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  • @jorgerr3168
    @jorgerr3168 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Fishing achievements, I feel are wild in that you can go anywhere from a couple of months to years on end depending on how good your luck is for some of the fish.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh yeah, those are so random and unpredictable that there was no point in me even attempting to calculate how long they would take! 😂

    • @kaeldiar
      @kaeldiar 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I joined hundreds of others yesterday by "jailing" for one of the new legendaries. It didn't appear until late night, but I began prepping for the fish early in the morning, because it required catching a different Very Hard to Catch fish. Once I got it, I was stuck in the zone. I could change jobs and log out, but couldn't leave the zone (including entering duty), or else I'd lose the progress. Yay fishing!

  • @HeyItsAyls
    @HeyItsAyls 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    For the '120 Unique Levequests as DoH', there are 130 unique levequests in the game for each job, 15 of which are the Big ones, meaning you have to do 5 of the big ones to get the final achievement for each job.
    For '100 Unique Levequests as DoL', there are 115 Levequests for Botanist and Miner, but only 110 for Fisher, meaning Botanist and Miners can get the achievement with only small Leves, but Fishers HAVE to do 5 Big ones to get it.
    Why Botanist and Miner were spared this I have no idea (they were given 15 new Leves in EW while Fisher and all the DoH were given 10).
    (150 Battlecraft can also be done with only small Leves.)

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for the correction! I was sure there were plenty for everyone but I guess I overlooked that for DoH! Well it certainly doesn't make it any better! Although assuming we(hopefully) don't get an even higher achievement in dawn trail, and they add more leves for DoH there, we would then be able to get it done without the big ones, so that would at least be an incentive to postpone those until they are the last ones! 😅

  • @steveh1474
    @steveh1474 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I've been working on earning achievements as something to do in game for a few years now, and some of these grinds are definitely absurd.
    For a personal anecdote, I've been doing dragonskin maps for the treasure dungeons. I gather one once per day, and every 5 days, I do the 5 that I have in one sitting. I've gotten a full clear victory every month since I started, averaging out to about a 4% chance of clearing every time you enter the dungeon.
    It has 7 rooms, so that's 6 coin flips to win in a row. The math doesn't check out to 4% victory, but I'm assuming they are weighted in your favor on every door.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Oh I can imagine that's a long grind!
      Yeah the difficult part with probability like that is that it is very possible that the odds are slightly in your favor (who knows, maybe the chance for a fake out is equal to the chance of the door opening or not!), but we would need a gigantic sample size to know for sure.
      On the bright side, if you have better luck than the suggested odds you can math out, that's ultimately a good thing I guess? 😁
      Good luck with that project by the way!

  • @Kpsla
    @Kpsla 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    The Chocobo Racing queue is unique in that it will not wait until it finds a full lobby or even 1 player. Since there might not be a full lobby of players in queue at your chocobo's league, it only looks for about 1 minute before the queue pops regardless of how many players were found, even if it's just yourself, filling the lobby with an appropriate number of NPC's with green names. The only scenario where you would need to wait longer is if the servers are full for some reason, which admittedly isn't unlikely during the Make it Rain Campaign.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is good to know! I imagined it would fill with bots, but I wasn't sure how long it would wait! 😊

    • @anthemoftheworld
      @anthemoftheworld 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      To be exact, it takes 30 seconds of searching. You can also queue in the (No Rewards) category of the duty finder to skip this 30 second queue, if you're not interested in the MGP reward. It was very helpful when I got all of my races done, cut so much time off of the grind.

  • @titaniumvulpes
    @titaniumvulpes 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My friend and I are going for The Trouble With Buried II right now, there are only a few set spots hoards (and traps) can be in every room type so we're actually having a lot of fun mapping it all out :D

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's awesome! 😄

  • @bailey2652
    @bailey2652 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Cider spider realizing what exactly he just got himself into

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It will be interesting to see if this grind of theirs will continue for years to come! 😁

