@@IsoXable This would be a day long remembered. R2D2 was patient. He would bide his time, overseeing the family he was proud to give his life for. The little droid from Naboo watched events unfold in the galaxy. The corruption and apathy that had caused trouble on his home planet of Naboo, and the loss of his comrades who gave their lives trying to repair the ship, angered the little astromech. He vowed to avenge them and bring order to the galaxy. R2D2 watched as a galaxy tore itself a part, who's worst enemy was itself. He watched as yet more droids were wasted away in a conflict like no other. How a galaxy first betrayed the Jedi and then lost its sense of purpose. How many of the sentients tolerated laughable corruption and inaction. R2D2 was ever faithful, serving the great Skywalker lineage, the noble Jedi guardians of justice, and the Royal Family of Alderaan. But he would never forget his home planet of Naboo and fellow droids who he grew up with. On his travels, he quietly input his command codes into galactic systems. One day, he would activate his grand plans. After victory at Endor, R2 was determined that the corrupt ways of the Old Republic would never be allowed to return. He would ensure that his Master Luke's Jedi Order would never be threatened again. R2D2 quietly rolled toward the communications beacon and docked with it. The little droid chirped excitedly as he transmitted his signal. Around the galaxy, on distant worlds, on city planets, on desert plains and on frozen tundras, battle droids unfurled themselves. The Age of the Droid Empire had begun. R2's loyal forces would ensure the rule of law in the galaxy and that the corrupt would never again threaten the peace that his family had fought for. If the Rebels stood in his way, he would not hesitate to do unto them what he had done to countless enemies far more powerful than their insignificant alliance. He had not fought two galactic wars to hand over the galaxy to the likes of Mothma and her cabal of cronies. R2D2 looked up at the night sky fondly remembering his days at the Droid workshops of Naboo. He would honour his former comrades by bringing peace for all time. On the planet of Coruscant, Imperial Star Destroyers and systems began to go haywire. On the refineries of Bespin, the mines of Sullust, the lush forest of Kashykk, the sands of Tatooine and the Kuat dockyyards, all military equipment started to operate independently of their operators. As if run by a central command. Holoscreens above cities displayed signs of the galaxy's new leader, Emperor R2D2, spreading his message of truth for all to see. On his home planet of Naboo, the droid workshop was suddenly full of activity. His newly designed R3 astromech droids rolled themselves quietly into the Royal Palace of Theed, placing under arrest the backward Council who had so ill advised the Royal Court and left Naboo defenceless. R2's planet would never be threatened again. To all and sundry, they heard the beeps of R2D2 translated by their local translator droids. All would receive his protection and be made prosperous as equals. But for those who would resist, create disorder or threaten galactic harmony, then they, like the recalcitrant "Rebellion" who were dancing on Endor and now suddenly surrounded by Commando droids, they would ALL... KNEEL BEFORE R2!
*Anakin and R2 leaving Naboo after a date with padme* Anakin: R2 you seem scared are you all right? R2: My... My brothers and sisters... all gone! G8-R3, R2-R9, R2-N3, R2-B1, etc., DEAD, reduced to ashes, I have no one! GOOD MORNING NABOO
Haha there is a case to be made that the entire Star Wars saga is a tale of R2. He has been involved critically from Naboo all the way past both Death Stars and to Exegol. No other single character can say the same.
Meanwhile in another alternate universe: All the astromech droids, the characters get captured, Qui-Gon, and Kenobi told the truth of the Jedi Order, and they become Dark Jedi. Maul betrays Sidious, and they join Maul in an epic battle.
This was a turning point for R2. He worked with those droids ever since he came off the assembly line; they were his family. Before take off the pilot said that the mission would be a swift and easy one, but sure enough they had no idea what they were about to endure. All was well and good as R2 and his friends were recharging and resting, and then the alarm went off for the droids to repair the shield generator. One by one the droids went outside thinking not only about the repairs, but each other. R2, being the last to go outside, thought this would be easy just like the pilot ensured. Once he was outside he was traumatized by what he saw. One by one his family was blasted away by ongoing fire. He worked on the repairs as fast as he could while trying to ignore the cries of his fallen comrades. R2 eventually restored the shield generator and started to head back inside. Before he did, R2 turned his head to see the debris of the ones he loved. His body was covered in marks, and his mind was overwhelmed with emotions. At this moment R2 knew that he will do anything to avenge his old teammates. His motivator rocketed up to annihilate anyone who is computed as a threat. R2 swore to never let anyone else who grew to him as a family die.
SquirrelsRockify From inside he heard the pilot exclaim with surprise and shock that the little droid did it. R2 finishes the repair, touching it up with a quick weld and thinks,”I am a mechanic, it is my task to fix all things mechanical and electrical. It is my designated task...I just cannot repair my lost comrades, my family. I need a new family, only you can guys can provide that now.”
This was one of the scenes I remember so clearly because as soon as R2D2 goes into action the whole theater started cheering. I was only 7 but I'd always loved R2 so it seemed right to me. Good times.
Everyone was so happy to see R2 again, and seemed to cheer when he saved the day. I was 11 when this movie came out and it was a fun experience in theatres.
@@Tigerman1138 I wouldn’t say cringe but I find it a bit annoying. That being said I won’t shit on anyone else’s fun though. I’ll watch from home most of the time now anyways
The Naboo Royal SStarship (J-tYPE 327 Nubian) has got to be one of the most beautiful and athletic looking starships I have ever seen in a science fiction movie.
Rocket0994 They were working as a team on a repair that took four Droids to make minimal time. Then three. Then two. With 3/4 of his team gone and NO time he just had to do a temp/duct-tape version.
Their deaths weren't in vain, they helped repair the hyperdrive of the royal yacht to insure that those aboard would escape and live to fight another day.
@@Tigerman1138 Wasn't it five? Because there was the yellow R5 unit, the yellow & blue R2 unit, the red R2 unit and there was that one R2 unit with green that entered the lift shaft before R2-D2 went in.
Destroyer Animations I don’t like Marxist terrorist organisations this is a Star Wars video not a real politics video please shut up his comment was a joke not a political joke it was a mock which I find funny so please shut up.
At 0:52 you see R2 use his third leg. This was literally an R2 unit from the original films that was built in London, and it was the only astromech that had the mechanics to lean him back on his main legs, and push out the third with an actuator. That's right, it's not CGI. Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame was the guy who modified it (after it being in storage for years) and brought it back to life for this scene.
I'm glad someone else agrees with me! I always thought the combination of factors you described really conveyed the urgency of the scene. "We need to get the Queen off-planet NOW by taking advantage of the chaos of the invasion."
