I love the vocals, rythym and beat of all of Twiz songs. Beautiful music I wish I could listen to on our local radio stations in Dallas, Texas but I will just have to find their CD on the internet. I do not speak the language of Dansk but the music transcends language anyway in my opinion. Twiz can be a very popular band if they keep up the good work and do try to become like someone else or other band. Twiz is unique and I hope they stay true to their artist talents.
I love the vocals, rythym and beat of all of Twiz songs. Beautiful music I wish I could listen to on our local radio stations in Dallas, Texas but I will just have to find their CD on the internet. I do not speak the language of Dansk but the music transcends language anyway in my opinion. Twiz can be a very popular band if they keep up the good work and do try to become like someone else or other band. Twiz is unique and I hope they stay true to their artist talents.
den er rigtig god sang med twiz-det nu vi laver
Det nu vi lever!
god sang
hip hip hurra :s
det er en helvil god sang jeg elsker jers sang kære hilsen kristina
fuck tænker på når jeg står på en scene kender det hele, jg høre meget på youtube og er her selv!! i:
hvor gamle er de nu .. ? :)
Jeg tror de er voksen nu. fordi de var med i 2005 og der var de m[åske 12-13-14. Haha
i 2005 var de 16 år. men kk.
dem der lavet sanged hedder Sandie mariegaard og louise ... stort tab at de ikke laver musik mere :)
@Niik2000 De er 19 og stadig hotte