Man, y'all need to start putting out videos again! Especially of the venomous room and Dingo giving you guys his full grown adult male king Cobra, then also just showing the enclosures, rare species and morphs you're working with on breeding programs etc! Even the tortoise greenhouse and everything with the snapping turtles, the pond by your brothers house and the monitor lizard! Would love an update on everything and few videos a week again!
Man, y'all need to start putting out videos again! Especially of the venomous room and Dingo giving you guys his full grown adult male king Cobra, then also just showing the enclosures, rare species and morphs you're working with on breeding programs etc! Even the tortoise greenhouse and everything with the snapping turtles, the pond by your brothers house and the monitor lizard! Would love an update on everything and few videos a week again!
Crocodile Kyle long time no hear from! The coolest channel on TH-cam returns?
Love their rabbits
Wait these monsters actually walked up and took the food and went on their way?!?! No way but they’re mindless killing machines 🙄😂