Its called SAP (Smile Arch Placement) It gives you a better smile that curves with the lips vs a flat cartoon smile. Check out Dr. Tom Pitts lectures to learn more about it. You can also contact OC-Orthodontics to get with a local sales rep to learn more about it also.
Why didn't he use the height gauge for the posterior teeth?
Does bonding brackets mean adding wire too?
Doctor... Why u placed brackets too gingivaly on mx insciors?
Its called SAP (Smile Arch Placement) It gives you a better smile that curves with the lips vs a flat cartoon smile. Check out Dr. Tom Pitts lectures to learn more about it. You can also contact OC-Orthodontics to get with a local sales rep to learn more about it also.
THat is for optain the Smile arc .....
wt about the center of resistance doctor?
Will force act on it.