Thank you for the message. Though I’m a believer in pre tribulation rapture, I still think David’s teaching enlightening and enriching to my thirst for Christ. All glory to GOD.
Pre trib rapture is a false teaching. Jesus said he would return after the tribulation on the clouds with his angles to gather his people the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe at the last trumpet after the tribulation. You can't deny the very words of Jesus.
"The day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God".. 2 Tessalonians 2: 2 -4
@@koolumanionwumere1782 You speak false doctrine from ignorance. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 does not say pre tribulation rapture will not happen - it is literally Paul explaining to the Thessalonians, who were "shaken in mind" and "alarmed" because they were being persecuted in Thessalonica during that time and the rapture had not occurred. They were greatly confused and distressed because they expected the rapture to have occurred before the persecution they were currently experiencing. So, Paul wrote this part of his letter to that specific church in order to correct their alarm and confusion which was based on misunderstanding of doctrine, and it has nothing to do with you or anyone living today in America or any other city or nation. On the other hand, 1 Thessalonians 4:13 and Revelation 3:10 declares the worldwide pre tribulation rapture, or "Snatching away" (the Greek word written by Paul is Harpazo, which means "to snatch away, sieze, take up, carry off by force", also translated 'Raptura' in the Latin Vulgate which is the latin translation of the Bible, hence where the English word 'rapture' comes from) of Christ's bride before the tribulation. In Revelation, immediately before the tribulation begins, Jesus himself says to his church, "I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth." immediately after chapter 3, the tribulation begins on Earth and the church is not mentioned even once more during the entire events of the tribulation. Then, the church is mentioned once more, at the very end of the book, AFTER the tribulation and when the wrath of God has been finished upon the earth, when Christ's bride - the believers - return to the new Earth to begin the millennial kingdom. Please do not cherry-pick verses to preach false doctrine, which by the way, do not even support your argument by themselves.
Praise God! Thank you David Parson for this amazing teachings about the Jewish people and their nation Israel. Praying for their SALVATION! All glory to the mighty name of Yeshua Hamasiach, Jesus the Holy one of Israel. ♥️✝️💟
Amazing teaching David Pawson! You brought alive your teachings! U opened many eyes to YESHUA! U are still opening eyes though u are not here! How every Christian longs for you to be around especially in this disturbing era! Thank YESHUA for showing us this man! He is still alive in my heart and I want to learn more about OUR MIGHTY LORD thru David Pawson!! Amen!
Gets more important each day to turn to David’s teaching of the Word. 39:50 talks of current events in the Middle East - this is our answer it’s not going to be part of God’s plan …
Simply Amazing! I hope I could be there listening live! What a wonderful Bible teacher! Thank God for allowing us to have a precious chance to listen to it now!!! Greatest content ever!!! Thank you Lord and we look forward to your return. Amen. 🙏🏼
If anyone is hoping to usher in the coming of the Lord, then as Christians we need to preach the true Gospel to the world.Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.The Good news you can have eternal life with Jesus in his Kingdom.The Kingdom is coming in it's fullness.
I agree I am in a hurry for God to bring peace but he isn't. That because he wants to save as many as possible both gentiles and Jews. So God strengthen my patience.
@min.16:22, third sign in this series is the abomination of desolation which requires the erection of the Temple. All the Priestly articles are ready for worship. This is one of 4 alerts to keep an eye on.
The Gospel is for all first, GOD is no respecter of persons. Proclaiming the Gospel to world should be every Christian’s priority. Galatians 3:28 Mark 16:15-16 Revelation 3:16; 21:8
Having a separate plan for Jews and Gentiles does not mean He is a respecter of persons. "Neither Jews nor Greek" refers to offer of salvation". Galatians 3:28 also says "neither male nor female".
I think that's why the emphasis of pray for the peace Jerusalem and preach gospel to the jew first and then the gentiles, is, the Lord will not return until the people of Israel is ready to call on him and say " blessed be the name of the Lord". Only then can He return and save His people Israel, the Jew. And his children in the world who has the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart.
Great teaching. Only a couple of things I would possibly have to disagree about. Zechariah mentions a partial exile of the Jews at the end (Zech 14:2) which is important because there needs to be a glorious return of the Jews from the nations at the return of Christ. (Isaiah 49:22-26). Also scripture does seem to indicate that there will be sacrafices still after the return of Christ in the temple (Ezekiel 46:19-24, Zechariah 14:20-21, Jeremiah 33:17-18) that he establishes (Zechariah 6:12-15) as described by Ezekiel (40-47) during his millennial reign.
