Cyinthia is coo coo for sure. I remember she use to defend lauj and Sheng to the bone until Sheng foom Cynthia. lol then she started talking shit about them. 😂😂😂😂😂
Hahaha it’s about time tus neeg phem zoo li Cynthia. I remembered her defending Lor and pog sheng now she’s their worst enemy. She always attacking my comment when I say something about Lor and sheng she always saying no they are not bad people.
@@naleexiong3689 nws txaj txaj muag lawm na nws on tus me nyuam tsis mloog nws hais lawm es rog mus hlub niam thiab txiv Lor nkawv lawm nws mas khib tuag 😂🤣🤭
Later down in the line she has no place to go to and no place to live . I don’t think her parents would want her back home. Kaj Siab shes an evil child. She played her whole family and turned her family upside down. If I was the parents of Long I’m going to be scare.
Agreed! When I wrote a comment on one of Longs mv Cynthia got butt hurt she comments back said a lot of things to me so yeah I put her in her place. Since then she shut her mouth but just two days ago she wrote me another comment about KS mom. This lady she played all this young kids. They stupid for listening to Cynthia Xiong. One day they gonna cry their eyes out. Especially Kaj Siab and Long lol
She's a homewrecker and got her own karma. 😂 Having to yuav niam yau for her husband and this dude believes her. This wa seng lady sucks lauj thoj tus qau number #. Always spending money on him and sheng. Cov neeg ruam thiab tseeg pog wa seng meb cab, home wrecker. She's got such a bad reputation, that's why she's got no friends here in America and has to go to Laos to be used by people like lauj and sheng. Ask around folks ask about niam wa seng. Tus coj nws tus txiv mus yuav niam Tau tos nplog 😂
Kristy…Kristy !! why you mad are this your kids? Aren’t you scare you going to end up like Kaj Siab. You have to understand that Kaj Siab had someone like Lor and Sheng adopted her but when is your turn who’s going to adopt you, lol. Don’t cry!!!
Who is Niam Wang Xeeb? I heard she is in cahoots with Lor and Sheng to make money off Kasia. I think people better stop before TH-cam is notified and everyone loses. Kasia is still under age no matter what country she is from you tube does not tolerate this fraudulent propaganda of Kasia.
Tus pog dab hmoob meskas ko mas tsoob dub tsoob me tsoob meskas nws nyob ntawm peb zos no xwb peb paub nws lub niag de zoo heev li os tus poj dab pog laus hmoob meskas ko ma yog kajsiab tus txha nqaj qaum txw kajsiab thoj thiab kajsiab xyooj thiab pauj maiv thiab looj thiab lawv ua phem los ma ihmoob pham las vej tus poj dab pog laus ko lub niag tsev mas qias neeg muaj muaj kab laum xwb os kuv mam xa nws lub niag qe tuaj rau koj tham nawj ihmoob phamvasvej
Bunch of crocks, you’re probably referring to Your house. She’s actually not as old as you think, perhaps shes a born first generation Hmong American. Her thought process isn’t like you or yours, 1975 way of thinking that parents are always in the right and kids have to shut up and obey. Well, this is AMERICA everyone has the same equal rights!!! Go and follow this THING niam wang Seng, she’s Sheng’s informant. She has a mind sicker than an animal.
Koj puas muaj pov thawj rau peb saib kiag hais tias Cynthia tau mus nrog pes tsawg tus dub pes tsawg tus mev ua npaum li koj hais ko nab? Thawj chaw twg? Lub sij hawm twg kiag?
I believe she did it due to revenge bc she was Lor and Sheng's biggest fan then. I remember her telling people off, getting butthurt every time someone said something bad about them. What she is doing now is doing more hurt to Kaj siab than anything, and Kaj Siab doesn't even see it. I do believe Kaj Siab is a sweet and innocent girl who's being deceived.
Yes! I saw all her comments back then and then as soon as Sheng told her to die she turned on Sheng and lauj. Lol😂 That’s what you get for feeding tigers. The tigers bit her back. Ib pab tsov sib tog lawm xwb os. Lol
Koj hais yog tshaj li os tu brother niag pog Cristina yog ks&looj tu niam tais pog dab loj nyob teb chaws meka no os ua muaj tswj yim rau nkawv ua li no os.
Ntshiav lub niag ntsej muag xwb twb paub hais tias lub siab phem lawm no nav. Cov neeg lub qhov ncauj loj li kaj siab lub qhov ncaum thiab qhov ncauj chom, mas lim,hiam heev,li yog nej tsis paub xwb.cov no txoj hmoov los yeej phem heev li os hais lus los tsis haum neeg kiag li nawb.yog leej twg mus yuav tau cov neeg zoo li kuv hais no mas ua neej nyuaj siab kawg li nawb lawv.
Muab 3 xyoo rau looj yuav xwb looj yuav dhua kaj siab lawm tsis ntev kaj siab yuav ghia kaj siab lub siab phem thiab txoj tub nkees tuaj looj yuav hloov siab mus tham tu siab lawm hahaha nej saib mus nkawv lub neej yuav tsis zoo li nej cov tiv 2 nkaj siab lub siab phem na Hehehehe
Its true kajsiab does have a bad side. Even kij tsab mention that when she first move to live with lauj them. Thats why he didntnapprove his son till the 2nd time when they have the real drama that split their friendship apart.
Looj tsev neeg hlub kajsiab more than sheng and luaj these fake parents lying that they love kajsiab more than anyone. No one knows more than kajsiab!!!
lol hais tau haib tag tag. I remember the day Sheng foom Cynthia like it was yesterday haha. That was the day she stopped defending sheng and arguing with us about sheng being "the best mom" lol. But yeah she's cuckoo. Asked her what day she fell in love with KS and she can tell you exactly down to the second. A little obsessed. Definitely not healthy.