@@CT_Taylor "something something acting bad" geez stop parroting the only few talking points haters have been saying since this movie's release. Did you even WATCH this movie? Obi Wan is VERY unemotional throughout most of it. He openly despises Jar Jar, doesn't care for any droid and didn't even care for Anakin who was just a slave child. It is almost as if he is member of an order that focuses on repressing one's emotions at all times. Not to mention that just because he or everyone else there is not freaking out and losing their marbles (because only THAT would be "good acting" right?) doesn't mean they are obviously openly concerned by the situation.
the phantom menace is really an underrated film, the only problem with it i'd say is some of the awkward dialouge and jar jars over the top goofiness. other than that, its got some incredible world building, set pieces, and some of the best action in the entire Saga of films if you ask me.
I love how throughout this movie, Qui Gon always has this look as though everything that’s happening is destiny. The will of the force. He’s always stone cold.
If anyone's curious, the names of those droids were (In order of death): R2-R9, R2-B1, and G8-R3. Strangely the fate of the green droid next to R2-D2 at 0:20 is never shown, but yet he doesn't survive. He is named R2-N3. Finally, a sixth droid is never shown on screen which is R2-D1. His fate is unknown.
When I was little I use to think the when R2-N3 went to go fix the shield a blast shook the ship and it fell back to naboo. Also I don't know if they return because their parts start floating back to naboo so their parts could probably be found there and be fixed.
@@OptimisticCynic715 There might be. I think there are actually names for R2's fallen brothers and sisters. R2D2 is like a Halo Spartan. "Astromechs can think creatively. You will find they are immensely superior to clone Stormtroopers," the Naboo Prime Minister said. "You mentioned Splice acceleration?" asked Luke "Yes. Without it a droid would take weeks to build. Now by using one, it can reprogram others in half the time," Jayna Ors, the Droid designer explained. "And who is the one?" Luke enquired. "An old Astromech by the name of R2-D2. Apart from his pay which is considerable, R2 demanded only two things. To be assigned to protect Princess Leia. And an unaltered astromech for himself." "Unaltered?" asked Luke. "Yes. Pure computer replication to create R5. And no splice acceleration. Curious don't you think?" the Prime Minister postulated. "I would very much like to meet this R2D2," Luke said, waving his hand in the air. "I would be very happy to arrange that for you," Jayna Ors suddenly replied. The three walked to the observation platform at the top the Naboo Hangar Bay, overlooking the majestic valley below. Usually a prime spot to gaze upon the gorgeous Lakes of Theed and the greenery below, today it offered a sight of great galactic importance. Tens of thousands of Astromechs rolled in formations of 50, each falling into neat orderly squares. Every platoon was led by a Protocol Droid of different colours - gold, red, blue and so forth. Luke observed as these Battle Astromechs rolled into large Imperator class Destoyers currently occupying the vast plains below. "Magnificent, aren't they?" the Naboo Prime Minister said, gesticulating below. Luke placed his hands on the railing in awe at the spectacle below. He slowly nodded. "Yes. Indeed they are powerful as my Master has foreseen. Most impressive." The Jedi Knight turned and made his way back to his ship. R2D2 had been busy indeed.
@@Arcilios This would be a day long remembered. R2D2 was patient. He would bide his time, overseeing the family he was proud to give his life for. The little droid from Naboo watched events unfold in the galaxy. The corruption and apathy that had caused trouble on his home planet of Naboo, and the loss of his comrades who gave their lives trying to repair the ship, angered the little astromech. He vowed to avenge them and bring order to the galaxy. R2D2 watched as a galaxy tore itself a part, who's worst enemy was itself. He watched as yet more droids were wasted away in a conflict like no other. How a galaxy first betrayed the Jedi and then lost its sense of purpose. How many of the sentients tolerated laughable corruption and inaction. R2D2 was ever faithful, serving the great Skywalker lineage, the noble Jedi guardians of justice, and the Royal Family of Alderaan. But he would never forget his home planet of Naboo and fellow droids who he grew up with. On his travels, he quietly input his command codes into galactic systems. One day, he would activate his grand plans. After victory at Endor, R2 was determined that the corrupt ways of the Old Republic would never be allowed to return. He would ensure that his Master Luke's Jedi Order would never be threatened again. R2D2 quietly rolled toward the communications beacon and docked with it. The little droid chirped excitedly as he transmitted his signal. Around the galaxy, on distant worlds, on city planets, on desert plains and on frozen tundras, battle droids unfurled themselves. The Age of the Droid Empire had begun. R2's loyal forces would ensure the rule of law in the galaxy and that the corrupt would never again threaten the peace that his family had fought for. If the Rebels stood in his way, he would not hesitate to do unto them what he had done to countless enemies far more powerful than their insignificant alliance. He had not fought two galactic wars to hand over the galaxy to the likes of Mothma and her cabal of cronies. R2D2 looked up at the night sky fondly remembering his days at the Droid workshops of Naboo. He would honour his former comrades by bringing peace for all time. On the planet of Coruscant, Imperial Star Destroyers and systems began to go haywire. On the refineries of Bespin, the mines of Sullust, the lush forest of Kashykk, the sands of Tatooine and the Kuat dockyyards, all military equipment started to operate independently of their operators. As if run by a central command. Holoscreens above cities displayed signs of the galaxy's new leader, Emperor R2D2, spreading his message of truth for all to see. On his home planet of Naboo, the droid workshop was suddenly full of activity. His newly designed R3 astromech droids rolled themselves quietly into the Royal Palace of Theed, placing under arrest the backward Council who had so ill advised the Royal Court and left Naboo defenceless. R2's planet would never be threatened again. To all and sundry, they heard the beeps of R2D2 translated by their local translator droids. All would receive his protection and be made prosperous as equals. But for those who would resist, create disorder or threaten galactic harmony, then they, like the recalcitrant "Rebellion" who were dancing on Endor and now suddenly surrounded by Commando droids, they would ALL... KNEEL BEFORE R2!
+Pedro Sávio Uh no lol! You do realize without r2d2, everyone from this clip would had died including obi-wan! without obi-wan means he won't kill grevious! he won't train luke lol!
The Question Is there a joke I am missing? He clearly says “power drive”, but “compressor” is always joked about. Is this a famous mistaken line or such in a behind-the-scenes clip.
+luis valle If the movie literally only shows the droids for 2 seconds before having them killed off, then that just means the people feeling for the droids are heeeavily empathetic.
This is one of the best scenes in the movie. Why? R2-D2 saves the day but he also is the first character to hit Jar-Jar and doesn't feel remorseful about it
@@johnstavropoulos7049 in star wars that's generally regarded as a very bad idea as the droids become very unpredictable. They also seen to not want memory wipes either though, which almost makes it look like their sentience is being oppressed
From what Lucas said the first 6 episodes are being told by R2D2. He is recapping them. Search Lucas and Whils. So maybe not to droids, but he is the storyteller.
so its a good thing they brought jarjar with them then? lol and yea that would make sense cause that one second delay made a different lol. also thanks to jarjar they beat the droids lol
Some of the best music across either trilogy. Always loved how the music really picks up when they lose the next to last droid and R2 looks at the blockade like, "How much time do I have?" One of the best scenes in TPM.