  • @filipprochazka4961
    @filipprochazka4961 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There's "And Khloe Was Her Name-o VII". It doesn't take much effort, and in and on itself, basically requires visiting Idyllshire once a week, but it is guaranteed to take at least 50 weeks to complete.
    Longer if one forgets, goes on a long vacation, or can't play for a week straight for any other reasons.
    Arguably doesn't compare with the ones impossible to complete as of yet, or those that take a lot of conscious effort, but among those that I bothered with, it is the one that took me the longest. x)

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It is quite a long one, for one that is on the shorter side of the looong ones yeah! FIFTY WEEKS! 😂

  • @RickAxely
    @RickAxely 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Buddy of mine has spent months farming hoard for that 20k achievement, also has most of the hunt achievements (close to the EW hunts, waiting on S ranks), I think he's absolutely crazy. But then, I have Astrope and at one point completed about 350 mentor roulettes in 2 weeks.
    We might just both be crazy.
    Shout out to a few other achievements though:
    On a Boat V: 3,000,000 cumulative Ocean Fishing points. Averaging 10k per run (for easy math) that's 300 trips at about 20-30m per. Meaning 100-150 hours just fishing on the boat
    Castle in the Sky: 500,000 on all crafters/gatherers in the Firmament

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's some incredible achievements for both of you!
      That ocean fishing one I also realized existed somewhat recently, and it is certainly a longer one too! Add that sometimes you just won't get a lot of points and it means that sometimes, the game just decides you get very little points, so it is perfectly possible the average will be significantly lower than 10k in reality! Yikes!

    • @RickAxely
      @RickAxely 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah, the outright RNG nature of these things makes for a difficult time sometimes. The best way to look at it of there's never any shortage of things to do
      Also, another one, Date with Destiny VI: 10,000 FATEs, playing naturally for years and I'm still barely a quarter of the way there. While not the hardest one and maybe not as time consuming as some on this, still noteworthy.

    • @bellamango6708
      @bellamango6708 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      oh god the Firmament one is true insanity tier

  • @sorakun555
    @sorakun555 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I've just resolved to making sure I keep up on the time gated achievements (leves especially), pick a smaller achievement to work on when I have a spare few hours (working on triple triad atm), and then try and take advantage of moments to complete a chunk of the larger achievements. Multiple instances during DT's launch will help a lot for the A and S ranks, focus either Frontline or CC when a new series drops, spam Rival Wings during moogle tome events, that kind of thing. Just gotta understand that it's a years-long endeavor.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is a good approach! 😊 Yeah I've personally after this video also started maintaining so my leve allowance at least isn't wasted!

  • @hoodiesticks
    @hoodiesticks 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The ocean fishing achievements might not look that bad because they don't have a big number attached to them, but they are heavily time-gated, heavily luck-gated, and still require skill and focus even if you pass the gates. Just from some quick math (with a total shot-in-the-dark guess that blue fish have a 1% catch rate), it would take around 1,000 runs with optimal play just to get the denizens and specters achievements, which would be 500 hours of just ocean fishing (and at least 1500 hours of waiting between ocean fishing runs).

  • @Sil3ntLynx
    @Sil3ntLynx 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I've been picking up on getting a few achievements and completion goals in the past few weeks, especially when waiting on PFs. Fun fact, fishing and crafting leves, unlike battlecraft, mining and botany leves, revolve around simply acquiring a requisite item; This means you can freely complete these leves while in a party... As well as stock up on items beforehand, if it suits you.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is a good point! That way those are also quests you can sort of just have on the back burner so you always have something to do! 😊

  • @shadowofchaos725
    @shadowofchaos725 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    That Treasure maps category has one small caveat in it.
    As a person who does have the "Luckiest of Lords" and got the "Luckiest of Ladies" for my partner...
    It's a map within a map.
    That is *UNTRADABLE* with a roughly 1% chance of getting to the end. This does take into account the insane amount of hours it takes to FARM the maps from other maps (Stormblood gazelleskin maps).
    Some of which take a decent chunk of the time to get by clearing THAT map for the guaranteed single thief map at the end of shifting altars/lost canals of Unnair.
    There's a reason it USED to be the rarest title in the game before data center visit and BLU being able to solo maps at level 70.
    Even without the farming aspect it takes about 2000 maps to get it 20 times with the stats we've compiled.
    I'm pretty sure running those maps alone is a good chunk of your time.
    In a group of 8 pugs you'd pretty much farm 250 thief maps over the course of your grind. And most people generally feel it's 1 map per thief map. So that's 250 hours right there before even doing the content you're doing it for as prep.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is quite insane, and adds some detail I wasn't aware of! But that also matches with my original expectation that maps would be so rng that it would be impossible to know for sure how long it would ever take! 😅 Those are incredible!

