I learned to gas weld Aluminum from a WW2 book published by ALCOA on welding for Aluminum aircraft parts before the advent of TIG. Takes time to learn and requires some serious practice. My biggest problem was seeing what I was doing due to the bright yellow flame given off making it hard to see when the Aluminum was going to puddle. I did some experimentation and research to see what wavelength that yellow flame was then bought some low density blue industrial filter material (from Lee Filters) that blocks out the color of yellow, leaving you only seeing the Aluminum. Works great!! NEVER let your flame be an Oxydizing flame, always make sure it is a slight carbuerizing flame for best results. Oxygen and Aluminum do go well together as any TIG welder will tell you! Same goes for gas welding Aluminum. !! Well done!
Use a #5 green to block the IR backed up by either cobalt blue or dydimium lenses. They are all readily available. If the filter material works well, that's good but it may not block the IR adequately. You should still back it up with a #5 green lense.
I've seen & done all the sorts of repair you could do on this type of casting & I appreciate the skill used relative to the tools involved. It was a job well done. Yes there are other ways of doing it, but this shows that you don't need all the fancy tools. Desire, intent & creativity is of greater importance to achievement. I enjoyed seeing an alternative way to solve the problem.
B E A U T I F U L J O B !!! THANK YOU FOR DOING A SUPER JOB AND CAPTURING IT ON THIS VIDEO !!! I appreciate pretty work! ((I just subbed)) My Dad taught me oxy/Actlyn and a coat hanger, welding before I was 10. I got into Iron Art about 11 and was mentored by a local artist for several years, making figurines, etc and selling them at a local art flea market. It is an art to be able to do. I worked as laborer and set-up assistant & later as a journeyman machinist at job shops and then got a break and got on with a major shop. When I first started work at the big shop, a group of craftsmen were trying to weld up a sheet metal fuel tank for a tractor, with 1/16" welding rods and were blowing holes in it and cussing like a sailor. I was 21 and not supposed to know anything. (No one knew I had been raised in a machine shop.) I offered my services. I got a torch with the smallest tip he had and a cutting shield, (I was used to goggles), and a wire coat-hanger and a wire brush and a strip of emory cloth. I swirreled the holes up and dressed them, like they weren't there, with the emory cloth. I asked what they were trying to do in the first place, and it was to weld in a 1/8" female pipe fitting. I got one of those and wire brushed it and installed it. Wire brushed it again and hit it with some Rustoleum Hardhat Spray paint They asked me how I was able to do that. Then I informed them I could do that simple a job by age 10. My Dad raised me in a custom machine shop. The word traveled fast and Before the day was over, the young, know nothing, NEW GUY was accepted in all the craftsmen circles. It's nice to be accepted. I worked there another 37 years..
У тебя золотые руки дружище!!! Дай тебе хороший tig аппарат, ты любого аргонщика за пояс заткнешь!!! Я так пологаю это Индия, там много рукастых ребят которые на коленке что хочешь сделают!!! 👍👍👍
Кто бы, что не говорил, но руки у вас эолотые! 👍Берегите их.... Думаю, что если бы вы имели возможность получить знания и доступ к инструментам, то сделали бы свою работу лучьше многих оставивших злобные коментарии... 🤔👌👍
Руки - ноги есть. Голова думать умеет, что мешает заработать денег на инструменты ? Ответ правильный - лень. Если бы не лень, сидел бы не в индии где то в какой то норе, а в уютном гараже в какой нибудь другой более благоприятной точке мира, и делал бы красивые вещи. Но лень вперёд его родилась, по сему он забил на обработку внутреннего отверстия. Да и такие коментаторы как ты, были бы чуточку умнее, дичь бы не писали, а смотрели бы правде в глаза. Поддержатель хренов. Руки у него крюки. А инструмент хороший.
