X-men series meets the terminator franchise in days of future past where the sentinels robots policeman are hunting down the Mutants around the world and the survivors where X-men X factor New Mutants X-force brotherhood of Mutants and other's Mutants factors groups are fighting back against the sentinels along with mastermold in night of the sentinels and beyond the X-men universe 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
Still on of The best film
X-men series meets the terminator franchise in days of future past where the sentinels robots policeman are hunting down the
Mutants around the world and the survivors where X-men X factor New Mutants X-force brotherhood of Mutants and other's Mutants factors groups are fighting back against the sentinels along with mastermold in night of the sentinels and beyond the X-men universe 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