My mama always taught me to water plants in the kitchen sink. Just put them in the sink and add a few inches of water. She would leave them for fifteen minutes then drain the sink. Let them sit for another fifteen minutes in an empty sink and take them out. She always had beautiful plants.
Here's a tip. When first opening the water conditioner bottle, don't tear off the aluminim seal. Instead, poke or cut a small hole in it. This makes it easy to pour a few drops at a time.
I love your dry British humor with a straight face😶. 😄 A couple times, my husband said, "What did he say?" and we laughed. What a splendid video to help with my new Spider Plant duo. Thank you so very much from Colorado, USA. 💚
I've always found spider plants really easy to look after. I started using water conditioner a year or so ago and my plants love it. I like the really curly spider plants.
@@thevahandbook I love the curly spider plant too and will definitely add one to my collection at some point. I have been using well water for my plants since I started my indoor tropical plants hobby, although obsession is more accurate. I'm glad you mentioned using the water conditioner and that your plants love it because I'm now on city water that must have a potpourri of chemicals in it. I'll be ordering some conditioner today.
My friend gave me 3 spider plant babies from her plants. I have them outside. We’ve had triple digit weather this summer. I have a 40% shade cloth over my patio plants. I give them hose water and they’re as happy as can be and are having babies of their own. Never thought to get them but now that I have them I love them so much. 🥰
Since I grew my spider plant, I've used well water ... o'naturale. I must have 100 babies dangling from mama. I have moved and now have city water, so I'm going to purchase the water conditioner you recommend. She's still at the old residence and will be coming to the new home very soon. The millions of Spiderettes will be separated from mama at that point. Happy day for her. 😊
Thank u for this video! I had a variegated spider that grew babies with etc etc. then I "borrowed" a solid baby from the plant in my apt lobby. After it rooted I combined both types of spider plants in one pot . They went literally crazy with beautiful growth! Now I combine all my babies and they're absolutely stunning! I love them so much!
My spider plants live in my east facing window and I’m happy to say they’re doing well. I put one in my brother’s west facing window and that resulted in even glossier leaves. For the first 11 moths of having them, I watered with tap water, however I noticed that the very tips of the leaves were going brown so I switched to rain water
I need this video! I'm convinced a curse was put on me regarding spider plants. Ages ago when I didn't have a clue with plants I had a spider plant. I must have got lucky and put it in the perfect spot and got the watering right cos it thrived and put out so many babies it was insane. Problem is, I didn't have a clue what was happening and thought it looked ugly and I was fed up of cutting the babies off so I put it in the bin 😭😩🙈💔. I didn't even Google it and now I know about plants I feel like an idiot. Since that day every spider plant I ever bought died on me 😢
I put mine on the deck in direct sunlight during the summer and it puts of babies like crazy. In the winter it goes by a window never had a problem. Just cut or pull of the ugly leaves when it’s adjusting and it will be fine.
Both of mine, grew on Top of our TV! It barely got any natural sunlight! I had the Babies, and Grand Children! Even though my Mom hated them, my Dad dared her to Touch either one of them! 😂🤣😂🤣😂 I grew my in Composted Soil, with a lot of Perlite!! I’m absolutely smitten with your Begonia!! What is the name of yours? I had the Perineal, Red Wing, outdoor one! My Shade Garden loved them and for the 10 years from starting with 2, I had about 150 of them!! They grew to 18-24”, and covered with Pink Blooms! Each bloom, became the corm they sent up a New Plant with the following year!
Thank you Mr Sheffield. You seem to know what advise I need and when I need it. I'm in Australia and Sping has started so it's re-potting time for me, starting with my spider plants. Love🌱💗
I had this sad, droopy spider plant and jade plant too; I gave them each one of those watering globes!! The Jade plant first turned into a strong, happy girl in just a couple days! It worked so well, I tried it on my spider plant, in one week, the spider plant had a new tendril with a bunch of unopened flowers, I think?! Two of my pickiest pickers, now are show stoppers that need next to nothing from me!!! Score!!🐞
Hi Richard, just wanted to say a huge thank you for the videos and for the free PDF. I actually feel like I can keep these things alive now. Much obliged, Tom
I must have been very lucky with mine. Found two almost dead plants at the side of the road going for free. I nursed them back to health and have two massive plants and loads and loads of babies. You can grow them in just water and no soil too, just change the water now and again and feed occasionally. They don’t reproduce if kept this way though.
I had 3 different types of spider plant that I kept in pots in a shady spot in the garden. One with a green edge and a white center, another with a white edge and a green center and the third completely green. They loved being transplanted into much larger pots and grew bigger and bigger. They also loved abundant watering. In the end, both the pots and the plants were so big that it was difficult to bring them into the house before winter and find enough room for them. Real giants! And so I ended up throwing them away. Now I grow only 2 types again and keep them in smaller pots. As soon as I transplanted one into a much larger pot, it grew 3 times larger than the one left in the smaller one in just one month. I think a smaller pot causes growth to stagnate.
4:30 am so it must be time for a plant video! I’d love a spider plant but there’s no room at the inn. Thanks to Mr. Sheffield’s expert advice, my plants are thriving and getting BIG. A little too big to be honest, but I love them that way. Nothing like some lush green with new leaves to make you feel good.