The Holy One will physically return a second time for the salvation of Israel. (Dan. 9:24, Rom. 11:25-27, Heb. 9:28, Rev. 10:7) This event is not the coming of the Son of Man, it is not the appearing of the Word of God, it is not the desending of the Lamb of God!
Its good to read the Present with Religion, a book for free on the internet.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the fulll picture of life for the first time so that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the stepa of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven.Knowing the truth is the key factor in our salvation.We must know the truth and live in it and change ourselves according to it in order fo be saved.There is no other way to our salvation.With the knowledge of thw truth there comes true repentance which means changing our minds and also true obediance to God' s law and finally our sanctification which is a lifelong process.And God in His mercy will give us His wonderful grace which is the time and ability to make the proper change.Only in this way will we be able to attain our eternal salvation.Our task is to find this narrow gate that leads to God and do it quickly and stay on it till the end no matter what.Then and only then we will be saved.There is nothing more important or serious to do in this fallen world as our eternal fate depends on it.
The pre trib rapture is a false teaching. Jesus said he would return after the tribulation. He said he would return on the clouds with his angles to gather his people the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe at the last trumpet after the tribulation. That's Jesus own words.
Hi sorry its taken so long to get back to you - can you please advise the timing of this reference to Paul Schneider in the Spanish subtitles? Thank you
David is making a general point that we owe everything to the Jews - but we do owe a lot The 1st telephone was patented by Alexandra Graham Bell who was reported to be a Jew There are many Jews who have influenced and changed the World to name only a few :- Freud Einstein Niels Bohr who proposed the structure of the atom and invented quantum theory Oppenheimer who invented the Atom bomb Rothschilds - banking ...there are many many more And of course the greatest Jew - Jesus - who is the Saviour of the World
I love David Pawson but I can’t reconcile his teachings on Israel with those of James C. Gallagher, who has really compelling scriptural arguments for why he believes Israel is Mystery Babylon.
David had one objective - to help people to ''read the Bible for themselves'' and if you could not find what David teaches in Gods word - then ignore everything he/David teaches If you believe the Bible is teh Word of God then ask the question - what does GOD say about Israel ? Its not important what David nor James Gallagher say Romans 11: 25 says ''all Israel will be saved'' ''They are loved on behalf of the patriarchs for Gods gift and his call are irrevocable'' Be wary of any 'mans' opinion - check out what God says
@@DavidPawsonMinistry Pastor Gallagher makes a very sound argument that the Israel of God is the new covenant with Jesus Christ. Not that the Jews are somehow the only chosen people.
@@ibeamy the Jews are no longer the only special ones - Salvation came to the Gentiles because the transgressions of the Jews and we have now been “grafted in”. Romans 11 is clear …. But GOD has not finished with the Jews
Gods plan. Revelation 13:7 Antichrist It was also given to him (by God) to make war with the saints (church) and to overcome them (kill them), and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him (by God). Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. Revelation 19:7-8 Marriage of the Lamb Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
As much tremendous respect as this man deserves, this is just way too much focus here on Israel. I want to here him expound on the Biblical text and he hasn't gotten into the word yet @ 13:01 and here comes the warning of antisemitism again.. Hollywood seems to be doing fine 11:01 Book "For the love of zion" 14:01 "were in the middle of the process" as far as all the jews returning back to Israel 14:45 Scripture does not dictate that the return of jews back to Israel is not a sign of the return of Christ. 15:01 Matt 24 "when you see the fig tree blossom" 15:45 Runs through the 4 signs.. re-review and list them out
As David Pawson said in this video, 1% of Jews (or 15,000) believed in Jesus Christ as the Messiah at the time that Mr. Pawson delivered this teaching.
Theres still very high percentage of Jews not believing in Jesus yet. But theres a ministry of One for Israel is evangelizing within. As no outside evangelicals are allowed to come in and preach the gospel. So God has his way. Israel is a very high tech nation and the Ministry is reaching people straight into their homes via smart phones n computer. This covid pandemic in Israel also is causing young n old people to seek out the Lord Jesus. The surrounding nations that keep Israel under pressure everyday keeps Israel to keep the one true God. They believe in the one true God yet not in Jesus Christ His Son who also is a Jew. Born of Mary a Jewish girl! The Jews are the Lords brethrens n the Christian's are His adopted. Anyway, that's my own opinion. Not saying its definite! But at the end of the last day, the Jews spiritual eyes will be opened to see n know their Lord n Messiah Jesus Christ. We owe the Jews our faith in Christ. The Bible is written by the Jews. Apostles n Disciples are Jews. Jesus the Son of Man, born of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit is Jew. The Jews are Gods chosen people. The Christian's are His people by faith.