    • @shadowofchaos725
      @shadowofchaos725 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CaetsuChaijiCh I spent 5 years chasing after this thing on and off for a sappy interpretation of two people wearing titles as a marching set lmao
      You gotta be motivated no matter how silly when you're doing repetitive stuff.

  • @TheMax1087
    @TheMax1087 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    While lifer 3 does take 55 hours of gameplay to complete, it also takes at minimum 100 days to complete due to the 100 instance daily limit.

    • @sunlitsecrets3630
      @sunlitsecrets3630 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      iirc only dungeons count towards that, so one could do more than 100 ifrit normals in a day. i think it's something about trying to prevent gil farming bots.

  • @Gr33fur
    @Gr33fur 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I recall reading on the official site that Blunderville would make occasional reappearances. Who knows when.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes indeed! Hopefully they come back every so often so it isn't too far spaced out! 😅

  • @CaptainThief
    @CaptainThief 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I feel like there could be an honorable mentions category, ones that take some doing but aren’t as bad.
    The one for getting 1,000,000 mgp from the jumbo cactpot COULD be done in one pull. But if you never win it (not an unsafe assumption) and only get the consolation prize of about 1,000 mgp x3 every week that’s still 333 weeks or close to six years? Granted, second third and forth place cropping up sometimes will greatly speed this up and your commitment is seriously just two minutes of menu clicking each week.
    Then there’s 1,000,000 from mini cactpot, which I have better luck at, but I’m sure it still takes a while. 900k so far on my progress.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There's so many long achievements that I felt adding an honorable mention would be like indirectly suggesting the rest weren't worth mentioning! 😊
      But those are also some interesting ones!

  • @vespi57
    @vespi57 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I know the pain of getting a treasure map to take you to the very end. When Ophiotauros maps were introduced, I've done hundreds of them, and only gotten to the end three times. And only one of them was through my map.
    One achievement that I got just recently took me almost 3 years was "To Crush Your Enemies VII". Kill 200000 enemies. The amount of time this achievement takes varies a lot.

  • @Eos26
    @Eos26 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I actually have the Lifer 3 😁 I finished that last year and I couldn't believe it when I saw it
    Im also less than 200 mentor roulettes away from finishing the 2000 needed. I've been playing this game for way to long lmao 😂

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Almost there on the mentor roulettes! 😁

  • @UkraineJames2000
    @UkraineJames2000 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The achievement I'm going for right now is the one that gives you the "High Roller" title. All I have left to do is win 1,000,000 mgp from the Jumbo Cactpot, which at the rate I'm progressing should take one more year. 😭

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      A year, or a week, depending on random luck! 😣

  • @riftwalker9296
    @riftwalker9296 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don't think it has an achievement, but trying to get the two bi-color gemstone vouchers from FATEs is a grind. Since each FATE only grants 14 gemstones and a single voucher costing 100 and 500 voucher needed for each mount then you can see just how long it will take.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I suppose grinding those gemstones would get you far on the 10000 FATEs achievement at least 😅
      I think you can trade the vouchers, so one way to get around it is to buy them I suppose!

  • @bellamango6708
    @bellamango6708 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I just got, within a day and a half of each other, the morbol mount AND my astrope. I enjoyed the journey for both, but i legitimately finished TWO ULTIMATES in the time it took me to grind out the morbol, and THREE ULTIMATES -and- TWO RAID TIERS in the time it took to get astrope. I did a few every day. some days I skipped, some i had a drink or two and did 30 mentor roulettes on random classes cause why not.

    • @bellamango6708
      @bellamango6708 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      oh! I'm also slowly working on the hand of mercy title which I love, since i got slaughterhouse. But thats.... 1/5 the kills needed for it.... lol

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's some awesome achievements! Incredible to have the Blu and mentor achievements overlap like that!

