*오류* move passed 가 아니라 move past 입니다 작년 이맘때쯤 가정법 관련 내용으로 강의를 올렸는데(th-cam.com/video/LAx8ebn2P9s/w-d-xo.html) 어렵다는 이유로 가정법을 배우는 것을 기피하는 사람들이 많습니다. 작년 강의에 비해 난이도를 아주 살짝 낮춰서 정리를 해봤습니다. 대화 속에서 if의 다양한 활용 : th-cam.com/video/DXtgXUcRnDk/w-d-xo.html 구독자 응용문 검토 : th-cam.com/video/kWWRhBJmD9s/w-d-xo.html 가정법 연습가이드 PART 2 : th-cam.com/video/rFCEZTPgdgE/w-d-xo.html
If I knew this channel a little earlier, I would've learned English much faster, easier, and more effectively. I wouldn't have wasted so much time and energy under pressure. I could've grabbed opportunities. But I am still so grateful that I happened to know this channel even now and to 빨모쌤. You are the best English teacher I've ever met. I want to believe that even now it’s not too late.
살면서 가정법을 배워본 적이 없었어요 선생님들이 어려우니까 몰라도 된다고 해서 그냥 안했거든요...근데 빨모쌤 알게 되고 이것저것 문장들 접하면서 저절로 어떻게 표현하는 지 알게 되더라구요 그러고 나니까 어렵고 복잡한 게 아닌 너무 필수적인 표현이라는 걸 알았고 말할때도 아주 즐겨쓰는 표현이 되었어요 ㅎㅅㅎ
03:48, 04:52 가정법 과거와 가정법 과거완료에서 모두 If I knew 사용 00:12 지금처럼 너를 잘 알았다면 안 그랬을 거야 05:57 그녀의 번호를 알면 직접 연락을 할텐데 06:16 그녀의 번호 알았으면 직접 연락을 했을텐데 09:34, 14:01 그녀가 바쁜 줄 알았으면 전화를 안 했을거야 12:00, 13:55 너 생일인 줄 알았으면 뭐라도 사왔을텐데 13:29, 13:50 걔가 아픈 줄 알았으면 에어컨을 안 켰을거야 16:18 내가 걔랑 더 친했으면 그렇게 어색하지 않을텐데 (+ 14:40)
I should’ve checked before I I wouldn't have dont it if I knew you then like I know you now. I'm very ashamed of it/. knew는 상태라 과거 O 현재 - Would 과거- Would’ve called I would’ve called her myself 내가 전화 했겠지
유료인 걸 알았으면 안 마셨지 If I knew this water was not free, I wouldn't have drunk it. 휴가 중인 걸 알았으면 안 기다렸지 If I knew he was on vacation, I wouldn't have waited for him. 나쁜 남자인 걸 알았으면 안 잘해줬지 If I knew he was a bad guy, I wouldn't have been nice to him. 맛이 없는 걸 알았으면 안 샀지 If I knew this pizza was terrible, I would never have bought this one. 그렇게 일찍 닫는 걸 알았으면 더 빨리 왔지 If I knew this shop was closed so earlier, I would have come here sooner. 그렇게 노잼인 줄 알았으면 안 봤지 If I knew the movie was so bad, I wouldn't have started watching it. 감사합니다 😊
I've never known that you've eagerly been into it. It's very impressive. Listening to your story, I think you've been planning to make better use of money for your family. I have to take a bus to get the subway station after work. It's really hot day and this weather will go on like this for the next few months. If I go there on foot everyday, I will be soaked in sweat. Oops, I wish I'd checked the notice before I left. I would've brought my tumbler if I knew there was no purifier here. I wish I'd checked phone battery before I left. I wouldn't have played a game on the way over here, if I knew it was running out.
요즘 주식시장이 대세여서 이런말을 많이하는데 딱 어울리는 표현이네요 If I knew about Tesla like than I know now, I would have bought stocks more a lot. If mom didn't know it was raining there , we would(could) go camping.
응용 연습 If I knew him that well then, I would've brought something to him. If I knew Pharah didn't match up well againt Echo, I would've picked another hero. (오버워치 캐릭터라 죄송합니다) If I knew I had other options, I wouldn't have performed the surgery.
(자연스럽게 일어나는 일이나 어떤 과정에 대해서) 그게 그냥 원래 그렇게 되는 거라는 걸/그게 그냥 원래 그렇다는 걸 알았다면 그렇게 많이 걱정하지 않았을텐데. If I knew that was just what was supposed to happen, I wouldn't have worried so badly about it. 네가 게 알러지 있다는 걸 알았으면 해산물 샐러드 안 했을거야. If I knew you were allergic to crabs, I wouldn't have made seafood salad for you.