Ntuj awww I never said Nkaujsee is the best mom. Neeg ntxeev lus os. Prove it or you’re a POS. thaum i kuv hais rau nej tias kom txhob cem cem Nkaujsee vim kuv pom tias nws yeej hlub Kajsiab thiab. Kuv hlub Kajsiab es paub tias nej niaj hnub ntxo Nkaujsee ces yuav ua rau nkawd ob niam tub sib tu siab. Kuv yeej xav kom Kajsiab thiab Nkaujsee nkawd sib hlub kawg es niaj hnub no kuv twb tsis txw nws ua phem rau Nkaujsee. Txhob xyaum dag nawb - ntuj nyob qis qis os
@@cynthiaxiong1120es yog koj nim hais lus zoo zoo li ko xwb cas sheng ho foom foom koj kom tuaj mus mas los? Es koj tus hlus nraug looj yuav kajsiab siab dawb lawm puas mob koj siab thiab na los? Zoo li a little bird say koj yog ib tug poj nruaj no sav? Hahaha 🤣
Kuv xav luag dhau tus muab tuaj koj hai ce ntuj aw tsi pom qab tham kuv cia li xa luag lawm xwb 😀😃😃😁😁😁😁😄😄 thiaj txawj yog khuv xim ks thiab khib ks tiag2 😀😃😄😄😁😁😁😄
Dag tiag2 niag muab mu rau koj hai ce ntshe mt kawb ntsaig niam muab mu rau koj hai xwb os haha xav luag dhau cov nyiaj koj hai ko ce seng muab noj tag xwb os seng ua tus tuav tej nyiaj xwb ks nim tau tuav tej nyiaj ko li seng hai ca ks ua li ntawv xwb haha xav luag dhau tej nyiaj lawv xa mu ks ce ua seng npe tag rho seng muab li ca rau ks ce ks tsua tau li ntawv xwb haha hai txau luag dhau tu muab tuaj koj hai ko ma yog ib niag khib ks vim nw niag tub ks tsi yuav es nw chim2 yuav tuag es nw thiaj ua dev tom dab tau tau ob hnub no ntag phem li ntawv ks thiaj tsi xaiv nw niag tub ntag lau nw thiaj huab tsheej txij hnub ks yuav txiv lo txog hnub no haha xav luag dhau 😀😃😄😄😁😄
Love your video clip and thanks for the great info all ladies OG need to stop supporting Kaj Siab and Long. Support and help your own children and your grandchildren so they can give you old folks a place to live so you don’t in up like Kaj Siab.
No, She Kaajsaab was bought as a servant to the See and Lor Thao family. The Thao family also benefit from helping Kaajsaab by sent $$$ to them from people in U S A .
Kaj siab lub neej tsis kav ntev os nej saib mus ma. Kaj siab ces yuav raws pob tsuas xyooj tus hneev taw. Kaj siab lub neej kav ntev kawg tsuas 1 tug mi nyuam xwb ces kaj siab yuav tso ua ntsuag li kaj siab. Nej saib mus seb
Ab lawv nyob lawv tsis tau muaj teeb meem rau yus mas yus txhob lam foom lawv li ko ma yog yus ho lam foom lawv yam lawv tsis tau muaj teeb meem nrog yus li ko ses cov lus yus foom ntawv yuav rov lis raug yus tus kheej laiv yog koj nyob koj es nws cia li ua phem rau koj kiag mas koj foom thiaj khaum lawv ov thov peb hmoob txhob siv tej lus lam tau lam foom luag lwm tus no tseg thiab os hmoob
Kaj siab tsis tseg nws lub siab phem ntawv muaj ib hnub twg looj pauv siab ces kawg Tau ua poj nrauj xwb tiag tej zaum looj yeej phem li kaj siab thiab es looj thiaj nyob twj ywm xwb
Thaub koj twb muaj qau es tso zis sawv ntsug thiab es cas koj tham lus li pojniam xwb. tsis muaj pov thawj ces txhob tham tham tsam qhov tseeb tawm tuaj ces seb koj coj ntsej muag mus zais twg ov
That mo dev Cynthia is playing puppet with kajsiab ruam and looj ruam. It’s true that she created a fan page for them and she controls it. I guess you can own someone’s life for $20.
No you is ruam!! Only people like you don't know what's the fact is! Anit no one control anyone life your Jealousy that looj and kajsiab has alot of love and support like us who care about them. Please shut your mouth and move along!
@@Imongphamlavej ohhh lov. Yog muaj tseeb npaum le koj has mas muab pov thawj lug sob. Prove kuam tau has tas kuv tau ntxag cov mivnyuas le caag, thaum twg, hnub twg, kuv muab pes tsawg nyaj xaa moog rua Looj ob tug moog xauj tsev nyob, kuv them nqe pes tsawg rua cov naas ej moog kawm, kuv xaa nyaj lug thaum twg es ua leejtwg npe? Prove it or you are a lying piece of Shhhhh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ib tug txiv neej yawg le koj txhob xyum dlaag le nuav. Kev khwv nyaj muaj ntau es yog vim le caag koj txha le khwv rua saab kws has xov xwm dlaag rhuav luag tej. Paab koj txaaj muag kawg le os.
Yog kawg kuv twb paub qhov ko hab mas tam sim no ob niag kaj siab twb nyob ua ke muag tiab hauv tiv tov ne kav liam o tsis ntev no ces peb yuav nov lawv tsov sib tawm tsam xwb mas lawv nej paub tias kaj siab mas tswv yim lloj tshaj li o txhua tsav yam tawm saum fuab cuas ces tim niag kaj siab xwb o
Nyiag pog wa seng kom xmb cas, cov nyiag ruam thiab mloog thiab tseeg nws xmb. Tus kom twg cov ib nyiag pog hmoob Meka liam, tshaj os thaus. Thought you were smart. You are just getting played like pog wa seng. She had an affair with the husband shes married now too... making the first wife leave and marry her. Now she cant have kids, so her husband wants kids and she got him a niam yau. Lol compared this maum dev to Cynthia Xiong. Lol a loser. Cynthia Xiong is educated, shes not a homewrecker. Nws tsis liam li niam wa seng. Niam wa seng has no friends here in America, and thats why she has to go to laos to become friends with lauj thoj and sheng to be used by lauj and sheng....dont be ruam like her. 😊
Kaj siab mas tsi muaj kiag twb yog 20 Xyoo lawm kv saib lub sij hawm lauj thoj nkawv coj twb 12 xyoo lawm twb Los nrog nkawv nyob tau 8 xyoo lawm naj ces ham tsi muaj 20 xyoo lawm maj twb Laus tag npaum li ntawd lawm naj thaum peb tej no muaj 15 -16 xyoo peb tseem hluas tshaj kajsiab naj
Tus mus aw peb ua neeg nyob ces txog txij kaj siab nws niam thiab txiv twb tuag tau 6 leej es nws txiv xaiv nws muab Los muag tawm pov ntseg nej xav kom zoo22 saib kaj siab lub nrej muag cwj pwm xwb yeej paub hais tias nws lub siab phem tshaj nplaws maj cov tsi paub saib ces ruam dlau lawm os
Yeap, The Lor Thao and See considered themselves as rich family, so that why they've been looking to buy a servant to do all the household chores. They found this orphanage daughter. Kaajsaab was also use by them to raising fund as they have been taking care of an orphan child so any Hmong America who have a big heart can donate anything to them.
They should be happy that someone help Kajsiab, not to blame that Kajsiab, long, and their helper help each other's to call her stealing her Kajsiab clothing. Nor true!
😂nej saib os ks dag tias tiab pawv ces pog laus xa tiab ntau dhau cez ks hnav tsi tag ces ziag no ks rov muab cov tiab no rov los muag rau cov pog laus dua thiab aub yau cov pog laus hmoob meka xiamhlwb no ces xyov ruam dhau
Maybe that is right cause I saw a TH-cam n it show that TH-cam live in Sacramento California. We need to do something about this TH-cam cause it’s fake only. Long Vang thiab Kaj Siab don’t live in the USA.