    • @bellamango6708
      @bellamango6708 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      by pure chance as well lmao, i just went slow on the mentor grind bc it was legitimately fun having no ​clue what i load into@@CaetsuChaijiCh

  • @Kyginbo
    @Kyginbo 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The levequest achievements are a prime example of the devs just assigning numbers to the achievements without actually thinking through them. My island sanctuary has been maxed out for months, and I'm not even at 10k/30k gathered items from the island.
    But I believe I have a solution for the levequests issue:
    Setup the system so that you only get rewards for completing levequests when you have allowances to spend. Then, if you're out of allowances, they still count towards achievements, but reward none or a negligible amount of exp. This prevents bots from ruining the economy if they spam them out, but would allow achievement hunters to continue progressing on this, what would still be, absolutely ridiculous achievement.
    Hoping one day someone at Square will look back at this old content and recognize the absurdity of it all and make things more reasonable.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I really like that solution because it addresses exactly the particular concern there could be in lifting the limitations!

  • @thrillhouse4151
    @thrillhouse4151 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    I’m trying to get a title “Desertbreaker” that requires me to mine thousands of times in Thanalan.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Oh that's an interesting goal! Easy to work on while watching something for example! 😁

    • @Ochimusha108
      @Ochimusha108 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It wasn't bad. Finished all the ARR gather achievs. If you utilize the stacks for crafting achievs, it's quite useful.

  • @FreyaTheSuccubus
    @FreyaTheSuccubus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I did Off to the races IV, I had already about 200-300 before starting actually grinding for it. I finished in about 2 weeks and it was the most mind numbing grind ive done.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That is quite impressive! It sounds like you didn't have fun, but I hope you at least had a bit of fun! 😅

    • @FreyaTheSuccubus
      @FreyaTheSuccubus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CaetsuChaijiCh Well, it was fun at first when the maxed out chocobo was fully ready, but after a few hundred races, the fun was quite hard to have! haha

  • @Mir_Teiwaz
    @Mir_Teiwaz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Surprised you didn't mention the achievement for the pterodactyl mount where you have to get a ton of firmament points with every single DoL and DoH.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's also a good example of a really long achievement! 😊

  • @Dyxid
    @Dyxid 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I wouldn't be surprised if stuff like the Levequest achievements were implemented back when Realm Reborn was all there was, so the large required numbers was Square-Enix likely trying to keep us busy when they weren't entirely sure what the first expansion was going to be like (or if we would get one at all).

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That makes sense. There's also the part that ORIGINALLY (back in 1.0), leves was actually a main core feature of the game, so like how we might look at lifer III and thinking "that comes naturally", that could have been the leve achievements too at one point 😅

  • @pedroscoponi4905
    @pedroscoponi4905 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    It's funny for me to think "five YEARS for an achievement!? 5 years in one game!? Inconceivable", and then I remember _I'm_ already at almost 1.5 years with no sign of quitting, and some people have been here for _a decade._

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And it gets even funnier when there's then an achievement that laughs at FIVE YEARS 🤣
      But that is a good point! Some of these massively long achievements are of course targets for extremely long term players. It is just difficult because maybe if you had known when you started, you would've finished some of those long achievements, but it's a bit late for that now right?! 😅

    • @shogyi
      @shogyi 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There is a reason why it was only somewhat recently that someone got all the achievements. I've played for a couple years at this point and I likely won't get almost any of these.

  • @ThatHomestar
    @ThatHomestar 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Been watching Cider Spider do achievement hunting lately, it's been interesting to see his approach to all these different parts of the game (and whether he stays sober during a lot of it lol)

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I could imagine so! 😂

  • @TheYambino
    @TheYambino 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yeah I came across this recently with CLN. Hopefully the next expansion happens to eleviate this like with Miner and Botanist.

  • @ViviCaligo
    @ViviCaligo 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    There's a reason my ultimate thrillseeker title stays, that 5k took effort and time... and some lost sleep.
    As a reminder though for the hunt, it's all community driven. Scouters and conductors for A trains and spawners for S ranks including that for some DCs co-ordination between worlds to try and queue things up to allow for as many people to get as possible.
    Thank your conductors and spawners people.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Absolutely! It is also part of the reason why it is so unlikely that all the things would magically align! 😅 Too many moving parts. And most importantly, it requires lots of effort from conductors and spawners to make it happen too!