1. If I knew where he 'was', I would tell you. 2. If I knew where he 'is', I would tell you. 3. If I had known where he 'was' , I would have told you. 4. If I had known where he 'had been', I would have told you. 쌤 안녕하세요. 가정법 공부하다가 궁금한 점 질문드립니다. 네개문장 중 어떤게 맞고 어떤게 틀리나요? 영상을보니 3/4번중에는 3번이 맞는거같은데, 1/2번 중에는 어떤게 맞는지 정말 헷갈립니다. 도와주세요 ~~~
이렇게 차가 막힐 줄 알았으면, 더 일찍 나왔을텐데 If I knew the traffic was this bad, I would’ve left home earlier. 네가 치즈 싫어하는 줄 알았으면, 샌드위치에 안 넣었지. If I knew you hated cheese, I wouldn’t have put it in the sandwich.
1. 태풍이 올라올 줄 알았다면 이번주의 비행기를 예매하지 않았을텐데( 한달 전에 예매한 상황) If I knew there would be a typhoon, I wouldn't have booked a flight this week. 2.코로나가 다시 확산될 줄 알았다면 미팅 계획을 잡지 않았을텐데.. ㅠㅠ If I knew Covid-19 would be spread again, I wouldn't have planned a meeting.
If I knew I was struggling for English, I would’ve studied much harder when I was a student. 내가 영어공부하느라 고생할줄 알았다면 학생때 더 열심히공부했을텐데.. (지금현재 나이먹어 공부하려니 힘들다고 표현하고 싶은데 맞는표현인지 잘 모르겠네요 ㅠㅠ) If I knew it was so difficult to lose weight, I wouldn’t have had a late-snack. 살빼는게 이렇게 힘들줄 알았다면 야식을 먹지 않았을텐데..
항상 감사합니다! 네가 어디 있었는지 알았다면, 거기로 갔을텐데. If i knew where you were, i would have gone there. 정확한 목표가 있었다면 지치지 않았었을텐데. If I had exact goal, i wouldn't be tired. (i wouldn't have been tired로 써야할까요? 아니면 그냥 위 작문처럼 써도 괜찮을까요?)
If I knew chocolate and bacon were not two things that go toghther, I wouldn't have had them. 내가 초콜렛과 베이컨이 잘어울리지 않는지 알았었으면, 나는 안먹었었을거야 If I knew the deadline for my essay was this friday, I wouldn't have done this fast. 내가 내 에세이 마감일이 이번주 금요일 이라는 것을 알았었으면, 나는 이렇게 빨리 안했었을거야 If I didn't know they had such a huge range of bags, I wouldn't have bought this much. 내가 걔들이 이렇게 많은 종류의 가방들을 가지고 있는지 몰랐었으면, 나는 이렇게 많이 안샀을거야 If I heard some noise in the distance, I would chase the sound to run away from here. 내가 멀리서 어떤 소음을 들었으면, 나는 여기서 도망가려고 그 소리를 따라 갔을거야. 감사합니다👍
차 사고를 당할 줄 알았다면 좀 더 일찍 출발했을거야 If I knew I had a car accident, I would’ve left a little earlier. (오늘 있었던 일이에요. 감사히 아이들 모두 다치지 않았고🙏, 저만 머리에 혹이 났어요😭) 그녀가 병원에 입원한 걸 알았다면 병문안 갔을거야 If I knew she was at the hospital, I would’ve visited her. 오늘 비가 오는줄 알았다면 우산을 가져갔을거야. If I knew it was going to rain today, I would’ve brought an umbrella.
If l knew he was that kind of person, I wouldn't have made the chat room. 그가 그런 사람인줄 알았으면 채팅방을 안만들었을텐데 If l knew she passed away so early, l would've been nicer to her. 그분이 이렇게 일찍 돌아가실줄 알았으면 더 잘해드렸을텐데
(빨래가 비맞는 것을 쳐다보면서) 비가 올줄 알았으면 빨래를 안했지. If I knew it would rain, I wouldn't have done the laundry. 니가 오트밀 안 좋아하는걸 알았으면 그걸 안 만들었을텐데. If I knew that you didn't like oatmeal, I wouldn't have made that flapjack. 잠이 이렇게 안 올줄 알았으면, 오후에두 커피를 안 마셨을텐데. If I knew I couldn't fall asleep this hard, I wouldn't have had a cup coffee this afternoon, either. (치과에서) 이렇게 아플줄 알았으면, 이를 더 꼼꼼히 닦았겠죠. If I knew that it would be hurt this much, I would have brushed my teeth more carefully.