@@nfdteam2nfdteam222 если бы каждый баран, который тыкает не знакомым людям был чуточку умнее, то возможно он бы знал, что именно лень является мотивацией прогресса... Чего твк подгорает? Вашу работу и профессионализм никто не замечает?.. Обидно?.. Бывает... 🤔
It is certainly not the first time that he has done this with the very difficult to weld aluminum and a very experienced laser and an expert in the trade
You are seriously talented. Using a steel rod to bevel the edges, making the harness with bits of aluminium rod and using a timber circular saw for the first clean up is just 10/10! You are an ambassador for the forgotten versatility, usefulness and relatively low cost of the now abandoned Oxy Acetylene.
This take more skill than most people will realize. I was not thrilled about the saw blade on the grinder, but the rest was great. One tip, if you spray the aluminum with wd-40 it will keep your discs from clogging, and they cut the aluminum faster.
Real life is the best school ever ! thanx man, you share some great knowledge. Most of us should learn those 3rd world's technics for repairing lot's of stuff !
I would cut and form 2 strips of alum plate and cut the hole square then tig welded it in much less work. but not a bad job for what it was but a long way I miss torch work lol. there's always so many different ways to do the same job keep up the good work & thanks for sharing
I always preferred torch welding over anything else simply because of the amount of control you have, but welding aluminum looks like a different animal great job.
well done , personally I would have cut a plate , formed it then welded it in with tig , but when you have plenty of time and oxy acet , thats certainly a way to go.
Я як зварювальник алюмінію на tig141 шо можу сказати. Руки в цього хлопця прямі, але це з'еднання хочь і виглядає гарно проте не буде мати монолітної структури. Алюміній дуже активний метал і потребуе доброго захисту зварної ванни. Також потрібно змінній струм для руйнації оксидної плівки.Маю зауваження до такої великої наплавки. Це створить деформації та напруги у виробі і швидше за все його можливу руйнацію в майбутньому. Не думаю що такий спосіб є нормальним і що він вартій уваги, але автору лайк за винахідливість
@@Seriyification я просто не понимаю зачем говорить на региональном языке в интернете на иностранном канале, а что я тебя задел? ну тогда открывай ротик , заправлю тебе полный бак))
@@netSerf777 1. Ну да логика железная. Говорить про иностранный канал и самому писать не на английском (оригинальном языке канала хотя он из Индонезии). 2. Украинский это государственный язык Украины и запрещать на этом языке писать можешь у себя на родине, там тебя поддержат. А это американская площадка где можно писать на любом языке 3. Ты меня не задел, просто хотел спросить для чего вообще такое писать когда в видео автор вообще ничего не сказал и не написал, а ты решил к рандомному комментарию на украинском выставить претензию. Ну и я поинтересовался какая у тебя цель? 4. Ну и про ротик, спасибо, пожалуй откажусь я таким не увлекаюсь. Ну а если тебе нравиться такое можешь предложить своей маме или папе может они согласятся.
@@Seriyification я пишу на международном а не на региональном языке, и это не украинский канал , если бы я захотел что то написать автору канала, я скорее использовал бы английский язык, а по поводу того что я тебя задел, вопрос был риторический, и так понятно что задел, так что открывай рот)
Having gas welded Aluminum before I got a tig set up I know how quick and perceptive you have to be to be successful. That said, to do a good job (ie: solid finished part), it would be far better to take a good piece of alu. of the correct thickness, shape it to fit the hole prep the seams and weld it.
