The facts that he thinks he can come back is a NOPE…anytime a person throws their emotions in front of yours and says ILL BE BACK WHEN IM READY is TOXIC AND BS …Emotionally Intelligenr people don’t TREAT others like that …EXPLAIN yourself then Go Away💯….this person sounds VERY SELF ABSORBED this whole reading is about THEM …NARC ENERGY!
Cards.Where are they?
He's a libra
The facts that he thinks he can come back is a NOPE…anytime a person throws their emotions in front of yours and says ILL BE BACK WHEN IM READY is TOXIC AND BS …Emotionally Intelligenr people don’t TREAT others like that …EXPLAIN yourself then Go Away💯….this person sounds VERY SELF ABSORBED this whole reading is about THEM …NARC ENERGY!
Step up from the silence.