안녕하세요 좋은 영상 감사드립니다 제가 공부하면서 정말로 이해가 잘 안되는 부분이 있어서 질문드립니다 답변 주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다 강의에 나온 knew를 사용한것은 아닌데 질문드려 죄송합니다ㅠㅠ 가정법 과거에 대해서 공부를 하면서 would를 활용해서 문장을 만들어봤는데요 상황을 가정하면 이렇습니다 제가 카페에서 알바를 하면서 친구랑 카톡을 하고 있는데 갑자기 사람이 많이 오면 답장이 늦을 것 같다는 얘기를 하려고 합니다 이때 사람이 갑자기 많이 온다는것을 가정해서 말하려고 합니다 If a lot of customers came in, I would be reply late. 이렇게 말하면 어색한가요? 외국인한테 물어보면 어색하다고 하는데 이유를 도저히 모르겠습니다 외국인들은 이 문장을 들으면 어떤 뉘앙스로 들리길래 어색하다고 하는지 모르겠습니다 그냥 가정법 미래를 사용해서 might이나 will 등을 사용해서 말하는 것은 이해가 되는데 현재 상황의 반대를 얘기하는 과거동사 came과 would를 사용해서 말하면 왜 어색한지 궁금합니다 감사합니다
안녕하세요 매번 좋은 품질의 강의 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다. 저는 이 채널을 안지가 얼마 안됬는데 몇 개 보자마자 바로 구독했답니다! 댓글이 달릴지는 모르겠지만 질문이 있어요ㅠㅠ 제가 미드를 대본이랑 같이 공부하고 있는데 이런 문장이 나오더라구요 "I'd have called you, but I didn't know where you were staying~" 그리고 해석이 "전화를 하려고 했는데 어디 있는지 알 수가 없어서~" 더라구요. 가정법 해석대로라면 전화를 했을거야 라고 해석이 되는데 미드에서는 단순 가정이 아니라 행동을 하려는 "의도"가 강조되어있다는 느낌을 받았는데 제가 느낀게 맞는지 궁금해서 댓글을 남겨봅니다.
If i knew there was this TH-cam channel, my ability of English would have been better now. If i knew it was there, i would have gone there. If i knew it was bad, i wouldn't have done it. If i knew he was handsome, i would have called him. If i knew it was small like this, i wouldn't have ordered it. If i knew it was good, i would have done it more early. If i knew he was so sensitive, i wouldn't have talked to like that. If we knew COVID-19 of speed was fast like that, we would have been careful more. If we knew it was so dangerous, we would have used with mask more well.
1.If I knew I wouldn't watch Netflix like this, I wouldn't have signed up for it. 넷플릭스를 이렇게 안볼줄 알았으면 신청을 안했을텐데. 2.If I knew you guys were coming by my place, I would've cleaned up a bit. 너희들이 우리집에 들를 줄 알았으면 청소좀 했을건데 3.If I knew that was what he wanted, I would have just let him do it. 그게 걔가 원했던거란걸 알았으면 그냥 하게 해줬을텐데.
비가 이렇게 안 올줄 알았으면, 저번주에 마이산을 갔었을거야. If I knew it didn't so rain, I would have gone hiking to Maisan. 우리집 근처에 맛집이 있다는걸 진작알았다면, 자주 갔었을텐데... If I knew earlier there was a good place near my place, I would have gone there often.
내일 무슨 안좋은 일이 일어날지 미리 안다면, 난 미리 대비할텐데 If i knew in advance what bad things are going to happen tomorrow, i would be be preparing for that now. 주차를 어디다 했는지 안다면 그거 찾느라 고생하지 않을텐데 If i knew where i parked my car, i wouldn't have trouble finding it. 팬데믹이 일어날줄 알았더라면, 작년에 해외여행을 좀더 많이 갔을텐데 If i knew the pandemic would breakout, i would've traveled abroad more last year.
If I knew you could get off work this early I would've waited for you. If I knew he had that much paperwork on his hand I would have helped him If I knew it was sunny day I wouldn't have broght umbrella earlier today
If i knew that place, i would've asked you to go together 내가 거길 알았다면, 같이 가자고 했었을거야 If i knew that was broken, i wouldn't have turned that on. 내가 그게 고장난걸 알았으면, 안켰을거야 If i knew you brought the notebook, i wouldn't have bought the new one. 너가 공책 가져온줄 알았으면, 새로 안샀을거야 맞게 작문했나요
If I knew the traffic I would have left earlier. If I knew their relationship, I would have not talked like that. If I knew They offer discount for opening, I wouldn't have bought it another store. If I knew he was lazy, I wouldn't have picked up for employee. If I knew she wasn't a good person, I wouldn't have get along with her.