Me quito el sombrero ante usted , por su maestría y destreza en su oficio porque se lo difícil que es soldar aluminio y usted domina a la perfección ese arte y porque conserva los 10 dedos de sus manos a pesar de usar la herramienta más peligrosa jamás inventada la amoladora combinada con el disco de sierra 🖐️
Had you ever thought of making the hole square, then get a piece of flat aluminum plate, then cut a square to fit the hole from the flat stock, then weld that into place of the hole? Another thing, is you could clamp a piece of steel under the hole, then apply your aluminum filler fight on to the steel, and fill up the hole, after it cools, remove the steel, since aluminum wont stick to steel. 😁👍
Had to fix an inlet on a power steering pump I broke in two trying to tension the belt. Was just a crack and I needed it to be liquid tight at low pressures. Didn't have any of the proper flux or rods to do it so I went to a steel wire fence and took one of the aluminum ties that they use to affix the fencing to the poles and used that on the part. Used a bit of brazing rod flux on it and heated up the metal to just as it was starting to sag then aimed at the rod with the tiny flame and pushed it around between the two parts. Didn't look pretty but it only had one micro pinhole that created bubbles when I blew into it but didn't leak the power steering fluid. It was also very strong. Proudest bodge work I have ever done.
Nice ! and a carbide tooth cutting wheel for the rough shaping is actually a clever choice because abrasive disks will get gunked up by aluminium in not time
PAM cooking spray is all I gotta say. Idk what it does but it's cheap and keeps a carbide blade clean like new every pass. I only know this because I work in an aluminum fab shop.
@@TheOneAndOnlySame alcohol is not explosive but its is highly flammable. We have weld slag flying all day non stop. ISO alcohol is not a good idea in our shop.
Wow!! Impressive results!!! This guy is not only a highly talented technician but an accomplished artist! PS - buy a new part unless your labor is essentially free. The new part would be MUCH cheaper and stronger.
Good job IF no mechanical strength is expected, hopefuly the case here. I suppose in some areas aluminium plates will be more costly and difficult to find than simple soldering rods or alu sticks and work time is almost costless. And great job soldering with acetylene torch, so delicate with aluminium.
These engine covers are made from crappy cast alloy, so the weld is actually stronger. I know because I had my old R6 engine cover repaired this way and it outlasted the bike (engine failure 6 years and 30,000 miles later).
Noo pos mis respetos para este pinche soldador es uns VERGA bien hecha😂te felicito seas kien chingaos seas , yo kiero aprender y no c ni por dónde empezar 😮
I've welded oxy and acetylene with carbon steal but not aluminum I've welded aluminum with large spool guns and welding aluminum can be challenging at times but this level of oxy acetylene aluminum repair is quite impressive. I must admit. Well done sir. well done.Wheither you're aware of it or not most welding shops in America wouldn't even tackle that project because most modern day welders don't have those skills anymore to do aluminum oxy acetylene welding repair to that level anymore. so kudos to you sir you put most of us modern day welders to shame.
Great job! That carbide saw blade on the angle grinder to rough shape the weld is a bad idea. Using without a guard is a really bad idea. It works but will eventually end in disaster. Do yourself a favour and stop while you are uninjured!
I use a carbide blade with aluminum all time but will only use it on a air grinder. The air grinder doesn't have much strength and will stall easily so it has very little kick back to it. I agree using it on a electric grinder is asking for trouble. Interesting to use the 6013 rod to flick away the oxides.
Good job. The carbide cutting blade is always an extremely dangerous tool. I use one myself & being careful not to use it in positions where it might jam & kick back is of utmost importance!
Muy buen trabajo. El hombre la tiene muy clara y conoce de herramientas, estoy seguro que conoce los riesgos de usar la amoladora sin protección. No creo que haga falta explicarle.
very good job but really its way easier and faster to find same thickness piece, shape it to fit and cut the hole square and weld that in. You only do this sort of filling if its in a corner, edges and other spots that require special shapes that cant be bent with a new piece to fill in.
Can be done much faster with a MIG welder. I had my R6 engine cover repaired this way a few years back. It was just $40 for a new part, but Yamaha did not have it stock and I could not wait.
