LOL subhan'ALLAH, pure heart???... Sister he has a corrupt heart he knows evidence can prove the bible has been corrupted, Hamza has given him a few but he refuses to acknowledge it and basically doesn't care... And just like the vast majority of christians, its always paul paul paul...
@Barry Woods this is not the point he was making he meant that christians should not trust paul or any other man who wrote about jesus and this was only an example he used to prove that and we blieve god is loving and most merciful and forgiving and even forgives a major sin. God bless u
brother hashim is hard to spin, mansur is knowledgeable, and hamza is fearless...respect to all of the da'wah team... May Allah grant them jannah InsyaAllah....
Please give this man more dawah my heart aches for his sincerity and false teachings! I was like him, atheist and became Christian and I was so strongly deluded because it gave me so much hope....Alhoumdulilah I am Muslim now!!!
Hamza thank you for everything I have been closer to The truth because of you... May Allah keep blessing you and your family and keep you from the evil eye..
Christion: "it says in the quran to read the injeel. Hamza: "Where does it say in the quran to read the injeel?" Christion: "i dont know i haven't read it." --dead
This was the best chat at speaker corner. Respectful straight to the point good manners and very clear conversation without any shouting and interruptions
Regardless his inconsistency when judging the scriptures, regardless our fundamental differences. I like this man because he's been able to believe in God, he's been able and intellectually consistent in finding God and going out from the state of Atheism. That is indeed what Allah wants as well, may Allah bless him by finding the right path, and grant him paradise as he found contentment with God subhanawata'ala .
Surah AL ANKABUT: And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him." (29:46)
Salaam, I think EFDawah should create "new channels" for their translated works since it will prevent people from checking out your English content i.e. they will check out your page a lot less thinking that a new video is just a "translated video". Maybe have EFDawahArabic, and another few channels with the corresponding language next to the name? It will help grow your Arab brand etc and not allow this channel to suffer lack of interest. Since when a new video is posted people assume it is new content. I'm just saying this in support of your work not to put down the effort.
We need more white Europeans to become Muslims .... why? Because whites think only dark color people believe in Islam. My suggestion ... no need for translation just to any language as the majority of Muslims are from Asia. We need to translate to German and French and other languages that are in Europe.
يالجمال المؤمنين من أهل الكتب السماوية .. رجال يبحثون عن الحق و الخير و الصراط المستقيم .. ترون معنى المسلم نفسه لربه .. عند أهل الكتب و الربوبيين .. كنت أتمنى أن تأتي بموضوع العقيدة مع هذا الرجل .. و أن ربه ليس المسيح و إنما رب المسيح .. لكان ذلك أفضل لأنه يهتم فعلا بالحقيقة .. و يقدر الأشياء حق قدرها ..
see the enthusiasm in 25:35 when he said "Peter Does" I liked that reaction it shows that this honorable man was honest when he debates with brother Hamza he's not lying like Lizzy and Hatun...the only issue is that he don't believe brother Hamza, but I hope someday he Questions these issues on his own...I wouldn't agree to everyone attacking my belief in one session for sure...but i got to go back and research everything and not just nod and yeah ok I was wrong and you are's normal.
This is a nice man and truthful. It can be a shock when your whole relief is challenged. May Allah guide him to follow the last prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) !
The christian man is the most honest respectful logic man among all the men Hamza debated with. I actually think Hamza was a bit hard on him. I pray to allah to grant this man and who are like him jannah. Yaaaa rab🤲🏻
حمزة من اكثر الاشخاص اللي استمتع بمشاهدتهم بسبب اسلوب الطرح والذكاء (ما شاء الله) .. لكن الحق يقال هناك بعض الامور السلبيه بوجهة نظري .. على سبيل امثال في الدقيقه 24:14 .. شاهدوا كيف حمزة ينزل يد المسيحي .. بوجهة نظري هذا ليس خطأ فادح او ذنب لكن هذا الشيء فيها قلة احترام للمسيحي وانا متيقن بأن حمزة غير متعمد ولكن حماسه للنقاش ادى الى ذلك.. وايضاً لما ضحك المستمعين على المسيحي وقال المسيحي لماذا هذا مضحك؟ اجاب حمزة لأنك تنعت نفسك بالكلب.. انا اوافق حمزه ولكن يجب عليه ان يُظهر للمسيحي انه افضل من ان ينعت نفسه بالكلب .. احتراماً له والاحترام من شيم حمزة .. وانا لم ارى مثل تلك السلبيات عند (عباس) على سبيل المثال...... وانا لا اعمل حتى ربع ما يعمله حمزة وبارك الله له وجزاه الله ألف خير والله يمده بالصحة والعافية .. واعتذر اعتذار شديد لحمزة او لأي شخص شعر بالإساءه من كلامي ولكن هذه وجهة نظري .. وشكرا لا توفي حق حمزة وحق بقية العاملين في القناة.. جزاكم الله ألف خير
Hani AMEER أوافقك الرأي ، حمزة ممتع. و ذكي ما شا الله و لديه علم غزير ... و لكن ربما يحتاج فقط القليل من ترويض النفس ، كيف ان ينتبه لنفسه وقت الحديث و للغه جسده .. و لكن الحق اسلوبه رائع و محترم
In one minute he said about the bible :this is the revelation from God Few seconds later : i know it contains mistakes. Few seconds later: God doesn't make mistakes. 3 sentences will show how blind minded he is
@muslim You mean all 5000 Greek manuscripts have mistakes? Which family of manuscripts have mistakes? Syriac, latin, Greek etc A lot of individuals make these statements cos they dont understand the extensive body of work the bible has. There are 16,000 manuscripts in whole or part of the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. There are mistakes in some of them which are well documented. But its an erroneous statement to say' the manuscripts' have mistakes. If they are not translations, what are they? Any evidence to substantiate your statement?
