificial offerings are worthless without obedience.
      “Behold, to OBEY is BETTER than sacrifice”! Samuel 15:22.
      “Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?” Psalm 50:13.
      “By practicing mercy and truth is sin atoned for!” Proverbs 16:6
      HOW can you come to YHWH? YHWH provides the answer: “Return, Oh Israel, to YHWH your Almighty, for you have stumbled in your iniquity! Take with you WORDS and return to YHWH! (WHAT words?) Say to Him: ‘forgive all iniquity and accept GOODNESS’ (good works). Thus, will we offer, INSTEAD of bullocks (blood) the offerings of our LIPS!” Hoshea 14:2-3.
      According to YHWH's word, NO ONE can die for you! If you don’t believe me, read Exodus 33:31-33; Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:3-4. But YHWH’s demands can be met by you, if only you will know the truth. You can come to YHWH on your own! Read YHWH’s word! “With what offering can I come before YHWH, and bow myself before the Mighty One on high? Should I come to him with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Will YHWH be pleased by thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Should I give my first-born for my transgression (human sacrifice, like the crucifixion!), the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? It has been told you, man, what is good, and what YHWH (not religious doctrine but YHWH!) requires of you: ONLY to DO what is just (YHWH’s COMMANDMENTS) and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Almighty!” Micha 6:6-8.
      Hallelu-Yahh, praise YHWH! His Salvation is open to all! No believing in fairy-stories, no bloody crucifixions! No “divine suicide” on a Roman Cross! Plain and simple is the Way of YHWH! Will you take Him at His Word today?
      Circumcise your heart, loosen your neck and remove the Jesucks scales covering your eyes.

  • @karimkadmiry7594
    @karimkadmiry7594 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    notre créateur est notre seigneur et sauveur Jésus christ Dieu tout puissent il vois sa il pleur que cet enfant il lon abondon... dans la Bible Jésus Dieu à dit sur 100 pour 100 des Juive il y'o ra que 10 pour 100 sauvé est les 10 pour 100 se son des Juive chrétien Jésus est vivant Alléluia Dieu Bénisse israel Amen......

  • @scottdavidlucas5330
    @scottdavidlucas5330 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    TIME LINE 2:37......The " I AM ", Ref: EXODUS 3:14; JOHN 14:1-6; Please, Please EL SHADDAI; on this 7th day of PASSOVER WEEK, draw the Sons of Yakov, to Your beloved Son MESSIAH YAHSHUWAH Jesus, for SALVATION of their Soul and Flesh. Ref: JEREMIAH 17:14; and to receive THE HOLY SPIRIT......that they might enter the Kingdom of YAH ( God ). Ref: PSALM 34:18; ISAIAH 1:18-20; JOHN 3:3-7; ACTS 2:38. Amein. HAG SAME'AKH PESAKH / HAPPY PASSOVER.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Scott...... the Non Testament's Babble is totally irrelevant as it is not Scripture but an amalgamation of blasphemous pagan content. Neither are the Christinsane Buy-Bull contortions of the Jewish Bible which you know in the form of the mistranslated "old testament".
      Since you believe that all your sins have been “forgiven” because you believe Jesus Christ “the savior” died for and instead of you, you are in real trouble! Not only are you still sin-laden, you have added a new, terrible sin to the old batch! You are guilty of idolatry for worshiping a false “savior” and god. The Word of YHWH plainly states that He (YHWH) alone is Savior; (Isaiah 43:11)- He alone can forgive sin, (Isaiah 43,25)- He alone is the True Deity, (Isaiah 43:10)!!
      Moreover, you cannot “believe away” sin! Magic plays absolutely no role in the system of sin and atonement established by YHWH, the sole Creator of this universe. Atonement by “faith” is not part of YHWH’s setup. The only way a sinner can get his sins forgiven is; by repenting and; by doing and fulfilling what YHWH wants him to do!! YHWH says: “again, when I say to the wicked, you shall surely die; if he turn from his sin (repents) and do that which is lawful and right (“good works”)…… he shall surely live, he shall NOT die!! NONE of his sins which he had committed shall be remembered against him! He has done that which is lawful and right! He shall surely LIVE!” Ezekiel 33:14-16. (Ezekiel was a prophet of YHWH. He wasn’t a Christian preacher!)
      In Moses’ day, the repentant sinner usually (NOT ALWAYS) offered an animal sacrifice to symbolize his “giving” and YHWH’s “accepting”.
      Later prophets elaborated on how sacrificial offerings are worthless without obedience.
      “Behold, to OBEY is BETTER than sacrifice”! Samuel 15:22. “Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?” Psalm 50:13.
      “By practicing mercy and truth is sin atoned for!” Proverbs 16:6
      Dear friend, HOW can you come to YHWH? YHWH provides the answer: “Return, Oh Israel, to YHWH your Almighty, for you have stumbled in your iniquity! Take with you WORDS and return to YHWH! (WHAT words?) Say to Him: ‘forgive all iniquity and accept GOODNESS’ (good works). Thus, will we offer, INSTEAD of bullocks (blood) the offerings of our LIPS!” Hoshea 14:2-3.
      Dear friend, according to YHWH's word, NO ONE can die for you! If you don’t believe me, read Exodus 33:31-33; Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:3-4. But YHWH’s demands can be met by you, if only you will know the truth. You can come to YHWH on your own! Read YHWH’s word! “With what offering can I come before YHWH, and bow myself before the Mighty One on high? Should I come to him with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Will YHWH be pleased by thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Should I give my first-born for my transgression (human sacrifice, like the crucifixion!), the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? It has been told you, man, what is good, and what YHWH (not religious doctrine but YHWH!) requires of you: ONLY to DO what is just (YHWH’s COMMANDMENTS) and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Almighty!” Micha 6:6-8.
      Hallelu-Yahh, praise YHWH! His Salvation is open to all! No believing in fairy-stories, no bloody crucifixions! No “divine suicide” on a Roman Cross! Plain and simple is the Way of YHWH! Will you take Him at His Word today?
      Circumcise your heart, loosen your neck and remove the Jesucks scales covering your eyes.