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  • @vault269
    @vault269 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I don't do any type of "hardcore" content, but I do care A LOT about the visuals of the game (from glam, to a good-looking mount, to a clean HUD) and that's a god-damn nice UI right there! So clean, that I consider getting an MMO mouse and re-train my muscle memory just to have it! xD Congrats for that and the video!

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The mmo mouse was the best decision I ever made xD as I am terrible with a keyboard. But yeah, aesthetically it works out really really well!

  • @yashiTF
    @yashiTF 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thanks for the video, I’m playing ffxiv for over a month and I’m feeling overwhelming by the keybind system, but there a lot of useful tips in this video that I’ll start using for sure

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As long as i can help to some degree, I'm glad. It can be overwhelming. But if I had any other advice to add towards skills. Keybind bit by bit. Keybind as you unlock the skills, rather than deciding straight away

  • @Scribblescrabbly
    @Scribblescrabbly 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Ty for the mouse sonar tip!

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And thank you for watching!

  • @DacianGradaMusic
    @DacianGradaMusic 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    finally someone that has a similar setup lol -- i too was a console kid for all my life, but ended up with mmo mouse for this game and I love the 3x4 hotbars, it just makes sense to my brain. I still use some keyboard keys on some jobs, QERTF and such, depending on the skill order or combos, but the mouse is the big one and it made things much simpler and enjoyable.

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      At this point I use the mouse for most games, as its the handiest mouse ever

  • @tomekk.1889
    @tomekk.1889 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    What I do is map 1-4 q, e, z, x, c and two of my mouse buttons. For the next row I just map every button again but this time to shift. Next row is ctrl + 1, ctrl + 2 etc. I add in wasd buttons too for shift and ctrl. That's enough for every skill and it's very comfortable and easy to access

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks for adding that! Useful for people who haven't mmo mouses and controllers and things!

    • @tomekk.1889
      @tomekk.1889 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@DyingLegacy Yeah! The two side buttons are enough for me. I've got my continuation combo mapped to them and it's super ergonomic

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @tomekk.1889 I'm just not good enough with a keyboard, otherwise I'd have gone the same route as you 😅

    • @MahamidMayhem
      @MahamidMayhem 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      This has been a game changer for me. I used Q,E,R,F,T and also 1-5 so I can get till the 12th slot but this is great, thanks!

    • @tomekk.1889
      @tomekk.1889 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MahamidMayhem I'm glad I could help 😃

  • @noaag
    @noaag 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What helped me a lot (non MMO mouse user, physical DPS main) was to turn on:
    No need to have a keybind for target nearest enemy. This will do it for you when you use an attack skill. You just point the camera at your target basically.
    Con: I admit it sometimes hangs for a split second while it picks your target and starts the skill. I think manual targeting is the most responsive. But it's much comfier this way imo. Sometimes I use ctrl+scroll or alt+scroll to cycle targets but I hardly ever need to. After discovering this I can't imagine going back to pressing a targeting key for every single enemy I fight.

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'll be honest. I use Q to target nearest. And E to target cycle. That even hinges at times as well as select a completely wrong enemy. So in reality your method is as good as any method. And for some people, especially those trying to clear keyboard space, is probably the best method.