My spider plant was propagated from my great grandmother's spider plant. It is my most "active" plant. Her leaves are constantly shifting/flipping in different directions. A constant reminder that my plants are actually alive 😊
I've had a spider plant for many years now ... and a few weeks ago I removed from its pot took off about one third of its roots and replanted in a next size up pot ... now it looks the best it ever has .. leaves are very upright before they turn down ... their colour has much improved and yes I too find that the green pales when it needs watering ... this was my only indoor plant until we bought quite a few from a supermarket that were classed as ... special purchase... the cost varied from £ 4 . To £ 9 . Our thinking was that at that price if we lose any or all its not been to much of an outlay... I've now invested in grow lights and the water conditioner along with two fertilisers... one for general house plants and another for our collection of Anthuriums ... actually 6 of them With different coloured spathes they have an orchid feed ... thanking you for your advice on our one pot of Monstera as when I tipped the plant out of its pot there were 3 of them ... we also have 5 Calatheas ... new to this category of plant but with your advice they are looking fabulous... that water meter is a must have .. the plants can feel dry in their pots but the meter will show that at the base the pot is wet ... one question if I may please.. do I need to buy heat mats for over wintering our plants ? We don't keep a hot house in winter and we find that it can be fairly cool indoors . I am wondering about a few heat mats as we also have a couple of Alocasia plants .. I don't really want them to lose their leaves and sleep over winter .. when I bout these they had been over watered something I didn't realise we bought them home ... one has lost quite a few leaves and the other is okay .. I removed from them from their pots and tried to remove as much compost as possible. Replanted them back on the same pots and filled with fresh potting compost.. I've notbwatered them at all and they are recovering nicely .. the only thing now is I'm a bit worried about watering and reckon my trusty water meter will help . Thank you if you have read so far as this .. your videos have been really informative. Having jumped in and bought 16 plants over the last 4 or so weeks I'm not sure my indoor plant skills would have been up to the mark especially with the Calatheas. If you could give me your thoughts on heat mats it would be really appreciated. Take care and carry on with your videos.. kind regards Lynne .
I have a spider plant that I was thinking of clipping one of its little buddies off and keeping that in my plant room. I'll do that before the big plant goes back outside, now that the weather is warming up again after Winter Enzo.
Well done on the comments about chlorine & chloramine ~ with regard to fish as well as plants. Many folks still do not know about the use of chloramine by water authorities or the fact that, like chlorine, it does not dissipate if the water is left to stand. ❤❤❤
Wow. Spider plants are so easy here in Florida. Mine is directly on the balcony rail which faces fully southwest and it would be happier with even more sun! I've seen them growing in nearly full sun in the ground here. I had to re-pot into a regular potting soil that would hold more water because it became so root bound and was drying out too much. For anyone with potted plants, it's a while to figure out the soil for your area and takes trial and error. I have to re-pot plants that I order from places like California because they stay TOO wet here and I get root rot in the soil that apparently works in those less humid areas.
My houseplant journey started with spider plants, I have 3 momma plants with too many spiderlings to count now. The first question I ask any visitor to my house is "would you like a free spider plant?" lol.. I didn't know about the chlorine/chloramine thing though so, cheers for that, everyday's a school day.. I can't believe that after working in aquatics for years and running an aquatics department, I will now be ordering some dechlorinator for my houseplants, the world's a crazy place sometimes! 😂
I’ve had a spider plant that a school friend gave me for Christmas when we were still in primary school. 20 years later it’s lived in five states and been more or less neglected but it’s still going strong. I’ve given away so many little spider starts and the mother plant is still massive. At this point I don’t think I could kill it if I tried 😂
Mine also thrives on benign neglect. The more attention I give Spider Plant Mama, the more brown leaves multiply. Now I'l paying child support for all her spider plant babies.
You defined saved my spider plant. It was in a death spiral because I was watering it with tap water, I repotted it and used the water conditioner and it is slowly coming back. Thank you
I always find it surprising when some people have trouble with spider plants 🧐 I’ve always found them easy. I put them outside in the summer on my patio where they get morning sun and they are happy 😀🇨🇦
I tried to grow this “easy” plant several times over the years. I killed every one of them…..more then 5 or 6 and I decided I would never get another. Then a friend gave me a pot that she had outdoors all summer in sun and heat (100degrees or more during the summer here in Oklahoma) She has a lot of spider plants and she basically ignores them. Soooooooo. I brought it in for winter and ignored it. Gave water sparingly over the winter and pretty much figured I’d end up killing it like the others (which turns out I had over watered).well. It has done tremendously. It has babies on it and I’ve potted up about 7 babies since last year. It goes out on the porch for the summer and inside in the winter. All the pots I have now are happy as can be. I mostly bottom water frequently in the heat of summer and cut back watering completely in the winter. The plant I hated is now one I love. It’s the first time I’ve been able to get and pot babies and keep mom and babies alive for more then a couple months.
I'm pretty sure now bottom watering is the thing I need to do next time I attempt one of these. My peace lilies love it and are bursting, plus water conditioner.
I have most of my spider plants outside semi-neglected all year. They get watered every few days, get direct morning/mid afternoon sun. They don't grow super fast, but lot of things don't grow fast in ocean-breezy cool but zone 10 climate (We haven't had an over 90F day in years tmk, high 60F, low 70F is more the jam).
@@hefoxed . Yeah. They prefer to be left alone then messed with. Lol. Mine are in loose soil in terracotta pots so I left them sitting in water when it was 100 degrees and they were happy with that. Otherwise I water when they’re dry.
Got to say your content is infectious i now own 3 house plants admittingly only know the name of one ,,,,yup peace lily i do have a little browning of the tips but your content is guiding me through
I've neglected to mention that for those lucky folks who live in a Zone 9 or 10, spider plants make a great shade ground cover. When I lived in the SF Bay Area, very near the water, I planted a little deep shade area with a spider plant, just to see what would happen. In one growing season it threw off several babies and by the next year it had covered pretty much the whole area. They also flowered very profusely. My staghorn fern was loving that same area too. No, if you get even a hint of freezing weather, this will not work. Sigh. I miss that garden...but I don't miss living in a high-congestion urban area.
I look forward to your videos, and anxiously wait for your plant tips! but iv would love to see your tips and tricks for growing your lovely Bergonia you often have in the background? love my Bergonias.
