theres some science behind it. the horizontal line in combination with the vertical line will tell you where the center of your screen is. hope that helped clear things up!
7:10 I have always wondered what I would do if I ever unboxed something amazing like that. Part of you would want to keep it. You unboxed it, it is amazing. The other part of you sees the $1000 profit.
Hey ya'll, sorry for 3 weeks and no vid, was travelling with the fam. Should be back on track from now on. Enjoy!
no prob
It is ok mr tan tf2
Sup 😎
just found ur vids and lovin them mate. you're a good editor
based and habib pilled
seeing b4nny and habib together again is like the world is healing
@@themikaysthey had a falling out and habib left froyo
@@johnnwith2ns464 so is habib back in froyo now?
@@johnnwith2ns464Lol they didn't have a falling out idk where you got that. Habib is just busy irl and not playing this season
@@00_00.1 im not talking about this season you drooling idiot
4:04 the fattest airshot in soldier history what
5:05 sweatiest spy player holy
kraze is a washed old man
You can feel the sweatiness from the keys alone
4:52 top 10 plays of the month
7:12 440 keys unbox holy shit
habib got lucky
I like seeing clips from our world wide community :) honestly I forget this game is played outside of NA and UK sometimes
I like how he unironically uses voicelines
7:10 myman
1:09 what is that crosshair lmao
theres some science behind it. the horizontal line in combination with the vertical line will tell you where the center of your screen is. hope that helped clear things up!
7:10 I have always wondered what I would do if I ever unboxed something amazing like that. Part of you would want to keep it. You unboxed it, it is amazing. The other part of you sees the $1000 profit.
C'est qui les fr à la fin
There’s no way french people pronounce “point” like that
Le pwont