Oh yo yo! Cas twb tsis paub qhov tseeb li los cas pheej xav tsim teebmeem. Tus fan club f…b kuv tuav no Looj thiab Kajsiab yeej paub txog thiab ua phoojywg nrog. Kuv siv txhua txhua hnub pab khiav nkawd cov business. Txhob txhawj txhawj os mog. 😘
Tus neeg phem mus txoj twg Los yeej phem! Tus neeg zoo mus txuj twg Los yeej zoo!!!tus phem yeej tsi yeej tus zoo le os!!! Coj li kaj sab coj ces tsi ntev yuav poob kua muag!!!
Pab koj txaj muag tias koj nim coj tsom iav hnav tsho muaj ntsej ua ib tus me cob xub ntxiag tabsis koj tseem raug pog vam xeeb tus pojniam es thab plaub ntxeev lus tshaj plaws hauv lub xeev Wisconsin dag kom koj los hais xov xwm cuav es neeg ntxub koj
Koj hais yog lawm muaj tseeb tom ntej no mus txhob yuav luag tej me nyuam los tu lawm thiaj tsis muaj kev nyuaj siab raws li kuv hnov ib tug you tube hais lauj nkawj yuav kaj siab yog 3 ล้านกิบเป็นความจริง
Lawv phem phem tabsis Lawv tsis los ua video cem leej twg nej zoo cas pheej muab Lawv Los ua new txhais tau tias ks Lawv yog neeg zoo nej xav muab Lawv rhuav xwb.
She's young, but she's no longer a virgin ... yom 👻🍌😁🍄 Vim txiv huab txhib txi 3 hli qoos hlaw, poj niam 13 xyoos pib coj khaub ncaws... na 😂 Ua neeg nyob, cwj pwm phem zoo li no : A mean person will always blame those around them for their mistakes and problems ...yom Hmongs hais tias : Neeg zoo ua phem npaum cas, tseem muaj qhov zoo Neeg phem ua zoo npaum cas, yeej muaj qhov phem nyob hauv Ua neeg nyob ces, neeg zoo yeej zoo thaum me los, neeg phem yeej phem thaum me los 👹🤣🥳👻😂
See thiab lauj nkawv should muab nws xa rov qab mus rau nws txiv li lauj nkawv tus tij laug neej huab nkawv muab nkawv tus ntxhais xa rov qab vim nws tsis mloog hais thiab nws ua 2 tes nkhaus es neej huab nkawv thiaj muab xa rov qab lawm.
Why are you requesting to go back to her past? Like c'mon aren't we talking about the missing clothes. The past is the past. So why bring her father into this messed. This is between Sheng and kajsiab. Not her real father. So please leave him out. He is not involved with this messed.
Tus pog hmoob xyooj no peb nyob ib lub zos peb lub zos me me xwb tus pog no tsis txawj tsis ntse dab tsis li os neeg ntse yeej tsis mus dag lauj tsev neeg puas tsuaj tag zoo li no li os thiab tus pog hmoob meskas no twb tsis muaj hauj lwm zoo ua li nws yuav ua cas pab tau looj thiab kajsiab nkawv mus tag ib txhis ma nej saib mus nawj tus pog hmoob meskas no nws twb yuav luag tsis muaj tsheb tsav na
Cov niag ruam awww. Xav paub qhov tseeb ces hais kom Sheng tso cov security footage haus lawv lub tsev. Tso tsis tau ces you already know the answer and the culprit behind it.
Yog lawm yog lawm kj hais kiag lis qhov kv tau taub thiab ua. Tsaug nawb tub xov xwm. Kj muab los tais lub ntsiab rau ntiaj teb paub tia ks pib ua phem los lis cas los lawm
@@luher1914 Everything started because Niam Van Xeeb Khaab khib khib tias tsam kuv txeeb nws lub title “phauj” ntawm nws es nws txhob txwm dag thiab ntxeev lus rau Nkaujsee xwb. Qhov tseeb tiag kuv yeej tsis k nrog nws sib txeeb na. Kuv nim niaj hnub hu Nkaujsee na. 😂 Niam Vam Xeeb pom tias cov nas ej thiab phab ej ncawg ncawg kuv es lawv hu hu kuv es khib nws vim lawv tsis k nws es nws xav ruin kuv xwb mas.
@@cynthiaxiong1120 Sounds like you need a hobby or second job. You people have too much time on your hands to get involved with these overseas people. SMH. Are you getting paid for watching these overseas people's lives ?
Koj puas tau pub zaub mov rau Kajsiab noj nab, koj thiaj siv lo lus neeg phem lo lus ko rau Kajsiab no. Yog hais tias koj tsis tau pub dej pub mov rau Kajsiab noj no ces koj lo lus ko txhaum lawm nawb. Lauj thiab see tsis tau tso cai rau koj cem Kajsiab thiab siv lo lus ko rau Kajsiab vim nkawd tsis tau hais rau Kajsiab rau neeg ntiaj teb hnov nawb.
Kuv tsis ntseeg leej twg li lawm vim ib tug hais li no ces ib tug hais kiag li tov ntag hmoob os hmoob aw nej yeej paub hais tias me nyuam ntsuag ces yeej tsis ntxim hlub li os tus ua nyiam see ces hais tias see yog ho tus ua hlub kab siab ces hais tias kab siab ua yog no xwb nawb hmoob
Tout à fait d'accord. Tout le monde parle trop à travers des vidéo sur youtube, des connaissances mais personne ne fait réellement des enquêtes. Aller directement sur place poser des questions avec les personnes concernées. C'est justes des suppositions... c'est malheureux les neuws hmongs.
Koj tsi hnov zeej xeeb thoj twb hai lo tej no yog kev khwv nyiaj youtube xwb yog lawv tsi hai li no ce tsi muaj neeg saib yuav tsum hai li no thiaj muaj neeg saib lawv cov youtube no ne😀😃😄😁
Ua cas hmoob txawm siv muab meskas lub July 4th no ua li hmoob lub tsiab 30 lawm....tij laug puas yog hmoob meskas ruam li miao hais......tsis tau txog July laiv.... .zoo li hmoob lub tsiab 30 pib thaum lub 9 hli ti nkaus lub 1 hli.....cov nyob tim nplog tsim nyog ev lub npe miao hos cov nyob meskas teb tsim nyog ev lub npe ruam.....
Brother imong phamlajvej aw hmoob nplog lub Tswv yim ua TH-cam khwv nyiaj kom cov nyiam2 see thiab cov nyiam2 ks los sib tog es kom neeg thiaj mus saib coob2 kom see thiab ks nkawm thiaj tau nyiaj los ua tsev zoo rau ks xwb os hmoob mekas aw hmoob mekas vaj tsev twb tsis zoo npaum li see lub na nej tsis pom lo?
CAs kj yuav hais lub phem ua luaj li lawm niag pog los hais ko los cas nim yuav paub zoo ua luaj na nws nrog lawm nyob ua ke los es cas kj ho paub tias tus pog ko hais qhov tseeb no mas kj puas paub qhov tseeb mas
Cov neeg no hnov lus paj lus cua xwb ces txawm siv hais tias yog qhov tseeb. Peb li peb nug kom tau 2 tog, thiab muab kom tau pov thawj. Tsis muaj 2 yam no ces peb yeej tsis tau luag los iab liam leejtwg li os. Pab tus neeg no txaj muag heev.
