I received five gorgeous Labradorite crescent moons (after a very long wait). Followed your tutorial this morning and I am so happy with the result. I have a Thanksgiving venue coming up, and hope to have all five wrapped using yours and Kelly Jones's tutorials. You have taught me so much over the past couple of years. Thank you, thank you.
Holy crap...so I’ve been watching your channel for years now and I just did a search for crescent moon wire wrap tutorials because I’ve been hanging onto a moon cab for months now and wanted to finally work on it. What a coincidence that you just posted this today!! 😂 So excited to wrap my labradorite crescent moon finally!
Please make a video tutorial on how to form a crescent moon design with wire over top of a cabochon!! You’re my main source of learning to wire wrap and I would love to see that as no one else has made a tutorial on it! 🤍
do you mean like make a crescent moon shape out of wire and then attach that to the front of a cabochon(that is not crescent shaped, say like an oval cabochon) ? Unfortunately I have seen another artist do that design and wouldn't want to step on her toes by doing a tutorial for something similar.
Oh thank you dear Oxana! I have ordered some crescent moon cabochons and I’m awaiting their arrival! I want to make crescent moon pendant for my sisters and I.
Thank's Oxana, you've made my day! I've been admiring these pretty crescent moon pendants for months now & longing to make one. Got the cab' - just hoping I have the right gauge of half round wire in my drawer. Always a joy to watch you work your magic! ✨🤗✨
Started watching your vids again after a 2yr hiatus. Im wrapping for the public now, and I took a heady approach on my 2nd crescent of the year, and I love it. Is there a preferred method/clamp for holding wire bunch while wrapping? I just hold em, but this feels medieval to me. I need to tighten up my style.
if the wire is tight against the stone it will be hard to grab it to pull it apart. wire wrapping is more fragile however because the wire is soft and is meant to be bent with our hands, so that means it can also be unbent with our hands. it is a type of jewelry that needs to be treated with extra care.
@@OxanaCrafts I use tools when I wire wrap and I make sure things can’t be pulled apart with my hands and if it can then I secure it more. Wire wrapped jewelry should be treated with care yes but they shouldn’t be that fragile
Gorgeous! I have a seller on Etsy who just made me a ton of crescent moons out of labs. They’re all gorgeous and I love this design so I’m gonna give it a go. Oh the seller is MOOSAGEMSTONE and they’re prices and customer service cannot be beat!! If you’re having issues finding that stone I mean! Best of luck!
that stone is stunning and your wrapping is beautiful
Oxana, you are by far the absolute best wire teacher on the internet. Thank you for your tutorials,they are fabulous.
Wrapping a lab moon for someone, and it wasn't a shape I do very often. But look at here!! 👍
I received five gorgeous Labradorite crescent moons (after a very long wait). Followed your tutorial this morning and I am so happy with the result. I have a Thanksgiving venue coming up, and hope to have all five wrapped using yours and Kelly Jones's tutorials. You have taught me so much over the past couple of years. Thank you, thank you.
This crescent moon pendant is one of the most beautiful pieces I've seen you make! WOW!
Holy crap...so I’ve been watching your channel for years now and I just did a search for crescent moon wire wrap tutorials because I’ve been hanging onto a moon cab for months now and wanted to finally work on it. What a coincidence that you just posted this today!! 😂 So excited to wrap my labradorite crescent moon finally!
Please make a video tutorial on how to form a crescent moon design with wire over top of a cabochon!! You’re my main source of learning to wire wrap and I would love to see that as no one else has made a tutorial on it! 🤍
do you mean like make a crescent moon shape out of wire and then attach that to the front of a cabochon(that is not crescent shaped, say like an oval cabochon) ? Unfortunately I have seen another artist do that design and wouldn't want to step on her toes by doing a tutorial for something similar.
Gorgeous! Is it possible to wire wrap a star cabochon?! That would be gorgeous to see!
Oh thank you dear Oxana! I have ordered some crescent moon cabochons and I’m awaiting their arrival! I want to make crescent moon pendant for my sisters and I.
Thank you for detailing & sharing such lovely work. A real pleasure to watch..
So happy to see you! I love your tutorials and have learned so much - thank you, thank you!!!
Really beautiful design. I love your teaching technique.
*Оксана - умничка! Очень красиво! ☝️🥰👍*
You are amazingly talented...thanks for sharing. Going to cut and polish me some Crescent moons just for this wrap! Stunning✨
Thank's Oxana, you've made my day! I've been admiring these pretty crescent moon pendants for months now & longing to make one. Got the cab' - just hoping I have the right gauge of half round wire in my drawer. Always a joy to watch you work your magic! ✨🤗✨
You are so welcome!
This is perfect. I think I just bought a moon-shaped cab (bought a few and not sure which I ended up buying 😆). Thank you for sharing this.
SO PRETTY! Do you have any advice/ tutorials for any tear drop shaped stones?
Abosolutely love this tutorial! Thank you so much
Wish I could find a very simple tutorial on wire wrapping a moon, this is too advanced. Someone should do just a simple one.
I will make a simpler video soon!
Thank you! I have dozens of moon-shaped stones that this will be perfect for!
Love it! Thank you.
You are very welcome!
Started watching your vids again after a 2yr hiatus. Im wrapping for the public now, and I took a heady approach on my 2nd crescent of the year, and I love it. Is there a preferred method/clamp for holding wire bunch while wrapping? I just hold em, but this feels medieval to me. I need to tighten up my style.
you can use one of those spring clamps from hardware store
Ill give it a try
I Absolutely Love this. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us. Just Beautiful. 💜💜💜
Hi Oxana, I too love your videos. Question: I have a Moon shape but it’s the rough on the top side. How would you wrap something like that?
I have done this design on those rough opalite cabs and it worked.
OxanaCrafts thank you I’ll try it 🥰
Love it......THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Is the wire half hard or dead soft?
dead soft
This is so cute but i was able to pull it apart with my hands from the bottom once it was finished :( which means it’s not really secure at all
if the wire is tight against the stone it will be hard to grab it to pull it apart. wire wrapping is more fragile however because the wire is soft and is meant to be bent with our hands, so that means it can also be unbent with our hands. it is a type of jewelry that needs to be treated with extra care.
@@OxanaCrafts I use tools when I wire wrap and I make sure things can’t be pulled apart with my hands and if it can then I secure it more. Wire wrapped jewelry should be treated with care yes but they shouldn’t be that fragile
Gorgeous! I have a seller on Etsy who just made me a ton of crescent moons out of labs. They’re all gorgeous and I love this design so I’m gonna give it a go. Oh the seller is MOOSAGEMSTONE and they’re prices and customer service cannot be beat!! If you’re having issues finding that stone I mean! Best of luck!