I do not know what life would be like if Pat was erased bc he made such a difference in my life. I know that Pat worked hard. In the depth of my despair, before I was diagnosed with CPTSD, SOMEHOW, PAT cut through the thick wall b/w myself and reality. Pat penetrated that prison cell. I had been stomped so much that I was traumatized. Pat called my name, Charlene, in prayer with the Holy Spirit. I was shocked. Better is the fact that Pat later prayed for me in the Spirit again , on "700 Club". He called my name in prayer several times over a six month period. The repeat call for prayer over me as Pat yielded to the Holy Spirit, broke my heart bc I felt so loved by God. That God would do this again and again, through Pat praying for me confirmed to me that God was with me and their was HOPE. I am still standing today, and Pat has some to do with that! God bless Pat + Dee Dee ♾️
I wouldn't start celebrating yet. And here is why. First of all when A Christian passes away, the Bible teaches that they die in the hope of the resurrection of the just. It is also true that Gods word teaches that by their fruits ye shall know them. There is also the Biblical statement that Man looketh upon the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh upon the heart. 1rst Samuel 16:7. There are those of us that may be able to fool one another, but none of us can fool God. Since God is the only one that can look upon the human heart, He is the only one that can rightly Judge that heart. In my life I have heard folks say that a certain soul that had passed away will inherit eternal life. They may be correct, or incorrect. If they could look upon the human heart the way that God can...they would have the ability to rightly judge that person as to whether or not that person would be saved. If they could do this....then they could be the Judge, in the Judgement day. Referring to the end of time... the Bible mentions that there will be those that will say to Jesus..."Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them , I never knew you: Depart from me , ye that work iniquity" Matthew 7:22&23. "Not everyone that sayeth unto me...Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven." Matthew 7:21
Well, tears of joy for Pat, comfort for the loved ones. Thanks for God lending him to us
Thank you Lord for the life of Pat Robertson, a great man of God. ❤️
Well done great and faithful servants.
God honored him and all of his legacies. God is well pleased with him. Greater works. Sealed.
I do not know what life would be like if Pat was erased bc he made such a difference in my life. I know that Pat worked hard. In the depth of my despair, before I was diagnosed with CPTSD, SOMEHOW, PAT cut through the thick wall b/w myself and reality. Pat penetrated that prison cell. I had been stomped so much that I was traumatized. Pat called my name, Charlene, in prayer with the Holy Spirit. I was shocked. Better is the fact that Pat later prayed for me in the Spirit again , on "700 Club". He called my name in prayer several times over a six month period. The repeat call for prayer over me as Pat yielded to the Holy Spirit, broke my heart bc I felt so loved by God. That God would do this again and again, through Pat praying for me confirmed to me that God was with me and their was HOPE. I am still standing today, and Pat has some to do with that! God bless Pat + Dee Dee ♾️
He can I believe. Lord help my unbelief. Sealed.
God in him performed a lot of miracles through Dr. Robertson. PTL. Sealed.
He finished his work. Greater works.
I wouldn't start celebrating yet. And here is why. First of all when A Christian passes away, the Bible teaches that they die in the hope of the resurrection of the just. It is also true that Gods word teaches that by their fruits ye shall know them. There is also the Biblical statement that Man looketh upon the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh upon the heart. 1rst Samuel 16:7. There are those of us that may be able to fool one another, but none of us can fool God. Since God is the only one that can look upon the human heart, He is the only one that can rightly Judge that heart. In my life I have heard folks say that a certain soul that had passed away will inherit eternal life. They may be correct, or incorrect. If they could look upon the human heart the way that God can...they would have the ability to rightly judge that person as to whether or not that person would be saved. If they could do this....then they could be the Judge, in the Judgement day. Referring to the end of time... the Bible mentions that there will be those that will say to Jesus..."Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them , I never knew you: Depart from me , ye that work iniquity" Matthew 7:22&23. "Not everyone that sayeth unto me...Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven." Matthew 7:21
Why did they have Kenneth Copeland speak at this funeral of a good man like Pat Robinson