Cyinthia is coo coo for sure. I remember she use to defend lauj and Sheng to the bone until Sheng foom Cynthia. lol then she started talking shit about them. 😂😂😂😂😂
Haha yeap!!
Hahaha it’s about time tus neeg phem zoo li Cynthia. I remembered her defending Lor and pog sheng now she’s their worst enemy. She always attacking my comment when I say something about Lor and sheng she always saying no they are not bad people.
@@naleexiong3689 nws txaj txaj muag lawm na nws on tus me nyuam tsis mloog nws hais lawm es rog mus hlub niam thiab txiv Lor nkawv lawm nws mas khib tuag 😂🤣🤭
Cynthia dev siab phem.niag pojniam limhiam fuabnoj fuab haus,
kajsiab ces saib nws tu xeebceem xwb kuv twb dhuav,nws cov clips kuv ib txwm tsis saib li,dhuav dhau lawm,
Yog 👍 Kajsiab yeej coj niag xeebceem tsis ntxim nyiam thiab saib xwb nws lub niag siab phem tos heev nawb
Later down in the line she has no place to go to and no place to live . I don’t think her parents would want her back home. Kaj Siab shes an evil child. She played her whole family and turned her family upside down. If I was the parents of Long I’m going to be scare.
I remember when we would comment on lauj's channel and that Cynthia was his watch dog. No one can comment anything or else she would come attack them.
Agreed! When I wrote a comment on one of Longs mv Cynthia got butt hurt she comments back said a lot of things to me so yeah I put her in her place. Since then she shut her mouth but just two days ago she wrote me another comment about KS mom. This lady she played all this young kids. They stupid for listening to Cynthia Xiong. One day they gonna cry their eyes out. Especially Kaj Siab and Long lol
@@zevang7019go read my response to Hellopa
@@zevang7019xiam tiam nws mob koj hais comment txob nws tus hlus nraug looj ne hahaha 🤣 😅😅
Yes!!! She barked at everyone 😅😅😅
@@zevang7019 yeap!
Omg what a disgrace to our xiong clan. Lol😅
You’re the wrong Xiong clan, 😂😂😂😂
@amandaxiong1215 yes Cynthia's sister im the wrong xiong clan. 😆 🤣 😂
Hahah tus poj nos yoj NAIM WANG SHENG KHANG the biggest Sheng supporter. You’re really going to believe that thing!
Niag pog niam Wang xeng khàng mas nrog pog see ua phem kajsiab.
Lol@ "that thing"
She's a homewrecker and got her own karma. 😂 Having to yuav niam yau for her husband and this dude believes her. This wa seng lady sucks lauj thoj tus qau number #. Always spending money on him and sheng. Cov neeg ruam thiab tseeg pog wa seng meb cab, home wrecker. She's got such a bad reputation, that's why she's got no friends here in America and has to go to Laos to be used by people like lauj and sheng. Ask around folks ask about niam wa seng. Tus coj nws tus txiv mus yuav niam Tau tos nplog 😂
Yog, nej pog ruam zoo li niam wa seng xmb thaus looj tseem tseeg thiab 😂 tseeg tus pog meb cab no xmb cas ruam $ 1 😂
Koj hais tau yog tshaj plaws kuv thov qhuas koj nawb tus brother👍👍👏👏
Kristy…Kristy !! why you mad are this your kids? Aren’t you scare you going to end up like Kaj Siab. You have to understand that Kaj Siab had someone like Lor and Sheng adopted her but when is your turn who’s going to adopt you, lol. Don’t cry!!!
Who is Niam Wang Xeeb? I heard she is in cahoots with Lor and Sheng to make money off Kasia. I think people better stop before TH-cam is notified and everyone loses. Kasia is still under age no matter what country she is from
you tube does not tolerate this fraudulent propaganda of Kasia. z vg xfCc c. Tgh bvvvvc zfxzedxtt4fvcvh. Ccvcvbbvcxxtttyrt🎉
Adults who torment children answer to God.
NO O.N.E. can hide from Him when He comes for you looking for retribution. Be warned, brothers/sisters! 🙏
Kajsiab learned how to be money hungry and know how to use Hmoob meka from lauj thoj and pog Sheng. Lauj and Sheng are not all that innocent too.
Nyob zoo os tub...
Yes, they taught her well.
Tus pog dab hmoob meskas ko mas tsoob dub tsoob me tsoob meskas nws nyob ntawm peb zos no xwb peb paub nws lub niag de zoo heev li os tus poj dab pog laus hmoob meskas ko ma yog kajsiab tus txha nqaj qaum txw kajsiab thoj thiab kajsiab xyooj thiab pauj maiv thiab looj thiab lawv ua phem los ma ihmoob pham las vej tus poj dab pog laus ko lub niag tsev mas qias neeg muaj muaj kab laum xwb os kuv mam xa nws lub niag qe tuaj rau koj tham nawj ihmoob phamvasvej
Bunch of crocks, you’re probably referring to
Your house. She’s actually not as old as you think, perhaps shes a born first generation Hmong American. Her thought process isn’t like you or yours, 1975 way of thinking that parents are always in the right and kids have to shut up and obey. Well, this is AMERICA everyone has the same equal rights!!! Go and follow this THING niam wang Seng, she’s Sheng’s informant. She has a mind sicker than an animal.
Hahaha! Peb yog neeg tsim txiaj los ntawm caj ceg zoo niam txiv muaj meej mom peb tsis ua li koj hais os. Tsis tas li peb twb yuav txiv puag thaum peb muaj 14 xyoos xwb es ua neej ze 30 xyoo no menyuam loj tiav nkauj tiav nraug, mloog lus, kawm ntawv qib siab tsis liam li koj hais os nawb.
Koj puas muaj pov thawj rau peb saib kiag hais tias Cynthia tau mus nrog pes tsawg tus dub pes tsawg tus mev ua npaum li koj hais ko nab? Thawj chaw twg? Lub sij hawm twg kiag?
@cynthiaxiong1120 txhob khib2 ma. Txog txij mus yuav txiv thaum mi nyuam ntxhais quav ntswg 14 xyoo twb tsis muaj lub hom phiaj dab tsi lawm.
@@kristyvang9684 Cov neeg no ces hais lus tsis muaj qab hau, hais tam kev ntxub kev khib xwb, yeej tsis muaj ib lo lus tseem ceeb muaj tseeb li.
Yog kawg mas niag pog Cristina yog ks&looj nkawv tu txha ncaj qaum peb paub kawg os
Neeg siab phem li lawv pab no yeej tsis kav ntev os
Yog tshaj os
I believe she did it due to revenge bc she was Lor and Sheng's biggest fan then. I remember her telling people off, getting butthurt every time someone said something bad about them. What she is doing now is doing more hurt to Kaj siab than anything, and Kaj Siab doesn't even see it. I do believe Kaj Siab is a sweet and innocent girl who's being deceived.