Sangat bermanfaat sekali, jadi tekniknya hampir mirip dgn pengelasan besi yg sudah bekas dilas listrik Saran aja bang, kalo pake mata potong besi di pakein dimmer biar aman Tapi terima kasih sekali untuk ilmunya
I learned to gas weld Aluminum from a WW2 book published by ALCOA on welding for Aluminum aircraft parts before the advent of TIG. Takes time to learn and requires some serious practice. My biggest problem was seeing what I was doing due to the bright yellow flame given off making it hard to see when the Aluminum was going to puddle. I did some experimentation and research to see what wavelength that yellow flame was then bought some low density blue industrial filter material (from Lee Filters) that blocks out the color of yellow, leaving you only seeing the Aluminum. Works great!! NEVER let your flame be an Oxydizing flame, always make sure it is a slight carbuerizing flame for best results. Oxygen and Aluminum do go well together as any TIG welder will tell you! Same goes for gas welding Aluminum. !! Well done!
Use a #5 green to block the IR backed up by either cobalt blue or dydimium lenses. They are all readily available. If the filter material works well, that's good but it may not block the IR adequately. You should still back it up with a #5 green lense.
How do you stop it from making droplets encased in skin, that just fall off?
Essa vareta q epa tá fazendo essa cobertura em.volta da peça ela tbem e alumínio
I've seen & done all the sorts of repair you could do on this type of casting & I appreciate the skill used relative to the tools involved. It was a job well done. Yes there are other ways of doing it, but this shows that you don't need all the fancy tools. Desire, intent & creativity is of greater importance to achievement. I enjoyed seeing an alternative way to solve the problem.
B E A U T I F U L J O B !!!
((I just subbed))
My Dad taught me oxy/Actlyn and a coat hanger, welding before I was 10. I got into Iron Art about 11 and was mentored by a local artist for several years, making figurines, etc and selling them at a local art flea market. It is an art to be able to do. I worked as laborer and set-up assistant & later as a journeyman machinist at job shops and then got a break and got on with a major shop.
When I first started work at the big shop, a group of craftsmen were trying to weld up a sheet metal fuel tank for a tractor, with 1/16" welding rods and were blowing holes in it and cussing like a sailor. I was 21 and not supposed to know anything. (No one knew I had been raised in a machine shop.) I offered my services. I got a torch with the smallest tip he had and a cutting shield, (I was used to goggles), and a wire coat-hanger and a wire brush and a strip of emory cloth. I swirreled the holes up and dressed them, like they weren't there, with the emory cloth. I asked what they were trying to do in the first place, and it was to weld in a 1/8" female pipe fitting. I got one of those and wire brushed it and installed it. Wire brushed it again and hit it with some Rustoleum Hardhat Spray paint They asked me how I was able to do that. Then I informed them I could do that simple a job by age 10. My Dad raised me in a custom machine shop. The word traveled fast and Before the day was over, the young, know nothing, NEW GUY was accepted in all the craftsmen circles. It's nice to be accepted. I worked there another 37 years..
آفرین ..
У тебя золотые руки дружище!!!
Дай тебе хороший tig аппарат, ты любого аргонщика за пояс заткнешь!!!
Я так пологаю это Индия, там много рукастых ребят которые на коленке что хочешь сделают!!! 👍👍👍
ini di Indonesia bukan di India
@@mbara2172❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤الف تحية لرجال اندونيسيا الابطال
да уж, заткнет аргонщика, это ты мощно сказал. Приходили к нам парни на завод с корочками 5-6 разряда, уходили через пару месяцев
Кто бы, что не говорил, но руки у вас эолотые! 👍Берегите их.... Думаю, что если бы вы имели возможность получить знания и доступ к инструментам, то сделали бы свою работу лучьше многих оставивших злобные коментарии... 🤔👌👍
Mais conhecimento o cara é ferra
Руки - ноги есть. Голова думать умеет, что мешает заработать денег на инструменты ? Ответ правильный - лень. Если бы не лень, сидел бы не в индии где то в какой то норе, а в уютном гараже в какой нибудь другой более благоприятной точке мира, и делал бы красивые вещи. Но лень вперёд его родилась, по сему он забил на обработку внутреннего отверстия. Да и такие коментаторы как ты, были бы чуточку умнее, дичь бы не писали, а смотрели бы правде в глаза. Поддержатель хренов. Руки у него крюки. А инструмент хороший.
