Kudos man, you explanation are crisp and clear. New to the python and developer scene so a big thank you for the efforts that you have put in. I was doing the exercise and found that my count of the POS tags differs from yours by a margin of +- 3 in some cases. Was the news_text file changed or could it be I made a mistake. PLease let me know how I can cross-check.
Yeah, link took me straight to the solution. For anybody in the future, near the top where there are links for "nlp-tutorials/7_pos/Exercise/pos_exercise_solution.ipynb" you can click on 7_POS, then pos_exercise.md to get to the exercise itself. No fiery keyboards today!
Hi sir, i am very thankful to you.. because of tu ur videos I wanted strt my career in datascience.. but i have huge career gap, am I eligible to get job in datascience after 10 years of career gap? I need ur help on my situation sir..
@@codebasics I would sign up for your bootcamp without hesitation if it was flexible enough for me to participate while working full time! Very excited to hear about this!
I get no module named spacy after importing spacy in the notebook. I have done Google search and tried some offered solutions still no success. Please help. Thank you so much for this wonderful channel by the way. It has been of immense help
Have you done pip install spacy to install the module? Also make sure you dont have two python installations on your computer. otherwise you might be running jupyter notebook off one installation and say spacy is installed in another one, you will face this error in that case too.
You are doing only on sentences, what to do for text file , i have a text file in Hindi, and need to convert entire document into pos tagger, how can it be done
Exercise Solution : Extract all NOUN tokens count=doc.count_by(spacy.attrs.POS) for k,v in count.items(): if(doc.vocab[k].text=="NOUN"): print(doc.vocab[k].text,"|",v) Extract all numbers (NUM POS type) in a python list count=doc.count_by(spacy.attrs.POS) for k,v in count.items(): if(doc.vocab[k].text=="NUM"): print(doc.vocab[k].text,"|",v) Print a count of all POS tags in this story total=0 for k,v in count.items(): total=total+v print(total)
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Sir, you mentioned exercise solution without giving the exercise question
This is the best NLP Playlist I found on youtube.Hope you complete it as soon as possible.
Can you recommend the best playlist for NLP
@@Eswar. He already mentioned it's the best
ohh man I must say you have got super amazing power
there is nothing you cant explain ....... respect+++
today you earned one more sub
Sir may be you should start an English course too ,your explanation is really amazing.
Thanks mate
Thank you very It really helped me a lot🙏
We can't find any proper explanation for EDA on TH-cam, it will be very helpful if u do explain it....... looking forward for your great teaching
Ow that is great. We will also be happy if we get a tutorial on how to train our own Part-Of-Speech Tagger using NLTK.
How to become a patron Or member . All these playlisys have helped me land multiple opportunities and offers ;)
Sir you can be a great English teacher also!
Exercise Completed without your Solution. Thanks :-)
you are the best.
I thought my teacher is best. Then i found your videos and discovered my teacher was teaching exactly the same and using your material 🥲
Wish I found your channel early
Kudos man, you explanation are crisp and clear. New to the python and developer scene so a big thank you for the efforts that you have put in.
I was doing the exercise and found that my count of the POS tags differs from yours by a margin of +- 3 in some cases. Was the news_text file changed or could it be I made a mistake. PLease let me know how I can cross-check.
I think you directly upload the solution of exercise. I am not able to findout the exercise example. Can you please help me in that? Thank you!
Yeah, link took me straight to the solution. For anybody in the future, near the top where there are links for "nlp-tutorials/7_pos/Exercise/pos_exercise_solution.ipynb" you can click on 7_POS, then pos_exercise.md to get to the exercise itself. No fiery keyboards today!
Was that diet you followed, given by Dr. Bishwaroop Roy Chowdhury?
it was useful
Sir I did the excercise it is showing *%* and *tm* symbols as nouns too, is that alright with it happening or am I doing something wrong?
sir make videos on "TF-IDF VECTORIZER "& "WORD EMBEDDING"
yup that will be included in this series for sure
Sir can I use nltk for pos
hello sir can you show how to apply all these techniques on a csv file that contains text.
Hi sir, i am very thankful to you.. because of tu ur videos I wanted strt my career in datascience.. but i have huge career gap, am I eligible to get job in datascience after 10 years of career gap? I need ur help on my situation sir..
Would be nice to participate in a data science bootcamp created by your, I appreciate your experience
That is most likely coming up. I am going into a full fledged education venture. I will announce once I have something concrete
@@codebasics I would sign up for your bootcamp without hesitation if it was flexible enough for me to participate while working full time! Very excited to hear about this!
I get no module named spacy after importing spacy in the notebook. I have done Google search and tried some offered solutions still no success. Please help. Thank you so much for this wonderful channel by the way. It has been of immense help
Have you done pip install spacy to install the module? Also make sure you dont have two python installations on your computer. otherwise you might be running jupyter notebook off one installation and say spacy is installed in another one, you will face this error in that case too.
You are doing only on sentences, what to do for text file , i have a text file in Hindi, and need to convert entire document into pos tagger, how can it be done
with open ("Data/new_story.txt", "r") as f:
text = f.read()
doc = nlp(text)
rest is the same thing
Hii sir, since our placements is just 2 month away can we expect this Playlist to get completed within that frame.. It will be of great help
I'm unable to download the model "en_core_web_sm".
It's always showing connection timeout. So, Could anyone please help me.....!
please retry and make sure internet connection is stable
Seems like you are silent CID fan too!
Ha ha.. actually it's my wife who uses my TH-cam premium account for ad free experience 😂
Sir last 1year EGO my pc hacked .gujd ransomwer please huw to get back my data 🙏 help mee please
Exercise Solution :
Extract all NOUN tokens
for k,v in count.items():
Extract all numbers (NUM POS type) in a python list
for k,v in count.items():
Print a count of all POS tags in this story
for k,v in count.items():
CID dekhte huye pakda gaye aap
BCA degree please
Let me see how many of you get my user name's context right 😂