"Ennard is not either" I found a video removing the static, you know that ballora fills the left and right closest cams with static, if you remove it, OH, YOU CAN SEE ENNARD!
Freddy: Hey bon-bon, lets play catch! Bon-bon:ok! *plays catch for a while* *Bon-bon misses the chance to catch* *ball hits baby* Baby: warning! Self destruct actived! Freddy and bon-bon: Uh oh! *big explosion* THE END
EthGoesBOOM well, I didn't even know that. I still LOVE your animations cuz I know I could never animate like that even in 100 years! I love your channel Eth!!❤️
Electrobab! Electrobab! Controls Lighting cause hes Electrobab. Electrobab! Electrobab! Does Whatever Lighting Does Cause Hes Electrobab! Electrobab! Yeah! :D
Malou Novelo so funny hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahaahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaa
got to love the new outro. also, there should be a video with all the animatronics together talking (like a voices 2 video) so we can hear all their voices together)
This song explains how FNAF should be like: Dashing through the vents This story makes no sense Why are we coming after you I have no idea Here we come You better run We're coming to get you Scream and shriek When we creep Through the air system Ohh!!! Here we come You better run We're coming to get you Scream and shriek when we creep Through the air system!!!! Merry Christmas!!! -Springtrap
at least now if the sister location animatronics meet the other animatronics then they can use electrobab to shock springtrap so he cant escape the safe room
Golden Freddy : im from the future and electrobab if your a true hero dont let the next animatronics play the next nigths and dont fall on the trap of the allmigthy plushtrap he is EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw how cute, you gave Electrobab a super hero persona, with a british accent. (Would s/he?, like some "electrifying" crumpets and tea?) Anyways another fantastic gameplay by the animatronics. Keep up the good work and take your time.
0:11 baby's face is golden
"And lets kick some butts!"
Bubba, is That you?
Mr. Raposa
yes,now I'm gonna kick you butt
+Mary Owens Oh no, you not
Yes I will
lol I gues
+Plushtrap 101 Ikr
Baby's voice is so adorable.
darthvader967 I know right
darthvader967 😑 is frisck
Dragon Crew ok
Dragon Crew it's spelled frisk!
Dragon Crew it's spelled frisk!
Awww... Electrobab is just like a mini Toy Freddy!😍 It is sooooo cute!
There needs to be a "Protect the Innocent Ones" squad with Electrobab, Bidybab, BB, JJ and maybe the minireenas.
Because they are innocent smols.
do it pls
I can make a group on Quotev!
Talon1223 pls do!
Child SUAAAAADD!!!!!!!!
Maybe add on Asriel as well, if eth has a voice for the goat kid.
Electrobab? The Greatest Animatronic Superhero? Wow! These videos keep getting better and better every day! Alright, who's next?
I like how the third Minireena sounded like the Puppet.
That was funny.
I love how baby all like"aww that's so cute 💖
I had captions/subtitles on and when electrobab said his name the subtitles said electro pad XD
also I like how you gave minirena 2 a similar voice to puppet
Foxy Gamer mine said electrode pads
PhoenixBurningBright//ThePhoenixQueen eth headcanons bidybap as a boy
Electro bap on mine
Foxy Gamer I got that too! XDDD
Electrobab: i'm here. ELECTROBAB!
Lolbit: muah hah hah not if I the l legendary lobit stop you
Bidybab: I am bidybab am I am gonna find a way inside
@@prestoncox8185 (typing sound) L O L
On what difficulty?
I'm asking for Electrobab.
ME: *Throws BON BON Across the room*
bawnbawn: ow! wat the hell!
Magic Wolf hahahhahahahahahha
Bin bon:freddy I going to live with foxy mean
BONBON is so cute
baby I love your voice
Me to
(In a Batman voice) I'm Electrobab, the animatronic this establishment needs, not the one it deserves. Bibddybab, to the Bab copter!
Wait a minute, i JUST NOTICED this, why is baby not in the custom night???
Wut the Wut maybe because she doesn't have a jumpscare??
Wut the Wut
Ikr this is (somehow) suspicious for me
Wut the Wut because she helps us wait she tells us to get scooped I don't know
Ya it weird. Ennard is not either!
"Ennard is not either" I found a video removing the static, you know that ballora fills the left and right closest cams with static, if you remove it, OH, YOU CAN SEE ENNARD!
This is so cute.
Electrobab is so _CUTE_
TheCheekyKittyCat And the mirror girls ikr
Baby: "Do any mode you want on Sister Location on V. Hard"
Straight up does 10/20....
Wait....10 Modes...Baby, Ballora, Freddy, Foxy, Lolbit, Bidybab/Electrobab, Yenndo, and MAYBE Minireena....that leaves one more....I don't know if Ennard exists yet, so....Plushtrap? Springtrap? Mangle? Candy? Oh, wait! Of course, the CUPCAKE CREW!!!