@@nfdteam2nfdteam222 если бы каждый баран, который тыкает не знакомым людям был чуточку умнее, то возможно он бы знал, что именно лень является мотивацией прогресса... Чего твк подгорает? Вашу работу и профессионализм никто не замечает?.. Обидно?.. Бывает... 🤔
It is certainly not the first time that he has done this with the very difficult to weld aluminum and a very experienced laser and an expert in the trade
You are seriously talented. Using a steel rod to bevel the edges, making the harness with bits of aluminium rod and using a timber circular saw for the first clean up is just 10/10! You are an ambassador for the forgotten versatility, usefulness and relatively low cost of the now abandoned Oxy Acetylene.
Absolutely fantastic.
Gilligan's Island Welding Academy.
The best school of all.
This take more skill than most people will realize. I was not thrilled about the saw blade on the grinder, but the rest was great.
One tip, if you spray the aluminum with wd-40 it will keep your discs from clogging, and they cut the aluminum faster.
Yeah working with cast aluminum is very difficult
Instant warped engine case not being in a jig
Real life is the best school ever ! thanx man, you share some great knowledge. Most of us should learn those 3rd world's technics for repairing lot's of stuff !
i do this in a 1st world country but this is just one technique of doing it.
I would cut and form 2 strips of alum plate and cut the hole square then tig welded it in much less work. but not a bad job for what it was but a long way I miss torch work lol. there's always so many different ways to do the same job keep up the good work & thanks for sharing
Do a video
I always preferred torch welding over anything else simply because of the amount of control you have, but welding aluminum looks like a different animal great job.
Для такого нужна снаровка, и чувство металла, попробывал неполучилосб, надо пробывать и пробывать, нетак просто как на видео, парню респект и уважуха!
каким газом грел?
Practice makes perfect
Пробовать !!!пробовал!!... Вначале нужно научиться писать без ошибок и русский выучить)))
@@Айлест А вдруг он не русский? Суть он донес, а до мелочей дое**ться много ума не надо.
@@Айлест • “I had to try and try” is the proper grammar for English, the word “tried” would not work in that context for an English sentence.
well done , personally I would have cut a plate , formed it then welded it in with tig , but when you have plenty of time and oxy acet , thats certainly a way to go.
do a video
Lot less gas used also.
Я як зварювальник алюмінію на tig141 шо можу сказати. Руки в цього хлопця прямі, але це з'еднання хочь і виглядає гарно проте не буде мати монолітної структури. Алюміній дуже активний метал і потребуе доброго захисту зварної ванни. Також потрібно змінній струм для руйнації оксидної плівки.Маю зауваження до такої великої наплавки. Це створить деформації та напруги у виробі і швидше за все його можливу руйнацію в майбутньому. Не думаю що такий спосіб є нормальним і що він вартій уваги, але автору лайк за винахідливість
ты считаешь что тебя кто то понял?
@@netSerf777 для чего ваш коментарий? какая с него польза? разжигание? оскарбление? если не понимаешь есть переводчик
@@Seriyification я просто не понимаю зачем говорить на региональном языке в интернете на иностранном канале, а что я тебя задел? ну тогда открывай ротик , заправлю тебе полный бак))
@@netSerf777 1. Ну да логика железная. Говорить про иностранный канал и самому писать не на английском (оригинальном языке канала хотя он из Индонезии).
2. Украинский это государственный язык Украины и запрещать на этом языке писать можешь у себя на родине, там тебя поддержат. А это американская площадка где можно писать на любом языке
3. Ты меня не задел, просто хотел спросить для чего вообще такое писать когда в видео автор вообще ничего не сказал и не написал, а ты решил к рандомному комментарию на украинском выставить претензию. Ну и я поинтересовался какая у тебя цель?