Yes that's right thank you
@@Meme-jw1bg yeap!!
Yes! I saw all her comments back then and then as soon as Sheng told her to die she turned on Sheng and lauj. Lol😂
That’s what you get for feeding tigers. The tigers bit her back. Ib pab tsov sib tog lawm xwb os. Lol
Koj hais yog tshaj li os tu brother niag pog Cristina yog ks&looj tu niam tais pog dab loj nyob teb chaws meka no os ua muaj tswj yim rau nkawv ua li no os.
Yog kawg peb twb paub tas
Lies! See did to herself and her sisters help her hide Kajsiab clothing.
Ntshiav lub niag ntsej muag xwb twb paub hais tias lub siab phem lawm no nav. Cov neeg lub qhov ncauj loj li kaj siab lub qhov ncaum thiab qhov ncauj chom, mas lim,hiam heev,li yog nej tsis paub xwb.cov no txoj hmoov los yeej phem heev li os hais lus los tsis haum neeg kiag li nawb.yog leej twg mus yuav tau cov neeg zoo li kuv hais no mas ua neej nyuaj siab kawg li nawb lawv.
Cas sheng nkawd hmoov phem ua luaj. Dab nyob dab phij mus coj dab los tsev seb tsam no los ua vij sub vij saw ne.
Muab 3 xyoo rau looj yuav xwb looj yuav dhua kaj siab lawm tsis ntev kaj siab yuav ghia kaj siab lub siab phem thiab txoj tub nkees tuaj looj yuav hloov siab mus tham tu siab lawm hahaha nej saib mus nkawv lub neej yuav tsis zoo li nej cov tiv 2 nkaj siab lub siab phem na Hehehehe
@@shengvang9187yog kawg😂
Its true kajsiab does have a bad side. Even kij tsab mention that when she first move to live with lauj them. Thats why he didntnapprove his son till the 2nd time when they have the real drama that split their friendship apart.
Interesting. Too much to watch and catch up then, I gave up. 😅 Please share more.
I remember their son lauj liking kajsiab.
Yog kawg. Kaj siab lub siab phem nws xav tau khoom tshiab ces nws kawg muab zais ces ua txuj quaj kom muaj teeb meem xwb. Koj hais yog lawm
Hnub twg Looj thiab Looj tsev neeg tsis hlub Kajsiab ces lawv yuav rau kiag Nkaujsee thiab Lauj Thoj txhais khau kiag mas🤣🤣 Tsam no tseem tau cov niam tais Hmoob Mekas nyiaj noj es tseem hlub2 Kajsiab thiaj tsis tau mag cem xwb os!!
Looj tsev neeg hlub kajsiab more than sheng and luaj these fake parents lying that they love kajsiab more than anyone. No one knows more than kajsiab!!!
Yuav kom paub tias Looj tsev neeg hlub los tsis hlub mas mus nyob nrog kiag Niam pog txiv yawg thiaj paub mas? Twb tsis tau nyob es tseem siv khav tias hlub tshaj!! Txhob rawm khav tsam lwm hnub Looj thiab Looj tsev neeg ho tau rau kiag Nkaujsee txhais khau ces seb thaum ntawd ho yuav hais li cas os🤣 tsuas thov kom Looj tsuas muaj hlub Kajsiab xwb es nws thiab nws tsev neeg thiaj tsis tau rau Nkaujsee txhais khau xwb! Feem ntau cov es khav2 tias hlub no thaum kawg tsis hlub nas! Nej cov es muab nyiaj muas Looj rau Kajsiab yuav tsum pab nyiaj tuab ntws mas Looj thiaj hlub Kajsiab kom kawg ntsis nawb!!
@@Hlub-xloyog kawg😂
@@Hlub-xlo💯💯 Yog lus tshaj. Thaum Looj tsis hlub lawm ces pab khav theeb no yuav muaj looj tsev neeg cem cuag li lawv cem Muaj Tsim niam ntag. 😂
@@Hlub-xlo muaj tseeb li koj hais kawg os
lol hais tau haib tag tag. I remember the day Sheng foom Cynthia like it was yesterday haha. That was the day she stopped defending sheng and arguing with us about sheng being "the best mom" lol. But yeah she's cuckoo. Asked her what day she fell in love with KS and she can tell you exactly down to the second. A little obsessed. Definitely not healthy.
Ntuj awww I never said Nkaujsee is the best mom. Neeg ntxeev lus os. Prove it or you’re a POS. thaum i kuv hais rau nej tias kom txhob cem cem Nkaujsee vim kuv pom tias nws yeej hlub Kajsiab thiab. Kuv hlub Kajsiab es paub tias nej niaj hnub ntxo Nkaujsee ces yuav ua rau nkawd ob niam tub sib tu siab. Kuv yeej xav kom Kajsiab thiab Nkaujsee nkawd sib hlub kawg es niaj hnub no kuv twb tsis txw nws ua phem rau Nkaujsee. Txhob xyaum dag nawb - ntuj nyob qis qis os
Mmmhmmm 🤭
@@cynthiaxiong1120es yog koj nim hais lus zoo zoo li ko xwb cas sheng ho foom foom koj kom tuaj mus mas los?
Es koj tus hlus nraug looj yuav kajsiab siab dawb lawm puas mob koj siab thiab na los? Zoo li a little bird say koj yog ib tug poj nruaj no sav? Hahaha 🤣
She’s a fool. Definitely a toxic fan for sure and delusional. So cringe how she makes these fan pages 😂😂😂 obsessed much??😂😂
Brother koj hais yog kawg Kal siab twb tsis zoo nkauj li nws zoo li niag pog chon kaus xwb cas looj ho nyiam rhiag tiag..
Es Looj nyiam nyiaj xwb ne😂😂 Xiamtiam Xyooj muab nyiam ntau kom Looj yuav es Looj thiab li lam yuav xwb😂😂
Hais Yog kiag lub ntsiab lawm nawb tim tus pog ntawd kiag
Xav pom tus neeg uad phij txw ks ntawd lub ntsej muag seb zoo li ces ne cas yuav siab phem ua luaj li
@@kaj956 es hnub no thaub Phamlasvej tham txog koj tus Sheng es koj xav li cas?
pab lauj thoj nkawv khuv xim nkawv cov nyiaj phij cuam kawg li os me nus aw
Mt cov fe ma khib tiag2 xam maj ntiav niag thaumbno hai kiag na ha😅😅😅
Txawm hai txij ntuj txij teb los tsi muaj laij li os hahhhhh nyia hai raws nyias kev khib😀😃😃😄😁😁😄
@@maylysamsung6496yog kawg
Koj hais tau yog thiab muaj tseeb nawb👍
Kuv xav luag dhau tus muab tuaj koj hai ce ntuj aw tsi pom qab tham kuv cia li xa luag lawm xwb 😀😃😃😁😁😁😁😄😄 thiaj txawj yog khuv xim ks thiab khib ks tiag2 😀😃😄😄😁😁😁😄
Cas koj hais raug siab luaj li os. Cov cem nkawv ces phemli pog seng ntag.