@@deficrypto1234 when you say mistakes, it means some typing errors or words translated wrongly from hibru to latin or to greek. The problem is that there are differences of not only words or letters but textes and paragraphs. These are not mitakes but falsifications.
i converted to islam from Judaism, it's truly the only way to the creator, its soo clear, even with my past research, know that prophet Mohammad in the oldest scriptures known to man , his name is there, and he was prophesied, many, many times, but my anncesestors did the most wicked thing ever by trying to rewrite the bible and the Torah, i pray to allah to guide my Israelites brother's to get back to allah, even in the hidden history or lost history, we know 70% of the biblical Israelites converted to islam during the rise of islam, thanks to allah. I have researched all 3 Abrahamic Religions and found Islam to be the True Religion of God. As for Judaism it is all about the Chosen People and is almost racist as you cannot be a Jew unless you are descended from one of the Twelve Children of Israel. Judaism fails to satisfy the essential criteria of a religion by requiring external obedience to moral laws, having a secular focus, and lacking a concern for immortality. Furthermore Judaism also lacks a belief in an afterlife which is actually necessary for human ethical behavior in this life. And as for Christianity it is an almost idolatrous religion as they lack the principle of the One, True God with no partners. Christians had to follow One God, but they have made God multiple, not singular. And not to mention many of the internal consistencies and errors contained within the Bible. Many Christians try to combat this problem by selectively interpreting each verse according to the context of the verse, but critics argue that the selective invocation of portions of the Old Testament is hypocritical, particularly when those portions endorse hostility towards women and homosexuals, when other portions are considered obsolete. There are also hundreds of versions of the Bible, whereas only one version of the Quran. This is the one of the many reasons why I chose to reject Christianity. And the reason why I chose Islam is because in the Old Testament it is mentioned: "God said to Moses, on whom be peace: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.” (The Holy Bible, New International Version, Deuteronomy chapter 18, verse 18). The prophet described in the above verse must have the following three characteristics: 1. He will be like Moses. 2. He will come from the brothers of the Israelites, i.e. the Ishmaelites(Muhammad SAW was an Arab). 3. God will put His words in the mouth of that prophet and he will declare what God commanded him. CONCLUSION: Muhammad was the Chosen One
Love you Hamza... mashaAllah... keep doing good work. From here, watching this, it is clear to all with common sense that he follows his nefs... he likes to pick and chose and hence Paul fits his desires.
احبكم في الله و استمتع جدا بحواراتكم و اتمنى لو كنت حاضرا معكم لاساعدكم في مناقشاتكم انتم اخوتي و انتم احبابي في الله و لطالما توقعت ان النصر ياتي من مسلمي الغرب لانهم اقتنعوا الاسلام عن قناعة و عن علم ليس متلنا نحن العرب اخدناه وراثة من اجدادنا و ابائنا لانه لا يكفي ان نشهد بوحدانية الله بل يجب ان نغير في واقعنا و المشكل الدي تهرب منه اليوم ياتيك غدا و يقضي عليك واصلوا الترجمة و دعونا نتنفس الصعداء فحياة المسلمين العرب مملة جدا لا يوجد بها حياة و ادعولي اخواني ان اصل الى هاته المرتبة من العلم لكي اشارك انا ايضا في نشر دين سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم و شكرا
اهتم بتوحيد الله اهتماما جيدا دراسة ودعاءا صادقا وبالحاح وسوف تصل الى مرتبة حمزة وربما اكثر وهذا راجع الى مدى تحقيقك حق الله وعهده وميثاقه اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم (الذين امنوا ولم يلبسوا ايمانهم بظلم اولئك لهم الأمن وهم مهتدون)
Jesus (peace be upon him) said that if you change 1 jot or 1 tittle from the Law, referring to the Old Testament, then you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Then Paul comes along and says the Law is nailed to the cross, literally going against the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him). The Old Testament literally says God is only 1, that you shouldn't eat pork and commit adultery and etc. Then this guy Paul comes and changes all that, seriously can't the Christians truly see this contradiction?
