It bothers me that they put children in the game. Like no. Don’t do that. But they make it worse by having them dance like that. Bunch of pervs over at 2k
Cash nasty: yoooooooo Me: *says it loud* YOOOOOOOO!!!!!! My MOM: Why Are You Screaming? Also me: because in watching cash nasty Also My Mom: if you don't stop screaming this belt gonna get you screaming okay Me: no My mom: bet *whoop* Me: 3:32
I miss when cash said dirty watta everytime he greened a shot
@@bryanrodriguez3044 how bout u watch his 2k19 mycarrer episodes and shut yo ass up
@@bryanrodriguez3044 watch the 2k vids from last year
@@bryanrodriguez3044 you're the dumbass
@@bryanrodriguez3044 you're the most unloyal Subscriber I've ever seen watch the 2k19 career videos stoopid
@@bryanrodriguez3044 you dumb as hell for that
Last time I was this early flight had no heat
This dude must be Jurassic
I was waiting for the yoooooooooo what’s is good everybody
Your right
2k Mar this was a stream
2k Mar you’re*=
@@ajms4209 you're*
@@Em6ix you*
Commentators: Here’s Anthony
Shamire Walker heavily contested.......
i remember watching this lmaoo on the stream
Lil Garry Yeah, wasn’t like it was last night or anything.
6:52 So we not about to talk about these “cheerleaders”
It bothers me that they put children in the game. Like no. Don’t do that. But they make it worse by having them dance like that. Bunch of pervs over at 2k
@@Vito_Caligiuri Facts tho
Wtf 😭😭
J. Robertson yeah it’s disturbing that they put children in this game.
Polar express type beat
“Call me what you want but you can’t call me a loser”
Loses game and throws controller*
He only lost cause that trash ass nigga was streamsniping and cheesing with the cards
Jorge Ramos call the stream sniper what you want but you can’t call him a loser
@@jorgelujlrcn I didn't stream snipe
Shit he prolly coulda won if he onballed the last possession 😂
Who ever is reading this, don’t give up and keep following your dreams💯
Addison Rae is in my dreams, but I think if I followed her around everywhere she'd think I'm weird
Supermariohoops24 lol dream harder my guy
Faivz I always dream hard 😉
Supermariohoops24 😂
You are my dreams g 💀
U the best cash I swear ignore these haters mayne
Cash nasty: yoooooooo
Me: *says it loud* YOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
My MOM: Why Are You Screaming?
Also me: because in watching cash nasty Also My Mom: if you don't stop screaming this belt gonna get you screaming okay
Me: no
My mom: bet *whoop*
Me: 3:32
3:30 i almost cried of laughter
No one:
Literally no one:
Cash: chucks his controller
You da best cash
Wow that was nice
keep it up cash
They always talk shit after the game cash. It’s alright bruh
Hi cash ur my fav youtuber
When you stub your toe 3:17 😂
Love the videos keep up the good work
Noti gang cash you one of my favorite youtubers man
Love the video Cash stay motivated dream big 2 Mill on the way
I turned my volume down expecting a YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in the beginning but cash was actually quiet for once
Because this was a stream
Good observation
😂😂😂 I turn it down too ‼️‼️
Cash been uploading some heat
🤣🤣 Cash Nasty is hilarious
You should do more park videos
Troy vs Cash?? I think that would be a funny game to watch
You lost because you don’t know how to off ball & you could’ve fouled him to prevent that 3 ball
SelfMadeQuinn lmao, you offball? That's ass, learn to Onball. Offballers suck dick, I give respect to any of my onballing opponents.
drake uncharted I only offball if the person I play against offball 😂
SelfMadeQuinn Savage ass nigga 😂😂😂😂🤓
The country I’m from basketball isn’t really our biggest thing. What exactly is offballing
Selwyn Cule in the game it is when you are not manually guarding the player the opponent is dribbling with
Sound like lavar ball in the beginning talking about “you cant call me a loser”
Hi cash your the best
Him:let’s go cash let’s go cash
Cash:shit your screen sniping ahh up😂😂
You goated
Seen this live on stream gotta love that man cash, living goat ❤️🐐
I love u cash keep up the good work
You better then flight Cash.
Name a better TH-camr than Cash............... I'll wait
Love your videos cash
Great video bro🔥
Dude went full Dutt mode 💀💀💀💀
what is that background song that’s bein used at 3:09
Cash got some flight in him lol
My man instantly ended the stream after this 😂😂
Cash you are the best 2K player ever
Last time I was this early Flight could dunk.
Homelesskid125 ohhh no never 🤔🧐
Man look keep uploading more videos like this I can't stop laughing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hiiiii keep up the good work and your awesome
I kid you not,I was watching it live and I was dying 🤣🤣🤣
Finally not a flight vid
I watched this on stream
Cash needs to be trained by flight asap flight we be the best 2k player ever by june!
Cash your my favourite youtuber
Noti gang ✍🏽
Noti gang
It is what it is 😂
Cash can upload higher resolution gameplay?
Did u know that they hair the exact same jersey colour😂 Love u Cash
Cash the best
Wet like waaaaaata “yeah”☄️
Everyone: cheesier
Cash: I’ll still beat you right?
Cash another banger. And where can I get that sweatshirt.
Love your vids
Dang cash you let me down🤦🏾♂️‼️
I love his my career vids
I watched this game on your live stream last night
Clamps all day Cuhk “Wet like Water”
Cashnasty yesssssssssir
you should put the pink diamond klay in your line up , he’s cheese bro
Cash 2k16 and 2k17 myteam was his prime!
Uh oh he throwing things lol 😂
2k16 vibes Cash
Cash make me wanna scream in my own crib
When’s ash coming back to the vids?
Look at curry man is probably flights senior quote
Cash is posting my team again >>>>
Cash a pro at offballing
🤣🤣 That Man Threw The Controler
Lol when he threw his controller lol 🤣
Good shit cash
You got to watch that clock cash
0:12 we also can’t call ricegum a loser🤭
Roasted it
How's your green screen doing Cash
CashNasty u the G.O.A.T at myTeam on 2k
Bro this is intense
“I don’t take L’s”
John Creveling facts
Bro he got cheated and it was a stream sniper
Personal Account I’m kinda kidding bro I love this guy, but he did get cocky in the beginning of the vid
The most satisfying thing in the world is beating lil timmy boys who are off balling in 2k😂👌🏻
Cash if u ran the clock down this would have been a dub
Can’t be mad at anyone but yourself😂😂should stepped up on the last shot
Lets go cash
Stay safe
U goat 🐐 cash
Dude waiting till the very end of the game just to talk shit & keep in mind he waited probably for hours for that game to do so 😂💀
Liked before a watched.... YOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! 💥
We miss durrrrty watta
Moral of the story: Don't offball
Cash I think your a winner
yessir wsg cash
Ahmy got yhu dis game😂