Please tell me this hasn’t changed I noticed this video was from 3 years ago and its the most understanding straight forward video about creating cc… I want to create some myself after I purchase photoshop and watever else I need to download for this but I hope it still works like this
Once you get ready to get the game for PC, you'll be all set to create your own CC. speaking of that, send me a picture of thor, I'm going to create you guys! Might even throw in a thor shirt. ha ha.
I've followed three tutorials, I have the package files and the PNGs in my mods folder, it still doesn't show up in my game =( I don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point
I figured it out ! For me anyway, I wasn't importing at the correct spot before saving the file! (There's like 3 different import buttons) Hope this can help!
When I follow the steps I make it to the shirt part and click next. once I do that it goes to save file but I will not save it in the area I prefer. It saves as a package file though. When I go to export it the folder is empty. I'm completely stuck on the first couple of steps. Plus my screen and stuff doesn't show up like yours or the screen doesn't have a black backgorund. Can you please help me?
@@AdriennePlatt-gu6vs the first thing that will happen is once you select the item you want to save, it’s going to save as a package first so that it can open in sims studio. Then you’re going to export it again within sims 4 studio as a png so that you can edit the shirt in a photo editing app. Once you do that, you’re going to import the new design back and if you’re happy with it, you’re just going to save within the app to update the package. Once you do that, add the package into your mod folder.
It told me to update my version. I tried updating it, but it wouldn’t let me. I deleted it. Now, it won’t let me download it at all. I really want to do this.
Hi. I got Sims 4 Studio back and working. I created two packages and saved them to my Mods folder and Sims 4 Studio folder. Went into the game and they’re not there. What did I do wrong?
@@melissatownsend6387 try filtering my CC. and see if you can find it. is it a buy item or cas item? if teh package was save right, yes, it should be in your mods folder.
@@Nardvillain I figured it out. I wasn’t putting the package file in. I was only putting the image in, duh!!!! Lol Thank you for replying!! All good now.
@@roulette222 hmmm. I’ll have to double check but it should showcase all items. Make sure you didn’t filter or anything. Also don’t have the most up to date sims 4 studio? Mine might be out of date so this were the steps I had to take but I don’t think much should have changed tho
@Bri-ve7ox I appreciate that. I do think I will re create this. I was just starting out as a creator. I think I can be more precise and simple. I might also stream doing a content creating session.
DUDE! This is SO COOL! I wanted to make custom stuff in sims for ages...This is awesome! Thanks for the tutorial!
You’re welcome! I made this ages ago!!
this video has me ready to change my whole life I think I'm ready to start creating.
@@andreaward9622 let’s gooooooo!!
How is it going now?!
I’ve always wanted to create my own sims items. this is super helpful and informative. thanks for sharing!!
you're welcome! i might try to do another version of this or at least create a new thumbnail so it's more appealing
thank you so much, was looking everywhere for a specific type of wall but couldnt find it, so i followed your tutorial and made it myself.
The pacing was great and this was very informative!
This video was an absolute life saver. Very clearly explained 🎉
I have sims4 studio, I just did not understand it. I'm glad you shared this Lil bro 💯👊🏽
you're welcome big bro, hopefully that was some what easy to follow.
@@Nardvillain you gave me a little more clarity on it.
You made the shirt from the other video! That's awesome. Great tutorial too!
Haha yup!!! Thx!!
Thanks I will try i will update you
Please tell me this hasn’t changed I noticed this video was from 3 years ago and its the most understanding straight forward video about creating cc… I want to create some myself after I purchase photoshop and watever else I need to download for this but I hope it still works like this
This is tight!
Once you get ready to get the game for PC, you'll be all set to create your own CC. speaking of that, send me a picture of thor, I'm going to create you guys! Might even throw in a thor shirt. ha ha.
I've followed three tutorials, I have the package files and the PNGs in my mods folder, it still doesn't show up in my game =( I don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point
Do you have cc/mods enabled in game settings? What type of cc is it? You might have to filter to see cc only
@Nardvillain I have mods enabled and all the other mods work. I'm just trying to add a picture of my frog as a swatch on one of The pictures, lol
Did you ever find the solution? I'm having the same issue .. all my other mods and cc show up, but not the shirt I made :/
I figured it out ! For me anyway, I wasn't importing at the correct spot before saving the file! (There's like 3 different import buttons) Hope this can help!
@@bababebay thank you, I'll give it a shot
I want to make armor with a helmet, is it possible?
When I follow the steps I make it to the shirt part and click next. once I do that it goes to save file but I will not save it in the area I prefer. It saves as a package file though. When I go to export it the folder is empty. I'm completely stuck on the first couple of steps. Plus my screen and stuff doesn't show up like yours or the screen doesn't have a black backgorund. Can you please help me?
@@AdriennePlatt-gu6vs the first thing that will happen is once you select the item you want to save, it’s going to save as a package first so that it can open in sims studio. Then you’re going to export it again within sims 4 studio as a png so that you can edit the shirt in a photo editing app. Once you do that, you’re going to import the new design back and if you’re happy with it, you’re just going to save within the app to update the package. Once you do that, add the package into your mod folder.
thank u!!!!!!!
You're welcome!
how to make jacket with your own picture
7:12 uhm…what animations?
animations are best in blender I think
Anybody have an idea why when I put my cc in the folder I see it in the folder it shows but not in my game
Can i use another photo editor outside of adobe???
Yup! As long as you can save it as a png file.
@@Nardvillain ok thanks for responding 👍🏾
is it possible to convert a blender file as a custom hair cc?
Not sure but hopefully someone that knows sees this comment
Pls help it says studio cannot save this package without the original but the original is in the modd
Not sure what stage you’re at but what you’re eventually doing is taking your final mockup and overwriting it to the most current design.
It told me to update my version. I tried updating it, but it wouldn’t let me. I deleted it. Now, it won’t let me download it at all. I really want to do this.
are you on PC or mac? for some odd reason, I haven't updatd mine Sims 4 Studio in forever.
@@Nardvillain I’m on PC.
Hi. I got Sims 4 Studio back and working. I created two packages and saved them to my Mods folder and Sims 4 Studio folder. Went into the game and they’re not there. What did I do wrong?
@@melissatownsend6387 try filtering my CC. and see if you can find it. is it a buy item or cas item? if teh package was save right, yes, it should be in your mods folder.
@@Nardvillain I figured it out. I wasn’t putting the package file in. I was only putting the image in, duh!!!! Lol Thank you for replying!! All good now.
thanks for this and ur family is beautiful if that is ur family
Awww thanks!!!
When I click ''CAS'' after pressing the standalone its all empty?
@@roulette222 hmmm. I’ll have to double check but it should showcase all items. Make sure you didn’t filter or anything. Also don’t have the most up to date sims 4 studio? Mine might be out of date so this were the steps I had to take but I don’t think much should have changed tho
@@Nardvillain Hello! I forgot to reply but yes it worked
@@roulette222 happy to hear it!!! dag dag!
it says it has a virus
sims 4 studio has a virus? the most recent one on the actually sims 4 studio website? only download from the creators website.
It shouldn’t say that. It only says it cant scan for viruses. Doesn’t mean it has one…
My screen is a white screen I can’t search for anything.
Take the mod out and see if that helps -/ maybe update it?
Yeah same
i didnt find this helpful, please explain better next time! :)
Sorry! Will do
@Bri-ve7ox I appreciate that. I do think I will re create this. I was just starting out as a creator. I think I can be more precise and simple. I might also stream doing a content creating session.
The smiley face was so passive aggressive. Clearly ur the only one who doesnt find this helpful