I just think that the hearthstone team deciding that draeni needed to be a minion type and announcing that as anything new is just pure laziness. Next we're going to get goblins, then humans, then orcs etc. minions obviously of these types has been very abundant throughout the entire games history.
Kiljaden and Velen, strange (lore) bedfellows
Wild this new set.
May I request la campanella by Liszt?
Cut an orbital Halo? Card seems ultra lackluster compared to synchronize, but I'm nobody so....
Nice tan lines
I just cant win with this deck, its either silence or yogg that f me
Discovered, obviously.
Cant wait for yogg to rotate man so tired of that
because its not a good deck
Oh dear
You did copy the Velen, with Astral Vigilant
I just think that the hearthstone team deciding that draeni needed to be a minion type and announcing that as anything new is just pure laziness. Next we're going to get goblins, then humans, then orcs etc. minions obviously of these types has been very abundant throughout the entire games history.
agree, totally don't see why draeni need to be a clan type, and also no design good enough to made that reasonable.
... Why is this called Fear the Amalgam again?