My partner's Mom has one in her back yard. I asked her for some spiderettes to prop and she said take as much as you want. I took three and currently have 2 that are 3 times bigger and still growing
I'm lucky enough to live in a climate where I can plant these outdoors. They border my beds and brick patio. We have relatively cool summers and they love bright dappled shade or early morning or late afternoon direct sun. The one's in complete deep shade don't grow as big or fast. I've noticed that if I keep the babies on instead of cutting them off the plant does much much better. I just move the stem to where I want the new plant to grow. If a baby does fall off, don't just immediately plant it in the ground. Stick it in a clear jar of water on a bright window sill and it will grow roots. Easy. When there is a big thick root system that's the time to plant. The new plant will have a much more successful survival rate. Outdoors they are a pretty care free plant. I just water them once a week or so. But they can take no water for quite a long period of time. I have seen them used in planting beds in coastal North Carolina where it can freeze and even snow at night. They seem to do okay and always come back. More hardy than their finicky indoor usage would suggest.
Just an extra tip about spider plants. DO NOT plant them in a belly shaped pot … ie. one of those pots that is smaller at the top, bulges out in the middle & then smaller at the base. I had one hell of a job removing mine from one of those types of pots. I was tempted to smash it open but it was a really pretty glazed pot. What I ended up doing was completely flooding it through with the hose and then hacking into it with a sharp knife. The roots were all bulbous and had attached themselves to the sides of the pot. NEVER AGAIN! Amazingly it recovered well, even after I chopped the whole rootball in half.
Good tip if I ever try not to kill one again 😂 He hacks some root balls and potbound plants in half in another video, and they did really well after, yours did the same! 🎉
Thanks Rich, this is awesome. I just put all my spiders in earth from water growing. I mixed the two colors in one pot. It looks so good now, I hope it lasts. I'm going the grow light method. Love and Peace.
The solution to maybe not all, but many, watering problems can be found with a self watering pot with a visible gauge for the water level. My prolific spider mom hangs happily in a window that is shaded from direct sunlight by a nearby building in a self watering basket planter.
my spider plant was doing very well in bathroom, but had to move it to another room, where it lost bottom leaves. now i have a length of naked stem near base and a mop of leaves dangling down from it. bark based mixes are almost never good in long run.
I’ve not had any luck with Spider plants in past. My daughter gave me one she started from her plant & it’s doing well on my covered porch facing West. Not doing anything special. I water often because it’s so hot here in Tx. 🤞🏼
I use a under bed tub (with a lid so I can reuse any water) put a few inches of water, a few drops of water conditioner, a bit of fertiliser and put as many of my plants in their pots in the tub to sit there till the next day, then I let them sit in the bath for a bit to drain any extra, then back in their pots…. Job done 👍🏻
I just looked at the equipment you use for filming and editing your videos. Wow! That's a huge investment for you to have made to bring us plant parents the best plant videos on TH-cam! Thank you for cutting no corners! You're the best, Mr. S!!
Think my little guy needs a pot and soil change it's brown and green 😬 I used your code for sybotanica and received my lovely soils a couple days ago and repotting has started. One peace Lily done and two jade plants, spidy next
I received a spider plant pup from a friend. Two months after putting it in soil it's already making a pup of its own, and the momma plant leaves are like 30cm long. Idk if this is all a good sign or not. She is placed in a SW facing window behind a net curtain, and seems very happy there tbh. No crisping or anything so far.
My spidy really likes its self watering pot with Vulkatec premium (similar to Pon). But it has brown tipps and does not produce a lot of offspring. That's why I now need to continue your vid. Ah, the water conditioner. Bought it weeks ago after another video of yours, but was scared to use it.
I use empty, one gallon, milk jugs to fix my plant water in. I use 2 and a half gallons each time I water plants, which is about every 2 weeks. There are some that need watering more often... looking at you Peace Lily and Dragon Tree. My ZZ plant, however, might go a month without watering. It is in a huge pot. Bought it when it was a wee-tiny thing from Lowes about 10 years ago in a 6 inch pot. It now is over 3 feet tall and soooo full and big! I have only repotted it twice in all that time. Once a year, I take it outside, spray it down with a hose to wash the leaves and give it a good soaking. Anyway, this is supposed to be about Spider Plants and not ZZ's ,lol, sorry! I recently bought a sad looking Spider Plant that was on the discount shelf at Lowes. It was so dry, with many dead leaves. Trying to nurse it back to health. It perked right back up after a good drink. However, I had it isolated in a lower light setting and it seems to be losing its variegation, and more leaves have turned yellow, black, and brown. I'm hoping that leaf loss is just from its recovery process. It doesn't have any pests yet, so I feel safe to move it to a brighter spot to help with the variegation. I had just moved it to the kitchen to remind me to clean it up today. This video came at the exact right time. Thank you! Love your channel.
My tiny spider plant is basically doing nothing! It got a little bit bigger but it’s been very disappointing. I recently moved it to a sunny spot (south window). But watching your video it may be too sunny. But I did have it by a plant light and it did nothing! But prob wasn’t close enough. I’ll try your suggestions. Best
My son was gifted some spider plant babies from a classmate. Our experience has been it grows to the size the pot it's in can support and then stops. Every time we up-potted, it grew like crazy, seeming to suffer no transplant shock whatsoever, and then stopped. Literally stayed baby plant size for 3 months in the tiny little 2" pots I first put them in, then doubled in size within just a couple of weeks when I moved them all into a 6" pot, then took off again and made babies when moved to an 8" pot.