4. Ну и про ротик, спасибо, пожалуй откажусь я таким не увлекаюсь. Ну а если тебе нравиться такое можешь предложить своей маме или папе может они согласятся.
@@Seriyification я пишу на международном а не на региональном языке, и это не украинский канал , если бы я захотел что то написать автору канала, я скорее использовал бы английский язык, а по поводу того что я тебя задел, вопрос был риторический, и так понятно что задел, так что открывай рот)
Having gas welded Aluminum before I got a tig set up I know how quick and perceptive you have to be to be successful. That said, to do a good job (ie: solid finished part), it would be far better to take a good piece of alu. of the correct thickness, shape it to fit the hole prep the seams and weld it.
Я конечно не сведую в технологии таких работ, но как по мне все просто замечательно, рукастый человек!
Amazed how well that turned out well done 👍
Me quito el sombrero ante usted , por su maestría y destreza en su oficio porque se lo difícil que es soldar aluminio y usted domina a la perfección ese arte y porque conserva los 10 dedos de sus manos a pesar de usar la herramienta más peligrosa jamás inventada la amoladora combinada con el disco de sierra 🖐️
Had you ever thought of making the hole square, then get a piece of flat aluminum plate, then cut a square to fit the hole from the flat stock, then weld that into place of the hole?
Another thing, is you could clamp a piece of steel under the hole, then apply your aluminum filler fight on to the steel, and fill up the hole, after it cools, remove the steel, since aluminum wont stick to steel. 😁👍
Great job. Never saw steel weld rod used to shape and get impurities out. Also great job using circular saw blade on angle grinder. Looks dangerous.
Extremely !!!. Local tool shop refuse to sell me one.
The welder's last name is "Dangerous"
Parabéns, um excelente soldador raíz!. 👏👏👏👍
Glad you pointed out that hole, never would have seen it
Thank you! For me as a welder very interessting. I heard about, but never saw how it works
Looked like a good place to use an old stop sign.
Perfectly done job
I m from sri lanka 🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰
Had to fix an inlet on a power steering pump I broke in two trying to tension the belt. Was just a crack and I needed it to be liquid tight at low pressures. Didn't have any of the proper flux or rods to do it so I went to a steel wire fence and took one of the aluminum ties that they use to affix the fencing to the poles and used that on the part. Used a bit of brazing rod flux on it and heated up the metal to just as it was starting to sag then aimed at the rod with the tiny flame and pushed it around between the two parts. Didn't look pretty but it only had one micro pinhole that created bubbles when I blew into it but didn't leak the power steering fluid. It was also very strong. Proudest bodge work I have ever done.
Nice ! and a carbide tooth cutting wheel for the rough shaping is actually a clever choice because abrasive disks will get gunked up by aluminium in not time
PAM cooking spray is all I gotta say. Idk what it does but it's cheap and keeps a carbide blade clean like new every pass. I only know this because I work in an aluminum fab shop.
@@codyjohnson5674 HM. Ok , will try.
And you for to try isopropanol alcohol as a cutting fluid for aluminium too, it does wonder
@@TheOneAndOnlySame alcohol is not explosive but its is highly flammable. We have weld slag flying all day non stop. ISO alcohol is not a good idea in our shop.
@@codyjohnson5674 Hmm ok. Try it on a lathe then 👍
@@TheOneAndOnlySame a lathe cut dont get anywhere near the temps a weld contains. Never seen a personal lathe make molten metals.
Nie org kata tangan kurniaan Yang Maha Esa... Terbaik bro...
Mis respetos para este señor felicidades exelente trabajo
Сейчас так мало кто умеет. Неоправданно долго и сложно. Мастерство нужно, чтоб так наплавлять алюминий. Мне нравится👍
Thank you for pointing out the huge hole, I would have missed it otherwise.
hahahahaahah my thoughts exactly LOL
Tôi cũng là người thợ hàn tôi nhìn tay nghề anh này thì tạm được gần bằng tôi.cố gắng lên nhé.