Seth Daniels love your profile pic!
pizza master Thank you very much-a!
***** Ok.
Seth Daniels cupcake crew will play and i dont think minireenas will do it so i think ennard does excist... maybe
Seth Daniels What about Bonnet
PlushTrap and ElectoBab will be like cartoon enemies, and it will be adorable
lol its was funny when fun time freddy through the ball at baby
If it was someone who didn't give a damn about being PG, it would probably, also be used for..... you know what it would be used for.
Funtime Freddy is funny
I love this video and also I like how bidybab was acting in the beginning
I love this so much it's so cute and cool EthGoesBoom is the best!
Also Electrobab is closing up to my 3rd fave
Freddy: Hey bon-bon, lets play catch!
*plays catch for a while*
*Bon-bon misses the chance to catch*
*ball hits baby*
Baby: warning! Self destruct actived!
Freddy and bon-bon: Uh oh!
*big explosion*
Thank you for bringing smile to my face again Eth.
well, he's the only animatronic crime-fighting superhero
ETH can you make lolbit play golden freddy mode
If he did, who's gonna play it?
@@jaydenyap2529 he legit said make lolbit play golden freddy
ElectroBab sounds pretty British
No. Ennard should do it
@@juanrivera2727 its prob not going happen anyway
Baby's face when her fan got hit by the ball is hilarious
2:11 I thought he was going to say 'the great papyrus' 😂😆💀
manicminor646 why I don't even think they even know about undertale
Papyrus and Electrobab would be the greatest dynamic duo ever!
manicminor646 eth does know about undertale he played it
Pfft, it's electrobab plays! Of course he didn't say that
Hey eth, why dont you make small animations with green screen instead of frames for the characters?
+EthGoesBOOM I ♥ ur vids♥♥♥
EthGoesBOOM Maybe you should make it only when they move, but if you dont want to thats ok.
EthGoesBOOM well, I didn't even know that. I still LOVE your animations cuz I know I could never animate like that even in 100 years! I love your channel Eth!!❤️
King Santiago oh
Electrobab! Electrobab! Controls Lighting cause hes Electrobab. Electrobab! Electrobab! Does Whatever Lighting Does Cause Hes Electrobab! Electrobab! Yeah! :D
It's one awesome job as always dear EthGoesBOOM. Your videos are always perfect. And yes I liked the voice of Electrobab that's so cool I love it
Electrobab's voice sounds a bit like Toy Freddy's but a little high pitched. Anyways, great video!
Electrobab is trying so hard to be a hero so cute
Electrobab is like the SL version of Plushtrap. But he's good, not evil
The start was mother and son with baby and bidybab
Bidybab is female
react to: I can't fix you by the living tombstone
Join the party by JT Machinia
Join use for a bite by JT Machina
+gabriel sarriera, i saw that and its too good to exist. i think bibybad should to watch that.
silent airbender why?
GABRIEL Sarriera yah I think that bon-bon an Funtime Freddy
I love Baby at the start when she geta hit with the ball.....xD i cant stop laughing and repeating it over and over!! the noise doe!!!
Not any Funtime News, But I got the Phantom Foxy Plush yesterday
Funtime foxy Ze geek
It's a Target exclusive
Funtime foxy Ze geek
Don't Mention. I found mine near the Movies
P.S If you don't have The Puppet, I found it at GameStop
P.P.S Which ones DO you have?
Julia Blades I have Freddy and that's it 0____0
"Hmm... who should play the next-"
EthGoesBOOM please let Bonnet play next.
Let bonnet play :D
Withered 141 yay
Withered 141 BONNET!!!!
Withered 141 yeah "bonnet!!!! bonnet!!!!!!!"
Bibybab.. I mean electrobab at the end is just standing there like:
Yeah, I'm the best... deal with it
ENNARD reacts to left behind like if u agree
All of them will react to it through one body.
0:09 Baby: Hmm who should play the next OOF
0:11 Dat face 😂😂😂😂
Malou Novelo so funny hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahaahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaa
Me: and remember, it's the crotch that counts!
Who should play the next-OH
Hello electro Bab would you like me to do a super hero song?
The beginning is funny 😆 poor Baby tho
I sing along to the intro every time! XD
Me too
IKR it's so catchy it always gets stuck in my head for 2 months straight
@@jenniferlambert1554 Tell that to The Lego Movie 2.
Electrobab is so cute and I laughed hard when he/she said bidybab XD
davey cauwels me too bidybad adorable
Ballora or minirinia play is Angry balleta
got to love the new outro.
also, there should be a video with all the animatronics together talking (like a voices 2 video) so we can hear all their voices together)
baby reacts to fnaf sl living tombstone i cant fix you like if agree
:D i hope eth sees this
Knit 'N More YES
yeah, thats video is cute ,dont worry 😂
This is literally my fav intro ever.
hey BHAAAWWN BHAAAWWN wanna play catch
Crazy Ninja237 NIEN
Crazy Ninja237 lol
No it's BWON BWON. Funtime freddy = papurys
N.J.O Productions ow ahh they ball in head eltcro Bab I here someone secrm
Electrobab: I can't be scared!