영상을 보다 궁금한 게 생겨서 질문을 올려봅니다. ^^ 혹시 도움을 받을 수 있을까요? f it hadn't been for your help, I couldn't have started it at the time. (너의 도움이 없었다면 난 그때 그걸 시작하지 못했을거야)라는 문장에서 be동사도 상태를 뜻하니 과거에 대한 가정임에도 know처럼 hadn't been 대신 If it weren't for your help로 써도 되는지 궁금해요. 그런데 hadn't been for ~ 라는 구문이 너무 익숙해서 틀린 게 아닌 것 같아서 헷갈리네요. ^^;;
*오류* move passed 가 아니라 move past 입니다
작년 이맘때쯤 가정법 관련 내용으로 강의를 올렸는데(th-cam.com/video/LAx8ebn2P9s/w-d-xo.html) 어렵다는 이유로 가정법을 배우는 것을 기피하는 사람들이 많습니다.
작년 강의에 비해 난이도를 아주 살짝 낮춰서 정리를 해봤습니다.
대화 속에서 if의 다양한 활용 : th-cam.com/video/DXtgXUcRnDk/w-d-xo.html
구독자 응용문 검토 : th-cam.com/video/kWWRhBJmD9s/w-d-xo.html
가정법 연습가이드 PART 2 : th-cam.com/video/rFCEZTPgdgE/w-d-xo.html
링크에 ) 괄호가 붙어서 안열려요~ 🧐😆
선생님Move past 면 잊고 지나가길 바라는거 아니고 과거로 돌아갔으면 하는건가용?(대신답변도 감사합니당
@@CumulativeEffect 그러네용 ㅎ
쌤 일을 제가 좀 덜어드릴까나 ㅎ
인사도 농담도 하나 없는 영어강의가 어쩜 이렇게 재밌을 수 있을까요. 머리 안 쪽 손으로는 긁을 수 없는 부분을 시원하게 긁어주는 기분이네요.
If I knew this channel a little earlier, I would've learned English much faster, easier, and more effectively. I wouldn't have wasted so much time and energy under pressure. I could've grabbed opportunities. But I am still so grateful that I happened to know this channel even now and to 빨모쌤. You are the best English teacher I've ever met. I want to believe that even now it’s not too late.
일년전부터 선생님 강의를 시간 날때마다 보고있습니다.
현재 캘리포니아에서 거주중인데 강의내용이 너무 도움이됩니다.정말감사합니다.
If I knew this TH-cam channel earlier, I would have improved a lot my English speaking skills. Thank you for your teaching.
If I knew you got back home early, I wouldn't have had dinner alone. 너가 일찍 올줄 알았으면 혼자 저녁먹지 않았을텐데.
항상 감사합니다 선생님😊
^^ 난이도 낮춰주셔서 감사해요. 맞아요. 피할 수 없죠. 일상적인 이야기니까요. 오늘도 완벽히 외워보고 제문장 만들으려 노력해보겠습니다. 선생님 코비19 조심하세요.
예전에 올려주셨던 가정법 강의보다 훨씬 쉽게 이해되고, 반복 연습하기도 좋네요.
정말 모든 소원이 이루어졌습니다.너무 풍족해지고 행복해졌습니다
인기도 많아졌고 사람들이 저를 정말 좋아합니다.정말 감사합니다.Thank you so much!!
If I knew you needed it, I would have given it to you.
들으면 이해되고 돌아서면 헷갈리는 가정법 다시 공부해야겠네요 감사드립니다^^
맞아요 결국 가정법은 처음부터 해야되더고요 ^^;; 좋은 강의 감사합니당~!
좋은 예문과 쉬운 설명으로 귀에 쏙쏙 들어오네요.
항상 좋은 강의 감사합니다.
살면서 가정법을 배워본 적이 없었어요 선생님들이 어려우니까 몰라도 된다고 해서 그냥 안했거든요...근데 빨모쌤 알게 되고 이것저것 문장들 접하면서 저절로 어떻게 표현하는 지 알게 되더라구요 그러고 나니까 어렵고 복잡한 게 아닌 너무 필수적인 표현이라는 걸 알았고 말할때도 아주 즐겨쓰는 표현이 되었어요 ㅎㅅㅎ
03:48, 04:52 가정법 과거와 가정법 과거완료에서 모두 If I knew 사용
00:12 지금처럼 너를 잘 알았다면 안 그랬을 거야
05:57 그녀의 번호를 알면 직접 연락을 할텐데
06:16 그녀의 번호 알았으면 직접 연락을 했을텐데
09:34, 14:01 그녀가 바쁜 줄 알았으면 전화를 안 했을거야
12:00, 13:55 너 생일인 줄 알았으면 뭐라도 사왔을텐데
13:29, 13:50 걔가 아픈 줄 알았으면 에어컨을 안 켰을거야
16:18 내가 걔랑 더 친했으면 그렇게 어색하지 않을텐데 (+ 14:40)
I should’ve checked before I
I wouldn't have dont it if I knew you then like I know you now. I'm very ashamed of it/. knew는 상태라 과거 O
현재 - Would
과거- Would’ve called
I would’ve called her myself 내가 전화 했겠지
다른 영상보면서 그낭 지나쳤는데 한번 보고 나서 바로 구독신청했어요
자막도 보기 좋고 귀에 쏙쏙 들어오게 잘 설명해주시네요 쌤채널 완전정복해서 영어정복 반드시 하고 말겠어요
프리미어링으로 샘이랑 직접 소통할 수 있어서 너무 좋아요! 감사합니다:)
개념 정리가 너무 확실히 됐어요 .. would. Could 사용 해서 많이 말 하고 싶었는데 .. 많이 연습 할께요. 너무 감사드려요❤
헛 기피하는사람들중 하나...저 ...
