for real 😂😂🧐😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅🤔😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅🌞😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😮😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅if you saw this like 😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂🎉😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😂😂😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😊😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😢😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😂😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅❤😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅 can you find all the odd emojis good luck here is your first one 🕜
(from a google search) in 7:27 , If you are just walking around with your camera and shooting casually, you generally don't need a permit. You will, however, need a permit if you are shooing on public property OR if your shooting will impact others and/or the environment.
Thank you so much socks and your friends, I have been feeling down because my girlfriend was about to end her life but I convinced her not to with all of my power but I couldn’t stop her but luckily a police officer did stop her, I was still feeling sad though and your video really cheered me up. Once again, thank you socks and your friends, keep up the good work, much love ❤
How to avoid karen on the road: - make sure karen is infront of you, trying to pull you over - make sure it looks like you are pulling over - when the time is right, DRIVE.
@@surprisedalien-t5m I mean the kid does some issues then Khai Yuen hey you can't do that then the kid says yes I can I have over Millon power and that's the Khai Yuen moment
18:36 I WAS IN THE RESTAURANT WHEN THIS HAPPENED! I THOUGHT HE WAS YELLING AT ME, the employees accidentally gave us some extra chicken and I thought it was the one I was eating
i had a crazy karen experience when i was in like a grocery store the lady just started swearing at an old lady for taking her spot but she left her spot for like 1 minute and then they started punching eachother outside
I have seen one singular video where a Karen apologizes they accuse someone of not being disabled then once proven wrong says sorry and walks away embarrassed
Released me from the basement please
Broski will die if he don’t comment on a vid
There the new avengers
"Aight, Imma call the Tow thingy ma bob on ya"
-Karen, 2024
Why is there so many Karen’s
@@issornayrbbecause y e s
I have the power rn lol😂
for real 😂😂🧐😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅🤔😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅🌞😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😮😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅if you saw this like 😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂🎉😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😂😂😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😊😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😢😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😂😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅❤😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅 can you find all the odd emojis good luck here is your first one 🕜
Them missing the bingo is the most Sock crew thing ever😭😂
I like to think it was intentional
Are you a time traveler?
congrats on 90 likes on your comment
@@arturszybalski2635 nope
(from a google search) in 7:27 , If you are just walking around with your camera and shooting casually, you generally don't need a permit. You will, however, need a permit if you are shooing on public property OR if your shooting will impact others and/or the environment.
legally that is true and i feel like that lady was H!gh
Karen: *starts screaming at me in my car*
Me: *proceeds to step on the gas*
Good job I’m back with the milk son btw
@@AMERICAN-69here is some oil.. 🛢️
Thank you so much socks and your friends, I have been feeling down because my girlfriend was about to end her life but I convinced her not to with all of my power but I couldn’t stop her but luckily a police officer did stop her, I was still feeling sad though and your video really cheered me up. Once again, thank you socks and your friends, keep up the good work, much love ❤
I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you and you girlfriend are doing better.
@@DylanDicken-c6l thank you, and we are
thats so sad
I'm sorry for you 😭 have a great rest of life also yes this vid was great.
16:29 As a Canadian, I can say that I hear and see many people from many different locations. And China is one of them.
Thx for posting u are literally making my childhood, and helping me relieve school stress
The Karen versus Karen part got me dying 😂
'I'm sick o it' procededs to give him biggest side eye ever
12:01 We need socks playing some Clash Royale, imagine all the spendings 😂
Mission success
Ehem it’s actually 12:03 🤓
"Um I'd like to speak to the manager please🙎♀️"
no way
Classic Karens
Get out of my store
@@Eye606Yes way.
Uummm🤓🤓🤓 id like too speak to the manager🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
The Australian Karen that tipped herself got me cracking for some reason ;-;
did it to all of us, you're not the only one
I got poo
I'm brilliant
I'm Aussie and I can relate to little sheets like that
We going to Walmart with this one 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
I NEED more of these they lighten up my day and leave me with a smile.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray
@@shannongarcia6846no please stop, please go hang out with gen alpha, you probably are
11:31 socks has teh same reaction as the old time AHHHHHHH I I IIIII II CANT BRO I LOVE THI SGUY XDDDDDDDD
“REACTORSSSSSSSS!!!!” **Explosion**
nah we nuclear reactors
Funny seeing you here
We will all miss the "Sup gamers! We are going to react to people dying in the target, it's gonna be so silly :p (bleh cat)"
@@johnnycoolman87 don’t forgot the LEGENDARY outro
Hi I’m here to react :p
It's been a while since I've watched these guys, I think during pandemic. Many things have happened lol but I still enjoy your videos just like before
Every socks vid is a vid that cheers me up. its literally the highlight of my day.
Karens are like Pokémon there's different varieties of them in nature
So true lol
ture and you can't get them its impossible
Hehe I love your theory 😂😂
DONT catch them all!
“You can’t be recording in target sir”
Congratulations to me 1:00hour
4:49 causally minding all business in the background by playing in a call of duty competition
How to avoid karen on the road:
- make sure karen is infront of you, trying to pull you over
- make sure it looks like you are pulling over
- when the time is right, DRIVE.
"REACTOOOOOOOORS" Never gets old 😂❤
we’re thomas the thermonuclear bombs now, YIPPEE! 💀
Sup gamers to REACTORSSßSS
You are right
Crying before 16:30 it’s actually pretending to be hurt, because pretending to hurt was first
16:50 bro i was there 💀 i was walking around i just hear arguing
No way
Wow, that’s so scary* Sarcastically*
Tuxy saying i don't claim her is basically saying nuh-uh she ain't ours and i respect him for that
14:08 bro really put the vsauce music on bruh💀
this guy is a legend
I love when socks puts laughter in us
Hi blizto!
