Thanks for shining a light on this topic. I am part of the wealthy class, and I dont understand why we should pay any taxes at all. We create jobs, and literally make the U.S economy run. The tax loopholes for the rich are meant to keep a balance. We are now lobbying in Washington to take away Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Socialism is an evil that must be terminated in its tracks, but must start with the freebies I just named. Its not my fault that Im rich, and successful. Maybe the Middle Class, and poor can learn to work for a living, and earn their money instead of wanting a handout.
We've had 45 years of rule by finance sector. We KNOW that private sector governance is malicious and dysfunctional. We don't need a 7th pro-business, anti nation-state president who wants to shut down government permanently to end democracy, rights, environmental protections, safety inspections, freedom to roam, home and car ownership, citizenship. To the libertarians who created and still support neoliberalism, (even though it's been thoroughly discredited as an economic policy since the 2008 crash), "freedom" means ECONOMIC freedom only. "In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees and trespassers - not legal and illegal immigrants.” ~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
Just wait til he wins and starts appointing judges who make Ruth Bader Ginsburg look like Scalia. Libertarians are voting in direct contradiction with their values if they try to put a radical leftist like Schulz into office. I mean, obviously it'll never happen, but I also hope he runs to give Trump a clearer path so we can all relax on election night instead of biting our nails praying Kamala or Biden or some other nut doesn't win Ohio.
@Clark Kent hate his personality and wish he would get off twitter. But policy he's been ok. No new wars and the economy is doing well. I dont like any president that uses executive orders or threatens to... he's not a king. I wish someone...almost anyone would address the debt and Schultz seems to be the only one so far. I would classify myself just right of center, Libertarian actually. Not a Trump fan. However I will never vote for the socialist left. I also just want a serious 3rd option.
Thanks for shining a light on this topic. I am part of the wealthy class, and I dont understand why we should pay any taxes at all. We create jobs, and literally make the U.S economy run. The tax loopholes for the rich are meant to keep a balance. We are now lobbying in Washington to take away Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Socialism is an evil that must be terminated in its tracks, but must start with the freebies I just named. Its not my fault that Im rich, and successful. Maybe the Middle Class, and poor can learn to work for a living, and earn their money instead of wanting a handout.
I'm a moderate liberal. I could definitely vote for him. Will have to find out more of course. Just the fact he won't tow the party line of corruption is enough.
I'm a moderate. I'm not anti business or capitalism for that matter. Bill Gates is also a billionaire. Yet I'd much rather have him then 90% of the cronies in the democratic party.
They are lining the pockets of politicians you vote for. Stop pretending that only the other side is corrupted by money. Both are. That's why I'd rather vote for someone who is outside that paradigm.
Underdog Rising Who supports prison reform? Who supports getting out of global wars? Who supports an Australian healthcare system that provides solutions universal coverage and still keep private insurance? Who supports providing DACA kids a pathway to citizenship? Who supports bringing manufacturing jobs home? The list goes on. Trump is a centrist.
If this was January of 2017 I would agree with you. I'm not a partisan hack. I had some positive feelings about the potential of his presidency. He did support universal health care. That was then. Just recently he said universal coverage doesn't work and he no longer supports it. He said he would lower drug prices. Still has done nothing besides vague proposals. He had a chance to get away from the partisanship cancer our country has become. He moved far to the right instead. Wishing to pick fights over stupid bullshit just like any other politician. I was hoping he wouldn't be just another politician. I would of supported him if he didn't harm the 2nd Amendment and made prescriptions and health care cheaper while making coverage universal. Instead he banned bump stocks and made health care even worse.
It seems we have another hyperpartisan hack in the comments. Plenty of billionaires go against the Republican Party. Many of them are neo-libs. Just look at the democrats biggest donors like Bezos. Both parties are compromised by special interest.
@Internet Omatic glad to see you think only a middle class mediocre success story could represent you. those of us in the middle class that fit that bill don't run for office - we're happy having fun instead of living to work. or you get AOC who sounds like a total moron every time she opens her mouth
I'm really overwelmed by this conversation, like am I seeing this kind of performed? It so make sense to me, everything, these two guys are saying something I can actually understand!