God will open the hearts of whomever He wants to guide to Islam, but He will tighten the chest of one whom He has led astray, as though he was climbing high up into the sky. Thus, God places wickedness on those who do not accept the faith (6:125)
mashallah .. god bless you big brother .. much love and respect for you Hamza from Egypt. and i have to say that you're like a hero for me believe it or not. brother i am a muslim who is raised in a muslim country that has "Al Azhar Al shareef" on its land and yet we never taught to be that passionate about our religion which is crazy to say but yes we are muslims without islam here just pray for us here y'all pray for the youths over here who are miss guided by the filthy governors letting us miss the path on purpose i don't know why i don't care and i hope god almighty give me the strength and passion to learn and learn so one day i can stand like you there ... one day i will inshallah.. and i am asking god to gather me with you to see you and thank you personally for the knowledge and joy you give me when i watch you and how proud you make me feel .. i love you big brother ❤❤❤❤ god bless you all ..
I learnt knew informations about Christianity and about Paul the liar ! Thank u brother Hamza ! Even if he didn't believe others will in chae lah ! And i will use this informations to help others... But he seems a good person May god bless him and guid him to the real path !
U both ar very good man.. as far as I understand prophet Jesus taught what prophet moser did.. he came to remind us of the same religion. Laws are same for all humanity!
ياليت العرب يتعلمون أدب مثل هذة الحوارات لا إساءة ولا زعل ولا سب ولا شتم هذة هي الديمقراطية في بلد غير إسلامي ... شكرا بريطانيا وشكر خاص للملكه وشكرا هايد بارك.
l'oiseau L'oiseau de rêve مع إحترامي لك فهذه لغة متعالية منك. ولدينا آداب في الحوار مثل القصد في الحوار (الموضوعية) وحسن الإستماع وعدم المقاطعة وعدم رفع الصوت وتجنب نقاط الخلاف وعدم انتقاص الآخرين. وإذا كنت أخي شاهدت حوارات خرجت عن هذه الآداب أو كان فيها شتائم فمن الظلم أن تعممها علينا وتعدادنا يزيد على 370 مليون . وشكرا لك.
الب أرسلان نعم أخي ولا بأس من الرد والايضاح لغيرنا وإن كانت في الغالب سهامهم موجهة ضدنا فهذا شكل من اشكال العنصرية التي ما زالت متفشية لديهم ولكن بسبب القوانين التي تحكمهم لا يستطيع انتقاد المجتمعات لديهم فيتحول إلى نقد العرب لإشباع نفسه المريضة بالتميز والتفوق والنظر إلى الآخرين وكأن بينهم فروق .
Its better if you change the name of playlist to Arabic for the people who don't know how to read English. In case they come across this video. It will be easier for them to relate
EFDawah (advice) : brother hamza May Allah reward you for this dawah , and may Allah guide you. and my advice is to abide by the ethics of our beloved Muhammad in the dialogue not to interrupt and shout. Do not forget that it is the Dawah of our messenger and all the messengers. Even if we learn that others are wrong, we must listen to them and not boycott them so that they know that we want their guidance and success. For they do not feel that we just want to win the debate or something else... Thank you hamza.
Look at what IMAN do to people because it's the truth it make you much more smarter than people. This guys is a lovely man I hope allah guide you to Islam.
بولس اليهودي الذي ادعى أنه رأى وسمع المسيح في رحلته للشام كان صياد.. صياد المسيحيين المؤمنين بنبوة عيسى وترحيلهم لروما ومساومتهم على عقيدتهم التوحيدية أو إعدامهم.. وهذه مصائب القديس بولس اليهودي الباقية إلى الآن..لم يبقى في عقول المسيحيين أي خلية واعية تفكر في المنطق?
استغفر الله صار اي اسبوعين اتابع مناطرات واكتشفت انه كل مسيحي عنده كتاب يختلف عن الثاني وكل واحد يقول انه هذا الكتاب الصحيح وكل مسيحي يتبع كنيسه اخرى لو الاسلام غير موجود والله اصير ملحد افضل من اتبع هذا الدين الغريب كله الى يقهرني انه يعترفون انه فيه تحريف واخطاء ويتبعونه سبحان الله غريب
يبدو أن هذا الرجل قريب من الإسلام والحوار كان مركزا على اتباع المسيح وكأنه لم يتبقى عليه إلا أن يأكل الحلال وكنت أتمنى أن الحوار ركز على التوحيد الذي هو حق الله على العبيد وعلى العموم جزا الله خيرا الشيخ حمزة ومن ترجم ونشر
Why no one insist on him to read the Quran? He just need a little push. He is not like most of the Christian!! He knows in his heart that the bible has many flaws.
Salaam brothers and sisters. May Allah keep us on the straight path. Anyone who reads this. Please take a minute to thank our creator Allah for allowing us to see the true light. The true guidance. Islam. And for allowing our ears. Eyes. And hearts to see what a beautiful religion Islam is. Without Islam we are nothing. Allah huakhbar
This man seems like he has a very pure heart I really hope that he would find the right path eventually
LOL subhan'ALLAH, pure heart???... Sister he has a corrupt heart he knows evidence can prove the bible has been corrupted, Hamza has given him a few but he refuses to acknowledge it and basically doesn't care... And just like the vast majority of christians, its always paul paul paul...