Let me add to those recommending water conditioner. Yes, it really works. Keep in mind that it also neutralizes many heavy metals found in tap water, and we all know heavy metals ain't good for ya! As for watering spideys, my experience is that they're really water hogs, provided they have drainage, of course. Mine seems to be dry within a couple of days, maybe twice that in winter. I'm a bit surprised some folks have found them challenging, I've had them on and off for years and never found them too hard to deal with. In the mild SF Bay Area, I planted some in a heavily shaded area and they turned into a rather spectacular ground cover. Of course, a freeze would have done them in, but that's very rare where I was. In fact, I just glanced at ol' Spidey hanging in the corner, and he's looking a bit droopy. Watered him a couple days ago but it's been hot, so I guess it's time to get out the watering can....again. Sigh.
Richard I'm loving the shorts and of most definitely the full video's. The problem I'm having is when I go to water certain plants the pot would be heavy but my moisture meter reads dry. I then use my chopsticks to poke the soil and nothing is on the stick so sometimes I'm still unsure I just wait a few more days, but Richard what could I do to take the overwhelming guess work out? This is an issue I have with my rubber tree plant and a few others. What is your advice and have you ever had this issue?
@@SheffieldMadePlants I do in a sense. I used to be a serial plant killer and I have become a lot better over the last 3 years so I don't want to not listen to my plants and over water ....I know over watering can be killer
My mother's had her spider plant for as long as I can remember, has never ONCE repotted the thing, or fertilized it, barely remembers to water it, or has ever even put it in a window, and it just keeps growing. I kept a pup from that plant for myself and put it in generic potting soil, never fertilized, and put it on a table outside in a nice big pot. I've killed every leaf on the thing with outdoor/indoor shock TWICE and it just grows back stronger. I don't think any amount of words can quite explain how unkillable these plants are.
Hello, I’m a “newby”….😮 I’ve taken some Petunia cuttings about 10 days ago, they’re in my cold greenhouse (I live in the north east of England)…. Also Geranium cuttings and Begonia cuttings…..I’ve just learned from TH-cam video about Perlite propagating……I didn’t have any Perlite at the time I took those cuttings and the compost they’re in is very moist. Would it be helpful to transplant these cuttings into a perlite propagator…..taking them out of the wet compost and transferring, or is it too late now………I’d be bringing them into my cool conservatory. Thanks for much-needed help from anybody 🍀 I love your videos Mr Sheffield. 😊
Thanks for that informative video -a couple of days I took out one plant from the top very carefully with its root and repotted it seems to have taken Any tips to help it further.
I think there is a huge different between the Bonnie or curly varietiees and the "normal" Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ ones. Did not have much luck with the the Bonnie. ever.
I have all my spider plants hanging outside but I'm in a different part of the world. They get sun a good part of the day and they are very healthy. I would transition them slowly if there were previously inside but I did spider plants ons of the most hardly plants ever.
Why have I never seen a Plectranthus Verticillaters on your show, mine is so lush, shiny and beautiful it’s also called Swedish ivy and Creeping Charlie
@sheffield could you make a video abaud a philodendron florida green? I like mine but it grows like its dancing in all ways. Would like to know how you grow yours
7:24 Does Mrs Sheffield really allow bags of soil to be kept in what looked like a kitchen cabinet? 😂. Need to get a new spider plant. Think it was the chlorine that got the last one.
What about permanent soil like more sand and granite than not and NO tree bark bits, leaves are on top and heavy stones move down in nature like Top Pot soil?
Download my FREE Plant Parent's Troubleshooting Handbook 👉
I subscribed to ur trouble shooting handbook and I'm only getting emails no handbook. Lots of emails but NO handbook....
@@blackskyguy3421 email me
@@SheffieldMadePlants I tried.
It’s says page not found in Sansi :(
My mama always taught me to water plants in the kitchen sink. Just put them in the sink and add a few inches of water. She would leave them for fifteen minutes then drain the sink. Let them sit for another fifteen minutes in an empty sink and take them out. She always had beautiful plants.
Thank you!
Thank you. Going to try that. It certainly keep me from overwatering.
Remember to drop a few drops of dechlorinator into the tap water and your plants will thank you even more 😊
I do that too, on days where lots of plants need watered I've even had to use the bathtub = ) My plants seem happy
Ain't nobody got time to do that... maybe house wifes.
Here's a tip. When first opening the water conditioner bottle, don't tear off the aluminim seal. Instead, poke or cut a small hole in it. This makes it easy to pour a few drops at a time.
Very good
I would take my spider plant into the shower or outside spray down the leaves give it a good soak let it drain for a couple of hours
Seachem prime already comes wroth a small dropper flip top lid. It's a very affordable aquarium water conditioner.
I love your dry British humor with a straight face😶. 😄 A couple times, my husband said, "What did he say?" and we laughed. What a splendid video to help with my new Spider Plant duo. Thank you so very much from Colorado, USA. 💚
I love your humour and delivery. It’s so British and nerdy but is so funny to me 😂 Keep it up!
Thanks! 😃
I've always found spider plants really easy to look after. I started using water conditioner a year or so ago and my plants love it. I like the really curly spider plants.
@@thevahandbook I love the curly spider plant too and will definitely add one to my collection at some point.
I have been using well water for my plants since I started my indoor tropical plants hobby, although obsession is more accurate. I'm glad you mentioned using the water conditioner and that your plants love it because I'm now on city water that must have a potpourri of chemicals in it. I'll be ordering some conditioner today.
My friend gave me 3 spider plant babies from her plants. I have them outside. We’ve had triple digit weather this summer. I have a 40% shade cloth over my patio plants. I give them hose water and they’re as happy as can be and are having babies of their own. Never thought to get them but now that I have them I love them so much. 🥰
I know they grow them as an outside plant in Japan, here in the uk it’s too cold though.
Since I grew my spider plant, I've used well water ... o'naturale. I must have 100 babies dangling from mama. I have moved and now have city water, so I'm going to purchase the water conditioner you recommend. She's still at the old residence and will be coming to the new home very soon. The millions of Spiderettes will be separated from mama at that point. Happy day for her. 😊
My Mum called spider plants "hen and chickens"! SPider plants are the BEST for cleaning the air indoors too btw. Loooove them!