I'm a Filipino and I don't have any side here, base on his statement about Syria-Iran-Russia The big question is how long YOU as an American are willing to go this geo-political motivated war. Your security is not threaten, you are allies are not directly attack so why went into war. are you planning to stay forever. what will be the difference if you leave today from 10yrs, 20yrs from now? The problem is that he is not the one who is staying in Syria and be in the frontline in that war. let the Syrian decide their fate, they should do this by themselves.
Billionaire Inequality & Healthcare I challenge everyone who watches this interview to listen to the question at 16:07 and Howard's response. How can any honest actor believe that he's either, looking out entirely for his own interest, or has a very poor understanding of the world?
Ideal 2020 election scenario: Howard Schultz runs as an independent and Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee. Harris's radical positions drive some democratic voters away from their own party and into Schultz who is basically just a 2004 Democrat. Schultz acquires 20% of the vote and Harris ends up with about 35% allowing Donald Trump to win a second term. Please run Howard, you'll help keep the MAGA train running!
As a independent voter tried of all of the toxic content. Of both parties, I want old fashioned ideas, and common sense. And have the bible used as the center. Neither party has represented me as an independent voter. I don't have a voice.
Howard handled that idiot like a gentleman. I highly dislike Howards politics and corporate shenanigans but I do respect the guy when he handles things in this way. It's why he has exceled to the top. That in and of itself is a quality and demeanor I wish Trump had
More power to you Howard Schultz! You are granted the right to run for president as a natural born American citizen, greater or equal to age 35, and lived in the US for 14 years. That's all you technically have to meet according to the Constitution. If Howard wants to run, he has the full and undeniable right to do so. People who tell any eligible citizen NOT to run are the ones threatening democracy.
Sorry, the swamp is not just going to stay quiet, he sounds like he has an answer for everything.He had problems with Starbuck, remember? I do not see him strong enough to deal with some of the problems. My son worked for his company and was happy when he quit. He also made his employees write political views on the cups and it was the employees who were put on the spot. Sorry I would not vote for him. Soft heart, soft president. Immigration, you do not understand what the Democrats are trying to do. Being Latina you get to hear the real information and it's only going to benefit the Democrats who have lost their way. God help us ❤🇺🇸
State budgets depend on tax revenue; federal budgets do not. Congress authorizes its own currency into existence to pay for whatever it needs. This is how gov't is supposed to work, with a strong fiscal policy. But with Wall St bankers managing gov't finance, we've been turned into a credit-dependent nation because it makes them profit. Deficits cut into bank profits! "A lot of money in the system is, indeed, bank credit, but this is only because our government is eternally running an austerity program, constraining net issuance of its own currency, and thereby increasing demand for bank credit. Austerity is, in short, a policy to subsidize the financial sector by creating [artificial] currency shortages."
The 40-yr. Wall St/capitalist revolt: "The bank strategy continues: “If we can privatize the economy, we can turn the whole public sector into a monopoly. We can treat what used to be the government sector as a financial monopoly. Instead of providing free or subsidized schooling, we can make people pay $50,000 to get a college education, or $50,000 just to get a grade school education if families choose to go to New York private schools. We can turn the roads into toll roads. We can charge people for water, and we can charge for what used to be given for free under the old style of Roosevelt capitalism and social democracy.” This idea that governments should not create money implies that they shouldn’t act like governments. Instead, the de facto government should be Wall Street. Instead of governments allocating resources to help the economy grow, Wall Street should be the allocator of resources - and should starve the government to “save taxpayers” (or at least the wealthy). Tea Party promoters want to starve the government to a point where it can be “drowned in the bathtub.” But if you don’t have a government that can fund itself, then who is going to govern, and on whose terms? The obvious answer is, the class with the money: Wall Street and the corporate sector. They clamor for a balanced budget, saying, “We don’t want the government to fund public infrastructure. We want it to be privatized in a way that will generate profits for the new owners, along with interest for the bondholders and the banks that fund it; and also, management fees. Most of all, the privatized enterprises should generate capital gains for the stockholders as they jack up prices for hitherto public services. You can see how to demoralize a country if you can stop the government from spending money into the economy. That will cause austerity, lower living standards and really put the class war in business."