@@_Sunshinebloomer_76 kuv xav luag tiag2 kuv pab ks zoo siab tia tseem muaj cov khuv xim ks kawg ks tsim nyog yog ib tug na ej nrov npe lawm tiag lau tseem nrov tshaj ib tug nom 😀😃😄😁😁
Dag tiag2 niag muab mu rau koj hai ce ntshe mt kawb ntsaig niam muab mu rau koj hai xwb os haha xav luag dhau cov nyiaj koj hai ko ce seng muab noj tag xwb os seng ua tus tuav tej nyiaj xwb ks nim tau tuav tej nyiaj ko li seng hai ca ks ua li ntawv xwb haha xav luag dhau tej nyiaj lawv xa mu ks ce ua seng npe tag rho seng muab li ca rau ks ce ks tsua tau li ntawv xwb haha hai txau luag dhau tu muab tuaj koj hai ko ma yog ib niag khib ks vim nw niag tub ks tsi yuav es nw chim2 yuav tuag es nw thiaj ua dev tom dab tau tau ob hnub no ntag phem li ntawv ks thiaj tsi xaiv nw niag tub ntag lau nw thiaj huab tsheej txij hnub ks yuav txiv lo txog hnub no haha xav luag dhau 😀😃😄😄😁😄
Yog Nkaujsee tus phauj Ntxoov Xeeb pog txawj dag ntxeev lus
@@cynthiaxiong1120 oh👌
Love your video clip and thanks for the great info all ladies OG need to stop supporting Kaj Siab and Long. Support and help your own children and your grandchildren so they can give you old folks a place to live so you don’t in up like Kaj Siab.
Who do you think you are zevang? Are you God, you can see the future? You have power to see people future will be like?
Hais tiag tiag koj hais tau ib kiag lawm 👍👍👍👍
No, She Kaajsaab was bought as a servant to the See and Lor Thao family. The Thao family also benefit from helping Kaajsaab by sent $$$ to them from people in U S A .
Agreed! But these reports are to blinds to see it.
Kaj siab lub neej tsis kav ntev os nej saib mus ma. Kaj siab ces yuav raws pob tsuas xyooj tus hneev taw. Kaj siab lub neej kav ntev kawg tsuas 1 tug mi nyuam xwb ces kaj siab yuav tso ua ntsuag li kaj siab. Nej saib mus seb
Foom tiag rau yus rov ev
Yog 💯
Ab lawv nyob lawv tsis tau muaj teeb meem rau yus mas yus txhob lam foom lawv li ko ma yog yus ho lam foom lawv yam lawv tsis tau muaj teeb meem nrog yus li ko ses cov lus yus foom ntawv yuav rov lis raug yus tus kheej laiv yog koj nyob koj es nws cia li ua phem rau koj kiag mas koj foom thiaj khaum lawv ov thov peb hmoob txhob siv tej lus lam tau lam foom luag lwm tus no tseg thiab os hmoob
Koj hais yog tshaj kajsiab nws yeej hais nws tias nws twb mus nrog ib yim hmoob nyob tab sis nws nyob tsis taus es nws thiaj rov los nrog nws txiv nyob es nws txiv thiaj rov muab nws muag rau lauj nkawv lawm.
Thaum I kaj siab yeej piav li ko kawg. Piav rau kij tsab tshooj youtube ntag thaum lawv mus ua teb zaub.
Kaj siab tsis tseg nws lub siab phem ntawv muaj ib hnub twg looj pauv siab ces kawg Tau ua poj nrauj xwb tiag tej zaum looj yeej phem li kaj siab thiab es looj thiaj nyob twj ywm xwb
Sheng nkawd tshuav ks nqe tiam thaum ub es thiaj raug ks los tsim nkawd. Yeej yuav khaum xwb os tsis kav ntev li o, ntuj nyob qes2 lawm.
@@tusab8254yog kawg peb yeej hhov KS piav li ntawv rau niam kij tsab
Ua tsaug yeej muaj tseeb mas
Saib xwb yeej paub kajsiab yog neeg tsis zoo. But Sheng is the same.
Niag poj hmoob no lim hiam kawg yom ua npam nws xwb lo nws yuav tuag xwb
Thaub koj twb muaj qau es tso zis sawv ntsug thiab es cas koj tham lus li pojniam xwb. tsis muaj pov thawj ces txhob tham tham tsam qhov tseeb tawm tuaj ces seb koj coj ntsej muag mus zais twg ov
KS planning the whole things...
Neeg siab phem li ks yeej tsis kav ntev os. Hehe...dab nyob dab phij mus coj dab los hauv tsev ne.
Wow pog hmoob mekas kov kuj siab phem dhaus lawm
Hmoov zoo tshaj uas muaj tsim tsis nyiam kaj siab os. Kaj siab twb tsis phim muaj tsim li os. He is too good for kaj siab.
That mo dev Cynthia is playing puppet with kajsiab ruam and looj ruam. It’s true that she created a fan page for them and she controls it. I guess you can own someone’s life for $20.
Yog lawm 100%
Yog 💯
No you is ruam!! Only people like you don't know what's the fact is! Anit no one control anyone life your Jealousy that looj and kajsiab has alot of love and support like us who care about them. Please shut your mouth and move along!
Shes playing proxy with them 😂
I guess by your logic, controlling a fan page is controlling their life. Ohhh the youtube verdicts! Ntse tag tag le Shadow koj na. 😁😁😁
Koj hais cov teeb meem no kuv muab mloog mas ib txhia yeej muaj li koj hais ko tiag thiab
Ua tsaug,
Yog kawg os tij laug niag pog hmoob mekas ko yeej ntxim ntxub tshaj li os yeej nrog nkawv koom tes uas rau nyab lauj nkawv kawg
She does has the heart to love Kajsiab, but not teaching Kajsiab to hated and did bad things like you guys said. Lies!
Kuv xav mas yeej yog li cov lus thiab tiag laiv qhov muab mloog zoo2 yeej raws li ntag
Yeej muaj tseeb mas
@@Imongphamlavej ohhh lov. Yog muaj tseeb npaum le koj has mas muab pov thawj lug sob. Prove kuam tau has tas kuv tau ntxag cov mivnyuas le caag, thaum twg, hnub twg, kuv muab pes tsawg nyaj xaa moog rua Looj ob tug moog xauj tsev nyob, kuv them nqe pes tsawg rua cov naas ej moog kawm, kuv xaa nyaj lug thaum twg es ua leejtwg npe? Prove it or you are a lying piece of Shhhhh
Ib tug txiv neej yawg le koj txhob xyum dlaag le nuav. Kev khwv nyaj muaj ntau es yog vim le caag koj txha le khwv rua saab kws has xov xwm dlaag rhuav luag tej. Paab koj txaaj muag kawg le os.
