facts, i mean highland has the slopestyle open, mtn creek has the dh naty's, and thunder with fort hill and some of the most mint trails i personally have ever ridden
Thunder makes killington feel like the roughest terrain you’ve ever experienced. Their trail crew just can’t keep up with the traffic. Thunders conditions on gronk, Hawleywood, and basically any trail they have is always top notch. Damn near concrete smooth in spots. Blue magic was THE trail for me back in 18/19. Blue magic hasn’t been the same since. It’s rough, rockier than before and they changed so much it’s just not as fun as it used to be.
I love Blue & Black Magic. Personally, I think they're the best jump trails in the east. They're very easy to get accustomed to and they're very predictable. Great place to practice and work on jump technique.
I'll take the east coast tech over floaty jumps any day. But that's because 8ve been riding easy coast tech since before they even had floaty jump trails. We used to ride when they would just mark some trails, and that was about all the trail work they did. Just natural terrain, steep, rough and raw.
Really loved this place. I agree with the other commenters that I'd like to hear your impression of Mountain Creek. TBH I had a bit more fun at killington just because the runs were so much longer. The jumps at Killington are longer and less poppy than Mtn Creek with the exception of the last two hits on black magic, but thats not a bad thing for some. Did you guys do blue magic? That run was amazing, but really easy to overshoot everything.
I got the same problem just now starting to get better. I found drops way easier so i started with that. Also getting some good bunnyhops on some natural “mini jumps” helps with confidence but in the end youll just have to send it a couple of times and work your way up. And one last thing, sessioning reaalllyy helps. Once you get confident on a couple of jumps you can progress alot faster
The bike is solid and my Ebike conversion went great. th-cam.com/users/postUgkxHL1v1R3NE5x4KiYfyt8dnQmyNYz7qi5L Very smooth ride at 30mph with no problems (135 miles ridden so far). The picture is a bit deceiving - there is WAY less space in the center of the frame than it shows. The suspension connection takes up the entire thing. So I needed to attach my battery on the bottom of the frame and my controller on the top. Instructions for assembly were lacking but honestly it wasn't too hard to figure out even though I have very little bike knowledge. Watched some youtube videos on adjusting the disk brakes but that was it. Still, I am loving it and very happy with the purchase.
Yeah we were bummed! we were riding there Sunday and Monday, and planned to head over to the gondola Monday, which it turns out it was not open on Monday during the time we were there.
You guys should do more of these on the east coast, like highland, thunder, and Mountain creek
Can't forget Snowshoe & Kanuga!
@@KRLinger absolutey
facts, i mean highland has the slopestyle open, mtn creek has the dh naty's, and thunder with fort hill and some of the most mint trails i personally have ever ridden
@@jbflynn4134 Thunder is amazing. Did Killington, MC, Bryce and Thunder in the past 2 weeks. Thunder was by far my favorite.
Thunder makes killington feel like the roughest terrain you’ve ever experienced. Their trail crew just can’t keep up with the traffic. Thunders conditions on gronk, Hawleywood, and basically any trail they have is always top notch. Damn near concrete smooth in spots. Blue magic was THE trail for me back in 18/19. Blue magic hasn’t been the same since. It’s rough, rockier than before and they changed so much it’s just not as fun as it used to be.
Thanks for having us take part in a first impressions, Had a killer time ripping Killington with Peter J!
Thanks for shredding, Luca!
"Gonna go up the gondola" *video cuts to goat skull, off the Ramshead lift 😂
That was sick! And nice commentary by both riders. I wish this ski hill was closer to where I live.
Love riding Killington, everything looks way bigger in person!
Alternative title: "Oh" and " yeah" for 9 minutes
Pinkbike coming to the east coast = I click!
I love Blue & Black Magic. Personally, I think they're the best jump trails in the east. They're very easy to get accustomed to and they're very predictable. Great place to practice and work on jump technique.
Please please do thunder mountain in Massachusetts, its got 40 footers
Watching this I can say other than ride length, TMBP is better jump wise.
Awesome, I wanna ride there, reminds me of a lot of stuff in the northern MN and the UP.
This looks like the dream!