No they do not. They believe he was a brilliant prophet but also a heretic. They do not believe a messiah has come yet. They believe in a messiah according their teachings but it is not yet come. Don’t believe me? Read “You take Jesus, I’ll Take God.”
Bigmike83007. He didn't say that. He simply said that Jews are great musicians and they are. World class like Daniel Barenboim , Itzak Perleman and many others. The film industry isn't all bad. It gave us the passion of Christ and other good films. The ten commandments , and Ben Hur to name only two. Nothing in this world is wholly good I suspect , but it certainly isn't all bad. Science certainly isn't all good, but it has given us many good things also. Kayte
At it's inception, the entertainment industry wasn't as sinful as now. Because, there were some very enjoyable movies and music. Satan corrupts everything that he can.
Listening to this in 2023, I'll say this man of God was prophetic
Fabulous teaching by a wonderful man! We need more like him in these dark days. Thank God for his legacy ❤️
I will remember. To tell people to talk to Jesus. He is alive. Thank you
Thank you for the message. Though I’m a believer in pre tribulation rapture, I still think David’s teaching enlightening and enriching to my thirst for Christ. All glory to GOD.
2 thesalonians 2 says otherwise
Pre trib rapture is a false teaching. Jesus said he would return after the tribulation on the clouds with his angles to gather his people the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe at the last trumpet after the tribulation. You can't deny the very words of Jesus.
"The day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God".. 2 Tessalonians 2: 2 -4
@@koolumanionwumere1782 You speak false doctrine from ignorance. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 does not say pre tribulation rapture will not happen - it is literally Paul explaining to the Thessalonians, who were "shaken in mind" and "alarmed" because they were being persecuted in Thessalonica during that time and the rapture had not occurred. They were greatly confused and distressed because they expected the rapture to have occurred before the persecution they were currently experiencing. So, Paul wrote this part of his letter to that specific church in order to correct their alarm and confusion which was based on misunderstanding of doctrine, and it has nothing to do with you or anyone living today in America or any other city or nation.
On the other hand, 1 Thessalonians 4:13 and Revelation 3:10 declares the worldwide pre tribulation rapture, or "Snatching away" (the Greek word written by Paul is Harpazo, which means "to snatch away, sieze, take up, carry off by force", also translated 'Raptura' in the Latin Vulgate which is the latin translation of the Bible, hence where the English word 'rapture' comes from) of Christ's bride before the tribulation.
In Revelation, immediately before the tribulation begins, Jesus himself says to his church, "I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth." immediately after chapter 3, the tribulation begins on Earth and the church is not mentioned even once more during the entire events of the tribulation. Then, the church is mentioned once more, at the very end of the book, AFTER the tribulation and when the wrath of God has been finished upon the earth, when Christ's bride - the believers - return to the new Earth to begin the millennial kingdom. Please do not cherry-pick verses to preach false doctrine, which by the way, do not even support your argument by themselves.
Praise God! Thank you David Parson for this amazing teachings about the Jewish people and their nation Israel. Praying for their SALVATION! All glory to the mighty name of Yeshua Hamasiach, Jesus the Holy one of Israel. ♥️✝️💟
How wonderful! "Lord Jesus, thank You for putting David Pawson 's teachings in my life!". Amen.
Amazing teaching David Pawson! You brought alive your teachings! U opened many eyes to YESHUA! U are still opening eyes though u are not here! How every Christian longs for you to be around especially in this disturbing era! Thank YESHUA for showing us this man! He is still alive in my heart and I want to learn more about OUR MIGHTY LORD thru David Pawson!! Amen!
A great Bible teacher.
Hallelujah and Amen! Come quickly Lord Jesus! We need you!
Gets more important each day to turn to David’s teaching of the Word. 39:50 talks of current events in the Middle East - this is our answer it’s not going to be part of God’s plan …
Simply Amazing! I hope I could be there listening live! What a wonderful Bible teacher! Thank God for allowing us to have a precious chance to listen to it now!!! Greatest content ever!!! Thank you Lord and we look forward to your return. Amen. 🙏🏼
Excellent and comprehensive.
Thank you you very much. It was enlightening talk.