@@naz040 only Allah knows what's in his heart. May Allah guide us all.
@Barry Woods and told Moses to kill babies, men, even animals and keep virgin girls for themselves. BIG difference
@Barry Woods this is not the point he was making he meant that christians should not trust paul or any other man who wrote about jesus and this was only an example he used to prove that and we blieve god is loving and most merciful and forgiving and even forgives a major sin. God bless u
This man is a very respectful and nice man, may Allah guide him 🙏
brother hashim is hard to spin, mansur is knowledgeable, and hamza is fearless...respect to all of the da'wah team... May Allah grant them jannah InsyaAllah....
The speakers corner's trinity
@@marwanashraf1394 only difference is this trinity can be explained and is not a mystery lol
@@shahkha4529 you got it right.
Please give this man more dawah my heart aches for his sincerity and false teachings! I was like him, atheist and became Christian and I was so strongly deluded because it gave me so much hope....Alhoumdulilah I am Muslim now!!!
اللهم اهدي هذا الرجل لدينك الحق يارؤوف يارحيم
تقصد الزق
These liars will never believe because they know the truth but they ignore it
Lies and believing can’t be in one heart
DOMAINVOXEL كل زق الله يهدية ان شاء الله يا حقود ممكن ما تموت على غير الاسلام انتبه
Hamza thank you for everything I have been closer to The truth because of you... May Allah keep blessing you and your family and keep you from the evil eye..
اللهم اهد يارب هذا الرجل فإنه قريب من الحق و اخرجه من الظلمات.
إلى الأخ حمزة: استمر في حديثك معه و بيّن له طريق الحق عسى الله أن يدخله الإسلام.
Dear Brother Hamaza : would you please follow up with this gentleman . I think there is a hope with him .
Ahadee Obeed I love that guy to I'm with you on that brother
you are desperate poor ishmaelites!
Mich Elle you should respect your older brother jew
Me too wallahi , inch'Allah guid him to the straight path
@@MichElle-sd6gj Zionist troll
نشكركم على الترجمة وجزاكم الله خيرا والحمد لله أنكم فكرتم في المتابعين العرب الذين ربما لا يستفيدون من الفيديوهات باللغة الإنجليزية وفقكم الله
الديمقراطية تعني حكم الناس يعني طاغوت اخي العزيز هادا ادب الحوار
توفيق المغربي اخي شكلك مخربط بعنوان الرد لان كلامك غير مترابط
Christion: "it says in the quran to read the injeel.
Hamza: "Where does it say in the quran to read the injeel?"
Christion: "i dont know i haven't read it."
LeeMajor lol
where at?
Hhhhhh he killed me too 🤣
Its the usual story of the west. Everyone is an expert on islam but have never read a single text from its sources.
He Really looks a nice guy may god (Allah) guide him to the truth (Islam)
Hope this christian is muslim now because he was very close to truth.
This was the best chat at speaker corner. Respectful straight to the point good manners and very clear conversation without any shouting and interruptions
This Christian man was very respectful and kind may Allah guide Inshallah.
Agreed. And I wish Hamza had delivered his message a bit more kindly to this gentleman.
الله يهديه هو ذكي و بتمني يرجع للإسلام و تحية للأخ حمزة و كل من ساهم فالدعوة
نقاش طويل بس ممتع جداً، الله يعطيك العافيه ... الله يهديه 💛🙏🏾
ALLAH with you Hamza
الله معك
من المغرب From Morocco
Regardless his inconsistency when judging the scriptures, regardless our fundamental differences. I like this man because he's been able to believe in God, he's been able and intellectually consistent in finding God and going out from the state of Atheism. That is indeed what Allah wants as well, may Allah bless him by finding the right path, and grant him paradise as he found contentment with God subhanawata'ala .
Surah AL ANKABUT: And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him." (29:46)
Alhamdulilah for Islam
بارك الله فيكم اخي حمزة و جعل جهادك الدعوي في ميزان حسناتكم يوم القيامة
I think EFDawah should create "new channels" for their translated works since it will prevent people from checking out your English content i.e. they will check out your page a lot less thinking that a new video is just a "translated video". Maybe have EFDawahArabic, and another few channels with the corresponding language next to the name? It will help grow your Arab brand etc and not allow this channel to suffer lack of interest. Since when a new video is posted people assume it is new content. I'm just saying this in support of your work not to put down the effort.
Islam Explained agreed!
We need more white Europeans to become Muslims .... why? Because whites think only dark color people believe in Islam. My suggestion ... no need for translation just to any language as the majority of Muslims are from Asia. We need to translate to German and French and other languages that are in Europe.
Islam Explained
What happened at speakers corner on those last days? ?
Will it really be close?
Islam Explained
Agree bro
Allah sbw give them reward
One of the best
يالجمال المؤمنين من أهل الكتب السماوية ..
رجال يبحثون عن الحق و الخير و الصراط المستقيم ..