Ok, he's open borders, but thinks government spends too much? This makes absolutely no sense. Reform the welfare system, then talk to me about spending and you'll solve the immigration issue. Nah, just speak in platitudes for applause.
How nice it is that this man Howard Schultz was allowed his God given rights as an American in order to become successful. Success is more than $. As a victim of 22 yrs of ongoing Technological Torture in America I take great exception to his making money at my life's expense. Morally and ethically Mr. Schultz has an obligation. With more money comes more responsibility. Where has this man been for 22 yrs while his customers use my body as a human target to put their name on a claim? And the two eyes in my head say they spend it at Starbucks. In Washington they voted $30. per year license tabs. But I estimate they spend at least $6,000. per yr at Starbucks. Howard who supplie(d)s a tremendous amount of retail franchises must use the roads considerably to his profitable business benefit. So why didn't Howard Schultz who has been SO successful, tell the WA ST Gov their response "you just won't get your roads paved" after the Tim Eyman initiative was unacceptable? No wonder you were successful. You partake in the practice of niggaring and I am convinced that is the only way to prosper in America these days. Who in the hell do you think you are, Jesus Christ, you must have a horrible Tea complexity. Now. Stop this crime. P. S. Ask the new CEO from Microsoft how are the customers paying? Fictitious money? And how much money from license tabs in WA goes towards small business?
he's sure as hell got my vote!! 100%.. truly hope the masses are able to catch on and see that we have more options than all these other questionable politicians who only care about doing what their puppet masters say! hopefully, he will run! and not give up until he must to keep Trump from indirectly winning #VoteIndependentParty #DumpTrump2020 #StoptheMadness
He's economically illiterate! Myth #1: The government should balance its books like a private household.Reality: Our federal government is the issuer of the currency, which makes its budget fundamentally different than the average citizen’s. Myth #2: Fixing Social Security and Medicare will require “tough choices.”Reality: Social Security and Medicare are not facing a financial crisis. Myth #3: We are passing on debt to our grandchildren.Reality: Payments on Treasury securities are a matter of data entry, not a financial burden. Myth #4: What we don’t tax we have to borrow from the likes of China for our children to pay back.Reality: Paying our debt holders back consists of transferring funds between accounts. Myth #5: The government must tax or borrow to get money to spend.Reality: Government spending is not constrained by revenue. Myth #6: Deficits and government borrowing takes away savings.Reality: Deficits add to income and savings. Myth #7: We’ll end up just like Weimar Germany or Zimbabwe.Reality: Hyperinflation in both countries was caused by circumstances far different than ours. Myth #8: Government spending increases interest rates and ‘crowds out’ valuable private sector investment.Reality: Banks can lend essentially without limit, and the Fed can hit any interest rate target it chooses. Myth #9: The money spent paying interest on the national debt could be spent elsewhere.Reality: Interest rates can easily be brought to zero and are not an obstacle to federal spending. Full article:
Revenge politics is a feature all democracy from Ancient Rome to current era. If you follow less developed democracy like south east Asia and South America, the consequence is endless loop
Thanks for shining a light on this topic. I am part of the wealthy class, and I dont understand why we should pay any taxes at all. We create jobs, and literally make the U.S economy run. The tax loopholes for the rich are meant to keep a balance. We are now lobbying in Washington to take away Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Socialism is an evil that must be terminated in its tracks, but must start with the freebies I just named. Its not my fault that Im rich, and successful. Maybe the Middle Class, and poor can learn to work for a living, and earn their money instead of wanting a handout.
He has great points, but before he can make a change he needs to start as someone that knows what America needs to day . He came from the intercity and I think he may need to walk those streets again to get a feel for the people of today
6 ปีที่แล้ว
hello youtuber friend ... help my subscribe channel ... thank you
He said I am not "running against the republican or democrats , I am running for the country" that is the same word for word Beto O'rourke said through out his campaign and that proves he watched Beto's performance. Also other things that he has said sounds a lot like Beto o'rourke Texas senate campaign
He was the only independent president we've ever had. Dont know what you mean by warned us. The first president knew it was smart to stay out of partisan bickering.