Excellent teaching. Yes the old temple was in the city of David, not where the dime of the rock is now.
If anyone is hoping to usher in the coming of the Lord, then as Christians we need to preach the true Gospel to the world.Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.The Good news you can have eternal life with Jesus in his Kingdom.The Kingdom is coming in it's fullness.
I believe the Church will go through the tribulation, the Church is removed from God's wrath but NOT Satan's.
Rescue us, Yahshúa!
I agree I am in a hurry for God to bring peace but he isn't. That because he wants to save as many as possible both gentiles and Jews. So God strengthen my patience.
Enjoying your ministry
I believe through Christ Jesu, all things are possible
I am so glad to Jews are turning to jesus yah
@min.16:22, third sign in this series is the abomination of desolation which requires the erection of the Temple.
All the Priestly articles are ready for worship. This is one of 4 alerts to keep
an eye on.
Thank you
Halleluiah Jesus.
The Gospel is for all first, GOD is no respecter of persons. Proclaiming the Gospel to world should be every Christian’s priority.
Galatians 3:28
Mark 16:15-16
Revelation 3:16; 21:8
Having a separate plan for Jews and Gentiles does not mean He is a respecter of persons. "Neither Jews nor Greek" refers to offer of salvation". Galatians 3:28 also says "neither male nor female".
I think that's why the emphasis of pray for the peace Jerusalem and preach gospel to the jew first and then the gentiles, is, the Lord will not return until the people of Israel is ready to call on him and say " blessed be the name of the Lord". Only then can He return and save His people Israel, the Jew. And his children in the world who has the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart.
Great teaching. Only a couple of things I would possibly have to disagree about. Zechariah mentions a partial exile of the Jews at the end (Zech 14:2) which is important because there needs to be a glorious return of the Jews from the nations at the return of Christ. (Isaiah 49:22-26). Also scripture does seem to indicate that there will be sacrafices still after the return of Christ in the temple (Ezekiel 46:19-24, Zechariah 14:20-21, Jeremiah 33:17-18) that he establishes (Zechariah 6:12-15) as described by Ezekiel (40-47) during his millennial reign.
I agree!
At the 33:00 mark he mentions Zechariah 12 - 14.
Some claim that it was Uganda and not Kenya.
The Holy One will physically return a second time for the salvation of Israel. (Dan. 9:24, Rom. 11:25-27, Heb. 9:28, Rev. 10:7)
This event is not the coming of the Son of Man, it is not the appearing of the Word of God, it is not the desending of the Lamb of God!
Only Jesus saves not religion Amen!
Amazing teaching. What about the 144000?
Couldn’t they get everything ready before he started speaking?
Its good to read the Present with Religion, a book for free on the internet.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the fulll picture of life for the first time so that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the stepa of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven.Knowing the truth is the key factor in our salvation.We must know the truth and live in it and change ourselves according to it in order fo be saved.There is no other way to our salvation.With the knowledge of thw truth there comes true repentance which means changing our minds and also true obediance to God' s law and finally our sanctification which is a lifelong process.And God in His mercy will give us His wonderful grace which is the time and ability to make the proper change.Only in this way will we be able to attain our eternal salvation.Our task is to find this narrow gate that leads to God and do it quickly and stay on it till the end no matter what.Then and only then we will be saved.There is nothing more important or serious to do in this fallen world as our eternal fate depends on it.
I like his teachings. But I believe the rapture of the church will happen before the tribulation
The pre trib rapture is a false teaching. Jesus said he would return after the tribulation. He said he would return on the clouds with his angles to gather his people the righteous dead and those who are alive and believe at the last trumpet after the tribulation. That's Jesus own words.
Who is Paul Schneider? The spanish text below does not correspond to the pastor preaching. He never mentions Paul Schneider.
Hi sorry its taken so long to get back to you - can you please advise the timing of this reference to Paul Schneider in the Spanish subtitles? Thank you
@50:18 Can someone please explain to me how is it that a jew was the 1st to have and used a telephone? Why do we owe everything to the jews? Explain.
David is making a general point that we owe everything to the Jews - but we do owe a lot
The 1st telephone was patented by Alexandra Graham Bell who was reported to be a Jew
There are many Jews who have influenced and changed the World to name only a few :-
Niels Bohr who proposed the structure of the atom and invented quantum theory
Oppenheimer who invented the Atom bomb
Rothschilds - banking
...there are many many more
And of course the greatest Jew - Jesus - who is the Saviour of the World
@@DavidPawsonMinistry Elon Musk isn't a jew.
