Помним = разучиваем песни и поём !!! Лучше, когда память в такой активной форме !!! (ведь у нас уже мало что осталось... иногда кажется, что в своей стране - как на чужбине...)
Всегда обожаемая с первой услышанной в юности песни! И сегодня стихи и голос наполняют бесконечной романтикой и мечтами светлыми, добрыми, зовущими к открытию чудного мира настоящей Жизни! С Днем Рождения ЧУДЕСНЫЙ, ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, СТАВШИЙ ДРУГОМ НАВСЕГДА!
Novella Matveeva - doch´ Ivana Elagina (1918-1987) was born in Vladivostok, Russia on December 1, 1918. His real last name was Matveev, and his father was a poet, as was his grandfather, who was also a journalist, publisher and historian. Before WWII, Elagin studied medicine in Kiev, before moving to Germany
Спасибо! Искала и наконец нашла песни Новеллы Матвеевой. И в моей юности не многие слушали ее, а сейчас вообще никто не знает этот чудный голос, чудные стихи и мелодии!
Novella Matveeva - doch´ Ivana Elagina (1918-1987) was born in Vladivostok, Russia on December 1, 1918. His real last name was Matveev, and his father was a poet, as was his grandfather, who was also a journalist, publisher and historian. Before WWII, Elagin studied medicine in Kiev, before moving to Germany
А может это самое большое счастье- чувствовать себя от трех до пяти!!! Может, это самые разумные люди на нашей планете- ДЕТИ!!! И те счастливы, кто может ощутить себя ребенком в любом возрасте... Остальное- наносное... как при шторме... всякий мусор может принести за десятки-то лет...
@helgaOdUa почему никто не знает? я в детстве пластинки слушала, а теперь детям пою, и они знают и подпевают ))) песни ведь замечательные, яркие, красивые!
Novella Matveeva is daughter of Russian émigré poet Ivan Elagin and (in all the probablity) she was related to Ivan Perfilievich Yelagin (Иван Перфильевич Елагин; 1725-94) was a Russian historian, an amateur poet and translator who acted as unofficial secretary to Catherine the Great in the early years of her reign. Yelagin studied in the cadet corps for nobles with Mikhail Kheraskov and Alexander Sumarokov, a popular playwright whose works he alternately praised and derided.[1] He became Catherine's ally when she was Grand Duchess at the court of Empress Elisabeth. In 1758, the Empress banished him from the court for his close ties to the disgraced chancellor Bestuzhev. Ivan Elagin (1918-1987) was born in Vladivostok, Russia on December 1, 1918. His real last name was Matveev, and his father was a poet, as was his grandfather, who was also a journalist, publisher and historian. Before WWII, Elagin studied medicine in Kiev, before moving to Germany and beginning his career as a poet. Later he moved to the United States where he taught Russian literature at New York University and at the University of Pittsburgh. Between 1959 and 1982, he published seven volumes of poetry, including On the Road from There, Under the Sign of the Ax, In the Hall of the Universe, and Heavy Stars. Most of Elagin’s poetry was written in emigration, and the poet referred to himself as a “man in translation.” He said, “I think that at the heart of my work is the theme of dissolution, the division, the fragmentation of modern man in time and space.” Elagin died on February 8, 1987.
НОВЕЛЛА МАТВЕЕВА (07.10.1934-04.09.2016). Мы помним.
Помним = разучиваем песни и поём !!!
Лучше, когда память в такой активной форме !!!
(ведь у нас уже мало что осталось... иногда кажется, что в своей стране - как на чужбине...)
@@100krokus ....НЕ расстраивайтесь ...главное - мы видели и чувствовали ЭТО ....
Всегда обожаемая с первой услышанной в юности песни! И сегодня стихи и голос наполняют бесконечной романтикой и мечтами светлыми, добрыми, зовущими к открытию чудного мира настоящей Жизни! С Днем Рождения ЧУДЕСНЫЙ, ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, СТАВШИЙ ДРУГОМ НАВСЕГДА!
Novella Matveeva - doch´ Ivana Elagina (1918-1987) was born in Vladivostok, Russia on December 1, 1918. His real last name was Matveev, and his father was a poet, as was his grandfather, who was also a journalist, publisher and historian. Before WWII, Elagin studied medicine in Kiev, before moving to Germany
Всё необыкновенное: и слова, и мелодия, и голос! Это не песни - это медитации какие-то!
Мне очень нравится эта песенка. Услышала ее в далёкой юности и запомнила. Исполнение Новеллы Матвеевой очень трогательное.
Спасибо! Искала и наконец нашла песни Новеллы Матвеевой. И в моей юности не многие слушали ее, а сейчас вообще никто не знает этот чудный голос, чудные стихи и мелодии!
Исключительное и прекрасное... С самого детства...
Спасибо вам за эту жизнь... Очень самобытно и талантливо... Rest In Peace.
Какой-то солнечный хрустальный мир.Как в детстве...:-)
Novella Matveeva - doch´ Ivana Elagina (1918-1987) was born in Vladivostok, Russia on December 1, 1918. His real last name was Matveev, and his father was a poet, as was his grandfather, who was also a journalist, publisher and historian. Before WWII, Elagin studied medicine in Kiev, before moving to Germany
Просто чудо
Это песня моей юности
А может это самое большое счастье- чувствовать себя от трех до пяти!!!
Может, это самые разумные люди на нашей планете- ДЕТИ!!!
И те счастливы, кто может ощутить себя ребенком в любом возрасте...
Остальное- наносное...
как при шторме...
всякий мусор может принести за десятки-то лет...
Так она и осталась - девочкой. Вечной Ассоль...
почему никто не знает? я в детстве пластинки слушала, а теперь детям пою, и они знают и подпевают ))) песни ведь замечательные, яркие, красивые!
милые талантливые
Novella Matveeva is daughter of Russian émigré poet Ivan Elagin and (in all the probablity) she was related to Ivan Perfilievich Yelagin (Иван Перфильевич Елагин; 1725-94) was a Russian historian, an amateur poet and translator who acted as unofficial secretary to Catherine the Great in the early years of her reign.
Yelagin studied in the cadet corps for nobles with Mikhail Kheraskov and Alexander Sumarokov, a popular playwright whose works he alternately praised and derided.[1] He became Catherine's ally when she was Grand Duchess at the court of Empress Elisabeth. In 1758, the Empress banished him from the court for his close ties to the disgraced chancellor Bestuzhev.
Ivan Elagin (1918-1987) was born in Vladivostok, Russia on December 1, 1918. His real last name was Matveev, and his father was a poet, as was his grandfather, who was also a journalist, publisher and historian. Before WWII, Elagin studied medicine in Kiev, before moving to Germany and beginning his career as a poet. Later he moved to the United States where he taught Russian literature at New York University and at the University of Pittsburgh. Between 1959 and 1982, he published seven volumes of poetry, including On the Road from There, Under the Sign of the Ax, In the Hall of the Universe, and Heavy Stars. Most of Elagin’s poetry was written in emigration, and the poet referred to himself as a “man in translation.” He said, “I think that at the heart of my work is the theme of dissolution, the division, the fragmentation of modern man in time and space.” Elagin died on February 8, 1987.
Дети не поймут, да и не все взрослые
gevelo gevelo Себя, видимо, имеете в виду?
И почему же не поймут дети? И что непонятного то?
мне кстати 9 лет💀
но это продлится не больше года.... и наступит возраст 10 лет....
так се👨
@helgaOdUa Для детей (от 3 до 5 лет) - в самый раз.