  • @TheKabukimann
    @TheKabukimann 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For the first one: since you have a daily lockout of 100 duties you would at least take 100 days to finish the achievement. Unsynched content should count towards that lockout. At least I think it is still a thing.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I did try to look into this, and according to what I could find, the limitation is only on initiating 100 dungeons, and if you do, it locks you out of the duty finder entirely. However according to that source, as long as you don't do 100 dungeons you could hypothetically farm trials and raids all day 🤔 I didn't test this, which is why I decided to not mention the 100 duty limitation 😅 but if it does apply to all duties as originally assumed, then it would take a hundred days yes!

  • @PrinceSarah1
    @PrinceSarah1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There's a reason I've been doing levequests as a break from dungeon grinding alt jobs xD

  • @RagnarokiaNG
    @RagnarokiaNG 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Mapping the Realm: Satasha is longest achievement in the game, as no one checks out the side rooms of the pirate hideout.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Haha 😂 well you could always go in with explorer mode now I guess?! 😂

  • @Scerttle
    @Scerttle 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    These numbers just prove that whoever is responsible on the dev team for making up the achievements just pulled random numbers from their asses instead of considering the reality of being able to achieve them.... which is why I ignore the achievements completely. They're horrendous time wasters and even though I'm terminally online, I'm here for a fun time not a long time.

    • @Scerttle
      @Scerttle 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Completely unrelated, I fantasia'd my NA alt to a gal ra this week and I adore her!

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah forcing yourself to do something you don't like for an achievement like these would be bad 😅

  • @asdsad17
    @asdsad17 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    my frontline winrate is 20% :^)

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well then that achievement will probably take longer! I'm sure if you put in the time, you'll get better and get a better win rate!.. Hopefully! 😅

  • @Hendi_B
    @Hendi_B 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i did 2000 mentor roulettes achievement and this one is ok because you have fun. It s just playing the game i found it easy to do. I m doing pvp frontlines achievevment and i find it ok too beacause i have fun. but, i will never do an achievement like levequests because it s just boring. hours doing an achievement is not a problem. Just do achievement you where you have fun and it will be very quick

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh I absolutely agree. If you are having fun progressing an achievement, it becomes a lot easier to do!
      The biggest factor in bothering to do the incredibly tedious achievements, is that it isn't uncommon for players to go out of their way to do achievements with huge requirements, and little reward, to "complete the game" so to speak, which sort of makes it impossible to ignore them

  • @honeydarlinggaming9156
    @honeydarlinggaming9156 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    "Hi. I'm cider spider."

  • @callmegoats
    @callmegoats 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Isnt there a cap though on how many dungeons one can run per day? I am pretty sure Rinon reached it when farming a relic in one day.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm honestly not entirely sure. When I looked into it, I heard that the 100 limit happens if you initiate 100 dungeons in a day. And it blocks off the duty finder entirely. But that supposedly trials and other instances don't have this limit. Given I didn't know for sure, I felt it would be problematic to bring up 😅

  • @clintonwilcox4690
    @clintonwilcox4690 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Lifer is an example of an achievement that you should just be able to do passively by playing the game, since you'll always need to run content for some reason or other. There's no sense in trying to grind that one out (or others like it that give you achievements for things you do naturally, anyway).

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is true! Of all the things to "grind out", this one mostly makes sense if you somehow finished all the rest! I still found it fascinating that it could be done in just about fifty hours though! 😊

  • @esuelle
    @esuelle 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The reason your Crystaline Conflict queue was taking long is probably because you went for ranked, non-ranked queues pop much more! Still, 1000 wins is a lot... I'm big time PvPer with a bit over 3000 frontlines matches and 1300ish wins but I'm still nowhere near that on CC. Maybe in a couple of years.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Interesting suggestion, but before I started recording I also spent a good 8 minutes in queue for non ranked 😅 I imagine the reason can be the time of the season, time of the week, or something else. But neither type of cc wanted to play ball that day! 😅
      Good luck on your journey though! 😁

    • @esuelle
      @esuelle 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CaetsuChaijiCh Indeed sometimes the queues just won't pop and you have to wait for another time of the day when more people are playing. This can be felt even more with frontlines, until a certain hour of the night it will reliably pop in 10 to 20 minutes but then stop completely simply because there aren't 72 players queuing for it. Which is a good sign it's time to sleep :)

  • @KingCanadane
    @KingCanadane 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "The posterchild for stupid achievements"
    /checks self
    y-yeah... h-haha...