ترون معنى المسلم نفسه لربه ..
عند أهل الكتب و الربوبيين ..
كنت أتمنى أن تأتي بموضوع العقيدة مع هذا الرجل ..
و أن ربه ليس المسيح و إنما رب المسيح ..
لكان ذلك أفضل لأنه يهتم فعلا بالحقيقة ..
و يقدر الأشياء حق قدرها ..
نعم فقد راتتهوا يريد الحقيقه ولاشيء غيرها واعتقد كان يجب ان يناقشه من هو ربه
اتفق ١٠٠٪ هذا الشخص سئم من الحياه الالحاديه التكبريه الممسوخه
لا يوجد كتبٌ سماوية هنالك كتابٌ سماويٌ واحدٌ وهو القرءان
يبدو أنهم تعمقوا في الانجيل والحقيقة اجهل هذه المواضيع تماما ولا أزيد على قول وفقكم الله جميعا ونفع بكم.
اخي من العراق ومن اي محافظه
من السعودية قبيلة غامد
I love the attitude of this man. May Allah guide him!
Do you love the attitude of Hamza? He seems very forceful and demeaning.
اللهم أرنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعه وأرنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه 🌷
He is very respectful and you can tell he has a good heart, may Allah guide him to the right path 🙏🏼🙏🏼
May Allah bless all the team of EF Dawah ❤️❤️❤️
على فكره ... هذا أحد النصارى غير العنصريين وغير المتطرفين في سبيكرز كورنر!
هل تعرف هذا الشخص واتمنى ان اتواجد في هذا المكان لان هكذا نقاشات تعجبني كثيرا ولكن المحتوى العربي قليل
"Paul defines what it means to be Christian"
"The teachings of Christianity are not the teachings of Jesus"
نقاش رااائع جدا..داعيه محترم يناقش رجل محترم..
I feel this Christian brother May Allah show him the way... Ameen
جزاكم الله خيرا على هذا المجهود الكبير و أسأل الله أن يجعل منه في ميزان حسناتكم
Love this Christian gentleman, May Allah guide him inshallah
see the enthusiasm in 25:35 when he said "Peter Does" I liked that reaction it shows that this honorable man was honest when he debates with brother Hamza he's not lying like Lizzy and Hatun...the only issue is that he don't believe brother Hamza, but I hope someday he Questions these issues on his own...I wouldn't agree to everyone attacking my belief in one session for sure...but i got to go back and research everything and not just nod and yeah ok I was wrong and you are's normal.
فعلا المسيحية دين عاطفي وتفتقد لكثير من المنطق
النهضة الفكرية#
#هيثم طلعت
هاذا ليس دين المسيح والذي بيده ليس انجيل وليس بكلام الله
شكر حمزة على الترجمة وجزاك الله خيرا
This is a nice man and truthful. It can be a shock when your whole relief is challenged. May Allah guide him to follow the last prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) !
من مسلم عربي مغربي حر:
هذا الشخص إن شاء الله تعالى سيهتدي الإسلام لأنه أقرب ما يكون إليه!
i agree with others, the fella is a likeable gentleman, may he be guided to truth :)
ربي يوفقك على تعبك وشكرأ على الترجمه🌸🌹🌹🌸🌸🌸
I somehow liked this gentleman
May ALLAAH guide him to the right path
هاذا رجل صادق. لقد ترك الإلحاد. هاذا شئ عظيم
ادعو لهو ربكم بالهداية. لقد احببت هذا الرجل لبحثة عن الله. الله يهدية ويهدينا للصرات المستقيم.
بارك الله فيك يا أخ حمزة ونفع الله بعلمك..
يعلم الله أنك قدوتي ياحمزة.