@@Lxzyfor0 I already told you this the O is silent
Socks cassualy telling us to commit credit car fraud at 6:22
It’s socks, that’s not surprising
I like how Sock's background is a target 🤣
18:02 “matikalatok” is so crazy saying right next to ur kids
Rectorrrs is the first thing i heard at middle of the night
Yes rector 😂😂😂😂
@@DominicCarosello because of time difference man
@@GOD_GAMING91 chill out
@@DominicCarosello ok mate
5:15 Bro kicked the phone out his hand..
Rip that poor man's phone from 1999
👇1 hour crew
Its been 2 minuts look on top of you lol💀
@@marocrabat1899lol 💀
@@XJuniorPostVideosWeekly i mean im from morroco
Bro couldn’t believe how rare a Karen apologizing is
The best thing about being Scottish is the pub/bar fights ever night also i live right next to one
2:46 “you ain’t driving , when I’m in the car” 💀💀
2:17 nah she was busy playing subway surfers
0:11 but I have 100 million power in among us
Khai yuen moment
7:11 fast food restrauant
@L8R388 what mean?
@@surprisedalien-t5m I mean the kid does some issues then Khai Yuen hey you can't do that then the kid says yes I can I have over Millon power and that's the Khai Yuen moment
19:09 as a black person myself i say run before it gets down
The '"she's like a mini peka"
got me dying😂
Ima call the the tow thingy got me laughing 😂😂😂😂
Keep up the great vids 🎉❤
10:00 fun fact: it is ILLEGAL in most countries to drive 10 (mph/kph) under the speed limit so this grandpa is in the wrong
18:28 socks you had Karen bingo up to down
Look at the end of the video
She spat that spit like a llama 😂
I am subscribed to every channel with my notifications always on but Karen’s dude😂😂😂😂😂🎉😂
"Will your mother be proud of you?" Nah bro 😭
3:23 Fun fact: shes sick of it
10:22 is a funny little editing error :)
Thank God I never encountered a Karen in my life😅😅
The Karen in the store is going super Saiyan lol
i love you socks
People under a hour👇
@@PSG-PRODUCTIONS really bro
Me trust
I snuck in 🤫🤫🤫
3:46 she sounds like the women version of German leader in 1933-1945 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Like my comment pls
if 2 negtive energy karens start karening eachother then a black hole is formed 😂😂😂
18:36 I WAS IN THE RESTAURANT WHEN THIS HAPPENED! I THOUGHT HE WAS YELLING AT ME, the employees accidentally gave us some extra chicken and I thought it was the one I was eating
ur my fav creator and your "team"
for every push up this gets, i'll do 1 comment
8l 2:09
You sayd it reversed
Every like this comment gets, I will do 1 push-up
Do 2
Do 4
Do 10
Do 12
5:08 Bro I started cackling when i saw the phone fly bro 😭😭
I know I’m 2 weeks late but the Walmart Karen at 11:52 fr said quick, DD, hit him with a AAAAAAH 💀💀💀
Every like this gets I’ll do 1 push upIn real time
For every push up ill do a like👍
How does that make sense
The fu 7:14
8:27 the fact she doubled down LOLLL
i love your subnatica videos
10:44 bro,what💀💀
Yeah, what was that, a fight?
@@LotsOfGamesToPlayBasicaly she pulled her pants down
She said “ Wanna see my behind?”
What’s the original vid?
Reactors! Assemble
Why are they so much like baggers?
I remember when my dad became a Karen and tried to fight with an Asda manager and I have been traumatised since then
5:14 no one gon talk about the phone flying???💀💀
I can track u down 0:01
I liked my own commet
I like your comment
Me to
And I didn’t
1 push-up for every like this comment gets.
Shut up
@@markandrewc.luderico1419 I might be a beggar but I’m a worker because im doing push-ups for every like
3:11 hawk tuah
6:12 British people
9:45 What on EARTH are you doing!!
i had a crazy karen experience when i was in like a grocery store the lady just started swearing at an old lady for taking her spot but she left her spot for like 1 minute and then they started punching eachother outside
Ever like this comment gets I will do 5 push ups
Oil up lil guy
@@Therealfogbornaye (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*
9:56 bro was built like Gordon Ramsey 😂😂😂😂😂
3:31 bro she is just someone who was in my year 5 class he was just like “SCHOOL IS PRISON”,
W btw do u draw ur stuff or do u get someone to do it for you
Hold up is that my long lost dog? Eight minutes.
I have seen one singular video where a Karen apologizes they accuse someone of not being disabled then once proven wrong says sorry and walks away embarrassed
The Chick-fil-A food is infected because she had it in her hand. Don’t eat it.😂😂
5:15 - were gonna completely ignore how that dude's phone go yeeted???
outkarening a karen is like outpizzaing the hut
3:46 bro what happened to Severus Snape 😂😂😂
When ever you are dealing with a Karen just say “ we do not care”
why did the light button look because he says I like this already?😂😂😂😂😂 3:08
3:36 them: *trashing British people*
Me: (British) 😂
7:12 bro had he's own jumpscare 💀💀💀💀
8:25 why was the Karen even buying stuff at that place if she was on a diet. 😂😂😂
3:12 Oh God 😂😂😂
12:00 I didn’t expect Clash Royale reference
The killer kayak Karen was trippin 😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀
Dude this reminds me of my trauma in elementary when a kid threw chairs and desks
Every time you see a Karen say
Everybody was kung fu fighting those kids We’re fast as lightning Although it was a little bit frightening