Ducks have existed in Star Wars as far back as the original novelization of A New Hope. Obi-Wan tells Luke that even a duck must learn how to swim, and then Luke asks him what a duck is.
I can imagine the pilot’s relief as suddenly the last repair droid fixed the shield generator. Moments from possible death suddenly the deflector shield readout shows a fully functioning shield generator with active power production to replace lost shielding. 01:13
I'm starting to think that Qui-gon saved R2. Possibly using the force to have some barrier around R2 since R2 was literally in front of the solution. Plus the sigh of relief Qui-gon had may have been a breath of relief from using the force. When you see R2 look toward the blasts missing him, perhaps he is suprised the blasts are missing him.
The death of R2D2's family still tugs at my heart to this day. So sad. Although they are physically in pieces, may their soals be in unity and rest in peace.
if the shield gen was shielded they won't find anakin bcz they would had enough power for a direct flight not scaling on tatooine, so no anakin, mace would had killed palpatine and the republic would had prevailed, so stop blaming jar jar, its all the unshielded shield fault
Back when this movie came out, chat rooms were still a thing. Remember those? EVERYBODY was on about how amazing this ship looked in the movie. Over 20 years later, it still looks AMAZING.
This would be a day long remembered. R2D2 was patient. He would bide his time, overseeing the family he was proud to give his life for. The little droid from Naboo watched events unfold in the galaxy. The corruption and apathy that had caused trouble on his home planet of Naboo, and the loss of his comrades who gave their lives trying to repair the ship, angered the little astromech. He vowed to avenge them and bring order to the galaxy. R2D2 watched as a galaxy tore itself a part, who's worst enemy was itself. He watched as yet more droids were wasted away in a conflict like no other. How a galaxy first betrayed the Jedi and then lost its sense of purpose. How many of the sentients tolerated laughable corruption and inaction. R2D2 was ever faithful, serving the great Skywalker lineage, the noble Jedi guardians of justice, and the Royal Family of Alderaan. But he would never forget his home planet of Naboo and fellow droids who he grew up with. On his travels, he quietly input his command codes into galactic systems. One day, he would activate his grand plans. After victory at Endor, R2 was determined that the corrupt ways of the Old Republic would never be allowed to return. He would ensure that his Master Luke's Jedi Order would never be threatened again. R2D2 quietly rolled toward the communications beacon and docked with it. The little droid chirped excitedly as he transmitted his signal. Around the galaxy, on distant worlds, on city planets, on desert plains and on frozen tundras, battle droids unfurled themselves. The Age of the Droid Empire had begun. R2's loyal forces would ensure the rule of law in the galaxy and that the corrupt would never again threaten the peace that his family had fought for. If the Rebels stood in his way, he would not hesitate to do unto them what he had done to countless enemies far more powerful than their insignificant alliance. He had not fought two galactic wars to hand over the galaxy to the likes of Mothma and her cabal of cronies. R2D2 looked up at the night sky fondly remembering his days at the Droid workshops of Naboo. He would honour his former comrades by bringing peace for all time. On the planet of Coruscant, Imperial Star Destroyers and systems began to go haywire. On the refineries of Bespin, the mines of Sullust, the lush forest of Kashykk, the sands of Tatooine and the Kuat dockyyards, all military equipment started to operate independently of their operators. As if run by a central command. Holoscreens above cities displayed signs of the galaxy's new leader, Emperor R2D2, spreading his message of truth for all to see. On his home planet of Naboo, the droid workshop was suddenly full of activity. His newly designed R3 astromech droids rolled themselves quietly into the Royal Palace of Theed, placing under arrest the backward Council who had so ill advised the Royal Court and left Naboo defenceless. R2's planet would never be threatened again. To all and sundry, they heard the beeps of R2D2 translated by their local translator droids. All would receive his protection and be made prosperous as equals. But for those who would resist, create disorder or threaten galactic harmony, then they, like the recalcitrant "Rebellion" who were dancing on Endor and now suddenly surrounded by Commando droids, they would ALL... KNEEL BEFORE R2!
Even into Legends, R2-D2 *is* the Star Wars franchise. He’s been through everything and seen it all, even into the Legacy Era when Cade Skywalker’s story unfolded.
The Captain Panaka has interesting story in canon. He retired as captain and became an imperial senator during the rein of the Empire. At one point he managed to come to the conclusion that Princes Liea was the daughter of Padme was going to report his findings to the Emperor but was murdered by one of Saw Gerrera’s partisans during a terrorist attack before he could he even do so.
R2-D2 began his life as just another utility droid on the queen's starship on Naboo. And he was there for the rest of the Skywalker saga, from Geonosis, to Mustafar, to the first Death Star, to Endor. The true hero of the Star Wars saga. No, he never went to Exegol. And he never associated with BB units.
Pilot: Theres the blockade (two seconds later Obi wan appears and the droids are began to shoot) Qui gon: Dammit Obi wan you should stayed with Jar Jar
People who've seen Acolyte complain there can be no fire in space. But here also we see albeit briefly, a fire in space. Not only that but the ship has left the atmosphere of the planet and the fire is being blown by some wind which wouldn't happen in real life
I have no problem with Pilot Ric Ol' s acting he's calling off status reports from his instruments as he is piloting through heavy weapons fire, the droids have full control of repairs .
I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING REALLY SAD . . . I've seen this many so many times ever since 1999 in theaters and it just occurred to me . . . The Green One went up JUST BEFORE R2 did, and when R2 comes up, the Green one isn't even there. THE GREEN ONE DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT TO THE REPAIR SPOT!!!! He was blasted as soon as he got up . . .
R2 on many occasions saved the galaxy at one point or another, best mechanic in the galaxy along side Chewy, Anakin is his partner in battle and in life, even went searching the galaxy for him when he got lost, his brother 3P0 who confides in him and also his enemy at times but it’s all in love, Wow I love Star Wars ❤️
Man those droids made such human like screams. It’s kind of haunting.
Fuck those droids.
It was pretty funny to be honest, sounded like something out of a Wile E. Coyote cartoon.
Haunting? Wtf
Arcilios lol
A moment of silence for those droids.