But then what did she call the actual hen and chicks plant?
Thank u for this video!
I had a variegated spider that grew babies with etc etc. then I "borrowed" a solid baby from the plant in my apt lobby. After it rooted I combined both types of spider plants in one pot . They went literally crazy with beautiful growth! Now I combine all my babies and they're absolutely stunning! I love them so much!
My spider plants live in my east facing window and I’m happy to say they’re doing well. I put one in my brother’s west facing window and that resulted in even glossier leaves. For the first 11 moths of having them, I watered with tap water, however I noticed that the very tips of the leaves were going brown so I switched to rain water
I need this video! I'm convinced a curse was put on me regarding spider plants.
Ages ago when I didn't have a clue with plants I had a spider plant. I must have got lucky and put it in the perfect spot and got the watering right cos it thrived and put out so many babies it was insane.
Problem is, I didn't have a clue what was happening and thought it looked ugly and I was fed up of cutting the babies off so I put it in the bin 😭😩🙈💔.
I didn't even Google it and now I know about plants I feel like an idiot.
Since that day every spider plant I ever bought died on me 😢
Good morning Mr Sheffield!!! Another great video on spider plants and how to help them thrive!!!!
I put mine on the deck in direct sunlight during the summer and it puts of babies like crazy. In the winter it goes by a window never had a problem. Just cut or pull of the ugly leaves when it’s adjusting and it will be fine.
Both of mine, grew on Top of our TV! It barely got any natural sunlight! I had the Babies, and Grand Children! Even though my Mom hated them, my Dad dared her to Touch either one of them! 😂🤣😂🤣😂 I grew my in Composted Soil, with a lot of Perlite!!
I’m absolutely smitten with your Begonia!! What is the name of yours? I had the Perineal, Red Wing, outdoor one! My Shade Garden loved them and for the 10 years from starting with 2, I had about 150 of them!! They grew to 18-24”, and covered with Pink Blooms! Each bloom, became the corm they sent up a New Plant with the following year!
Thank you Mr Sheffield. You seem to know what advise I need and when I need it. I'm in Australia and Sping has started so it's re-potting time for me, starting with my spider plants. Love🌱💗
I had this sad, droopy spider plant and jade plant too; I gave them each one of those watering globes!! The Jade plant first turned into a strong, happy girl in just a couple days! It worked so well, I tried it on my spider plant, in one week, the spider plant had a new tendril with a bunch of unopened flowers, I think?! Two of my pickiest pickers, now are show stoppers that need next to nothing from me!!! Score!!🐞
Hi Richard, just wanted to say a huge thank you for the videos and for the free PDF. I actually feel like I can keep these things alive now. Much obliged, Tom
My pleasure 😊
I must have been very lucky with mine. Found two almost dead plants at the side of the road going for free. I nursed them back to health and have two massive plants and loads and loads of babies. You can grow them in just water and no soil too, just change the water now and again and feed occasionally. They don’t reproduce if kept this way though.
I had 3 different types of spider plant that I kept in pots in a shady spot in the garden. One with a green edge and a white center, another with a white edge and a green center and the third completely green. They loved being transplanted into much larger pots and grew bigger and bigger. They also loved abundant watering. In the end, both the pots and the plants were so big that it was difficult to bring them into the house before winter and find enough room for them. Real giants! And so I ended up throwing them away. Now I grow only 2 types again and keep them in smaller pots. As soon as I transplanted one into a much larger pot, it grew 3 times larger than the one left in the smaller one in just one month. I think a smaller pot causes growth to stagnate.
I had spider plants a long time ago. Now I'm going to go get
another one!❤😂
4:30 am so it must be time for a plant video! I’d love a spider plant but there’s no room at the inn. Thanks to Mr. Sheffield’s expert advice, my plants are thriving and getting BIG. A little too big to be honest, but I love them that way. Nothing like some lush green with new leaves to make you feel good.
My spider plant was propagated from my great grandmother's spider plant. It is my most "active" plant. Her leaves are constantly shifting/flipping in different directions. A constant reminder that my plants are actually alive 😊
I've had a spider plant for many years now ... and a few weeks ago I removed from its pot took off about one third of its roots and replanted in a next size up pot ... now it looks the best it ever has .. leaves are very upright before they turn down ... their colour has much improved and yes I too find that the green pales when it needs watering ... this was my only indoor plant until we bought quite a few from a supermarket that were classed as ... special purchase... the cost varied from £ 4 . To £ 9 . Our thinking was that at that price if we lose any or all its not been to much of an outlay... I've now invested in grow lights and the water conditioner along with two fertilisers... one for general house plants and another for our collection of Anthuriums ... actually 6 of them With different coloured spathes they have an orchid feed ... thanking you for your advice on our one pot of Monstera as when I tipped the plant out of its pot there were 3 of them ... we also have 5 Calatheas ... new to this category of plant but with your advice they are looking fabulous... that water meter is a must have .. the plants can feel dry in their pots but the meter will show that at the base the pot is wet ... one question if I may please.. do I need to buy heat mats for over wintering our plants ? We don't keep a hot house in winter and we find that it can be fairly cool indoors . I am wondering about a few heat mats as we also have a couple of Alocasia plants .. I don't really want them to lose their leaves and sleep over winter .. when I bout these they had been over watered something I didn't realise we bought them home ... one has lost quite a few leaves and the other is okay .. I removed from them from their pots and tried to remove as much compost as possible. Replanted them back on the same pots and filled with fresh potting compost.. I've notbwatered them at all and they are recovering nicely .. the only thing now is I'm a bit worried about watering and reckon my trusty water meter will help . Thank you if you have read so far as this .. your videos have been really informative. Having jumped in and bought 16 plants over the last 4 or so weeks I'm not sure my indoor plant skills would have been up to the mark especially with the Calatheas. If you could give me your thoughts on heat mats it would be really appreciated. Take care and carry on with your videos.. kind regards Lynne .
