Tatra je jedno z nejkrasnejsich aut na svete !! Jsem hrdy na to ,ze ji skonstruovali a vyrabeli v CR.Preji Tatre navrat opet na spicku automobilizmu a nejen ji ,ale i zbytku Ceskeho prumyslu!!
You are looking so nice so beautiful great fantastic video keep up good work thanks for shared stay always connected dear friend. God bless you 🌹🌹🌹🌷🍒🍇❤️❤️🍌🍌🍌🍌❤️❤️🙏🙏
@WwwOldtimerwebBe there was voting for limited redition of historical tatra car. winning model should be made in limited editin again after many years. Sad that nazi germans stopped production tatra 70 because it was competitor to vw beetle after anexe of Czech lands. Tatra 70 went with czech travelers Zikmud and Hanzelka drove through Nubian Desert which made them and the car legendary status among Czech lands people and enemy of the state among comunist officials.
Tatra je jedno z nejkrasnejsich aut na svete !! Jsem hrdy na to ,ze ji skonstruovali a vyrabeli v CR.Preji Tatre navrat opet na spicku automobilizmu a nejen ji ,ale i zbytku Ceskeho prumyslu!!
You are looking so nice so beautiful great fantastic video keep up good work thanks for shared stay always connected dear friend. God bless you 🌹🌹🌹🌷🍒🍇❤️❤️🍌🍌🍌🍌❤️❤️🙏🙏
ta sanitka byla pěkná .) na svou dobu určitě drak na silnici
613 hned do výroby!!!!
Take tatre preju to nejlepsi.. Ale bohuzel realita je jina. Doufejme, ze se do budoucna schopy. Mohla by obnovit vyrobou osobnich atomobilu :)
Pre mna je to vzdicky Tatra 603 !
Ale pane Weigele, to raději beru, že to píšete z trochou nadsázky, ale pro mě osobně se právě TATRA dívá do budoucnosti.
davam hlas 613
Velká škoda že pak přišla ekonomická krize a stačilo už jen tak málo.:-((
škoda, že výsledek tohohle hlasovaní byl poněkud zapomenut
jako maly chlapec sem mel moznost sa vozit s dedeckem v tatraplanu a lepsi auto a svezeni neznam.!
@WwwOldtimerwebBe there was voting for limited redition of historical tatra car. winning model should be made in limited editin again after many years. Sad that nazi germans stopped production tatra 70 because it was competitor to vw beetle after anexe of Czech lands. Tatra 70 went with czech travelers Zikmud and Hanzelka drove through Nubian Desert which made them and the car legendary status among Czech lands people and enemy of the state among comunist officials.