Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I absolutely loved this!!!! I LOOOOVED this movie!!!! And it matches them completely!!!! John is 🔥....... just COMPLETELY CHAOTIC!!!!!! and Jane who gasoline.......calm... always.....except........ if someone like gas just wonders around like...gasoline....
I love this so much! Such a good edit of such a good movie 💛💛💛 x
This is what makes the greatest movies with John and Jane Smith as they were two greatest icons that I totally love ❤️ 😊🥰😘🔥💯😇🙏✨️🙌👏😉
Great edit and background music. Captured the facial expressions perfectly
thank you sm
Loved this movie. Great job!
Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I absolutely loved this!!!! I LOOOOVED this movie!!!! And it matches them completely!!!! John is 🔥....... just COMPLETELY CHAOTIC!!!!!! and Jane who gasoline.......calm... always.....except........ if someone like gas just wonders around like...gasoline....
Jan te dy aktore te mrekullueshem ⭐⭐🤗🤗
В этом фильме, хочешь или не хочешь, влюбишься друг в друга .Что и случилось 😊
Ywe got this
Саш, извини, но я не могу не пропиарить это в инстаграме... Это слишком любимый мной фильм... И слишком заставляющий плакать видос...
If you want to.
моя любовь к Джоли вошла в чат
Give up blow it