"Healthcare is a human right" lol ... Healthcare is not a human right. A human right is the right for you to do as you please with your body. A human right is you do your best to your body to maintain health and happy life. A human right is NOT forcing doctors to care for you under the threat of a gun or imprisonment. Human right does not extend your right to take away another person's right.
That second to last statement is gross mischaracterization of universal basic healthcare. Doctors would not be slaves they would obviously still get paid the only difference would be that now that they would be paid by our government's publicly subsidized healthcare option. Doctors would most likely have the option not to accept that option, which would be incredibly stupid, but they theoretically could. Our own declaration of independence gives us the unalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. How is having a broken healthcare system that turns people away based on their ability to obtain very expensive and highly inaccessible private insurance.
@@tigera10030 How did you get from "human right" to "universal basic healthcare"? He said "healthcare is a human right". Your comprehension is horrendous. If the doctor is getting paid to perform service that's cool. But if you force a doctor under the gun when you declare the doctor "MUST" perform service to an ill or dying person, that's not cool. "highly inaccessible private insurance" ... the government can always hire their own doctors to service the ill. They can dictate how much they want to pay their doctors. I have no problem with that. But declaring healthcare is a human right and forcing doctors to work under the threat of of a gun or imprisonment, no way.
How is health care a human right? It is but why the government has to pay for it? The access is the right not the fact that government should pay for it, in my country we have universal healthcare and it sucks, anything other than the basic you have to pay to get treated or travel to another country
"Access" is such a bullshit term as to be meaningless. You wouldn't interpret other human rights that way would you? Oh you have the access to not be tortured, you have access to not be enslaved, etc etc. If you genuinely had access then you would also have the thing, what you mean is that someone richer would have access.
Completely understandable. I actually agree. Though some billionaires are genuinely good people like Bill Gates. I'd take any of those over Trump or any candidate who is forced to follow the two parties in control.
an actual successful billionaire who came up from nothing and doesn't subscribe to either party? sign me the hell up
Thanks for shining a light on this topic. I am part of the wealthy class, and I dont understand why we should pay any taxes at all. We create jobs, and literally make the U.S economy run. The tax loopholes for the rich are meant to keep a balance. We are now lobbying in Washington to take away Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Socialism is an evil that must be terminated in its tracks, but must start with the freebies I just named. Its not my fault that Im rich, and successful. Maybe the Middle Class, and poor can learn to work for a living, and earn their money instead of wanting a handout.
I'm a Libertarian-leaning Republican, I'd consider voting for the guy as an Independent. I hope he runs.
You're also a sucker.
@@Thejbirdy lol, if you insist Jay. I mean, you know me so well...
We've had 45 years of rule by finance sector. We KNOW that private sector governance is malicious and dysfunctional. We don't need a 7th pro-business, anti nation-state president who wants to shut down government permanently to end democracy, rights, environmental protections, safety inspections, freedom to roam, home and car ownership, citizenship.
To the libertarians who created and still support neoliberalism, (even though it's been thoroughly discredited as an economic policy since the 2008 crash), "freedom" means ECONOMIC freedom only.
"In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees and trespassers - not legal and illegal immigrants.” ~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
Just wait til he wins and starts appointing judges who make Ruth Bader Ginsburg look like Scalia. Libertarians are voting in direct contradiction with their values if they try to put a radical leftist like Schulz into office. I mean, obviously it'll never happen, but I also hope he runs to give Trump a clearer path so we can all relax on election night instead of biting our nails praying Kamala or Biden or some other nut doesn't win Ohio.
Great interview. Handled heckling really well.
schultz has a right to run for president as an independent
@Internet Omatic why would the clone of hitler be a united states citizen?
I like this guy so far!
@Clark Kent hate his personality and wish he would get off twitter. But policy he's been ok. No new wars and the economy is doing well. I dont like any president that uses executive orders or threatens to... he's not a king. I wish someone...almost anyone would address the debt and Schultz seems to be the only one so far. I would classify myself just right of center, Libertarian actually. Not a Trump fan. However I will never vote for the socialist left. I also just want a serious 3rd option.