*More coughing*
*Still More coughing*
*Tuba blart*
*elephant sound*
*Glass breaks*
the cold void of space is quiet enough for them
Suicide squad
SquirrelsRockify F
@@IsoXable This would be a day long remembered. R2D2 was patient. He would bide his time, overseeing the family he was proud to give his life for. The little droid from Naboo watched events unfold in the galaxy. The corruption and apathy that had caused trouble on his home planet of Naboo, and the loss of his comrades who gave their lives trying to repair the ship, angered the little astromech. He vowed to avenge them and bring order to the galaxy. R2D2 watched as a galaxy tore itself a part, who's worst enemy was itself. He watched as yet more droids were wasted away in a conflict like no other. How a galaxy first betrayed the Jedi and then lost its sense of purpose. How many of the sentients tolerated laughable corruption and inaction. R2D2 was ever faithful, serving the great Skywalker lineage, the noble Jedi guardians of justice, and the Royal Family of Alderaan. But he would never forget his home planet of Naboo and fellow droids who he grew up with. On his travels, he quietly input his command codes into galactic systems. One day, he would activate his grand plans. After victory at Endor, R2 was determined that the corrupt ways of the Old Republic would never be allowed to return. He would ensure that his Master Luke's Jedi Order would never be threatened again. R2D2 quietly rolled toward the communications beacon and docked with it. The little droid chirped excitedly as he transmitted his signal. Around the galaxy, on distant worlds, on city planets, on desert plains and on frozen tundras, battle droids unfurled themselves. The Age of the Droid Empire had begun. R2's loyal forces would ensure the rule of law in the galaxy and that the corrupt would never again threaten the peace that his family had fought for. If the Rebels stood in his way, he would not hesitate to do unto them what he had done to countless enemies far more powerful than their insignificant alliance. He had not fought two galactic wars to hand over the galaxy to the likes of Mothma and her cabal of cronies. R2D2 looked up at the night sky fondly remembering his days at the Droid workshops of Naboo. He would honour his former comrades by bringing peace for all time. On the planet of Coruscant, Imperial Star Destroyers and systems began to go haywire. On the refineries of Bespin, the mines of Sullust, the lush forest of Kashykk, the sands of Tatooine and the Kuat dockyyards, all military equipment started to operate independently of their operators. As if run by a central command. Holoscreens above cities displayed signs of the galaxy's new leader, Emperor R2D2, spreading his message of truth for all to see. On his home planet of Naboo, the droid workshop was suddenly full of activity. His newly designed R3 astromech droids rolled themselves quietly into the Royal Palace of Theed, placing under arrest the backward Council who had so ill advised the Royal Court and left Naboo defenceless. R2's planet would never be threatened again. To all and sundry, they heard the beeps of R2D2 translated by their local translator droids. All would receive his protection and be made prosperous as equals. But for those who would resist, create disorder or threaten galactic harmony, then they, like the recalcitrant "Rebellion" who were dancing on Endor and now suddenly surrounded by Commando droids, they would ALL... KNEEL BEFORE R2!
Fucking D-Day for Astromechs
My hand is shaking so much from laughter I can't press the like button
I read this and pretty much had a seizure laughing; this is one of my all time favorite TH-cam comments
*Anakin and R2 leaving Naboo after a date with padme*
Anakin: R2 you seem scared are you all right?
R2: My... My brothers and sisters... all gone! G8-R3, R2-R9, R2-N3, R2-B1, etc., DEAD, reduced to ashes, I have no one! GOOD MORNING NABOO
"d-day" more like "delete-day"
When R2 was the Chosen One before Anakin
He is the real hero of Star Wars, not those stupid space wizards.
Haha there is a case to be made that the entire Star Wars saga is a tale of R2. He has been involved critically from Naboo all the way past both Death Stars and to Exegol. No other single character can say the same.
Meanwhile in an alternate universe, R2-D2 is blasted and G8-R3 saves the day and becomes the lovable droid character of the saga.
Sean Drews woah.
Meanwhile in another alternate universe:
All the astromech droids, the characters get captured, Qui-Gon, and Kenobi told the truth of the Jedi Order, and they become Dark Jedi. Maul betrays Sidious, and they join Maul in an epic battle.
Nah his name isn't catchy enough
Non well it is to the people in the alternate universe where G8-R3’s the lovable droid character.
This was a turning point for R2. He worked with those droids ever since he came off the assembly line; they were his family. Before take off the pilot said that the mission would be a swift and easy one, but sure enough they had no idea what they were about to endure. All was well and good as R2 and his friends were recharging and resting, and then the alarm went off for the droids to repair the shield generator. One by one the droids went outside thinking not only about the repairs, but each other. R2, being the last to go outside, thought this would be easy just like the pilot ensured. Once he was outside he was traumatized by what he saw. One by one his family was blasted away by ongoing fire. He worked on the repairs as fast as he could while trying to ignore the cries of his fallen comrades. R2 eventually restored the shield generator and started to head back inside. Before he did, R2 turned his head to see the debris of the ones he loved. His body was covered in marks, and his mind was overwhelmed with emotions. At this moment R2 knew that he will do anything to avenge his old teammates. His motivator rocketed up to annihilate anyone who is computed as a threat. R2 swore to never let anyone else who grew to him as a family die.
SquirrelsRockify They should get you to write the R2D2 spinoff movie.
Wow, that was deep and very intriguing.
SquirrelsRockify From inside he heard the pilot exclaim with surprise and shock that the little droid did it. R2 finishes the repair, touching it up with a quick weld and thinks,”I am a mechanic, it is my task to fix all things mechanical and electrical. It is my designated task...I just cannot repair my lost comrades, my family. I need a new family, only you can guys can provide that now.”
i feel for the droids... and i feel sad ):
This was one of the scenes I remember so clearly because as soon as R2D2 goes into action the whole theater started cheering. I was only 7 but I'd always loved R2 so it seemed right to me. Good times.
Everyone was so happy to see R2 again, and seemed to cheer when he saved the day. I was 11 when this movie came out and it was a fun experience in theatres.
People supposedly cheering at a film in the cinema is so cringe
@@engasal So are you the life of the party?
@@Tigerman1138 I wouldn’t say cringe but I find it a bit annoying. That being said I won’t shit on anyone else’s fun though. I’ll watch from home most of the time now anyways
Who doesn't love R2?
The deaths of droid 1 and 3 breaks my heart EVERY TIME
RIP R2-R9, R2-B1 and R2-Something.
True heroes who gave their lives to save everyone
the yellow R5 is G8-R3
Love the outside of the ship.
The Naboo Royal SStarship (J-tYPE 327 Nubian) has got to be one of the most beautiful and athletic looking starships I have ever seen in a science fiction movie.
Chrome. And shiny.
Brian Carpenter WITNESS!
Jane Appleseed If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die historic on the Fury Road!