    • @noaag
      @noaag 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@DyingLegacy Hahaha there are def always compromises!! Tangent wall below! 😱
      I thought 1234qerfzxcv with alt and shift was flawless. I put FN on caps lock so i could easily wasd for arrow keys. I said "fuck it" and put Confirm on Tab, also on Fn+F. Fun fact this also works as Target Nearest (might be the gamepad keybind). Also this was a 60% keyboard, so Esc/Cancel is adjacent to Tab/Confirm, which is nice and intuitive. So, menuing was really easy, natural even.
      What really elevated this is when I binded spacebar to Alt. The natural thumb position is the spacebar, and you never jump in combat, except maybe for rare mechanics idk. Makes sense to put the modifier layer here instead!
      But you cannot simply bind "Alt layer" to spacebar in FFXIV's keybinds config. You have to 1. Use an external app to swap space and alt, 2. Learn to type spaces and jump with alt key instead of spacebar, and ideally 3. Have a fast way to switch profiles/layers when you feel like chatting or doing jumping puzzles.
      It seemed absurd. Why do all this engineering to make Alt on Space work when I could just utilize some more keys? I can reach 5TGB, and ~` Tab CapsLk Win, and F1-F4, that's 12 more keys..!
      So I had to go for a bigger keyboard and get the F row I was missing on my compact one. 75% is perfect for me I think and I love mine (keychron k2 pro). Especially since the f1-f12 and 1-= keys are all in a neat 2x12 ortholinear array, like god intended. When I got the kb, I was on hiatus from the game, but I had XIV hotbars in mind!
      And yet this was not enough.
      No, how could I continue down this treacherous WASD path knowing it has always hurt my ability to learn touch typing muscle memory?
      Plus ESDF would give me more keys for the pinky right?
      So I dump a few hundred hrs in an FPS game learning ESDF and something gets me back in the game.
      I spend 2 weeks agonizing over how exactly my keybinds and hotbars and HUD should all work. I realize the best way to optimize layers, is technically no layer at all. How hard could it be, really, to reach 24 or 36 keys? I don't need perfect movement control 100% of the time anyway, so it should be fine right?
      It's good for a while. It really is nice to not hold modifiers at all and just focus on raw keyboard DDR. (Remember I began as DRG main lol) So I got a lot of good play done with this setup:
      123456 / Tab qwrty / Caps a `7 gh / zxcvbn.
      Third row is weird bc it was 6/6/4/6 before i threw `7 in from the sides of the top row of my bars. There was a hole. I haaate wasted screen space and I hated wasting slots too. (Theoretically I may run out of slots on all my jobs one day, like if i make collapsing or dynamic bars with macros)
      I ain't proud of shoving `7 in the middle . It's unintuitive af, especially when you're hoping to go for a natural representation of a combo on 5-6-7 or `-1-2. But this is my best compromise of Square's strictly 12-slot bars, with standard inverted-cross keyboard movement, with regular typing position ready to go.
      (For the record pressing 7YH left handed is fucking up my typing ability lol but it's not anything like how WASD teaches wrong positions; if anything, i'm reaching this far comfortably only because i had to when i was a WASD only gamer, to reach equivalently located 6TG keys for typing, from "gamer home row" as i call it.)
      Actually next order of business? Make macros for my main weaponskill bar for to swap, so my 1-2-3 combo is on a single key, if this is applicable to the job without missing procs etc.
      Hotbar Unlimited plugin is really good if you take the time! (Position slots anywhere) You could float these on the corner with a little offset so you know they're a little out of reach and used for infrequent skills.. without totally messing up your vanilla setup on patch day.
      Simple Tweaks "duplicate keybind hint on hotbars" is amazing too. You can experiment with various layouts without going through the pain of totally redoing your hotbar keybinds when you realize you made a mistake. Or just have an extra setup ready to go. I used to have it set up so pressing F2 would trigger my "swap bars" macro, toggling off bars 1-4, which hold the four row setup (123456/Tqwrty/Ca`7gh/zxcvbn), and toggling on bars 5-7 containing a somewhat more intuitive three row setup (`1234567/Tqwrtygh/Cazxcvbn). Respects my preferred 8 wide number row perfectly, and compact, but still does not represent key positions accurately, so gets confusing if you like to plan how your fingers move in both dimensions. E.g. the four row setup lets me plan a skill G that easily moves to A, H, T, or V and this knowledge is obfuscated by oversimplifying.
      Oh I should mention Role skills go on shift but i have managed to fit Everything Else on the top layer keybinds for all the jobs i play. Won't last with that setup once i get to some jobs.
      New plan is 123456/aqwrtg/zxcvbn, x2 with shift (ill do side mouse btn i think) for an even and intuitively laid out 36. I'm trying to type faster so i don't want to push yhn with left hand anymore. And it's better to stay close to movement keys and use a modifier in general anyway, that's why im reminiscing on my simple 12 key setup from 2 years ago. Nah I have upgraded to ESDF and with that I am upgrading to 18 keys. Pretty tough choice to commit to. Don't even know what i'll do with `7 Tab Caps YH now but who cares. I will never play the game at this rate! XD
      So yeah, I'm jealous of the MMO mouse! That really simplifies things. If you can foot the bill for a discontinued peripheral, get the orbweaver (newer one kinda sux acc. to some) to compress your 4 move keys onto your thumb nd you're basically a god. Or ya know any of those really hardcore enthusiast split ergo ortholinear keybs. Like a column stagger would go so hard.
      Damn you Square Enix