Me too
Howard 2024
Thanks for shining a light on this topic. I am part of the wealthy class, and I dont understand why we should pay any taxes at all. We create jobs, and literally make the U.S economy run. The tax loopholes for the rich are meant to keep a balance. We are now lobbying in Washington to take away Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Socialism is an evil that must be terminated in its tracks, but must start with the freebies I just named. Its not my fault that Im rich, and successful. Maybe the Middle Class, and poor can learn to work for a living, and earn their money instead of wanting a handout.
jon Young ewwwww, wtf is wrong with you?
I'm a moderate liberal. I could definitely vote for him. Will have to find out more of course. Just the fact he won't tow the party line of corruption is enough.
You believe anything a wealthy businessman says don't you....check his record first....don't be a sucker.
I guess that's why I wrote will have to find out more of course.
I'm a moderate. I'm not anti business or capitalism for that matter. Bill Gates is also a billionaire. Yet I'd much rather have him then 90% of the cronies in the democratic party.
They are lining the pockets of politicians you vote for. Stop pretending that only the other side is corrupted by money. Both are. That's why I'd rather vote for someone who is outside that paradigm.
we need a centrist independent president.
We already have one.
We have one? Lol. Trump is centrist and independent? Sure, he goes against his party sometimes. But in no way is he centrist.
Underdog Rising Who supports prison reform? Who supports getting out of global wars? Who supports an Australian healthcare system that provides solutions universal coverage and still keep private insurance? Who supports providing DACA kids a pathway to citizenship? Who supports bringing manufacturing jobs home? The list goes on. Trump is a centrist.
If this was January of 2017 I would agree with you. I'm not a partisan hack. I had some positive feelings about the potential of his presidency. He did support universal health care. That was then. Just recently he said universal coverage doesn't work and he no longer supports it. He said he would lower drug prices. Still has done nothing besides vague proposals. He had a chance to get away from the partisanship cancer our country has become. He moved far to the right instead. Wishing to pick fights over stupid bullshit just like any other politician. I was hoping he wouldn't be just another politician. I would of supported him if he didn't harm the 2nd Amendment and made prescriptions and health care cheaper while making coverage universal. Instead he banned bump stocks and made health care even worse.
It seems we have another hyperpartisan hack in the comments. Plenty of billionaires go against the Republican Party. Many of them are neo-libs. Just look at the democrats biggest donors like Bezos. Both parties are compromised by special interest.
"From the Ground Up." Get it? Ground. Like ground coffee.
No? Okay.
I love when people stand up for what is the reality
I hope he can win.
@alex vasquez what new blood? How the fuck do you believe a billionaire gonna represent you?
@@mkzamel a billionaire that used to be poor - guess if you prefer to keep people poor and stay poor than probably nothing
@Internet Omatic glad to see you think only a middle class mediocre success story could represent you. those of us in the middle class that fit that bill don't run for office - we're happy having fun instead of living to work. or you get AOC who sounds like a total moron every time she opens her mouth
May I suggest Tulsi Gabbard? She's an antiestablishment, anti-interventionist moderate who wants to stay out of unnecessary, illegal conflicts abroad.
Gilberto Altamirano who?
Love the heckler !! My new Bud!!
Another breath of fresh air
Right now more than any other time we need level headed centrists to create stability.
It is sad not to see him running for president
Howard Schultz making a movement. Been following him lately. Got great ideas and lot of people seems agreeing with him.
I'm really overwelmed by this conversation, like am I seeing this kind of performed? It so make sense to me, everything, these two guys are saying something I can actually understand!
got my vote
Tulsi has mine.
Gilberto Altamirano shes to hot for office, but granted i haven't heard of her enough
He honey-badgered the hell out of that protestor.
I'm a Filipino and I don't have any side here, base on his statement about Syria-Iran-Russia The big question is how long YOU as an American are willing to go this geo-political motivated war. Your security is not threaten, you are allies are not directly attack so why went into war. are you planning to stay forever. what will be the difference if you leave today from 10yrs, 20yrs from now? The problem is that he is not the one who is staying in Syria and be in the frontline in that war. let the Syrian decide their fate, they should do this by themselves.
a 50 state race would be awesome.
Billionaire Inequality & Healthcare
I challenge everyone who watches this interview to listen to the question at 16:07 and Howard's response. How can any honest actor believe that he's either, looking out entirely for his own interest, or has a very poor understanding of the world?