Love the silent pauses between tips!
I grow my spider plant outsid and they are doing fantastic.
Mine have been outside all summer and have been doing well. Time to bring them in before the British frost appears.
I have a spider plant that I was thinking of clipping one of its little buddies off and keeping that in my plant room. I'll do that before the big plant goes back outside, now that the weather is warming up again after Winter Enzo.
Well done on the comments about chlorine & chloramine ~ with regard to fish as well as plants. Many folks still do not know about the use of chloramine by water authorities or the fact that, like chlorine, it does not dissipate if the water is left to stand. ❤❤❤
Wow. Spider plants are so easy here in Florida. Mine is directly on the balcony rail which faces fully southwest and it would be happier with even more sun! I've seen them growing in nearly full sun in the ground here. I had to re-pot into a regular potting soil that would hold more water because it became so root bound and was drying out too much.
For anyone with potted plants, it's a while to figure out the soil for your area and takes trial and error. I have to re-pot plants that I order from places like California because they stay TOO wet here and I get root rot in the soil that apparently works in those less humid areas.
My houseplant journey started with spider plants, I have 3 momma plants with too many spiderlings to count now. The first question I ask any visitor to my house is "would you like a free spider plant?" lol.. I didn't know about the chlorine/chloramine thing though so, cheers for that, everyday's a school day.. I can't believe that after working in aquatics for years and running an aquatics department, I will now be ordering some dechlorinator for my houseplants, the world's a crazy place sometimes! 😂
I’ve had a spider plant that a school friend gave me for Christmas when we were still in primary school. 20 years later it’s lived in five states and been more or less neglected but it’s still going strong. I’ve given away so many little spider starts and the mother plant is still massive. At this point I don’t think I could kill it if I tried 😂
Mine also thrives on benign neglect. The more attention I give Spider Plant Mama, the more brown leaves multiply. Now I'l paying child support for all her spider plant babies.
@@KittySprinkles 🤣
You defined saved my spider plant. It was in a death spiral because I was watering it with tap water, I repotted it and used the water conditioner and it is slowly coming back. Thank you
I always find it surprising when some people have trouble with spider plants 🧐 I’ve always found them easy. I put them outside in the summer on my patio where they get morning sun and they are happy 😀🇨🇦
[10:58]The way of growing plants in this video is so simple, perfect for beginners! Can you make more videos about other plant types?
I live in a humid area and my giant dehumidifier gives me all the water I need and so far my plants love it
Spider plants are my bane!! I love them so much but I can’t keep them happy. Thanks for these tips. I hope they help.❤
I have several spiders that live exclusively in water and they are happy in the correct lighting.
I tried to grow this “easy” plant several times over the years. I killed every one of them…..more then 5 or 6 and I decided I would never get another. Then a friend gave me a pot that she had outdoors all summer in sun and heat (100degrees or more during the summer here in Oklahoma) She has a lot of spider plants and she basically ignores them. Soooooooo. I brought it in for winter and ignored it. Gave water sparingly over the winter and pretty much figured I’d end up killing it like the others (which turns out I had over watered).well. It has done tremendously. It has babies on it and I’ve potted up about 7 babies since last year. It goes out on the porch for the summer and inside in the winter. All the pots I have now are happy as can be. I mostly bottom water frequently in the heat of summer and cut back watering completely in the winter. The plant I hated is now one I love. It’s the first time I’ve been able to get and pot babies and keep mom and babies alive for more then a couple months.
I'm pretty sure now bottom watering is the thing I need to do next time I attempt one of these. My peace lilies love it and are bursting, plus water conditioner.
@@steffymuze . That should make them very happy!
I have most of my spider plants outside semi-neglected all year. They get watered every few days, get direct morning/mid afternoon sun. They don't grow super fast, but lot of things don't grow fast in ocean-breezy cool but zone 10 climate (We haven't had an over 90F day in years tmk, high 60F, low 70F is more the jam).
@@hefoxed . Yeah. They prefer to be left alone then messed with. Lol. Mine are in loose soil in terracotta pots so I left them sitting in water when it was 100 degrees and they were happy with that. Otherwise I water when they’re dry.
Got to say your content is infectious i now own 3 house plants admittingly only know the name of one ,,,,yup peace lily i do have a little browning of the tips but your content is guiding me through
Great stuff 👍
I've neglected to mention that for those lucky folks who live in a Zone 9 or 10, spider plants make a great shade ground cover. When I lived in the SF Bay Area, very near the water, I planted a little deep shade area with a spider plant, just to see what would happen. In one growing season it threw off several babies and by the next year it had covered pretty much the whole area. They also flowered very profusely. My staghorn fern was loving that same area too.
No, if you get even a hint of freezing weather, this will not work. Sigh. I miss that garden...but I don't miss living in a high-congestion urban area.
My spiders are looking great since I started using water conditioner, can't thank you enough for the recommendation Mr S
Glad to help
I look forward to your videos, and anxiously wait for your plant tips! but iv would love to see your tips and tricks for growing your lovely Bergonia you often have in the background? love my Bergonias.
Agreed! I have a baby I'm wanting to repot but I've heard things like don't mist them, etc.
