I listened to this for the first time at work as a hotel maid cleaning rooms. Had to avoid explaining why I suddenly burst out laughing for no discernible reason
@@Jellzybelle Do you take requests/challenges? I’ve got a good one for you--if you’re not SCARED, that is! Respond as soon as you can, please and thank you!
I was 16 when The Princess and the Frog came out. Keith David's voice absolutely swooned me from the start. Dr. Facilier still has yet to be unseated as my favorite male villain.
Sam is such a fantastic character! Thank you for appreciating this boy and using for this mesmerising cover! I loved this song so much when I was little and that is now my favourite version!
I wish we got to see more of him. And part of that is because Dr. Facilier is my favorite male villain. Both my favorite female villains, Maleficent and Ursula, are represented in the dorms/students, as is my favorite male villain before Facilier came along, i.e. Hades.
@@Shinzon23 there is a game, where are characters based on disney villains, and Sam(that guy on the image) is Doctor Faciler(?), so this voice fits him perfectly.
@@Jellzybelle can u please 🙏🙏🙏 do a cover for the Dr faciler's death scene I'm begging u death scene?????we haven't got a cover for the death scene yet
I, the Emperor of Han Dynasty, Emperor Zhaolie, have found my ears in need of newer music as of late. I first heard your rendition of Land of The Dead, and my curiosity was peaked. Later in my weeks, I found another song of yours. And today I find this one too. I can safely say that I have found myself pleased with what I have been hearing. While this *only* has 40k views, I hope you never lose the drive and will to continue your work. There is pieces and songs I've heard that were like honey to my ears, but how much honey can one have before it loses its taste? I hope I may be fortunate enough to hear more of your music, and may be of help in encouraging your growth as a creator. Thank you for making this, Jellyzbelle 'He whose voice shines like the Heavens' . Thus I have decreed.
And here I was, coming up with a familiar for Mr. Sam the other night. I settled on a snake named Duke, inspired by Duke Ellington and Mama Odie's snake companion Juju. This was among other familiars my sister and I were speculating for the Twisted Wonderland cast, including Hippolyta and Spot (based on the Cyrenian hind and Cerberus) for Idia and Ortho and Hilda (a seal point Siamese based on Grimhilde) for Vil. This is my favorite Disney villain song, full stop. I was addicted to it from when the soundtrack first came out, before I ever saw The Princess and the Frog in 2009. Your maniacal laughter is still something I can't get enough of.
I am speechless this is beyond amazing!!!! I would absolutely love a cover of "hellfire" from the hunchback of notre dame like your voice and emotion behind it would be so fitting I believe. Nevertheless, keep up the good work!!!!
Soooo many requests to cover that song LMAO But I'll definitely get to it eventually. Sorta have to train for it, ya know? It's definitely on the list, though.
Jelly.. I just want to thank you on behalf of Twisted Wonderland Community. WE CRAVE FOR ANYTHING RELATED CONTENT BECAUSE OUR FANDOM IS NOT BIG ( yet atleast ) So.. Thank you for this really !! I just watch the Azul and Jamil cover and you bet imma watch all your vids and share this to my fellow twisted wonderland fan.. ONE LAST THANK YOU REALLY !! MORE CONTENT TO COME !! ❤️✨
!!!!DAMN!!!!.... 😍😍😍😍😍 I definitively would not have problem to unite to the other side, 💀😈💀 If you would be the one who invited me!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳 ps: FLAWLESS like always!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank's for this awesome cover!! ☺️
"Don't you even F%cking worry about it!" BEST ADDITION EVER
Now i want New Orlean voodoo game
Now I want to deal with Sam
I can just imagine him pushing them in 'cause he was getting impatient.
made me spit my drink when he did it XD
I listened to this for the first time at work as a hotel maid cleaning rooms. Had to avoid explaining why I suddenly burst out laughing for no discernible reason
Dr. Facilier’s son definitely learned a lot from his own father.
That's a anime game version of him not faciliers son
@@terrencekamisato3854 Eyyy~ It's you~
@@terrencekamisato3854ngl I see all of them as their originals son
Voice: *sinister*
sub: "Don't blame me :3"
the ":3" part got me laugh so much
"Don’t even f- " JELLZ! Oooooh, this sounds amazing! Well done :-)
@@Jellzybelle Do you take requests/challenges? I’ve got a good one for you--if you’re not SCARED, that is! Respond as soon as you can, please and thank you!
@@Jellzybelleyou watch vivziepop dont you😂?
"Don't you even Fucking worry about it!" I love it! go off king!
“Don’t even fucking worry about it” is totally a Sam thing to say and the way you delivered it is 👌
I knew your voice would be perfect for this song but _this_ is just *chef‘s kiss* .
That means a lot. It really does
LOVE THIS SONG!!! I had the biggest crush on Dr. Facilier when I was around 14 or 15.