@@cynthiaxiong1120girl I guess you just in America making money to send to pay everyone’s rent in Laos 😂 these people 🤦♀️ I’m so over this drama
@@Mayyang2415 All these people with no thinking capacity. Do they hear gossip and then run with it without first verifying the truth? Lord…
Aib nug thov cov lus ib qhov nawb tawm zuj zu tiag lau
Tau mas
Ua koj tsaug os tij laug kws koj qha qhov tseeb rua peb paub nawb thov kom koj nrib kev noj qab Nyob zoo os thov qhua koj 👏👏👏👏👏💯💯💯💯
Yog kawg kuv twb paub qhov ko hab mas tam sim no ob niag kaj siab twb nyob ua ke muag tiab hauv tiv tov ne kav liam o tsis ntev no ces peb yuav nov lawv tsov sib tawm tsam xwb mas lawv nej paub tias kaj siab mas tswv yim lloj tshaj li o txhua tsav yam tawm saum fuab cuas ces tim niag kaj siab xwb o
koj yeej yog kawg li os tij laug ,thov qhua koj nawb ❤👍
Nyiag pog wa seng kom xmb cas, cov nyiag ruam thiab mloog thiab tseeg nws xmb. Tus kom twg cov ib nyiag pog hmoob Meka liam, tshaj os thaus. Thought you were smart. You are just getting played like pog wa seng. She had an affair with the husband shes married now too... making the first wife leave and marry her. Now she cant have kids, so her husband wants kids and she got him a niam yau. Lol compared this maum dev to Cynthia Xiong. Lol a loser. Cynthia Xiong is educated, shes not a homewrecker. Nws tsis liam li niam wa seng. Niam wa seng has no friends here in America, and thats why she has to go to laos to become friends with lauj thoj and sheng to be used by lauj and sheng....dont be ruam like her. 😊
Thov koj hias kom yog mas. Koj dag lawm pob. Zoo li nej siab tsis taus me myuam tshuag li es. Kaj siab tsis phem li koj hais
Kaj siab mas tsi muaj kiag twb yog 20 Xyoo lawm kv saib lub sij hawm lauj thoj nkawv coj twb 12 xyoo lawm twb Los nrog nkawv nyob tau 8 xyoo lawm naj ces ham tsi muaj 20 xyoo lawm maj twb Laus tag npaum li ntawd lawm naj thaum peb tej no muaj 15 -16 xyoo peb tseem hluas tshaj kajsiab naj
Yes, ib cov hmoob ruam2 tseem hais tia KS muaj 15, 16 xyoo that was liar
@@ImongphamlavejCov moob ruam le meb tes yeej has lug tsis muaj laij tsis muaj ib lu lug tseeb. Hahaha. Lauj Thoj hab Kij Tsaab moog coj Kajsiab December 12, 2019. Tau 4.5 xyoos xwb. Meb ntse ntse le es muab laij seb puas tau muaj 8 xyoo mas!!! Thaum ntawd Kajsiab muaj 12 xyoos. Hnub nua nwg muaj 16 xyoo. Lauj Thoj tus baby tuag thaum lub 2 hlis xyoo 2019 taag ntev ob tug maam moog coj Kajsiab lug. Ntuj awwww!!! Has lug tawm pob tw tuaj xwb tsis muaj ib lu lug tseeb muaj pov thawj le es thov txuag ntsejmuag es txhob has has lawm paab meb txaaj muag dlhau.
@@Imongphamlavej Saib yog koj ruam dlhau es need ib tug tuabneeg lug qha koj txug kev has xov xwm kuam yog lug tseeb lug ncaaj nceeg tes thov kuv, kuv maam paab koj free kuam koj txhob has lug dlaag quas ntsuav poob poob tsim es txaaj muag rua teb rua chaw le ko. Kuv hlub koj ob lub qhov muag kawg tas koj tau txu koj tug kheej qeg heev txha le khwv tau noj haus.
Yog muaj tiag tsis ntev no Kajsiab lub neej yuav tsis muaj mus ntxiv lawm tej zaum yuav tag mus.
Tuaj koom koj hab os. Ua le yeej nyob tog txhua2 yam kws ’oj coj tuaj thaam rua peb paub hab os nawb. Like. ❤❤❤❤.
Talk about the adults kids that young wont know unless someone tell them to do or say.
Tus mus aw peb ua neeg nyob ces txog txij kaj siab nws niam thiab txiv twb tuag tau 6 leej es nws txiv xaiv nws muab Los muag tawm pov ntseg nej xav kom zoo22 saib kaj siab lub nrej muag cwj pwm xwb yeej paub hais tias nws lub siab phem tshaj nplaws maj cov tsi paub saib ces ruam dlau lawm os
Yog kawg
Just lost all respect for you
Ruam tshaj! Tsis muaj tseeb.
Yeap, The Lor Thao and See considered themselves as rich family, so that why they've been looking to buy a servant to do all the household chores. They found this orphanage daughter. Kaajsaab was also use by them to raising fund as they have been taking care of an orphan child so any Hmong America who have a big heart can donate anything to them.
They should be happy that someone help Kajsiab, not to blame that Kajsiab, long, and their helper help each other's to call her stealing her Kajsiab clothing. Nor true!
There is proof that the clothes were still there after KS left with Long. Someone in that house hid the clothes.
Or maybe it was misplaced due to all the cleaning? Y’all stupid AF
@@pcglove617your point still supports that Kajsiab didn’t cook up this whole scheme to make her mom look bad
It is a game of cat and dog! Sheng and Lao are no better.
The person who hid kajsiab clothes is "tais maiv" Sheng, tais ntxawm, nu, dej ntxee, and niam wa seng khang know about it.
😂nej saib os ks dag tias tiab pawv ces pog laus xa tiab ntau dhau cez ks hnav tsi tag ces ziag no ks rov muab cov tiab no rov los muag rau cov pog laus dua thiab aub yau cov pog laus hmoob meka xiamhlwb no ces xyov ruam dhau
Maybe that is right cause I saw a TH-cam n it show that TH-cam live in Sacramento California. We need to do something about this TH-cam cause it’s fake only. Long Vang thiab Kaj Siab don’t live in the USA.
Oh yo yo! Cas twb tsis paub qhov tseeb li los cas pheej xav tsim teebmeem. Tus fan club f…b kuv tuav no Looj thiab Kajsiab yeej paub txog thiab ua phoojywg nrog. Kuv siv txhua txhua hnub pab khiav nkawd cov business. Txhob txhawj txhawj os mog. 😘
Tus neeg phem mus txoj twg Los yeej phem! Tus neeg zoo mus txuj twg Los yeej zoo!!!tus phem yeej tsi yeej tus zoo le os!!! Coj li kaj sab coj ces tsi ntev yuav poob kua muag!!!
nyob zoo os mloog koj tham zoo kawg
Pab koj txaj muag tias koj nim coj tsom iav hnav tsho muaj ntsej ua ib tus me cob xub ntxiag tabsis koj tseem raug pog vam xeeb tus pojniam es thab plaub ntxeev lus tshaj plaws hauv lub xeev Wisconsin dag kom koj los hais xov xwm cuav es neeg ntxub koj
Wow getting interesting
Hahaha bro thank you
Please say more🙏👍👏
Ua neeg phem yeej tsis tau ntuj ntoo ib zaug li os.