My partner's Mom has one in her back yard. I asked her for some spiderettes to prop and she said take as much as you want. I took three and currently have 2 that are 3 times bigger and still growing
I'm lucky enough to live in a climate where I can plant these outdoors. They border my beds and brick patio. We have relatively cool summers and they love bright dappled shade or early morning or late afternoon direct sun. The one's in complete deep shade don't grow as big or fast. I've noticed that if I keep the babies on instead of cutting them off the plant does much much better. I just move the stem to where I want the new plant to grow. If a baby does fall off, don't just immediately plant it in the ground. Stick it in a clear jar of water on a bright window sill and it will grow roots. Easy. When there is a big thick root system that's the time to plant. The new plant will have a much more successful survival rate. Outdoors they are a pretty care free plant. I just water them once a week or so. But they can take no water for quite a long period of time. I have seen them used in planting beds in coastal North Carolina where it can freeze and even snow at night. They seem to do okay and always come back. More hardy than their finicky indoor usage would suggest.
Good timing! I just rearranged my plants and was wondering where I should put my spider plant
Great tips. I love the variegated spider plant ❤
Love your content! Bought 2 Calathea Makoyana today after watching your content, maybe this will be the first time me and Calathea will be friends 😂
Just an extra tip about spider plants. DO NOT plant them in a belly shaped pot … ie. one of those pots that is smaller at the top, bulges out in the middle & then smaller at the base. I had one hell of a job removing mine from one of those types of pots. I was tempted to smash it open but it was a really pretty glazed pot. What I ended up doing was completely flooding it through with the hose and then hacking into it with a sharp knife. The roots were all bulbous and had attached themselves to the sides of the pot. NEVER AGAIN! Amazingly it recovered well, even after I chopped the whole rootball in half.
Good tip if I ever try not to kill one again 😂 He hacks some root balls and potbound plants in half in another video, and they did really well after, yours did the same! 🎉
Thanks Rich, this is awesome. I just put all my spiders in earth from water growing. I mixed the two colors in one pot. It looks so good now, I hope it lasts. I'm going the grow light method. Love and Peace.
Great stuff 👍
I feel like this was meant for me, my son recieved a Spider Plant like two days ago!. So many crispy brown leaves. We will try and save him.
My spiderplant gets an occasional waterboarding 😂 it was in quite a mess for a while but it bounced back and it's got several babies now.
The solution to maybe not all, but many, watering problems can be found with a self watering pot with a visible gauge for the water level. My prolific spider mom hangs happily in a window that is shaded from direct sunlight by a nearby building in a self watering basket planter.
my spider plant was doing very well in bathroom, but had to move it to another room, where it lost bottom leaves. now i have a length of naked stem near base and a mop of leaves dangling down from it.
bark based mixes are almost never good in long run.
I’ve not had any luck with Spider plants in past. My daughter gave me one she started from her plant & it’s doing well on my covered porch facing West. Not doing anything special. I water often because it’s so hot here in Tx. 🤞🏼
Same! Tried every exposure and trick I've heard so far. I just dk anymore 😅 one day I'll get over the trauma of the last one to try again 😂
Thank You !! 😊 for sharing your experience and knowledge on plans ‼️
Thank you. This is so helpful for my new spider plant
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you. Funny too. Subscribed
I use a under bed tub (with a lid so I can reuse any water) put a few inches of water, a few drops of water conditioner, a bit of fertiliser and put as many of my plants in their pots in the tub to sit there till the next day, then I let them sit in the bath for a bit to drain any extra, then back in their pots…. Job done 👍🏻
I just looked at the equipment you use for filming and editing your videos. Wow! That's a huge investment for you to have made to bring us plant parents the best plant videos on TH-cam! Thank you for cutting no corners! You're the best, Mr. S!!
Over the years yeah but it's worth it
I need to know what grow light you're using at 1:38!! I love that you can just use a grow light bulb that you can replace.
That is the SANSI 2 bulb clip on light
@@SheffieldMadePlants thank you!!
Always with the best videos
Cheap/emergency life hack If one has to use tap water, boiling it first helps remove most mix ins that aren't healthy
Amazing video as always, i would love to see something on the false rose of Jericho in the future!
Think my little guy needs a pot and soil
change it's brown and green 😬 I used your code for sybotanica and received my lovely soils a couple days ago and repotting has started. One peace Lily done and two jade plants, spidy next
I received a spider plant pup from a friend. Two months after putting it in soil it's already making a pup of its own, and the momma plant leaves are like 30cm long. Idk if this is all a good sign or not. She is placed in a SW facing window behind a net curtain, and seems very happy there tbh. No crisping or anything so far.
Thank you so much for this video, I really needed the information!!
Glad it was helpful!
My spidy really likes its self watering pot with Vulkatec premium (similar to Pon). But it has brown tipps and does not produce a lot of offspring. That's why I now need to continue your vid.
Ah, the water conditioner. Bought it weeks ago after another video of yours, but was scared to use it.
Have no fear
Your channel is so helpful!
Glad you think so!
Am I the only one who laughs every time he says "private parts" I giggle 🤭 every time
fortunately where I live we grow these in the garden all year round. I try to give as much shade as possible but some sun doesn't seem to bother them.
I use empty, one gallon, milk jugs to fix my plant water in. I use 2 and a half gallons each time I water plants, which is about every 2 weeks. There are some that need watering more often... looking at you Peace Lily and Dragon Tree. My ZZ plant, however, might go a month without watering. It is in a huge pot. Bought it when it was a wee-tiny thing from Lowes about 10 years ago in a 6 inch pot. It now is over 3 feet tall and soooo full and big! I have only repotted it twice in all that time. Once a year, I take it outside, spray it down with a hose to wash the leaves and give it a good soaking. Anyway, this is supposed to be about Spider Plants and not ZZ's ,lol, sorry!
I recently bought a sad looking Spider Plant that was on the discount shelf at Lowes. It was so dry, with many dead leaves. Trying to nurse it back to health. It perked right back up after a good drink. However, I had it isolated in a lower light setting and it seems to be losing its variegation, and more leaves have turned yellow, black, and brown. I'm hoping that leaf loss is just from its recovery process. It doesn't have any pests yet, so I feel safe to move it to a brighter spot to help with the variegation. I had just moved it to the kitchen to remind me to clean it up today. This video came at the exact right time. Thank you!