그치만 넘 잘 배우고 가요 ㅠㅠ 난이도를 낮춰주시다니 ... 감동감동😍 감사합니다 !
If i had known ...은 머리에서 지워버릴게요
감사합니다. 가정법! 선생님덕분에 일상에서 쓸 수 있을것같아요^^
와우, 정말 대단하십니다. 이렇게까지 까다로운 부분을 콕콕 짚어주시다니^^
유료인 걸 알았으면 안 마셨지
If I knew this water was not free, I wouldn't have drunk it.
휴가 중인 걸 알았으면 안 기다렸지
If I knew he was on vacation, I wouldn't have waited for him.
나쁜 남자인 걸 알았으면 안 잘해줬지
If I knew he was a bad guy, I wouldn't have been nice to him.
맛이 없는 걸 알았으면 안 샀지
If I knew this pizza was terrible, I would never have bought this one.
그렇게 일찍 닫는 걸 알았으면 더 빨리 왔지
If I knew this shop was closed so earlier, I would have come here sooner.
그렇게 노잼인 줄 알았으면 안 봤지
If I knew the movie was so bad, I wouldn't have started watching it.
감사합니다 😊
선생님 강의는 명품 강의에요.. ㅎㅎ
어려운 내용을 너무 쉽게 강의해주셔서 감사합니다~~~
영상보고 배울때는 이해 막상 혼자 영작할려면 헷갈리는 가정법 연습많이 하겠습니다 감사드립니다 ^^
I've never known that you've eagerly been into it. It's very impressive. Listening to your story, I think you've been planning to make better use of money for your family.
I have to take a bus to get the subway station after work. It's really hot day and this weather will go on like this for the next few months. If I go there on foot everyday, I will be soaked in sweat.
Oops, I wish I'd checked the notice before I left. I would've brought my tumbler if I knew there was no purifier here.
I wish I'd checked phone battery before I left. I wouldn't have played a game on the way over here, if I knew it was running out.
오늘부터 회원이 되었습니다. 뭐 부터 공부해야할까요. 시골에 살아서 쓸일도 없고 함께 할사람도 없는데 어쩌다보니 혼자 영어를 공부하게되었어요. 감사합니다.
선생님의 팁: want need love like know 같은 상태동사는 뒷절이 would 현재형이든 would have p.p 이든 전부 과거형만 써도 된다. 과거완료형 쓸 필요 없다. 감사합니다!
어려워서 그냥 개념만 알고 흘렸던거 다시 돌아와서 학습하고 있습니다~
If i knew how hsrd it was to live with someone in advance, i wouldn't have got married .
늘 숙제로남아있던 가정법을(어려워서) 이렇게 시원하게 정리해주셔서 감사합니다😊
Thank you so much ~
If I knew this Live academy was so good, I would subscribe it earlier.
would have subscribed
항상 감사합니다. 선생님!!
요즘 주식시장이 대세여서 이런말을 많이하는데 딱 어울리는 표현이네요
If I knew about Tesla like than I know now, I would have bought stocks more a lot.
If mom didn't know it was raining there , we would(could) go camping.
항상 감사합니다 쌤 ❤
좋은 강의 감사드립니다.
와 귀에쏙쏙🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
쌤!!!이 남자가 하는 얘기 다 외웠어요😁몇십번은 들은것 같아요🤣
If I knew live academy earlier, I would've spoken english more fluently.
내가 라이브 아카데미를 더 일찍 알았으면, 영어를 더 유창하게 말했지
오늘도 잘보고 갑니다 ^^*
두번세번 봤습니다 감사합니다^^
오늘도 좋은거 하나 더 배우고 갑니다 ^^
If i studied english more, I wouldn’t have hard time to speak eng. But thank to teacher cause this video is helping me now.
0:15 자료화면
1:07 자료화면 반복
1:47 If I knew….
2:55 If I knew ( ) + would/wouldn’t (have p.p)
3:40 상태동사 know ⭐️
4:52 If I knew ⭐️
5:21 설명
5:55 예문
6:17 would have p.p.⭐️
7:05 다시설명⭐️
7:39 가정법
8:36 예문
10:15 예문
12:21 예문
14:10 예문
16:35 조언
17:20 영상복습
늘 감사합니다 ^^
응용 연습
If I knew him that well then, I would've brought something to him.