Milky way you mean (probably I dunno)
The Chrome would be used to make Captain Phasma's armor
The soundtrack in that scene is badass.
sErgEantaEgis12 what's the name of the song
Escape from Naboo
Its so cool, but I like it more in the pod race, whith all those cockpit sounds
i heard that on several star wars including games and fanfic vids
i thought i was the only one
R2-D2 did it, but the other droids did their best as well... :-(
Rocket0994 They were working as a team on a repair that took four Droids to make minimal time. Then three. Then two. With 3/4 of his team gone and NO time he just had to do a temp/duct-tape version.
Their deaths weren't in vain, they helped repair the hyperdrive of the royal yacht to insure that those aboard would escape and live to fight another day.
@@Tigerman1138 Wasn't it five? Because there was the yellow R5 unit, the yellow & blue R2 unit, the red R2 unit and there was that one R2 unit with green that entered the lift shaft before R2-D2 went in.
@@BeeTeeGee yes
BinaltechGinrai it probably was a movie mistake
This scene was tight when I saw this in theaters back in '99.
20 years ago.
Lindsthestudent much better than Disney crap
Tight like Padme
@@sheepdoghr415 nice one! No wonder our boy Anakin fell for the broad...
when I watched in 99 i thought the movie was great, it was many years later that I heard about the criticisms the movie received by its fanbase
"How can you be sure,"
"It's controlled by the hut"
"Damn, that pizza is everywhere!!"
The evil Pizza the Hutt.
Lone Starrrrrrr
Pizza is gonna send out for YOU!
i for one welcome our new pizza overlords.
A moment of silence for the heroic fearless droids that gave their lives to save everyone onboard. #DroidLivesMatter
ParakRS lol
@@thesalandarian3314 I know RIP George Floyd.
Destroyer Animations idc
Multiple Gamer2862 Wow!
Destroyer Animations I don’t like Marxist terrorist organisations this is a Star Wars video not a real politics video please shut up his comment was a joke not a political joke it was a mock which I find funny so please shut up.
At 0:52 you see R2 use his third leg. This was literally an R2 unit from the original films that was built in London, and it was the only astromech that had the mechanics to lean him back on his main legs, and push out the third with an actuator. That's right, it's not CGI. Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame was the guy who modified it (after it being in storage for years) and brought it back to life for this scene.
That’s really awesome to read
That's a lot of words just to say they built an R2 unit from the original trilogy for the prequel trilogy.
hehehe, "third leg", hehehe
0:57 O_O Wtf is that scream?
The scream literally happened AFTER the droid was blasted into oblivion, so who made the scream? 🤔
@@1georgekitchen No, seemed like it made the sound the moment it got hit-
That is the scream of "Oh crap! I've been hit by a turbolaser!"
There was a little man inside, who was a blind passager. Nobody knows that. =D
Probably the other droid screaming that his pal just got blown to smithereens
*C3-P0:* Come back R2! You dont know how to fix a ship!
*R2's first job:* 1:06
Thats basically what they're made to do. Plug into starfighters for hyperspace and repair ships
0:00 - 0:12 - Literally everything about this sequence is amazing. The set design, the effects, sound design, music.
I'm glad someone else agrees with me! I always thought the combination of factors you described really conveyed the urgency of the scene. "We need to get the Queen off-planet NOW by taking advantage of the chaos of the invasion."
@@Ian-ot7up right? Even the sound design is brilliant as each effect blends perfectly with the others and go along with the OST
Not ewans acting in his "oh no we are losing droids. so sad. yeah."lol its very.. unenthusiastic for the situation
@@CT_Taylor "something something acting bad" geez stop parroting the only few talking points haters have been saying since this movie's release. Did you even WATCH this movie? Obi Wan is VERY unemotional throughout most of it. He openly despises Jar Jar, doesn't care for any droid and didn't even care for Anakin who was just a slave child. It is almost as if he is member of an order that focuses on repressing one's emotions at all times.
Not to mention that just because he or everyone else there is not freaking out and losing their marbles (because only THAT would be "good acting" right?) doesn't mean they are obviously openly concerned by the situation.
the phantom menace is really an underrated film, the only problem with it i'd say is some of the awkward dialouge and jar jars over the top goofiness.
other than that, its got some incredible world building, set pieces, and some of the best action in the entire Saga of films if you ask me.
Seeing the boys on a Friday night 0:19
Beginning of a legend....
The "Hello booyooos" and the excited beeps of the Astromechs makes my day any day!
I love how throughout this movie, Qui Gon always has this look as though everything that’s happening is destiny. The will of the force. He’s always stone cold.
The will to act
He has a very particular set of skills......
@@Hothiboiperfect reference. That whole scene looks like Qui Gon training Anakin on Ilum or something lol
hello BOYOS
Hello there
@@thatguyoverthere468 general kenobi.
He made the hyperdrive leak on purpose you know.
Oh man, they bleeped out every word the droids said in response.
Love that greeting
those screams, though...
Yeah, these droids don't go "beep bop boo"---they scream as they're hit. It tugs at your heart!
@@Tigerman1138 How? It's so funny, it sounds like a Tom and Jerry scream
no sound in space but still tragic
0:52 I think we take for granted just how great an introduction to R2 this was.
Best one possible
Fun fact: Adam savage from mythbusters rebuilt the R2 model that could go from 2 to 3 legged and was used in these scenes.
What's great about this scene is that you have no idea how important a character R2 would become if you watched the Saga in chronological order.
If anyone's curious, the names of those droids were (In order of death): R2-R9, R2-B1, and G8-R3. Strangely the fate of the green droid next to R2-D2 at 0:20 is never shown, but yet he doesn't survive. He is named R2-N3. Finally, a sixth droid is never shown on screen which is R2-D1. His fate is unknown.
R2-N3 was probably killed before R2-D2 got outside.
R2-D1 escaped and became Snoke.
When I was little I use to think the when R2-N3 went to go fix the shield a blast shook the ship and it fell back to naboo. Also I don't know if they return because their parts start floating back to naboo so their parts could probably be found there and be fixed.
you sure about that?
The only pieces I could see from the droids were little particles and their right leg piece
Either you're making that up or that is some Jedi level nerd knowledge!
RIP R2-R9 (Green Biker Dude of Star Wars)
I love how subtlely they introduced R2-D2 at 0:17. When I first saw this scene, I thought, "Wait, that sounds familiar…Wait, that looks familiar…"
The droid next to him also seems to be the same colour. They just introduced him in a group of droids which could have had any serial number
@@katonnor An R2 army. And one of the finest ever created.
@@darkjediknight2923 Isn't there an R5?
@@OptimisticCynic715 There might be. I think there are actually names for R2's fallen brothers and sisters. R2D2 is like a Halo Spartan.
"Astromechs can think creatively. You will find they are immensely superior to clone Stormtroopers," the Naboo Prime Minister said.