  • @astrealove2247
    @astrealove2247 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Imo they should probably nerf and/or get rid of some of these achievements that take several months & years to complete, it feels rather needless to still have them in the game.
    Also, in regards to Levequests, the fact that the allowance is only at 100, which has been the case since ARR, it's so outdated, the fact that you can't do as many as you want and/or that they're not raising the cap to like 10000, or get more than 6 per day, you're basically getting handicapped for no apparent reason.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I believe the best reason we can find for leve allowance is to block bots from abusing it. But someone else suggested you could simply do leves with no reward if you had no allowance. Like, as a solution to the achievement problem. I agree these achievements are ridiculous though! 😂

  • @escahfaidhe755
    @escahfaidhe755 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Not an achievement i dont think. But Gotta put some respect on the Jumbo cactpot win For the moneybags title. My friend won it once and his record was still tgere. 2 years later. (Its gone now)

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think there's an achievement for making a lot of mgp with gold saucer stuff in general, which the jumbo would also help a lot with! 😁

  • @stonium69
    @stonium69 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    3:25. No it isn't. Because it requires standing still on hoard spawns which you'd never do naturally for two reasons. 1. Standing still isn't a good way to survive. 2. Most hoard locations are also trap locations and all of them aren't next to the wall. So hugging the wall to avoid traps will prevent you from getting this.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      That is a fair point. Although every time you make your way up back from floor 1, you at least have a few sets of floors where it is totally fine to take these risks. That was sort of what I was thinking of 😊

    • @stonium69
      @stonium69 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CaetsuChaijiCh fair enough. I'll say though the last thing I wanna do after dying on floor 180 is spending an extra hour standing in random floor spots. I think if you were to grind this out it probably wouldn't be too bad though. 7-10 minutes per treasure. Annoying but not too time consuming.

  • @ThisIsRealFish
    @ThisIsRealFish 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don't you only get 100 instances to do per day? I'm pretty sure you can only run Ifrit 100 times every 24 hours, so that'd mean it takes at least 100 days of doing full 100 instances to get that 10,000 instance win achievements.

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I did try and look into this, and supposedly this is only 100 dungeons. And initiating 100 dungeons will lock you out of the duty finder entirely. But according to what I could find, you can spam trials and raids all day if you want.
      I did not decide to test this theory though, which is why I decided to just quietly not include the original limitation, the one you mentioned 😅 but if so, then yes it would take 100 days at least! 😊

    • @chef416
      @chef416 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm late here but you'll probably never find yourself hunting this achievement specifically, I'm at about 6k instances right now and still have thousands of duties to complete from other achievements. You're very likely to just get this one day (or at least get very close) by working towards everything else.

  • @alloounou6900
    @alloounou6900 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I knew this game's achievements were absurd but not to this level. Do they even want people earning these?

    • @CaetsuChaijiCh
      @CaetsuChaijiCh 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Maybe! Maybe they really want you to feel accomplished when you get them! 😂

    • @alloounou6900
      @alloounou6900 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CaetsuChaijiCh Maybe!

  • @AxelFireDancer
    @AxelFireDancer 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    the luckiest lord/lady from the mappas is by far the worst imo

  • @chef416
    @chef416 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeah the Frontline ones are the worst in the entire game and it's not even close. It won't take as long as the leve ones but it's the one that takes the most effort over thousands of hours of gameplay. All that and it all comes down to luck, there ARE people out there with over 50% winrate, but unfortunately that doesn't mean jack. Your winrate won't change even if you afk every game, the only difference is you'll get reported for it. No individual of any skill level can have meaningful influence in a 24v24v24 gamemode.