If I knew Pharah didn't match up well againt Echo, I would've picked another hero. (오버워치 캐릭터라 죄송합니다)
If I knew I had other options, I wouldn't have performed the surgery.
오늘 가정법 영상보고 다시 와서 복습합니다
오, 이런 형식도 많은 도움이 돼요. 👍🏻
If I knew 가 내가 알면으로도 되지 않을까요?
내가 알면 ~~할거야
If I knew 내가 알면
If I knew his number , I will call him
이거랑 너무 헷갈려요
방송 부탁드려요 ^^
자세한 설명 감사드립니다
선생님 사랑해요💗🤟🏻
최고입니다. 디테일 ㄷㄷ
항상 좋은 강의 감사드려요 쌤!!!
가정법 어려운데 잘 배우고갑니다
(자연스럽게 일어나는 일이나 어떤 과정에 대해서)
그게 그냥 원래 그렇게 되는 거라는 걸/그게 그냥 원래 그렇다는 걸 알았다면 그렇게 많이 걱정하지 않았을텐데.
If I knew that was just what was supposed to happen, I wouldn't have worried so badly about it.
네가 게 알러지 있다는 걸 알았으면 해산물 샐러드 안 했을거야.
If I knew you were allergic to crabs, I wouldn't have made seafood salad for you.
If I knew you a little faster, I would have learned English easier and funnier.😊
1. If I knew where he 'was', I would tell you.
2. If I knew where he 'is', I would tell you.
3. If I had known where he 'was' , I would have told you.
4. If I had known where he 'had been', I would have told you.
쌤 안녕하세요. 가정법 공부하다가 궁금한 점 질문드립니다.
네개문장 중 어떤게 맞고 어떤게 틀리나요?
영상을보니 3/4번중에는 3번이 맞는거같은데, 1/2번 중에는 어떤게 맞는지 정말 헷갈립니다. 도와주세요 ~~~
If I knew that English was important to my career, I would have studied English so hard.
가정법 레슨 너무 좋네요 ^^
If I knew you would be so upset, I wouldn't have done that.
If I knew I was about to get the promotion, I wouldn't have quit.
if i knew we were not that close anymore, i would've stopped thinking of you.
If I knew you were tired, I wouldn’t have said that.
If i knew the learning curriculum, i would have stared it right away.
If i knew we can closer, i wouldn't be so awkward.
이렇게 차가 막힐 줄 알았으면, 더 일찍 나왔을텐데
If I knew the traffic was this bad, I would’ve left home earlier.
네가 치즈 싫어하는 줄 알았으면, 샌드위치에 안 넣었지.
If I knew you hated cheese, I wouldn’t have put it in the sandwich.
만약에 it wouldn’t have been so awkward. 라고 한다면, 지금은 친하다라는 의미도 내포되어 있나요?
코로나가 이렇게 무서운건줄 알았었다면 마스크를 좀더 잘쓰고 다녔을거야
If l knew covid19 was very scary, l would have worn a mask better.
1. 태풍이 올라올 줄 알았다면 이번주의 비행기를 예매하지 않았을텐데( 한달 전에 예매한 상황)
If I knew there would be a typhoon, I wouldn't have booked a flight this week.
2.코로나가 다시 확산될 줄 알았다면 미팅 계획을 잡지 않았을텐데.. ㅠㅠ
If I knew Covid-19 would be spread again, I wouldn't have planned a meeting.
If I knew I was struggling for English, I would’ve studied much harder when I was a student. 내가 영어공부하느라 고생할줄 알았다면 학생때 더 열심히공부했을텐데.. (지금현재 나이먹어 공부하려니 힘들다고 표현하고 싶은데 맞는표현인지 잘 모르겠네요 ㅠㅠ)
If I knew it was so difficult to lose weight, I wouldn’t have had a late-snack. 살빼는게 이렇게 힘들줄 알았다면 야식을 먹지 않았을텐데..
항상 감사합니다!
네가 어디 있었는지 알았다면, 거기로 갔을텐데.
If i knew where you were, i would have gone there.
정확한 목표가 있었다면 지치지 않았었을텐데.
If I had exact goal, i wouldn't be tired.
(i wouldn't have been tired로 써야할까요? 아니면 그냥 위 작문처럼 써도 괜찮을까요?)
If I knew chocolate and bacon were not two things that go toghther, I wouldn't have had them.
내가 초콜렛과 베이컨이 잘어울리지 않는지 알았었으면, 나는 안먹었었을거야
If I knew the deadline for my essay was this friday, I wouldn't have done this fast.
내가 내 에세이 마감일이 이번주 금요일 이라는 것을 알았었으면, 나는 이렇게 빨리 안했었을거야
If I didn't know they had such a huge range of bags, I wouldn't have bought this much.