This gentlemen have some common sense...I am interest to know more about the details and his view towards many policies.
Why are so many people afraid of a viable third party? Is not a democracy better served when the people have more options?
I think Andrew Ross Sorkin will be super star host eventually.
Big Trump fan but good for Howard Schultz to bringing a much needed discussion that's not this anti-Wall Street anti-billionaire dogma
The last few questions are what we are now experiencing. Paying the price for the lack of leadership which DT exhibited when handling Russia.
Ideal 2020 election scenario: Howard Schultz runs as an independent and Kamala Harris is the Democratic nominee. Harris's radical positions drive some democratic voters away from their own party and into Schultz who is basically just a 2004 Democrat. Schultz acquires 20% of the vote and Harris ends up with about 35% allowing Donald Trump to win a second term.
Please run Howard, you'll help keep the MAGA train running!
As a independent voter tried of all of the toxic content. Of both parties, I want old fashioned ideas, and common sense. And have the bible used as the center. Neither party has represented me as an independent voter. I don't have a voice.
My sudden urge for a cup of Matcha Frappuccino enhanced in an hour.
I didnt know this was going to be a therapy session😜😜
i will support schultz
i probably wouldn't vote for him based on some of what he has said, but why Democrats hate him running baffles me
Howard handled that idiot like a gentleman. I highly dislike Howards politics and corporate shenanigans but I do respect the guy when he handles things in this way. It's why he has exceled to the top. That in and of itself is a quality and demeanor I wish Trump had
More power to you Howard Schultz! You are granted the right to run for president as a natural born American citizen, greater or equal to age 35, and lived in the US for 14 years. That's all you technically have to meet according to the Constitution. If Howard wants to run, he has the full and undeniable right to do so. People who tell any eligible citizen NOT to run are the ones threatening democracy.
Run and win. I will vote for you.
Ross Sorkin a tedious lefty yawn
17 gilf Starbuck + ATM card ! (English) '__'
He has my vote
His campaign ended after two minutes!
Run, Howard, Run
Awesome, to people worried about him pulling votes from dem. If not him, I’m voting for Trump at this point!
Sorry, the swamp is not just going to stay quiet, he sounds like he has an answer for everything.He had problems with Starbuck, remember? I do not see him strong enough to deal with some of the problems. My son worked for his company and was happy when he quit. He also made his employees write political views on the cups and it was the employees who were put on the spot. Sorry I would not vote for him. Soft heart, soft president. Immigration, you do not understand what the Democrats are trying to do. Being Latina you get to hear the real information and it's only going to benefit the Democrats who have lost their way. God help us ❤🇺🇸
Bruges I thought that was ben shapiro
State budgets depend on tax revenue; federal budgets do not. Congress authorizes its own currency into existence to pay for whatever it needs. This is how gov't is supposed to work, with a strong fiscal policy. But with Wall St bankers managing gov't finance, we've been turned into a credit-dependent nation because it makes them profit. Deficits cut into bank profits!
"A lot of money in the system is, indeed, bank credit, but this is only because our government is eternally running an austerity program, constraining net issuance of its own currency, and thereby increasing demand for bank credit.
Austerity is, in short, a policy to subsidize the financial sector by creating [artificial] currency shortages."
The 40-yr. Wall St/capitalist revolt:
"The bank strategy continues: “If we can privatize the economy, we can turn the whole public sector into a monopoly. We can treat what used to be the government sector as a financial monopoly. Instead of providing free or subsidized schooling, we can make people pay $50,000 to get a college education, or $50,000 just to get a grade school education if families choose to go to New York private schools. We can turn the roads into toll roads. We can charge people for water, and we can charge for what used to be given for free under the old style of Roosevelt capitalism and social democracy.”
This idea that governments should not create money implies that they shouldn’t act like governments. Instead, the de facto government should be Wall Street. Instead of governments allocating resources to help the economy grow, Wall Street should be the allocator of resources - and should starve the government to “save taxpayers” (or at least the wealthy). Tea Party promoters want to starve the government to a point where it can be “drowned in the bathtub.”