Just rode this park today soo much fun
Just rode killington last weekend! Dope place as in a native from there
Heck yeah I'm sold, added to the list. Good ridin 🤙
I went there two years ago and it was sick!!!
Awesome video
That yellow bike Peter Jamison was riding was that a YT Capra
Mk3 capra core 3. Hard to tell if that was 29 or mx
Can you let us know the setup of your bikes?? I’m newer to riding and this is what I’m going to work up to riding/jumping
Peter on 🔥🙏
no way i was there saturday and sunday! i think i saw you guys
Found the guys that Bobo made a video about...those guys that say "yew" too much LOL
Literally all I could think of....
You guys should come to mountain creek in Vernon NJ
Yeah that would be sick, it my local bike park, and I would love to see a new video on the park
I was there in 2002. It was already kickass back then.
Did the trail footage from the gondola disappear?
prime conditions. great vid
I'll take the east coast tech over floaty jumps any day. But that's because 8ve been riding easy coast tech since before they even had floaty jump trails. We used to ride when they would just mark some trails, and that was about all the trail work they did. Just natural terrain, steep, rough and raw.
thunder and highland next!
Really loved this place. I agree with the other commenters that I'd like to hear your impression of Mountain Creek. TBH I had a bit more fun at killington just because the runs were so much longer. The jumps at Killington are longer and less poppy than Mtn Creek with the exception of the last two hits on black magic, but thats not a bad thing for some. Did you guys do blue magic? That run was amazing, but really easy to overshoot everything.
I take it this is Killington Vt. If so, a swing over to Kingdom Trails would make a nice long weekend.
beast of the east
Should’ve shown cable trail or some of the other stuff off of the top
his YT 🤩🤩🤩
Finally Klingonians have a bike park!😂
Damn, you guys are so good. I really want to get good at jumps but when I see one my brain just dies and says nooo. Any tips?
I got the same problem just now starting to get better. I found drops way easier so i started with that. Also getting some good bunnyhops on some natural “mini jumps” helps with confidence but in the end youll just have to send it a couple of times and work your way up. And one last thing, sessioning reaalllyy helps. Once you get confident on a couple of jumps you can progress alot faster
The local!
Damn...I was just there over the weekend and my Old Man riding didn’t look ANYTHING like these guys!!! 😂
The bike is solid and my Ebike conversion went great. th-cam.com/users/postUgkxHL1v1R3NE5x4KiYfyt8dnQmyNYz7qi5L Very smooth ride at 30mph with no problems (135 miles ridden so far). The picture is a bit deceiving - there is WAY less space in the center of the frame than it shows. The suspension connection takes up the entire thing. So I needed to attach my battery on the bottom of the frame and my controller on the top. Instructions for assembly were lacking but honestly it wasn't too hard to figure out even though I have very little bike knowledge. Watched some youtube videos on adjusting the disk brakes but that was it. Still, I am loving it and very happy with the purchase.
There are not any huge jumps at killington though. Two huge drops and some big jumps. Head to thunder, highland, powder, and creek for huge jumps
His opening statement going to be more true about Killington
The camera settings are terrible
Looks like some hero dirt.
god damn it took me WAY too long to figure out where the hell this place is located, even after clicking the link to their website. Why so secretive?
Drinking game: take drink whenever they say yiiiu!
You’re never gonna get stoked with that attitude boi
@@wayneholford9796 stop following me creep
Yo that’s my local bike park lol
One day 😥😔
I counted 11 yew’s
we should have had a yew count going.
@@luca_cometti next time definitely do that!
Yeeeeewwwwww way way too many times.
Rename this video: Oh Yeah's Vs Yewww's.
Who wants to buy me a full sus?
You guys didn’t even make it to k-1…
Yeah we were bummed! we were riding there Sunday and Monday, and planned to head over to the gondola Monday, which it turns out it was not open on Monday during the time we were there.
Things I hate.... “yeawww” and “lets go” ugh 🤦🏻♂️
you're more cringe though
@@pocowoso1436 yeah...sure 👍
@@concrerto lmao why do you hate them?
No one cares andraysen
Couldn't watch it anymore. So sick of hearing "yew" in these videos.