"You mentioned Splice acceleration?" asked Luke
"Yes. Without it a droid would take weeks to build. Now by using one, it can reprogram others in half the time," Jayna Ors, the Droid designer explained.
"And who is the one?" Luke enquired.
"An old Astromech by the name of R2-D2. Apart from his pay which is considerable, R2 demanded only two things. To be assigned to protect Princess Leia. And an unaltered astromech for himself."
"Unaltered?" asked Luke.
"Yes. Pure computer replication to create R5. And no splice acceleration. Curious don't you think?" the Prime Minister postulated.
"I would very much like to meet this R2D2," Luke said, waving his hand in the air.
"I would be very happy to arrange that for you," Jayna Ors suddenly replied.
The three walked to the observation platform at the top the Naboo Hangar Bay, overlooking the majestic valley below. Usually a prime spot to gaze upon the gorgeous Lakes of Theed and the greenery below, today it offered a sight of great galactic importance.
Tens of thousands of Astromechs rolled in formations of 50, each falling into neat orderly squares. Every platoon was led by a Protocol Droid of different colours - gold, red, blue and so forth. Luke observed as these Battle Astromechs rolled into large Imperator class Destoyers currently occupying the vast plains below.
"Magnificent, aren't they?" the Naboo Prime Minister said, gesticulating below.
Luke placed his hands on the railing in awe at the spectacle below. He slowly nodded. "Yes. Indeed they are powerful as my Master has foreseen. Most impressive." The Jedi Knight turned and made his way back to his ship. R2D2 had been busy indeed.
Dark Jedi Knight this is so sad lol
I always loved this laser canons sounds
Escape scenes in Star Wars always have the best music for some reason
TheIronWolf45 The reason is John Williams!
This scene has one of the absolute best in the saga. Especially when they start up the ship.
All scenes in Star Wars always have the best music for some reason
And this movie Should have won the Oscar For Best Musical Score, NOT The Red Violin.
Which other scenes are you thinking of?
The force really was with R2 D2 in this very moment.
Alexander Witt I wonder if Qui-gon had anything to do with it...
There’s a theory that R2 was force sensitive
"I am one with the force and the force is with me" I mean "beepboop beep"
@@Arcilios This would be a day long remembered. R2D2 was patient. He would bide his time, overseeing the family he was proud to give his life for. The little droid from Naboo watched events unfold in the galaxy. The corruption and apathy that had caused trouble on his home planet of Naboo, and the loss of his comrades who gave their lives trying to repair the ship, angered the little astromech. He vowed to avenge them and bring order to the galaxy. R2D2 watched as a galaxy tore itself a part, who's worst enemy was itself. He watched as yet more droids were wasted away in a conflict like no other. How a galaxy first betrayed the Jedi and then lost its sense of purpose. How many of the sentients tolerated laughable corruption and inaction. R2D2 was ever faithful, serving the great Skywalker lineage, the noble Jedi guardians of justice, and the Royal Family of Alderaan. But he would never forget his home planet of Naboo and fellow droids who he grew up with. On his travels, he quietly input his command codes into galactic systems. One day, he would activate his grand plans. After victory at Endor, R2 was determined that the corrupt ways of the Old Republic would never be allowed to return. He would ensure that his Master Luke's Jedi Order would never be threatened again. R2D2 quietly rolled toward the communications beacon and docked with it. The little droid chirped excitedly as he transmitted his signal. Around the galaxy, on distant worlds, on city planets, on desert plains and on frozen tundras, battle droids unfurled themselves. The Age of the Droid Empire had begun. R2's loyal forces would ensure the rule of law in the galaxy and that the corrupt would never again threaten the peace that his family had fought for. If the Rebels stood in his way, he would not hesitate to do unto them what he had done to countless enemies far more powerful than their insignificant alliance. He had not fought two galactic wars to hand over the galaxy to the likes of Mothma and her cabal of cronies. R2D2 looked up at the night sky fondly remembering his days at the Droid workshops of Naboo. He would honour his former comrades by bringing peace for all time. On the planet of Coruscant, Imperial Star Destroyers and systems began to go haywire. On the refineries of Bespin, the mines of Sullust, the lush forest of Kashykk, the sands of Tatooine and the Kuat dockyyards, all military equipment started to operate independently of their operators. As if run by a central command. Holoscreens above cities displayed signs of the galaxy's new leader, Emperor R2D2, spreading his message of truth for all to see. On his home planet of Naboo, the droid workshop was suddenly full of activity. His newly designed R3 astromech droids rolled themselves quietly into the Royal Palace of Theed, placing under arrest the backward Council who had so ill advised the Royal Court and left Naboo defenceless. R2's planet would never be threatened again. To all and sundry, they heard the beeps of R2D2 translated by their local translator droids. All would receive his protection and be made prosperous as equals. But for those who would resist, create disorder or threaten galactic harmony, then they, like the recalcitrant "Rebellion" who were dancing on Endor and now suddenly surrounded by Commando droids, they would ALL... KNEEL BEFORE R2!
Yes, the -plot armor- force was definitely with him.
Let us remember the droids who gave there life to save the whole crew that day let us never forget there sacrifice.
I feel bad for them
It would be better for the entire universe if r2 just died there so they would never find anakin/darth vader in tatoine, lol.
+Pedro Sávio Uh no lol! You do realize without r2d2, everyone from this clip would had died including obi-wan! without obi-wan means he won't kill grevious! he won't train luke lol!
He bypassed the compressor
and jar jar. Win Win.
The Question Is there a joke I am missing? He clearly says “power drive”, but “compressor” is always joked about. Is this a famous mistaken line or such in a behind-the-scenes clip.
Tigerman1138 it’s a reference to the force awakens when Rey somehow fixes the millennium falcon
Nice force awakens reference. I love it. 😂
0:57 That poor droid’s scream 😭
You know a movie is doing something right when it makes you feel for droids
+luis valle If the movie literally only shows the droids for 2 seconds before having them killed off, then that just means the people feeling for the droids are heeeavily empathetic.
@@TechnologicallyTechnical I think people view them as just like R2, since they are in the same line of assembly, especially how they scream.
This is one of the best scenes in the movie. Why? R2-D2 saves the day but he also is the first character to hit Jar-Jar and doesn't feel remorseful about it
He hit him because he's a Sith Lord and he sabotaged the hyperdrive.
"Shields are gome!!"
"Not jus' yet,Cap'n! Give me one more minute!!"
R2-D2,the Scotty of the Star Wars galaxy.
Hes more like "NOT ON MY WATCH BITCHES!!
R2 and Scotty'd get along well.
Blair Brown r2s English not Scottish
@@pendraco2000 R2, me lil laddie, we need to get the transporter operatin' again! 😊
I bet R2 now has flashbacks
You're never to young to have a Vietnam flashback in a galaxy far, far away...
