Is God Speaking To You and You Aren't Listening? How God Speaks To Us Everyday

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • Many people do not believe God actually speaks to us today but how in the world when the Word says that God will never leave us or forsake us could we believe He wouldn't speak to us?
    I am not talking about dreams, visions or auditory though nothing is impossible for God.
    I am talking about living in awareness of His presence. Knowing when you have spoken of a desire or are confessing a weakness, suddenly there is an answer or a fulfillment of desire. It's not "manifestation"! Please know that is of the occult. We do not manifest things. We do reap what we sow, however.
    One of the most subtle schemes of the devil is stealing time. John 10:10a The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. We are busy people. But when we have a moment do we stop, read the Word, listen in prayer to God? Or instead, open up or phone and start scrolling....the apple product symbol is quite reflective of the product's impact in our lives. ( don't misunderstand, I do have a Mac and I-phone, but it is interesting the logo choice)
    Today I share how God speaks to me. Also a reminder to "make room" to hear Him. I wonder what I have missed that God was speaking to me because I just wanted to work on something, watch a mindless show, or scroll through my phone or emails.
    Let me know if the comments if you hear from God.
    If you are not subscribed, please press that button it is FREE. Thank you to all who watch. If you comment please feel free to ask genuine questions, I do not have all the answers as I clearly show in the video but if I have one I will give it and direct you to God's Word where that answer is.
    If you are here commenting anything other than kindness, I will block you. I, as all believers in Jesus Christ, have the authority to trample evil under my feet as promised in Luke 10:18-20
    "So He told them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
    I would love for you to subscribe, share and comment but don't forget to LIKE!
    You can visit my Amazon Storefront link for items for curated for this channel at the TrumpSounding Market
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    You can also find me at / @yourhomeyourhappyplac...
    Here I share my decorating

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @angiemac6935
    @angiemac6935 23 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @vickilucas5231
    @vickilucas5231 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Debbie, I am thankful for this channel. It gives me great joy to witness a mighty warrior of The Lord speaking the Word of God boldly. I am a 70 year old southern girl who has walked with Jesus my whole life. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that I encountered the fullness of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. Our testimonies are quite similar. The Lord has spoken to me and instructed me to write my testimony. I have reluctantly, but prayerfully begun. Perhaps my testimony will touch someone and encourage them to run after The Lord. Please pray for me as I allow The Holy Spirit to help me write my story. I am so thankful that The Lord led me to Your Home Your Happy Place, and for Liz from Traditions By The Seasons to recommending you. Isn’t it amazing how The Lord is raising up warriors for His Kingdom through TH-cam. Thank you for your obedience. You’re in my prayers. Looking forward to our next visit.

    • @trumpsounding4937
      @trumpsounding4937  22 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you Vicki, I will pray for you to be bold and follow God's lead in writing your testimony. I am thankful you found me as well.

  • @bw1518
    @bw1518 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Hi Debbie! I’m enjoying your playlist. Thanks for sharing it! I listened to it yesterday. God speaks to me in numbers. He told me to get a notebook and write those down. I finally got one this week. I was writing them down all over on scrap paper and typing them on my phone. 🙃 Hebrews 13:8 KJV Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and to day and and for ever. John 10:27-28 KJV My sheep hear my voice, they know me, and they follow me: and I give into them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man. Yes, in Acts that man’s faith healed him. Matthew 21:22 And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. 😊 I’ve heard a few things like that. They sentenced a 75 year old woman to two years in jail for praying outside of an abortion clinic in Washington State. They are threatened and know the power of God. The same power that both raised Lazarus from the dead and raised Christ from the dead. Debbie, I get unsubscribed constantly. I can’t even find half the channels I used to watch. They may not even know that they’re unsubscribed. Your channels will soar. I can read people. I see Jesus in you. As I’m typing this, a letter from Hospice asking about volunteering or employment came in the mail. Oh Debbie me too. One time I was watching a parade. A boy who was disabled and being pushed in a wheelchair was drumming and really having a fantastic time. All of a sudden his wheel broke or came off and they pushed him to the side and he was left out of the parade. I ran to the car bawling. I couldn’t enjoy it after that. I was a young girl. ❤️🙏

    • @trumpsounding4937
      @trumpsounding4937  22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I love how God speaks to you! That is beautiful.

    • @bw1518
      @bw1518 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Aw…thanks Debbie! I always say to God that, “I’m a mess, but I’m your mess.” 🙃 I specifically remember one time that I was told that I was being “haughty”
      and to “lament”. I laughed that nervous laugh, and I pondered that word, really hard and I thought, me?” Which in of itself is being haughty. 😩 God had put it on my heart to cut two specific people out of my life. They were controlling to a level
      of narcissism. God saw it all. I was to open a Chck Fila. He even gave me the specific town, which was the next town over from me, only minutes away. I looked in to it and it was only $10,000.00 to get started. So I mistakenly told my mom and then, my sister. They both tried to convince me that I did not hear that from God. After all, I don’t even eat chicken much, anymore. I know, that I know, that I know without a doubt that it was for sure, God. Even to this day. My first job was at KFC. I know about chicken. Plus, I had been in management for many years, in banking. Even so, God qualifies the unqualified. I knew that my mom was scared, because I was her full caretaker. My sister, because she didn’t want to take care of my mom. I realize that I was being more like Martha rather than Mary as in Luke 10:39. I was worrying who would take care of my Mom if I didn’t, and my sister didn’t want to. I should have let go and trusted that God would make a way. He is God. Where as my sister wasn’t doing her share in (my opinion) but, she was more than likely praying, listening to worship music and being more like a Mary than I. Yes, I loved God, but I was being disobedient. My mom would say, “Brenda, don’t leave me.” So I didn’t. I would pray to God for relief and for my sister to do half and for an income as well. Just to have time for myself and my husband and small kids. I used to say, praise God that my boys learned to walk since they were always in there care seats while I was running errands for everyone else. Yet, when God made a way out, I didn’t take it. But, God is so merciful. When, I couldn’t lift her at 161 lbs., God is the only one who helped me get through it. I would get her up and out of bed, only to have her fall back down. I’d both laugh and cry. My entire family both knew that I had both a cardiologist as well as a neurologist (for a prior herniated disc) tell me not to lift over
      10 lbs. Even though I was constantly doing so. I screamed out to my Lord on a daily basis. He not only helped me. But, he healed me. God knew the end from the beginning. So whenever I have to wait on the Lord and I tell him that I’m feeling like that title from that book by Judy Blume, “Are you there God? It’s Me, Margaret?” I have to remember the time where God put on my heart to get full water baptized and I put it off for over two years. Or when I didn’t open a Chick Fila when he told me to. But, God is merciful and gracious. Funny enough, a week or so ago, I saw a township post on social media, where the people were so excited about a new Chick Fila opening in their town. The same town, where God had put on my heart to open one, a few years ago. So when we are too slow to react, sometimes we miss out on what God has for us. He will bless someone else. Since we don’t want to miss out on all that God has for us, we need to trust in him. Proverbs 3:5. KJV. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. ❤️