Cool repair, right up to the saw blade on the angle grinder, terrifying.
Love it. In the States you could find someone to do this work but most likely the bike would be scrapped.
Hadir nyimak boss ku suksesselalu buatbossku 👍👍💪💪
Excellent. This is a $1000 work if you get it done by a professional company thats why ppl change parts as a whole. Well done !!!
He's a "mounster"😂😂😂 Amazing work!!!#
In Italia si chiama saldatura a gabbia ,o a ponte sei molto 😮 bravo continua cosi👍✋
Wow!! Impressive results!!! This guy is not only a highly talented technician but an accomplished artist! PS - buy a new part unless your labor is essentially free. The new part would be MUCH cheaper and stronger.
Depende el mercado y su localización, hay países donde adquirir esa pieza nueva es carísimo o no se consigue, es x ello de q las reparan
It was a very good job well-done ❤❤
Lo maximo maestro felicitaciones ,,,gracias x el tutorial desde lima peru
Good job IF no mechanical strength is expected, hopefuly the case here. I suppose in some areas aluminium plates will be more costly and difficult to find than simple soldering rods or alu sticks and work time is almost costless. And great job soldering with acetylene torch, so delicate with aluminium.
I would guess that to be oxy propane as it leaves no soot. I would be interested to see a impact test. Sometimes old school works great.
These engine covers are made from crappy cast alloy, so the weld is actually stronger.
I know because I had my old R6 engine cover repaired this way and it outlasted the bike (engine failure 6 years and 30,000 miles later).
Excellent and patient job, with expertise it's another thing
Noo pos mis respetos para este pinche soldador es uns VERGA bien hecha😂te felicito seas kien chingaos seas , yo kiero aprender y no c ni por dónde empezar 😮
Top Work.... 👍🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
Great work! With GTAW process I'd finish that in less than one hour, exactly 55 min.
I've welded oxy and acetylene with carbon steal but not aluminum I've welded aluminum with large spool guns and welding aluminum can be challenging at times but this level of oxy acetylene aluminum repair is quite impressive. I must admit. Well done sir. well done.Wheither you're aware of it or not most welding shops in America wouldn't even tackle that project because most modern day welders don't have those skills anymore to do aluminum oxy acetylene welding repair to that level anymore. so kudos to you sir you put most of us modern day welders to shame.
Very nicely done..
Good job
EXCELLENT CRAFTSMAN ! * clap - clap *
Que tipo de electrodo utilizas al principio para darle el contorno ? Muchas gracias por compartir tu conocimiento
Very Nice congratulations 🇧🇷
Impressive work. I was always taught to use Flux on the rod and on the seam when welding this way. I ask how you do it without the Flux??
Great job meister, thank you for sharing
You should have sent that to 6061 TH-camr. He would have fabricated it perfectly.
Super jest to odrestaurowane i zrobione pozdrawiam twórcę tego filmiku serdecznie 👍👍👍👍
Excellent travail
с одной стороны - золотые руки! Но с другой стороны, а не проще было латку поставить?
Легче было житкий алюминий залить . Подготовив участок как при обычном литье.
A condition d'avoir de l'aluminium en plaque d'une bonne épaisseur. Avec une telle maîtrise, pourquoi s'embêter...
латку надо подгонять по размеру,гнуть, потом всё равно обтачивать, трудозатраты.
@@barmalina в любом случае, в разу проще, легче, быстрее да и прочнее в итоге.
Я смотрел его 2 раза, должно быть, это была очень хорошая работа.👍👍
Great job, no voids in there. But that saw made me nervous.
Very nice. Very nice! 👍👍🏍👀
Out of curiosity where can I buy a pair of safety sandals? I love this blokes footwear
Great job! That carbide saw blade on the angle grinder to rough shape the weld is a bad idea. Using without a guard is a really bad idea. It works but will eventually end in disaster. Do yourself a favour and stop while you are uninjured!