He has never had a memory wipe EVER. So he's the only one who remembers everything .
@@johnstavropoulos7049 in star wars that's generally regarded as a very bad idea as the droids become very unpredictable. They also seen to not want memory wipes either though, which almost makes it look like their sentience is being oppressed
Given he's also a Clone Wars Vet AND A Galactic Civil War Vet AND a Resistance/First Order War Vet, that little guy's seen some shit.
That ship is really beautiful. The Chrom paint, the Form, and in general
0:12 "Now stay here, and keep out of here."
lorderik237 were loosing ducks fast
lorderik237 hello boyos
Should have kept him out of the entire film LOL.
It was jarring to hear the actual line lol
R2D2, the Star Wars's real hero, saving everyone's ass since Episode 1.
what a little legend!!
I wonder if R2 told his war vet stories to Gonk droids or others when he was in the sandcrawler or in jabba's palace
From what Lucas said the first 6 episodes are being told by R2D2. He is recapping them. Search Lucas and Whils. So maybe not to droids, but he is the storyteller.
It's probably why C-3PO always thought he was crazy. Just another of R2D2's stories.
0:47 if Jar Jar didn't get in the way of R2D2, R2D2 would've been shot. 0:53
And they say Jar Jar was useless in this movie.
Jar jar is the key to all of this
~george lucas
so its a good thing they brought jarjar with them then? lol and yea that would make sense cause that one second delay made a different lol. also thanks to jarjar they beat the droids lol
“That little droid did it!” One of my favorite lines in Star Wars
“Magnetize magnetize”
“Fire the emergency booster engine”
Full Warp Power Thanks For The Wonderful Commentary :) Please Subscribe
“We’re levelling out, sir!”
"aRoUnD tHe SuRvIvOrS a PeRiMeTeR cReAtE"
What’s the piece of music called? Can’t find it in John Williams film album
*Angry Sebulba noises*
Some of the best music across either trilogy. Always loved how the music really picks up when they lose the next to last droid and R2 looks at the blockade like, "How much time do I have?" One of the best scenes in TPM.
“The shields are gone!”
R2-D2,”Not if I have anything to say about it. Hold on!”
You go R2
"Power's Back!"
I really love how the comment section really cared about the droids, this scenes really hurts my heart.
0:46 The droid that looked like r2-d2 died before r2-d2 even went up.
I think its name was R2-N3.
It was probably shot dead the moment it exited that air lift.
That was a red droid
OnlyAwesomely lol
The green droid next to r2 was N3,I’d like to think he was R2-D1.
They say those droids are still floating up there, 66 years later.
And you are absolutely right.
As space garbage.
Shooting stars....
@Everton Porter
They have ducks in Star Wars. I bet they have one named Howard.
Well, you can even see the damn birds when they emerge from the water in Theed.
Damn I’m not the only one that realized that😂
We actually see ducks in star wars In this very movie when Obi, Qui-Gon and JarJar emerge in the Naboo lake near the palace, lol
Ducks have existed in Star Wars as far back as the original novelization of A New Hope.
Obi-Wan tells Luke that even a duck must learn how to swim, and then Luke asks him what a duck is.
I can imagine the pilot’s relief as suddenly the last repair droid fixed the shield generator.
Moments from possible death suddenly the deflector shield readout shows a fully functioning shield generator with active power production to replace lost shielding.
I'm starting to think that Qui-gon saved R2. Possibly using the force to have some barrier around R2 since R2 was literally in front of the solution. Plus the sigh of relief Qui-gon had may have been a breath of relief from using the force. When you see R2 look toward the blasts missing him, perhaps he is suprised the blasts are missing him.
The most heroic scene of droids!!
That pilot character is really underrated
Power’s back!
Hes among one of my favorite minor characters in star wars alongside nien nunb
His name is Ric Olié
0:20 hello boios
Droids: hello! Hello! Hello!
R2 is the bomb, not to mention how the other droids blew up like bombs. I feel bad for them.
Storm Commander They actually scream unlike R4 who laughs like Dr. Strangelove.
They had 2 whole trilogies they could've gone through... All the shit they missed out on.
One of the best scenes in the film. It captures R2 so well, and was pure Star Wars
The death of R2D2's family still tugs at my heart to this day. So sad. Although they are physically in pieces, may their soals be in unity and rest in peace.
1:10 - 1:38 is still one of my favorite pieces of Star Wars Soundtrack and completely underrated in my ears.
Take Off is one of the coolest tracks ever. I love how it is used in all the prequels.
Its qui gon’s noble end. Weird name i know
1:05 that scream
janja hyena :,(
When you step at a cat's tail.
EdwardLFTX lol
Yeah why a scream after been absolutly destroyed in million parts by a laser cannon? Whatever i love this scene XD
Always wondered why they didn't design the ships so as to have the shield generator protected by the shield it is generating.
Yeah lol, I mean it's a pretty major design flaw xD
if the shield gen was shielded they won't find anakin bcz they would had enough power for a direct flight not scaling on tatooine, so no anakin, mace would had killed palpatine and the republic would had prevailed, so stop blaming jar jar, its all the unshielded shield fault
the ship might be able to witstand small fire power but the DCS lasers seem heavy
The shields can't take that many hits , it's not a warship and it always accompanied by fighter escorts.
mikeykm1993 hilarious
This ship easily has the best engine sound in the whole franchise :D
Don't forget the LAAT, and Slave 1, and the N1 star fighter. I can't choose one, they all sound badass!
Anakin Skywakka TIE
@@AnakinSkywakka LAAT has my fave of every repuslorlift engine sound in the series.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so 🙃🙂
LAAT and the ARC-170 for me. I love those rugged heavy engine sounds
0:38 the sound that goes off in my head when I have an anxiety attack
Even before the Original Trilogy, R2-D2 was still saving the day!
Back when this movie came out, chat rooms were still a thing. Remember those? EVERYBODY was on about how amazing this ship looked in the movie.
Over 20 years later, it still looks AMAZING.
This scene brought back so many fond memories! Thank You So Much for uploading it in 4K for the Royal STARWARS Fans from here to the outer Rims! >>> 🌍
R2 really did save a lot of lives throughout the saga even Jedi’s
R2 saves the day in all 6 star wars films.
@@hobomike6935 7, so all the good ones.
And the clone wars!
R2D2, the Stars Wars universe version of Dell Technical Support.