Earlier: oh jeez! That scared me! There's two minireenas!
Me: you were saying?
Hmmm.......You should play the next.......AGH!!!
Riku Soma is it really you?
Lol *lolbit leaves* that was, minireena...idk
0:12 SORRY BABY!!!!!!
The electrobab scene is like the electric man scene from family guy.
wait thunder punch is a thing ynow from pokemon
Mangle the pirate foxy hi
Wolfstars channel WWWHHHAAAAA
Wolfstars channel yeah
Electrobab is supposed to have yellow eyes
bi... i mean eletrocobab too in 1:10
Did anyone notice that Bidybab's voice is just Toy Freddy's voice, but more high-pitched.
get lolbit to do funtime frenzy
but his ONLY weakness is being shocked with a controlled shock
+epicnate 113 b, nope, he would absorb it, no lightning can harm electrobab.
lol the bab is sooooooo derp xD
This song explains how FNAF should be like:
Dashing through the vents
This story makes no sense
Why are we coming after you
I have no idea
Here we come
You better run
We're coming to get you
Scream and shriek
When we creep
Through the air system
Here we come
You better run
We're coming to get you
Scream and shriek
when we creep
Through the air system!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Let minirina play sister location
Reeze lim Vlogs and games x yer
Reeze lim Vlogs and games x-x
Yas and Lolbit
Electrobabs voice is so cute 😍😊
I agree with TheRealGuertwt Games
I like BON BON’s voice cause it’s a squeaky voice!
at least now if the sister location animatronics meet the other animatronics then they can use electrobab to shock springtrap so he cant escape the safe room
Now I finally know why their is a electrobab XD
ennard plays five nights at freddys sister location costum night (golden freddy mode)
of final if you make all animatronic of fnafsl done that i you done this next epsode and final is ennard thanks for reading :D
Keven Ferreira yea sounds great I agree
thanks plushtrap 101
Keven Ferreira eth didn't make him yet
i know
0:11 me hitting my leg on a table-
Wait a minute I think bidybab is a girl
And eletrobab is a boy woooooooww
That is true bidybab is female and electrobab is male
I was not expecting this. Why is Elctrobab so adorable? XD
ethgoesboom can you asked loabit sorry if I get the name wrong
little Luna u
It's lolbit
little Luna it's lolbit
I freaking love this character!
baby has to react to the fnaf sl song i cant fix you
it will make my day if she does
Yes please I love that song
Twilight shadow: boops Funtime Freddy's nose
Plz have the animatronics react to the living tombstones Fnaf sister location song: I can't fix you
Genius idea, have ENARD play Golden Freddy mode and when he dies on 20/10 mode, have him jumpscare the computer and take it to the scooping room.
spring trap meets the circus baby gang
hello prankster gangster
Electrobab, if the logic you go by about how you got your powers applied, all the animatronics would have superpowers.
Not a hater but Eletrobab has yellow eyes you gave him purple eyes
Btw can you have Lolbit play next?
DJ CurlyPotato lol
Felipe Zero Plays true true
actually Electrobab has purple eyes because when her eyes aren't flashing its purple
I love Electrobab's voice
Some how first comment and 2nd like! HOWWWWW
AWESOME GAMER :D your tenth
AWESOME GAMER :D some People Watch without commenting
Golden Freddy : im from the future and electrobab if your a true hero dont let the next animatronics play the next nigths and dont fall on the trap of the allmigthy plushtrap he is EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!
electrobab betray the allmigthy he s evil! tell baby that nothing happened
Mangle the pirate foxy mangle !!!! help me plushtrap is atacking me!!!!!
Aw how cute, you gave Electrobab a super hero persona, with a british accent. (Would s/he?, like some "electrifying" crumpets and tea?) Anyways another fantastic gameplay by the animatronics. Keep up the good work and take your time.
is Elctrobab like British?
That Artist SpringBonnie i think so
me to
That Artist SpringBonnie *
2 views 2 likes.......
Yeah youtube is broken even though U can tell from another youtubers said youtube is broken
I ment to say 3 likes
Luthtimeminer™ Maybe they pressed like before they watched.
Luthtimeminer™ b
Oh maybe the person click the video then he click the like BUTTon so fast and then it ending out glitching it has 2 likes
Is it just me. Or does Electrobab sound a little bit like a higher pitched toy freddy?
My Twitter @springtrapreactor
the part when baby got hit made me laugh 😆
1:32 You really are XD completing it on first try. nOiCe
do a face cam please 😯
7:07 When your friends go too far with birthday surprises.
Fun time Freddy and bon bon are awesome
I bet Black Hat from Villainous is watching this video right now, and his reaction to this is making an Unsettled Tom meme face!