I use a carbide blade with aluminum all time but will only use it on a air grinder. The air grinder doesn't have much strength and will stall easily so it has very little kick back to it. I agree using it on a electric grinder is asking for trouble. Interesting to use the 6013 rod to flick away the oxides.
그라인다 카바없이 하는건 위험하지만 대부분 카바 벗겨내고합니다 안좋은 습관이긴한대 카바가 잇으면 그라인더질하기가 힘듭니다 특히.구석같은곳은 카바잇으면 그라인더질이 안댐 그래서 대부분 일할대 카비없이 하는경우가 대부분입니다
Он страха не знает😅 ❤
Good job.
The carbide cutting blade is always an extremely dangerous tool. I use one myself & being careful not to use it in positions where it might jam & kick back is of utmost importance!
My father lost a fingertip with one of those
Yes, they are like staring down the barrel of a loaded gun. The Danger is high & the outcome can be bone chilling.@@ZirconGames
Amazing skills!! do you make your own filler rods? they look casted. Could you tell me how you make them? Thanks!
Que buen trabajo excelente, que varilla usaste?
Стоимость крышки 10$ стоимость ремонта от 200$+-.Оправдано только если крышку невозможно найти в продаже.
Mantap chanelnya go internasional 🙏
Itu kawat penambal nya bahan nya dari aluminium bekas kampas rem belakang motor kan Bg?
joss, kapan ngaliwet mas, hee
Very good.👍👍👌👌
perfeito, ótimo soldador.
Saya udah pernah coba maka nya saya tau...cuman ingin tau lebih aja lgi,...ilmu itu biar lebih berkah...🇮🇩👍
Pakai borak kah itu om
Muy buen trabajo.
El hombre la tiene muy clara y conoce de herramientas, estoy seguro que conoce los riesgos de usar la amoladora sin protección. No creo que haga falta explicarle.
very good job but really its way easier and faster to find same thickness piece, shape it to fit and cut the hole square and weld that in. You only do this sort of filling if its in a corner, edges and other spots that require special shapes that cant be bent with a new piece to fill in.
paling demen kalao liat karya anaka bangsa gini .
bang kawat alumuniumnya beli atau bikin dari bahan alumunium apa , samakah dengan yang dipakai untuk las alumunium untuk kondensor atau evaporator ac
Отличная работа, каким газом варите?
GOOD day i just wanted to know why did you use 6013 electrode
Buenas tardes cuanto se valora ese trabajo las barillas de aluminio se compran o las fabrica uno mismo
Can be done much faster with a MIG welder.
I had my R6 engine cover repaired this way a few years back.
It was just $40 for a new part, but Yamaha did not have it stock and I could not wait.
Those rods he's using can be used to stick weld aluminum with an electric arc welder too. I've used them to fix motorcycle timing covers.
La varilla es de aluminio?
Sangat bermanfaat sekali, jadi tekniknya hampir mirip dgn pengelasan besi yg sudah bekas dilas listrik
Saran aja bang, kalo pake mata potong besi di pakein dimmer biar aman
Tapi terima kasih sekali untuk ilmunya
Great job boss🎉
Болгарка с таким диском это очень опасно! Смотрел и переживал чтобы пальцы не попилил😮
Это фантазия на тему "я так вижу"
이것도 진득하지 못한 사람은 못할듯 열정도 대단하시네요^^
Великолепная работа я сам сварщик по этому и говорю МОЛОДЕЦ
понятно какой вы сварщик,не для этих работ выбран инструмент,мастерство начинается с правильно подобранных инструментов,а это шляпа полная.
Un genio ! Y quisiera ver cuantos pueden realizar ese trabajo con las mismas herramientas que el uso!
Imagine the tig welds this guy could make!
Just a thought.
Great Job!
Q usa como fundente?
lokasinya dimana ini gan?
Great skills
You are great!!!