But if you don’t have a government that can fund itself, then who is going to govern, and on whose terms? The obvious answer is, the class with the money: Wall Street and the corporate sector. They clamor for a balanced budget, saying, “We don’t want the government to fund public infrastructure. We want it to be privatized in a way that will generate profits for the new owners, along with interest for the bondholders and the banks that fund it; and also, management fees. Most of all, the privatized enterprises should generate capital gains for the stockholders as they jack up prices for hitherto public services.
You can see how to demoralize a country if you can stop the government from spending money into the economy. That will cause austerity, lower living standards and really put the class war in business."
18:44 Key Message. I had respect for Howard's work before this. Full respect for Howard after this, too.
Ready for some Starbucks.
Why is that shrieker allowed to disrupt the conversation?
Ok, he's open borders, but thinks government spends too much? This makes absolutely no sense. Reform the welfare system, then talk to me about spending and you'll solve the immigration issue. Nah, just speak in platitudes for applause.
He didnt say he's open borders
That's exactly what Trump is trying to do!
How nice it is that this man Howard Schultz was allowed his God given rights as an American in order to become successful.
Success is more than $.
As a victim of 22 yrs of ongoing Technological Torture in America I take great exception to his making money at my life's expense.
Morally and ethically Mr. Schultz has an obligation. With more money comes more responsibility.
Where has this man been for 22 yrs while his customers use my body as a human target to put their name on a claim? And the two eyes in my head say they spend it at Starbucks.
In Washington they voted $30. per year license tabs. But I estimate they spend at least $6,000. per yr at Starbucks.
Howard who supplie(d)s a tremendous amount of retail franchises must use the roads considerably to his profitable business benefit.
So why didn't Howard Schultz who has been SO successful, tell the WA ST Gov their response "you just won't get your roads paved" after the Tim Eyman initiative was unacceptable?
No wonder you were successful. You partake in the practice of niggaring and I am convinced that is the only way to prosper in America these days.
Who in the hell do you think you are, Jesus Christ, you must have a horrible Tea complexity.
Now. Stop this crime.
P. S. Ask the new CEO from Microsoft how are the customers paying? Fictitious money?
And how much money from license tabs in WA goes towards small business?
Please run!
Destroy the 2 party system
He certainly is a better choice than Trump but he has no ideal of how most people survive. If you ain't a billionaire, you ain't in his club.
If Schultz continue to spread his message of governing, he will eat 2020
he's sure as hell got my vote!! 100%.. truly hope the masses are able to catch on and see that we have more options than all these other questionable politicians who only care about doing what their puppet masters say! hopefully, he will run! and not give up until he must to keep Trump from indirectly winning #VoteIndependentParty #DumpTrump2020 #StoptheMadness
Fun fact: George Washington was also the CEO of a coffee multinational before he became president so that’s an apt comparison
He's economically illiterate!
Myth #1: The government should balance its books like a private household.Reality: Our federal government is the issuer of the currency, which makes its budget fundamentally different than the average citizen’s.
Myth #2: Fixing Social Security and Medicare will require “tough choices.”Reality: Social Security and Medicare are not facing a financial crisis.
Myth #3: We are passing on debt to our grandchildren.Reality: Payments on Treasury securities are a matter of data entry, not a financial burden.
Myth #4: What we don’t tax we have to borrow from the likes of China for our children to pay back.Reality: Paying our debt holders back consists of transferring funds between accounts.
Myth #5: The government must tax or borrow to get money to spend.Reality: Government spending is not constrained by revenue.
Myth #6: Deficits and government borrowing takes away savings.Reality: Deficits add to income and savings.
Myth #7: We’ll end up just like Weimar Germany or Zimbabwe.Reality: Hyperinflation in both countries was caused by circumstances far different than ours.
Myth #8: Government spending increases interest rates and ‘crowds out’ valuable private sector investment.Reality: Banks can lend essentially without limit, and the Fed can hit any interest rate target it chooses.
Myth #9: The money spent paying interest on the national debt could be spent elsewhere.Reality: Interest rates can easily be brought to zero and are not an obstacle to federal spending.
Full article:
Stopped reading after #1...the federal government does not create/issue currency.
Yeah! run, man run! lol.
The delusions of grandeur are increblie
May be Schultz can forge an alliance with Ocasio-Cortez?