내가 걔들이 이렇게 많은 종류의 가방들을 가지고 있는지 몰랐었으면, 나는 이렇게 많이 안샀을거야
If I heard some noise in the distance, I would chase the sound to run away from here.
내가 멀리서 어떤 소음을 들었으면, 나는 여기서 도망가려고 그 소리를 따라 갔을거야.
차 사고를 당할 줄 알았다면 좀 더 일찍 출발했을거야
If I knew I had a car accident, I would’ve left a little earlier.
(오늘 있었던 일이에요. 감사히 아이들 모두 다치지 않았고🙏, 저만 머리에 혹이 났어요😭)
그녀가 병원에 입원한 걸 알았다면 병문안 갔을거야
If I knew she was at the hospital, I would’ve visited her.
오늘 비가 오는줄 알았다면 우산을 가져갔을거야.
If I knew it was going to rain today, I would’ve brought an umbrella.
If I knew what's a life like then like I know it right now, I wouldn't have lived that way. 이 문장이 자연스러운 문장일까요? (삶이 어떤건지 그 때도 알았더라면 그렇게 살지 않았을거다)
If l knew he was that kind of person, I wouldn't have made the chat room.
그가 그런 사람인줄 알았으면 채팅방을 안만들었을텐데
If l knew she passed away so early, l would've been nicer to her.
그분이 이렇게 일찍 돌아가실줄 알았으면 더 잘해드렸을텐데
책을 읽는것이
얼마나 중요한지 알았더라면 다른삶을 살수도 있었을텐데ᆢ
If I knew that how important is reading book
I would have lived another life.
며칠 못 봤던 보고 있습니다.
If i knew this milk tea has lots of caffeine, I would’t have drunken it
과거완료 가정법이면 I wouldn’t have done it, if I had know ~ 이렇게가 맞는거 아닌가요?
if I knew 뒤에 that 절이 나올떄 무조건 that절 동사는 그럼 과거형인가요? she was busy, it was your birthday 처럼요
(빨래가 비맞는 것을 쳐다보면서) 비가 올줄 알았으면 빨래를 안했지.
If I knew it would rain, I wouldn't have done the laundry.
니가 오트밀 안 좋아하는걸 알았으면 그걸 안 만들었을텐데.
If I knew that you didn't like oatmeal, I wouldn't have made that flapjack.
잠이 이렇게 안 올줄 알았으면, 오후에두 커피를 안 마셨을텐데.
If I knew I couldn't fall asleep this hard, I wouldn't have had a cup coffee this afternoon, either.
(치과에서) 이렇게 아플줄 알았으면, 이를 더 꼼꼼히 닦았겠죠.
If I knew that it would be hurt this much, I would have brushed my teeth more carefully.
내가 지금까지 영어공부 해야 할걸 알았다면 학교다닐때 좀 열심히 할걸.
I would've learn English as much as I could when I was a student if I knew I even have to do hard until now.
현재 일어나는일이면 would pp로 표현한다하셨는데 마지막문장에서
왜 wouldn’t been so awkward 가 아닌가요? ㅜㅜ
If I knew her trauma, I wouldn’t have done like that
If I knew she was crying, I woud’ve apologized
If I knew where this was, I would bring it myself
안녕하세요 좋은 영상 감사드립니다
제가 공부하면서 정말로 이해가 잘 안되는 부분이 있어서 질문드립니다 답변 주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다
강의에 나온 knew를 사용한것은 아닌데 질문드려 죄송합니다ㅠㅠ
가정법 과거에 대해서 공부를 하면서 would를 활용해서 문장을 만들어봤는데요
상황을 가정하면 이렇습니다
제가 카페에서 알바를 하면서 친구랑 카톡을 하고 있는데 갑자기 사람이 많이 오면 답장이 늦을 것 같다는 얘기를 하려고 합니다 이때 사람이 갑자기 많이 온다는것을 가정해서 말하려고 합니다
If a lot of customers came in, I would be reply late.
이렇게 말하면 어색한가요?
외국인한테 물어보면 어색하다고 하는데 이유를 도저히 모르겠습니다 외국인들은 이 문장을 들으면 어떤 뉘앙스로 들리길래 어색하다고 하는지 모르겠습니다
그냥 가정법 미래를 사용해서 might이나 will 등을 사용해서 말하는 것은 이해가 되는데
현재 상황의 반대를 얘기하는 과거동사 came과 would를 사용해서 말하면 왜 어색한지 궁금합니다
If I knew ‘Bitcoin’ 10 years ago, I would have bought it right away
혹시 초반 영상은 영화인가용?? 아시는 분.. *_*
If i knew i can do this i wouldn't have afraid of it
안녕하세요 매번 좋은 품질의 강의 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다. 저는 이 채널을 안지가 얼마 안됬는데 몇 개 보자마자 바로 구독했답니다! 댓글이 달릴지는 모르겠지만 질문이 있어요ㅠㅠ
제가 미드를 대본이랑 같이 공부하고 있는데 이런 문장이 나오더라구요
"I'd have called you, but I didn't know where you were staying~"
그리고 해석이 "전화를 하려고 했는데 어디 있는지 알 수가 없어서~" 더라구요.