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@noaag That tangent wall will be incredible useful to a whole lotta people, believe me! I however will try to bind alt to something else now. As spacebar is my natural thumb position, and alt is a complete pain to use for me most of the time. Especially in higher stress situations. So now knowing I can in-fact circumnavigate the keybinds is incredible knowledge!!

    • @noaag
      @noaag 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DyingLegacy haha glad i was of inspiration! :) truly this was my chance to geek out, and it was basically unprompted so im glad its received well!
      Yesss the spacebar for alt is a huge boon
      I have a physical switch for layers on my keyboard, but most users need a software solution.
      PowerToys Keyboard Manager is a user friendly remapper. It's still in development, but it's an official Microsoft product, and it's solid.
      There is always good ol' AutoHotkey. Do "LAlt::Space" and save as script.ahk. From there you could add a quick toggle shortcut to get back to normal behavior, as well as per-app functionality so it only applies to the game and no other apps.
      For comparison, PowerToys can't do per-app yet for single key remap, only for key combinations like ctrl+x.. for some bewildering reason lol. And with PowerToys you can't toggle the special behavior on the fly.
      With AHK the sky is the limit. Maybe show an indicator on screen, or.. it's even possible to distinguish between taps and holds, so technically you could set it up for hybrid typing and combat. Jumping precisely could still suck. Much better to have a combat/typing mode and a jump mode, than to have a combat mode and a typing/jump mode. I'm just spitballin here!
      If AHK sounds daunting dont worry! ChatGPT has nearly mastered the AHK scripting language after scraping like 15 years of support threads!

  • @ShiroCh_ID
    @ShiroCh_ID 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i hope that games like FFXIV and PSO2 has a features to search keybinds names or what keys it binds to
    as someone who played Minecraft Modpacks A LOT,that 2 mods called Controlling and AMeCS makes my life easier with tons of keybinds Modpack Minecraft tend to have,by searching the keybind name or the key it was bind to, even now i rarely plays FFXIV as a sprouts due to this,but yeah this videos surely help me a little bit

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No idea about pso2 but FFXIV doesn't to my knowledge, that or I just have never seen it

  • @Ryguyyy7
    @Ryguyyy7 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    alright im having a major issue with ffxiv keybinds. im a wow gamer and dont have this issue there but have it in final all the time. i use a g600 like you and mapped all my mouse buttons ctrl1-ctrl12 in order and then the ring finger button is an alt modifier. if im doing any kind of strafing while pressing any mouse buttons and then simultaneously i need to press any 1-12 keys on my keyboard, it just thinks im pressing ctrl1-ctrl12. its like when im strafing or moving in general the game only recognizes the ctrl portion of my mouse buttons as long as im moving. are you aware of how to work around this? i literally cant press buttons while moving its that bad

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ctrl is a modifier... Not to mention you are trying to use a number and a ctrl number. So ctrl is always pressed, that's why. Mouse number pad, is an alternate number pad. It's not a separate number pad. I can see why it's not happening in wow, as wow has half the needed keybinds ff14 does.

    • @Ryguyyy7
      @Ryguyyy7 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@DyingLegacy wow has similar keybinds on certain classes but yea most don’t. I play a class that deals with “button bloat”. I managed to figure out the keybind problem and just used numpad. Game still doesn’t recognize 3 different button presses simultaneously if movement is involved but doesn’t happen too offen

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Ryguyyy7 It heavily depends on the 3 different button presses. As it could be down to using similar buttons, similar key binds or even gcd cross over. And final the keyboard of mouse itself.

  • @someguy8273
    @someguy8273 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is it even possible to reply to party finder tells on ps4?

    • @DyingLegacy
      @DyingLegacy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      From what I have googled, not really. Apart from making a macro, or just sending them a message by normal means