You are my hero brother hamza.. i love you 😍❤️👍🏻
جميل جدا توضيح بعض الشبهات
Thanks to you for share it
The christian man is the most honest respectful logic man among all the men Hamza debated with. I actually think Hamza was a bit hard on him. I pray to allah to grant this man and who are like him jannah. Yaaaa rab🤲🏻
حمزة من اكثر الاشخاص اللي استمتع بمشاهدتهم بسبب اسلوب الطرح والذكاء (ما شاء الله) .. لكن الحق يقال هناك بعض الامور السلبيه بوجهة نظري .. على سبيل امثال في الدقيقه 24:14 .. شاهدوا كيف حمزة ينزل يد المسيحي .. بوجهة نظري هذا ليس خطأ فادح او ذنب لكن هذا الشيء فيها قلة احترام للمسيحي وانا متيقن بأن حمزة غير متعمد ولكن حماسه للنقاش ادى الى ذلك.. وايضاً لما ضحك المستمعين على المسيحي وقال المسيحي لماذا هذا مضحك؟ اجاب حمزة لأنك تنعت نفسك بالكلب.. انا اوافق حمزه ولكن يجب عليه ان يُظهر للمسيحي انه افضل من ان ينعت نفسه بالكلب .. احتراماً له والاحترام من شيم حمزة .. وانا لم ارى مثل تلك السلبيات عند (عباس) على سبيل المثال...... وانا لا اعمل حتى ربع ما يعمله حمزة وبارك الله له وجزاه الله ألف خير والله يمده بالصحة والعافية .. واعتذر اعتذار شديد لحمزة او لأي شخص شعر بالإساءه من كلامي ولكن هذه وجهة نظري .. وشكرا لا توفي حق حمزة وحق بقية العاملين في القناة.. جزاكم الله ألف خير
ملاحظات مهمة..أرجو أن تبذل الجهد لايصالحا لحمزه عبر بريده الالكتروني او تويتر...هذا النقد البناء هام جدا لتطوير اسلوبه
صيرو مثله وبعد ها قولو له أعمل كذا وكذا روح ناقش الكفار مثلة
Hani AMEER أوافقك الرأي ، حمزة ممتع. و ذكي ما شا الله و لديه علم غزير ... و لكن ربما يحتاج فقط القليل من ترويض النفس ، كيف ان ينتبه لنفسه وقت الحديث و للغه جسده .. و لكن الحق اسلوبه رائع و محترم
ملاحظة في غير محلها هؤلاء دعاة الي الله وهو ادري منك ومني بطريقة دعوة الناس فتركوهم لشانهم بلا هته الملاحظات الغريبه منكم
لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله استغفر الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم جزاك الله خير ويعطيك العافية وبارك الله فيك
In one minute he said about the bible :this is the revelation from God
Few seconds later : i know it contains mistakes.
Few seconds later: God doesn't make mistakes.
3 sentences will show how blind minded he is
The Bible doesn't contain mistakes. Bible translations have introduced errors. There is a distinction.
@muslim You mean all 5000 Greek manuscripts have mistakes? Which family of manuscripts have mistakes? Syriac, latin, Greek etc A lot of individuals make these statements cos they dont understand the extensive body of work the bible has. There are 16,000 manuscripts in whole or part of the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. There are mistakes in some of them which are well documented. But its an erroneous statement to say' the manuscripts' have mistakes. If they are not translations, what are they? Any evidence to substantiate your statement?
@@deficrypto1234 when you say mistakes, it means some typing errors or words translated wrongly from hibru to latin or to greek. The problem is that there are differences of not only words or letters but textes and paragraphs. These are not mitakes but falsifications.
@@deficrypto1234 please try to be honest to yourself for your salvation and try to seek honestly which is rationaly right and which is not.
@@deficrypto1234 bro ur so blind LMAO its paragraphs, pages, books not words lol. ur blind my dude
i converted to islam from Judaism, it's truly the only way to the creator, its soo clear, even with my past research, know that prophet Mohammad in the oldest scriptures known to man , his name is there, and he was prophesied, many, many times, but my anncesestors did the most wicked thing ever by trying to rewrite the bible and the Torah, i pray to allah to guide my Israelites brother's to get back to allah, even in the hidden history or lost history, we know 70% of the biblical Israelites converted to islam during the rise of islam, thanks to allah.
I have researched all 3 Abrahamic Religions and found Islam to be the True Religion of God. As for Judaism it is all about the Chosen People and is almost racist as you cannot be a Jew unless you are descended from one of the Twelve Children of Israel. Judaism fails to satisfy the essential criteria of a religion by requiring external obedience to moral laws, having a secular focus, and lacking a concern for immortality.
Furthermore Judaism also lacks a belief in an afterlife which is actually necessary for human ethical behavior in this life.
And as for Christianity it is an almost idolatrous religion as they lack the principle of the One, True God with no partners. Christians had to follow One God, but they have made God multiple, not singular. And not to mention many of the internal consistencies and errors contained within the Bible. Many Christians try to combat this problem by selectively interpreting each verse according to the context of the verse, but critics argue that the selective invocation of portions of the Old Testament is hypocritical, particularly when those portions endorse hostility towards women and homosexuals, when other portions are considered obsolete. There are also hundreds of versions of the Bible, whereas only one version of the Quran.
This is the one of the many reasons why I chose to reject Christianity. And the reason why I chose Islam is because in the Old Testament it is mentioned: "God said to Moses, on whom be peace: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.” (The Holy Bible, New International Version, Deuteronomy chapter 18, verse 18). The prophet described in the above verse must have the following three characteristics: 1. He will be like Moses. 2. He will come from the brothers of the Israelites, i.e. the Ishmaelites(Muhammad SAW was an Arab). 3. God will put His words in the mouth of that prophet and he will declare what God commanded him.
CONCLUSION: Muhammad was the Chosen One
ماشاء اللة بارك الله بكم في اخراج الناس من الظلمات إلى النور بإذن الله
جزاك الله شيخ حمزة ونفع الله بك الاسلام والمسلمين محبك من مكة المكرمة
حديث مشوق وكنت اتمنى ان يكون اكثر من ذلك ....أفادكم الله
هذا الرجل قريب جدا من الاسلام
اللقطة الاخيرة اكبر دليل على عزة المسلم
Love you Hamza... mashaAllah... keep doing good work. From here, watching this, it is clear to all with common sense that he follows his nefs... he likes to pick and chose and hence Paul fits his desires.