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I nodded off 1 minute after the audience member called him out
Revenge politics is a feature all democracy from Ancient Rome to current era. If you follow less developed democracy like south east Asia and South America, the consequence is endless loop
Low energy Howard
lol, do we get free coffee if he wins?
Thanks for shining a light on this topic. I am part of the wealthy class, and I dont understand why we should pay any taxes at all. We create jobs, and literally make the U.S economy run. The tax loopholes for the rich are meant to keep a balance. We are now lobbying in Washington to take away Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Socialism is an evil that must be terminated in its tracks, but must start with the freebies I just named. Its not my fault that Im rich, and successful. Maybe the Middle Class, and poor can learn to work for a living, and earn their money instead of wanting a handout.
He has great points, but before he can make a change he needs to start as someone that knows what America needs to day . He came from the intercity and I think he may need to walk those streets again to get a feel for the people of today
hello youtuber friend ... help my subscribe channel ... thank you
Forget the good job numbers the markets going to tank sell everything
Schultz 2020!
He said I am not "running against the republican or democrats , I am running for the country" that is the same word for word Beto O'rourke said through out his campaign and that proves he watched Beto's performance. Also other things that he has said sounds a lot like Beto o'rourke Texas senate campaign
15:34 definitely a paid protester.🤣🤣🤣
He is just a canary in the coal mine...will drop dead soon.
george washington warned us about independents
He was the only independent president we've ever had. Dont know what you mean by warned us. The first president knew it was smart to stay out of partisan bickering.
is US a company or a country? Why is entrepreneur stepping out to be President of United State?
Ban Starbucks now!!!!
I will vote for this guy! 👍🙏
"Healthcare is a human right" lol ... Healthcare is not a human right. A human right is the right for you to do as you please with your body. A human right is you do your best to your body to maintain health and happy life. A human right is NOT forcing doctors to care for you under the threat of a gun or imprisonment. Human right does not extend your right to take away another person's right.
this is where I would kill to have a talk with Ben Shapiro. Too much to possibly say about this nonsense in this little box.
That second to last statement is gross mischaracterization of universal basic healthcare. Doctors would not be slaves they would obviously still get paid the only difference would be that now that they would be paid by our government's publicly subsidized healthcare option. Doctors would most likely have the option not to accept that option, which would be incredibly stupid, but they theoretically could.
Our own declaration of independence gives us the unalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. How is having a broken healthcare system that turns people away based on their ability to obtain very expensive and highly inaccessible private insurance.
@@tigera10030 How did you get from "human right" to "universal basic healthcare"? He said "healthcare is a human right". Your comprehension is horrendous. If the doctor is getting paid to perform service that's cool. But if you force a doctor under the gun when you declare the doctor "MUST" perform service to an ill or dying person, that's not cool.
"highly inaccessible private insurance" ... the government can always hire their own doctors to service the ill. They can dictate how much they want to pay their doctors. I have no problem with that. But declaring healthcare is a human right and forcing doctors to work under the threat of of a gun or imprisonment, no way.
@@crazieeez holy shit you're fucking stupid
How is health care a human right? It is but why the government has to pay for it? The access is the right not the fact that government should pay for it, in my country we have universal healthcare and it sucks, anything other than the basic you have to pay to get treated or travel to another country
"Access" is such a bullshit term as to be meaningless. You wouldn't interpret other human rights that way would you? Oh you have the access to not be tortured, you have access to not be enslaved, etc etc. If you genuinely had access then you would also have the thing, what you mean is that someone richer would have access.
Snowballs chance in hell.
Please don’t run.
Madison Storm Schultz2020 Please RUN!!! Let Americans have a win for once!!!
He is boring the stiffs stiff.
Hahaha. Schultz has a right to run for president. He`ll only get Democrats to vote for him. Hahaha
Another bloated ego seeing it's big chance...
Seems informed and grounded but no more billionaires for me.
Jim Christl the Problem is Not being a billionaire. The problem is that you have an adult acting like a child as the president.
Completely understandable. I actually agree. Though some billionaires are genuinely good people like Bill Gates. I'd take any of those over Trump or any candidate who is forced to follow the two parties in control.
got my vote