I love David Pawson but I can’t reconcile his teachings on Israel with those of James C. Gallagher, who has really compelling scriptural arguments for why he believes Israel is Mystery Babylon.
David had one objective - to help people to ''read the Bible for themselves'' and if you could not find what David teaches in Gods word - then ignore everything he/David teaches
If you believe the Bible is teh Word of God then ask the question - what does GOD say about Israel ? Its not important what David nor James Gallagher say
Romans 11: 25 says ''all Israel will be saved'' ''They are loved on behalf of the patriarchs for Gods gift and his call are irrevocable''
Be wary of any 'mans' opinion - check out what God says
@@DavidPawsonMinistry Pastor Gallagher makes a very sound argument that the Israel of God is the new covenant with Jesus Christ. Not that the Jews are somehow the only chosen people.
@@ibeamy the Jews are no longer the only special ones - Salvation came to the Gentiles because the transgressions of the Jews and we have now been “grafted in”.
Romans 11 is clear …. But GOD has not finished with the Jews
Gods plan.
Revelation 13:7
It was also given to him (by God) to make war with the saints (church) and to overcome them (kill them), and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him (by God).
Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
Revelation 19:7-8
Marriage of the Lamb
Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
Independence of the Trees
1932 Iraq
1952 Egypt
1979 Iran ( became Iran instead of Persiain in 1935)
1946 Syria
As much tremendous respect as this man deserves, this is just way too much focus here on Israel. I want to here him expound on the Biblical text and he hasn't gotten into the word yet @ 13:01 and here comes the warning of antisemitism again.. Hollywood seems to be doing fine
11:01 Book "For the love of zion"
14:01 "were in the middle of the process" as far as all the jews returning back to Israel
14:45 Scripture does not dictate that the return of jews back to Israel is not a sign of the return of Christ.
15:01 Matt 24 "when you see the fig tree blossom"
15:45 Runs through the 4 signs.. re-review and list them out
YAh all Jews will be saved yes in the book of roman.
Do jews believe in Christ?
As David Pawson said in this video, 1% of Jews (or 15,000) believed in Jesus Christ as the Messiah at the time that Mr. Pawson delivered this teaching.
Theres still very high percentage of Jews not believing in Jesus yet. But theres a ministry of One for Israel is evangelizing within. As no outside evangelicals are allowed to come in and preach the gospel. So God has his way. Israel is a very high tech nation and the Ministry is reaching people straight into their homes via smart phones n computer. This covid pandemic in Israel also is causing young n old people to seek out the Lord Jesus. The surrounding nations that keep Israel under pressure everyday keeps Israel to keep the one true God. They believe in the one true God yet not in Jesus Christ His Son who also is a Jew. Born of Mary a Jewish girl!
The Jews are the Lords brethrens n the Christian's are His adopted. Anyway, that's my own opinion. Not saying its definite!
But at the end of the last day, the Jews spiritual eyes will be opened to see n know their Lord n Messiah Jesus Christ. We owe the Jews our faith in Christ. The Bible is written by the Jews. Apostles n Disciples are Jews. Jesus the Son of Man, born of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit is Jew.
The Jews are Gods chosen people. The Christian's are His people by faith.
@@Woman_in_the_Wilderness no. The Jewish messiah is NOT jesus. They believe the messiah has not yet come.
No they do not. They believe he was a brilliant prophet but also a heretic. They do not believe a messiah has come yet. They believe in a messiah according their teachings but it is not yet come. Don’t believe me? Read “You take Jesus, I’ll Take God.”
@@ibeamy hmmm... seems you missed the "1%" in my comment.
I don't believe in no lost tribes either don't entertain it.
Story of red bull
Red Bull sacrifice in Jerusalem
50:50 So the occult music industry and film industry (Hollywood) is according to Mr. Pawson a good thing!?!!
Bigmike83007. He didn't say that. He simply said that Jews are great musicians and they are. World class like Daniel Barenboim , Itzak Perleman and many others. The film industry isn't all bad. It gave us the passion of Christ and other good films. The ten commandments , and Ben Hur to name only two. Nothing in this world is wholly good I suspect , but it certainly isn't all bad. Science certainly isn't all good, but it has given us many good things also. Kayte
At it's inception, the entertainment industry wasn't as sinful as now. Because, there were some very enjoyable movies and music. Satan corrupts everything that he can.
I don’t think Mr. Pawson understood the underbelly of the satanic synagogue.
Thank you.