We proud of you Hamza.....may Allah protect you from evil eyes!!
احبكم في الله و استمتع جدا بحواراتكم و اتمنى لو كنت حاضرا معكم لاساعدكم في مناقشاتكم
انتم اخوتي و انتم احبابي في الله و لطالما توقعت ان النصر ياتي من مسلمي الغرب لانهم اقتنعوا الاسلام
عن قناعة و عن علم ليس متلنا نحن العرب اخدناه وراثة من اجدادنا و ابائنا
لانه لا يكفي ان نشهد بوحدانية الله بل يجب ان نغير في واقعنا و المشكل الدي تهرب منه اليوم
ياتيك غدا و يقضي عليك
واصلوا الترجمة و دعونا نتنفس الصعداء
فحياة المسلمين العرب مملة جدا لا يوجد بها حياة
و ادعولي اخواني ان اصل الى هاته المرتبة من العلم لكي اشارك انا ايضا في نشر دين سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم و شكرا
اهتم بتوحيد الله اهتماما جيدا
دراسة ودعاءا صادقا وبالحاح
وسوف تصل الى مرتبة حمزة وربما اكثر
وهذا راجع الى مدى تحقيقك حق الله وعهده وميثاقه
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم (الذين امنوا ولم يلبسوا ايمانهم بظلم اولئك لهم الأمن وهم مهتدون)
what a nice man
Him , Ali Dawah , Mohammed love them may Allah bless them for spreading Dawah ❤
This man has a good heart my Allah guide him to the right path
Jesus (peace be upon him) said that if you change 1 jot or 1 tittle from the Law, referring to the Old Testament, then you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Then Paul comes along and says the Law is nailed to the cross, literally going against the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him). The Old Testament literally says God is only 1, that you shouldn't eat pork and commit adultery and etc. Then this guy Paul comes and changes all that, seriously can't the Christians truly see this contradiction?
that's why christians are called misguided ones
Actually Christians are lost!
I love hamza .. he is SoOo smart .. 😍😍
God will open the hearts of whomever He wants to guide to Islam, but He will tighten the chest of one whom He has led astray, as though he was climbing high up into the sky. Thus, God places wickedness on those who do not accept the faith (6:125)
الله يهديه ويشرح قلبه للإسلام ويرشده للحق 🌷
بارك الله بك أخ حمزة
mashallah .. god bless you big brother .. much love and respect for you Hamza from Egypt. and i have to say that you're like a hero for me believe it or not. brother i am a muslim who is raised in a muslim country that has "Al Azhar Al shareef" on its land and yet we never taught to be that passionate about our religion which is crazy to say but yes we are muslims without islam here just pray for us here y'all pray for the youths over here who are miss guided by the filthy governors letting us miss the path on purpose i don't know why i don't care and i hope god almighty give me the strength and passion to learn and learn so one day i can stand like you there ... one day i will inshallah.. and i am asking god to gather me with you to see you and thank you personally for the knowledge and joy you give me when i watch you and how proud you make me feel .. i love you big brother ❤❤❤❤ god bless you all ..
بارك الله في الشيخ حمزه رد كافي ووافي لهؤلاء المعاندين
جزاكم الله خير أرجو منكم ترجمة باقي الفيديوهات
نعم اخي ارججوا ان يترجموا باقي الفيديوهات لان ليس كلنا نجيد الانكليزيه
I learnt knew informations about Christianity and about Paul the liar ! Thank u brother Hamza ! Even if he didn't believe others will in chae lah ! And i will use this informations to help others...
But he seems a good person May god bless him and guid him to the real path !
مشاءالله تبارك الله ربنااا يوفقكم ويسدد خطاكم 😊😊😊😊
we proud of you.allah may bless you.☺
U both ar very good man.. as far as I understand prophet Jesus taught what prophet moser did.. he came to remind us of the same religion. Laws are same for all humanity!
لو تكون الترجمة أكبر حجما ستكون أكثر نفعا. شكرا على مجهوداتكم
Hamza Bro is Awesome !
ياليت العرب يتعلمون أدب مثل هذة الحوارات
لا إساءة ولا زعل ولا سب ولا شتم
هذة هي الديمقراطية في بلد غير إسلامي ... شكرا بريطانيا وشكر خاص للملكه وشكرا هايد بارك.
l'oiseau L'oiseau de rêve
مع إحترامي لك فهذه لغة متعالية منك.
ولدينا آداب في الحوار مثل القصد في الحوار (الموضوعية) وحسن الإستماع وعدم المقاطعة وعدم رفع الصوت وتجنب نقاط الخلاف وعدم انتقاص الآخرين.
وإذا كنت أخي شاهدت حوارات خرجت عن هذه الآداب أو كان فيها شتائم فمن الظلم أن تعممها علينا وتعدادنا يزيد على 370 مليون .
وشكرا لك.