I’m 18 now.
OH I'M A HUUUUUUGE FAN of Dr. Facilier haha. Defo my top 4 villains from Disney.
@@Jellzybelle yes. I still think he’s kind of hot now, actually! You did the best job ever!!!
@@bridgetsylvesterprice7379 LMAO WELL HECK, THANK YOU SO MUCH
@@Jellzybelle your welcome!
I was 16 when The Princess and the Frog came out. Keith David's voice absolutely swooned me from the start. Dr. Facilier still has yet to be unseated as my favorite male villain.
BRUUUUUUH I shoulda known you'd use Sam as the thumbnail! 😉
Sam is such a fantastic character! Thank you for appreciating this boy and using for this mesmerising cover! I loved this song so much when I was little and that is now my favourite version!
I wish we got to see more of him. And part of that is because Dr. Facilier is my favorite male villain. Both my favorite female villains, Maleficent and Ursula, are represented in the dorms/students, as is my favorite male villain before Facilier came along, i.e. Hades.
Holy hell, if they actually decide to cast english voice actors for the characters, i want you to be Sam so bad! Your voice is perfect for him
Tell TwistedNeverland about this guy before they finish Heartslabyul's chapter then
what characters? Princess and the Frogs been out for over a decade
@@Shinzon23 there is a game, where are characters based on disney villains, and Sam(that guy on the image) is Doctor Faciler(?), so this voice fits him perfectly.
@@paseton4140 kingdom hearts?
@@Shinzon23 twisted wonderland
Was a bit surprised at the curse at the beginning but I kinda love it, 10/10!
Gotta spice it up somehow-
My Favorite villain song! Great song!
Jellzy is the new official Dr. Faciller, you can't change my mind.
Best singer ever 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 That evil laugh gave me chills!
SAAAMMMMM, YESS!!! love the cover btw
This… this… might be one of my favorite covers of all time
You're too kind 🙏🏾 ❤️
@@JellzybelleI have it on repeat 😭💙
Four months later and my opinion hasn’t changed
With the image of Sam. Perfect ! XD
I love this cover so much and Sam is one of my favorite characters! You would voice him perfectly!
Your voice sounds like it got deeper! It sounds perfect for this song
Yeaaaah ya kinda gotta go low for this song.....or I'm getting old!
@@Jellzybelle you aren't old if you can sing like that
@Jellzybelle I think your voice sounds better than the original VA
@@Jellzybelle can u please 🙏🙏🙏 do a cover for the Dr faciler's death scene I'm begging u death scene?????we haven't got a cover for the death scene yet
Sam the best of the School Staff in Twisted Wonderland.
If I was Tiana in this movie, I would've left Naveen so fast for Jellzy 😳
Ur so underrated dammit 🔫
Lol knowing jellzy he probably Prefer prince neaven
I Would've done the same XDDD
Okay 😅
I really have to say it, your laughter is so addicting, I love it
STOOOOP, YOU'RE TOO KIND! I'm glad you like it!
It was amazing!! ♡
I, the Emperor of Han Dynasty, Emperor Zhaolie, have found my ears in need of newer music as of late. I first heard your rendition of Land of The Dead, and my curiosity was peaked. Later in my weeks, I found another song of yours. And today I find this one too. I can safely say that I have found myself pleased with what I have been hearing. While this *only* has 40k views, I hope you never lose the drive and will to continue your work.
There is pieces and songs I've heard that were like honey to my ears, but how much honey can one have before it loses its taste? I hope I may be fortunate enough to hear more of your music, and may be of help in encouraging your growth as a creator.
Thank you for making this, Jellyzbelle 'He whose voice shines like the Heavens' . Thus I have decreed.
My Sam simping self is so ready for this
This video attracted every Sam simp like moths flying to a lamp
And here I was, coming up with a familiar for Mr. Sam the other night. I settled on a snake named Duke, inspired by Duke Ellington and Mama Odie's snake companion Juju. This was among other familiars my sister and I were speculating for the Twisted Wonderland cast, including Hippolyta and Spot (based on the Cyrenian hind and Cerberus) for Idia and Ortho and Hilda (a seal point Siamese based on Grimhilde) for Vil.
This is my favorite Disney villain song, full stop. I was addicted to it from when the soundtrack first came out, before I ever saw The Princess and the Frog in 2009. Your maniacal laughter is still something I can't get enough of.
He should just have an army of unusually intelligent frogs😅
Holy freaking crud, I love this cover! I mean, I love all your covers but this one is seriously good.
I am speechless this is beyond amazing!!!! I would absolutely love a cover of "hellfire" from the hunchback of notre dame like your voice and emotion behind it would be so fitting I believe. Nevertheless, keep up the good work!!!!