Love your channel.
Still makes me envious when you say you have to water your plants every week. Too hot for that down here 😂 I miss a day and it's mass green suicide.
The soil might be straw, recently glasshouses that houseplants get sewed from started using straw as cheap and biogradable soil alternative
Loved the little oof sound effect 😂
I had one of these in a kitchen and it constantly had flowers, too bad my mom forgot to water for too long :(
Thank You 🌱
My tiny spider plant is basically doing nothing! It got a little bit bigger but it’s been very disappointing. I recently moved it to a sunny spot (south window). But watching your video it may be too sunny. But I did have it by a plant light and it did nothing! But prob wasn’t close enough. I’ll try your suggestions. Best
My son was gifted some spider plant babies from a classmate. Our experience has been it grows to the size the pot it's in can support and then stops. Every time we up-potted, it grew like crazy, seeming to suffer no transplant shock whatsoever, and then stopped. Literally stayed baby plant size for 3 months in the tiny little 2" pots I first put them in, then doubled in size within just a couple of weeks when I moved them all into a 6" pot, then took off again and made babies when moved to an 8" pot.
Let me add to those recommending water conditioner. Yes, it really works. Keep in mind that it also neutralizes many heavy metals found in tap water, and we all know heavy metals ain't good for ya! As for watering spideys, my experience is that they're really water hogs, provided they have drainage, of course. Mine seems to be dry within a couple of days, maybe twice that in winter.
I'm a bit surprised some folks have found them challenging, I've had them on and off for years and never found them too hard to deal with. In the mild SF Bay Area, I planted some in a heavily shaded area and they turned into a rather spectacular ground cover. Of course, a freeze would have done them in, but that's very rare where I was.
In fact, I just glanced at ol' Spidey hanging in the corner, and he's looking a bit droopy. Watered him a couple days ago but it's been hot, so I guess it's time to get out the watering can....again. Sigh.
Nice video/tips! Sadly, it comes a few days too late for me as I just killed my two spider plants! 😭😭😭😭😭
Oh thank God it's not just me. Struck out at 3 😅😔
My two have recently been consigned to the compost heap!! No luck with them for years. I give up😢
Richard I'm loving the shorts and of most definitely the full video's. The problem I'm having is when I go to water certain plants the pot would be heavy but my moisture meter reads dry. I then use my chopsticks to poke the soil and nothing is on the stick so sometimes I'm still unsure I just wait a few more days, but Richard what could I do to take the overwhelming guess work out? This is an issue I have with my rubber tree plant and a few others. What is your advice and have you ever had this issue?
I'd say trust the moisture meter but it seems like you have trust issues with it
@@SheffieldMadePlants I do in a sense. I used to be a serial plant killer and I have become a lot better over the last 3 years so I don't want to not listen to my plants and over water ....I know over watering can be killer
My mother's had her spider plant for as long as I can remember, has never ONCE repotted the thing, or fertilized it, barely remembers to water it, or has ever even put it in a window, and it just keeps growing. I kept a pup from that plant for myself and put it in generic potting soil, never fertilized, and put it on a table outside in a nice big pot. I've killed every leaf on the thing with outdoor/indoor shock TWICE and it just grows back stronger. I don't think any amount of words can quite explain how unkillable these plants are.
Thank you! Do you think that style of bin should go on your Amazon list? It seems like something we should use frequently 😂
Great idea!!
Rice hull. Some use it to help with drainage.
Mine live and prosper in open ground despite water scarcity during summer. It is an indestructible plant even if it looks so delicate.
"Fungus gnats... the true work of the devil" 😂😂😂
Good advise ❤❤❤
Hello, I’m a “newby”….😮 I’ve taken some Petunia cuttings about 10 days ago, they’re in my cold greenhouse (I live in the north east of England)…. Also Geranium cuttings and Begonia cuttings…..I’ve just learned from TH-cam video about Perlite propagating……I didn’t have any Perlite at the time I took those cuttings and the compost they’re in is very moist.
Would it be helpful to transplant these cuttings into a perlite propagator…..taking them out of the wet compost and transferring, or is it too late now………I’d be bringing them into my cool conservatory.
Thanks for much-needed help from anybody 🍀
I love your videos Mr Sheffield. 😊
Thanks for that informative video -a couple of days I took out one plant from the top very carefully with its root and repotted it seems to have taken Any tips to help it further.
I think there is a huge different between the Bonnie or curly varietiees and the "normal" Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ ones. Did not have much luck with the the Bonnie. ever.
I am guilty of doing a diagonal cut off the brown tips to make it "look good" I will now clip down low!!
Self watering wicking pots make spiders go crazy
Thank you Puddin' : )
I have all my spider plants hanging outside but I'm in a different part of the world. They get sun a good part of the day and they are very healthy. I would transition them slowly if there were previously inside but I did spider plants ons of the most hardly plants ever.
Is there a distance that the grow light needs to be from plants ? Thank you ! Love your channel
20cm or so
Why have I never seen a Plectranthus Verticillaters on your show, mine is so lush, shiny and beautiful it’s also called Swedish ivy and Creeping Charlie
So who else winced @11:29 when his plant yelped? 😉
@sheffield could you make a video abaud a philodendron florida green?
I like mine but it grows like its dancing in all ways.
Would like to know how you grow yours
7:24 Does Mrs Sheffield really allow bags of soil to be kept in what looked like a kitchen cabinet? 😂. Need to get a new spider plant. Think it was the chlorine that got the last one.
My spider plants are why I buy RO water in refillable 5 gallon jugs lol.
The sight of that perfectly healthy plant going in the bin 😂
What about permanent soil like more sand and granite than not and NO tree bark bits, leaves are on top and heavy stones move down in nature like Top Pot soil?