ابراهيم العبادي
ياخي من جدك ترد عليه
هذا شخص سفيه .. أسلوبه أسلوب طفيلي مشرد بلا هوية
الب أرسلان
أرى أن الرد والإيضاح أفضل من الصمت.
وشكرا لك.
هو أمثاله يبحثون عن الي افتعال قبائح مالديهم ليلفتوا لهم الأنظار
وهذا لا شك مرض نفسي .. نسأل الله أن يعافي المسلمين منه
الب أرسلان
نعم أخي ولا بأس من الرد والايضاح لغيرنا وإن كانت في الغالب سهامهم موجهة ضدنا فهذا شكل من اشكال العنصرية التي ما زالت متفشية لديهم ولكن بسبب القوانين التي تحكمهم لا يستطيع انتقاد المجتمعات لديهم فيتحول إلى نقد العرب لإشباع نفسه المريضة بالتميز والتفوق والنظر إلى الآخرين وكأن بينهم فروق .
مشكورين على المجهود ، و لكم الاجر انشاء الله في هده الحسنة الجارية
حمزة رجل ذكي و شخصية قوية بارك الله فيك يا حمزة
This man is well spoken Unitarian. Allah guide him because he is soooooo close to having the right interpretation of who Allah is.
i know one thing for sure.... hamza's daawa discussions makes his days.... sometimes too much ignorance becomes fun.
Hamza, i suggest you combine all the translated videos in a playlist so people can reach them easily
There are playlists for both Arabic and Malaysian
Its better if you change the name of playlist to Arabic for the people who don't know how to read English. In case they come across this video. It will be easier for them to relate
EFDawah (advice) : brother hamza
May Allah reward you for this dawah , and may Allah guide you. and my advice is to abide by the ethics of our beloved Muhammad in the dialogue not to interrupt and shout. Do not forget that it is the Dawah of our messenger and all the messengers. Even if we learn that others are wrong, we must listen to them and not boycott them so that they know that we want their guidance and success. For they do not feel that we just want to win the debate or something else...
Thank you hamza.
Look at what IMAN do to people because it's the truth it make you much more smarter than people. This guys is a lovely man I hope allah guide you to Islam.
ارجو من اخ تمنيت انك اعطيته كتاب القران مترجم يقراه لعله يسلم بفضل الله
بولس اليهودي الذي ادعى أنه رأى وسمع المسيح في رحلته للشام كان صياد.. صياد المسيحيين المؤمنين بنبوة عيسى وترحيلهم لروما ومساومتهم على عقيدتهم التوحيدية أو إعدامهم.. وهذه مصائب القديس بولس اليهودي الباقية إلى الآن..لم يبقى في عقول المسيحيين أي خلية واعية تفكر في المنطق?
وكانكي كتبتي ما ارتوا ان اكتبه الان Loly Alssady
وفقكم الله وسدد خطاكم 🌺
This is a really a good human being , I just hope and pray that Allah(SWT) guides him ,his heart is right but his head is in the wrong place.Peace.
استغفر الله صار اي اسبوعين اتابع مناطرات واكتشفت انه كل مسيحي عنده كتاب يختلف عن الثاني وكل واحد يقول انه هذا الكتاب الصحيح وكل مسيحي يتبع كنيسه اخرى لو الاسلام غير موجود والله اصير ملحد افضل من اتبع هذا الدين الغريب كله الى يقهرني انه يعترفون انه فيه تحريف واخطاء ويتبعونه سبحان الله غريب
تعجبني طريقة الأخ حمزة, يسأل هذي الأسئلة لأنه عارف إنه فيه نصارى يناقضون انفسهم وغيرهم من اخوتهم النصارى الآخرين
Great discussion thank you
Thank you Hamza go hard
I like it so muck a lot of information , and the Christian man is really polite , may Allah guide him to the best way , thank u
امين ويهدينا وجميع العالمين.
يبدو أن هذا الرجل قريب من الإسلام والحوار كان مركزا على اتباع المسيح وكأنه لم يتبقى عليه إلا أن يأكل الحلال وكنت أتمنى أن الحوار ركز على التوحيد الذي هو حق الله على العبيد
وعلى العموم جزا الله خيرا الشيخ حمزة ومن ترجم ونشر
يارب اهديه وارشده للصواب يارب اجعله من عبادك الصالحين 💔😟حزني كثير وحمزه مقهور عليه من مصافحته القويه لانه خلوق لكن مشتت وضايع بالعاطفه
Why no one insist on him to read the Quran? He just need a little push. He is not like most of the Christian!! He knows in his heart that the bible has many flaws.
Salaam brothers and sisters. May Allah keep us on the straight path. Anyone who reads this. Please take a minute to thank our creator Allah for allowing us to see the true light. The true guidance. Islam. And for allowing our ears. Eyes. And hearts to see what a beautiful religion Islam is. Without Islam we are nothing. Allah huakhbar
Hamza. Great work!!massallah
Bro Hamza, masha Allah you're a STAR.
جزاكم الله خيرا
I think this christian very good man... may allah guide him
Inshallah this man is a great Muslim now 🤲🏽