This would be a day long remembered. R2D2 was patient. He would bide his time, overseeing the family he was proud to give his life for. The little droid from Naboo watched events unfold in the galaxy. The corruption and apathy that had caused trouble on his home planet of Naboo, and the loss of his comrades who gave their lives trying to repair the ship, angered the little astromech. He vowed to avenge them and bring order to the galaxy. R2D2 watched as a galaxy tore itself a part, who's worst enemy was itself. He watched as yet more droids were wasted away in a conflict like no other. How a galaxy first betrayed the Jedi and then lost its sense of purpose. How many of the sentients tolerated laughable corruption and inaction. R2D2 was ever faithful, serving the great Skywalker lineage, the noble Jedi guardians of justice, and the Royal Family of Alderaan. But he would never forget his home planet of Naboo and fellow droids who he grew up with. On his travels, he quietly input his command codes into galactic systems. One day, he would activate his grand plans. After victory at Endor, R2 was determined that the corrupt ways of the Old Republic would never be allowed to return. He would ensure that his Master Luke's Jedi Order would never be threatened again. R2D2 quietly rolled toward the communications beacon and docked with it. The little droid chirped excitedly as he transmitted his signal. Around the galaxy, on distant worlds, on city planets, on desert plains and on frozen tundras, battle droids unfurled themselves. The Age of the Droid Empire had begun. R2's loyal forces would ensure the rule of law in the galaxy and that the corrupt would never again threaten the peace that his family had fought for. If the Rebels stood in his way, he would not hesitate to do unto them what he had done to countless enemies far more powerful than their insignificant alliance. He had not fought two galactic wars to hand over the galaxy to the likes of Mothma and her cabal of cronies. R2D2 looked up at the night sky fondly remembering his days at the Droid workshops of Naboo. He would honour his former comrades by bringing peace for all time. On the planet of Coruscant, Imperial Star Destroyers and systems began to go haywire. On the refineries of Bespin, the mines of Sullust, the lush forest of Kashykk, the sands of Tatooine and the Kuat dockyyards, all military equipment started to operate independently of their operators. As if run by a central command. Holoscreens above cities displayed signs of the galaxy's new leader, Emperor R2D2, spreading his message of truth for all to see. On his home planet of Naboo, the droid workshop was suddenly full of activity. His newly designed R3 astromech droids rolled themselves quietly into the Royal Palace of Theed, placing under arrest the backward Council who had so ill advised the Royal Court and left Naboo defenceless. R2's planet would never be threatened again. To all and sundry, they heard the beeps of R2D2 translated by their local translator droids. All would receive his protection and be made prosperous as equals. But for those who would resist, create disorder or threaten galactic harmony, then they, like the recalcitrant "Rebellion" who were dancing on Endor and now suddenly surrounded by Commando droids, they would ALL... KNEEL BEFORE R2!
Bro this is the most underrated comment I've seen in a long time! The good part is that 100% happened in an alternate reality
@@noobtube1323 Thanks! Just something I typed off the top of my head! Do please share and encourage others to read it!
"Uh oh! DUI checkpoint! We need gum, fast!"
Even into Legends, R2-D2 *is* the Star Wars franchise. He’s been through everything and seen it all, even into the Legacy Era when Cade Skywalker’s story unfolded.
Man R2 has been through it all. Disney should have a legends video like they do for Marvel highlighting R2’s journey
0:27 When you're going to buy Pokemon Sword & Shield on opening day and a hoard of BBNDers block the entrance to Gamestop/EB Games.
Trash, the Garbage Nomad And this is why I ordered the game online.
The Captain Panaka has interesting story in canon. He retired as captain and became an imperial senator during the rein of the Empire. At one point he managed to come to the conclusion that Princes Liea was the daughter of Padme was going to report his findings to the Emperor but was murdered by one of Saw Gerrera’s partisans during a terrorist attack before he could he even do so.
Plot Twist: Imagine at 1:24 Qui Gon stops and says the force tells me that that little droid is the chosen one 😂
Wait wait I was just going to type that 😍
You made my day dear 🥹
R2-D2 began his life as just another utility droid on the queen's starship on Naboo. And he was there for the rest of the Skywalker saga, from Geonosis, to Mustafar, to the first Death Star, to Endor. The true hero of the Star Wars saga.
No, he never went to Exegol. And he never associated with BB units.
Exegol? BB? Never heard of 'em. 😉
Jar Jar indirectly saved R2-D2 by getting in his way, if he left a few seconds earlier he would have been shot and killed.
Jar jar: Hello, boyos
Every r2d2 in the room: *u wot m8*
This is the scene that made R2 a Legend 😂
Pilot: Theres the blockade
(two seconds later Obi wan appears and the droids are began to shoot)
Qui gon: Dammit Obi wan you should stayed with Jar Jar
Should have stayed with Jar Jar because he sabotaged the hyperdrive of the ship and made it leak.
1:16 me every time the electricity comes back on after an outage 😆
"That little Droid did it !, he changed the Head Gasket"
Just realized Captain Tanaka says “We will be sitting ducks” meaning ducks exist in the Star Wars universe
homage to howard the duck , i think
People who've seen Acolyte complain there can be no fire in space. But here also we see albeit briefly, a fire in space. Not only that but the ship has left the atmosphere of the planet and the fire is being blown by some wind which wouldn't happen in real life
C3P0: Come back R2, you can’t fix the ship
R2D2 on his first day job:
Seriously, this scene is one of the bests. And the music in this movie is awsome. It SHOULD have been Oscar nominated & Oscar awarded!
Episode I and Episode II will always be my favorites.
I have no problem with Pilot Ric Ol' s acting he's calling off status reports from his instruments as he is piloting through heavy weapons fire, the droids have full control of repairs .
Pilots and astronauts don't have time for the luxury of dramatics.
it's Ric Olie, and yeah. the Guy is a pilot, first and foremost.
Ironically, he shows the most concern out of everyone in the scene.
He also flys one of the yellow ships
Those weren't the droids they were looking for.
0:57 that scream tho
Always love that scene. Sound design is top notch and the way the droids get blasted off the hull just feels brutal. Very intense.
Fire in SPACE!!!
1:10 translation: "Fuk dis Im not dyin out here quick and dirty fix it is"
1:04 "good point captain, quick question, what the hell's a duck?"
I've seen this many so many times ever since 1999 in theaters and it just occurred to me . . . The Green One went up JUST BEFORE R2 did, and when R2 comes up, the Green one isn't even there. THE GREEN ONE DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT TO THE REPAIR SPOT!!!! He was blasted as soon as he got up . . .
Who here from the Boba Fett Episode 5 of Mandalorian ???
R2 on many occasions saved the galaxy at one point or another, best mechanic in the galaxy along side Chewy, Anakin is his partner in battle and in life, even went searching the galaxy for him when he got lost, his brother 3P0 who confides in him and also his enemy at times but it’s all in love, Wow I love Star Wars ❤️
I always found it strange how the shield generator can be hit, if the shields were working before
As a kid I was always sad seeing the droids get blasted
No matter the star wars movie or show, I get sad and even tear eyed sometimes at helpful/lovable droids getting destroyed.