I sent in a sample of my white clover from my food plot on october 22nd. I'm in Western PA and the plot has already seen several frosts. I just received the analysis and I was pleased to see it had a crude protein of 24.1%, phosphorus .4%, Acid detergent fiber 18.9%, TDN 72.0%. I wish I would have sampled the clover earlier in the year so I could compare. Is it typical for the nutritional value in a perennial to decrease after several frosts and shorter days?
I sent in a sample of my white clover from my food plot on october 22nd. I'm in Western PA and the plot has already seen several frosts. I just received the analysis and I was pleased to see it had a crude protein of 24.1%, phosphorus .4%, Acid detergent fiber 18.9%, TDN 72.0%. I wish I would have sampled the clover earlier in the year so I could compare. Is it typical for the nutritional value in a perennial to decrease after several frosts and shorter days?
Ramblin Wreck from Georgia Tech .
I didn't think of that one. I'll remember that!
Ward Prairie
Annalise Ville
Haag Mountains