Soooo many requests to cover that song LMAO
But I'll definitely get to it eventually. Sorta have to train for it, ya know? It's definitely on the list, though.
This is going to be amazing
Your voice fits PERFECTLY in villain songs, you got me boi
What an amazing cover! I KNEW IT WAS GONNE BE SO AWESOME! You did an amazing job!
SAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM Aahhhhhh you won my heart with this
Jelly.. I just want to thank you on behalf of Twisted Wonderland Community. WE CRAVE FOR ANYTHING RELATED CONTENT BECAUSE OUR FANDOM IS NOT BIG ( yet atleast ) So.. Thank you for this really !! I just watch the Azul and Jamil cover and you bet imma watch all your vids and share this to my fellow twisted wonderland fan.. ONE LAST THANK YOU REALLY !! MORE CONTENT TO COME !! ❤️✨
Ooh damn lol. This is impressive lmao. Key in A Minor is hella fun to sing xD
I love this cover! Keep up the great work! Also Sam is also one of my favorite character designs-
This is one of my favorite Disney villain songs of all time!! And this is the best cover I’ve heard!! You sound awesome, sir! ^^
Absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work
YOU'RE absolutely amazing
god this song fits your voice so well!! im in love
D'awww thank you! I'm happy you think so! I had sooo much fun recording it!
an amazing cover AND someone giving sam the appreciation he deserves? sign me tf up!
this is fantastic, you did such a great job 😍
Your voice is such a DELIGHT it’s just 🤌 you know what I mean?? You did an Amazing job!!!
@Jellzybelle you are pretty ❤
It's soooo good well done mate!
You would make a great Sam in twisted wonderland!
I decide to randomly check up on this channel, and it's in the middle of a premiere. Nice timing.
Yeah it's been pretty inactive since I've been working on different projects at once.
Sam is one of my favorites! "Don't you even fcking worry about it!" perfect~!
This cover😭😭
It's been on repeat since I found it last week 😭💜
Great job! Loved it!
I absolutely LOVE your voice! you sound just like a Disney villain. If you get a chance, could you do hellfire from the hunchback of Notre Dame?
You always put so much emotion into your covers, I love it!
Found your channel about a month ago! Your voice is lovely 😭❤️
YO? Thank you so much! Always nice to see a new face. I hope you love the future content! ❤️ 💙 💜
@@Jellzybelle Hell yeah! I’m sure I will 😤
Is that Sam I see for the thumbnail :0
Fun fact theres a English version of twisted wonderland in the states. Everyone seems to be on crack in the eng version.
JDJSJF HELLO??? oh my god im so exited!!!
Your voice fits so well ❤
Daddy Saaam😩😩😩
Your voice is gorgeous!
Man On The Internet, you just got *_REKT._*
Ooh I love the thumbnail! I’m excited to hear this cover ^^
I literally listened to Arabian Nights reprise and I think I’m in love with you sir🧍🏾♀️
That's so kind! Thank you so much 💕💕💕 Super happy you loved the cover!
I love to cover the Disney song with Twisted Wonderland characters
Please make a video again
l love SAMMMMM🎩
Oooooo I’m excited for this >:)
I fricking looooove your villian songs! This one let's me love your voice even more. X3 💖
Don't you even f***ing oh my 🤭 so sofistic
Love the drawing so bad and so cute and dark love it
his voice is so majestic what
Huh that explains why Crowley has a rule stating “never deal with Sam”
I swear every cover you make is epic. Shame i didn't Discover your chanel before.
Another masterpiece!!!
Reminder is ON. LET'S GO!!!!
I'm in love with this 😌💜
You should cover Welcome to the Internet by BonBurnham. Your voice would be just... Perfect for it.
Finally we get a new video!! Great song too ^_^
YEAH! Uploads have been a taaaaad bit slow because of how much Disney songs take out of me haha.
Really wanted to work hard but slow on this one.
Damn, its so good❤❤❤
Jellzy: **being in character too much**
Me: are you trying to romance Me? No because it's working 🛐🤸
Oh shi- more eargasm incoming!!!
Great cover!
How can you be so good at singing villains song🥺💛
Wonderful cover 👑🐸 💜💚
Can we talk bout the art 😏
"Don't even f*cking worry about it" Me:XD
@@Jellzybelle ooh a comment! Great music as usual sounds like you had a lot of fun :D
The f-bomb! 🤣 It was so unexpected but so awesome!
This voice is so fitting for Sam
Your voice acting is amazing...
Beautiful 💜
No U
Omg yes
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ It sounds SPECTACULAR!
@@Jellzybelle I also love all the cussing you throw in. Welcome additions.
I'm satisfied ❤😌
Love it this sounds really good
Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed!
I definitively would not have problem to unite to the other side,
If you would be the one who invited me!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳
ps: FLAWLESS like always!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Thank's for this awesome cover!! ☺️