가정법 해석대로라면 전화를 했을거야 라고 해석이 되는데 미드에서는 단순 가정이 아니라 행동을 하려는 "의도"가 강조되어있다는 느낌을 받았는데 제가 느낀게 맞는지 궁금해서 댓글을 남겨봅니다.
If i knew there was this TH-cam channel, my ability of English would have been better now.
If i knew it was there, i would have gone there.
If i knew it was bad, i wouldn't have done it.
If i knew he was handsome, i would have called him.
If i knew it was small like this, i wouldn't have ordered it.
If i knew it was good, i would have done it more early.
If i knew he was so sensitive, i wouldn't have talked to like that.
If we knew COVID-19 of speed was fast like that, we would have been careful more. If we knew it was so dangerous, we would have used with mask more well.
1.If I knew I wouldn't watch Netflix like this, I wouldn't have signed up for it.
넷플릭스를 이렇게 안볼줄 알았으면 신청을 안했을텐데.
2.If I knew you guys were coming by my place, I would've cleaned up a bit.
너희들이 우리집에 들를 줄 알았으면 청소좀 했을건데
3.If I knew that was what he wanted, I would have just let him do it.
그게 걔가 원했던거란걸 알았으면 그냥 하게 해줬을텐데.
If I knew it was hard like this to learn english, I would have started to do it faster.
비가 이렇게 안 올줄 알았으면, 저번주에 마이산을 갔었을거야. If I knew it didn't so rain, I would have gone hiking to Maisan. 우리집 근처에 맛집이 있다는걸 진작알았다면, 자주 갔었을텐데... If I knew earlier there was a good place near my place, I would have gone there often.
내일 무슨 안좋은 일이 일어날지 미리 안다면, 난 미리 대비할텐데
If i knew in advance what bad things are going to happen tomorrow, i would be be preparing for that now.
주차를 어디다 했는지 안다면 그거 찾느라 고생하지 않을텐데
If i knew where i parked my car, i wouldn't have trouble finding it.
팬데믹이 일어날줄 알았더라면, 작년에 해외여행을 좀더 많이 갔을텐데
If i knew the pandemic would breakout, i would've traveled abroad more last year.
If I knew she wasn't in the mood for Chinese I would've gotten something else.
걔가 중국음식 내켜하지 않는줄 알았으면 다른거 시켰읉텐데.
If I knew you could get off work this early I would've waited for you.
If I knew he had that much paperwork on his hand I would have helped him
If I knew it was sunny day I wouldn't have broght umbrella earlier today
If I knew life would be so tough like this, I wouldn't have married.
이렇게 속이 쓰린줄 알았다면, 매운 음식먹지않았을텐데...
If I knew I had a sore stomach, I wouldn've had such spicy food.
If I knew this video, I would've learned some more
If I knew this video earlier , I would've learned something more.
If i knew that place, i would've asked you to go together 내가 거길 알았다면, 같이 가자고 했었을거야
If i knew that was broken, i wouldn't have turned that on. 내가 그게 고장난걸 알았으면, 안켰을거야
If i knew you brought the notebook, i wouldn't have bought the new one. 너가 공책 가져온줄 알았으면, 새로 안샀을거야
맞게 작문했나요
If I knew the traffic I would have left earlier.
If I knew their relationship, I would have not talked like that.
If I knew They offer discount for opening, I wouldn't have bought it another store.
If I knew he was lazy, I wouldn't have picked up for employee.
If I knew she wasn't a good person, I wouldn't have get along with her.
영상을 보다 궁금한 게 생겨서 질문을 올려봅니다. ^^ 혹시 도움을 받을 수 있을까요?
f it hadn't been for your help, I couldn't have started it at the time. (너의 도움이 없었다면 난 그때 그걸 시작하지 못했을거야)라는 문장에서
be동사도 상태를 뜻하니 과거에 대한 가정임에도 know처럼 hadn't been 대신 If it weren't for your help로 써도 되는지 궁금해요.
그런데 hadn't been for ~ 라는 구문이 너무 익숙해서 틀린 게 아닌 것 같아서 헷갈리네요. ^^;;
@@kimo206 아~~~~~^^ 그렇군요. 되는 거군요. 후련해졌어요. 알려주셔서 너무 너무 감사합니당^^♡
If I knew you were in the city, I would have stopped by there.
I wouldn't have had huge amount of food!, If I knew that I would be too full like this.