You are right brother that’s why she just got married she already make her husband they move to the city already…..
Yes, that's right thank you
Glad they moved to the city, DREAM BIG😅😅😅😅
@@Newalla627amen 🙏 ❤
Koj yuav tuag mus tso koj pojniam ua poj ntsuam thiab koj cov kas tsaub ua ntsuag li mi kajsiab
Koj hais yog lawm muaj tseeb tom ntej no mus txhob yuav luag tej me nyuam los tu lawm thiaj tsis muaj kev nyuaj siab raws li kuv hnov ib tug you tube hais lauj nkawj yuav kaj siab yog 3 ล้านกิบเป็นความจริง
Brother, you wrong she is too young . Young can not say like that for her.
I agree with you thank you.
Lawv phem phem tabsis Lawv tsis los ua video cem leej twg nej zoo cas pheej muab Lawv Los ua new txhais tau tias ks Lawv yog neeg zoo nej xav muab Lawv rhuav xwb.
She's young, but she's no longer a virgin ... yom 👻🍌😁🍄
Vim txiv huab txhib txi 3 hli qoos hlaw, poj niam 13 xyoos pib coj khaub ncaws... na 😂
Ua neeg nyob, cwj pwm phem zoo li no : A mean person will always blame those around them for their mistakes and problems ...yom
Hmongs hais tias :
Neeg zoo ua phem npaum cas, tseem muaj qhov zoo
Neeg phem ua zoo npaum cas, yeej muaj qhov phem nyob hauv
Ua neeg nyob ces, neeg zoo yeej zoo thaum me los, neeg phem yeej phem thaum me los 👹🤣🥳👻😂
Yes I agreed. She's only 16. Please 🙏 leave her alone and stop bully and harassing her.
Once you know how to sib ua ur not young any.ore. lol
See thiab lauj nkawv should muab nws xa rov qab mus rau nws txiv li lauj nkawv tus tij laug neej huab nkawv muab nkawv tus ntxhais xa rov qab vim nws tsis mloog hais thiab nws ua 2 tes nkhaus es neej huab nkawv thiaj muab xa rov qab lawm.
Cas sheng nkawd tsis muab nws xa rov qab xwb os, tsam no tseem los ua vij sub vij sw rov rau nkawd.
Kajsiab muaj Kajsiab ib tsev neeg lawm Kajsiab yeej tawm ntawm cov neeg siab tsis ncaj txij hnub Kajsiab mus yuav txiv lawm tsis tas nkim nkawd tej nqi rooj li os. Tus neeg phem phem li koj tsis tas los qhia koj lub siab phem ntawm ko rau peb paub, twb nrog koj txaj muag dhau lawm.
@@Gloriavwsee nkawd ua vij sw rau nkawd xwb, vim nkawd yeej yog neeg muaj vij su vij sw ntawm nkawd lub neej los lawm ntev os.
Can you interview her biological father and have him send her a message?
I will contct KS father and will see
@@ImongphamlavejHopefully he tell her to stop acting up and love her parents and stop listening to Cynthia
Why are you requesting to go back to her past? Like c'mon aren't we talking about the missing clothes. The past is the past. So why bring her father into this messed. This is between Sheng and kajsiab. Not her real father. So please leave him out. He is not involved with this messed.
@@Yogyog641 he needs to tell her to stay straight and love her parents
@@hmoob1193who said kajsiab doesn't love her parents?
Ntuj aw zoo qhov muaj tsim tsis yuav os muaj tsim os muaj tsim aw koj mas muaj hmoo tshaj plaws li os
Yog kawg🙏
Zoo qhov kajsiab tsis yuav muaj tsim thiab mas. Muaj tsim niam phem kawg thiab yog tus drama queen li sheng xwb. kajsiab tseem yuav ces kajsiab hmoo tag lawm os. Lol
Yog lawm tug neeg phem ces yeej phem thaum Nyob ntsuab thiab los lawm tsis yog nws tseem me nws tsis paub nawb os tug neeg zoo ces nyob ntsuab thiab nws yeej zoo nawb kuv muaj menyuam coob kuv saib thiab yeej paub los ntawm cov menyuam tug cwj pwm zoo li cas nawb
There’s always drama between Hmong meska and Hmong nplog never was Hmong meska and Hmong Vietnam or Hmong meska and Hmong Thailand.
I think Cynthia is a professor shes educated 😂
Yog ib tug neeg txawj ntse li koj hais cas tseem mus txw ntxias lwm tus neeg tus/cov menyuam ua phem rau lawv niam thiab txiv?! Li no tsis yog neeg txawj ntse os!!
@@Hlub-xloyog kawg mas
Tus pog hmoob xyooj no peb nyob ib lub zos peb lub zos me me xwb tus pog no tsis txawj tsis ntse dab tsis li os neeg ntse yeej tsis mus dag lauj tsev neeg puas tsuaj tag zoo li no li os thiab tus pog hmoob meskas no twb tsis muaj hauj lwm zoo ua li nws yuav ua cas pab tau looj thiab kajsiab nkawv mus tag ib txhis ma nej saib mus nawj tus pog hmoob meskas no nws twb yuav luag tsis muaj tsheb tsav na
@dangyang3433 ua tsaug nawb
@@Hiii_Beautiful es nws twb kawm tiav master ne los? Cas tseem tsis muaj tsheb tsav thiab?! Kuv twb pom nws sau ntawv tias nws muaj nyiaj kawg no hos!
Lauj nkawd ntshaw menyuam dhau lawm es thiaj mus khaws yuam kev xwb. Ntsia ks lub ntsej muag xwb ces yeej paub tias yog neeg phem. Qhov ko twb hnov sheng piav tawm lawm.
Cov niag ruam awww. Xav paub qhov tseeb ces hais kom Sheng tso cov security footage haus lawv lub tsev. Tso tsis tau ces you already know the answer and the culprit behind it.
Nej ces xav nrov xwb txaj muag dhau lawm os. Luag twb tsis tawm los hais dabtsi li los pheej muab luag ua xov xwm los hais my god.
Yog lawm yog lawm kj hais kiag lis qhov kv tau taub thiab ua. Tsaug nawb tub xov xwm. Kj muab los tais lub ntsiab rau ntiaj teb paub tia ks pib ua phem los lis cas los lawm
Ntuj os hmoob meskas ruam aw..kuv tsis xav txog hmoob nplog li os .
Caum ssib koj tham tag nrho zoo kawg
Hmoob nplog ces tsis hais tus twg li os tib cov phem tub sab ib yam nkaus xwb.
Yog tshaj plawv. Kajsiab yog in tug neeg phem.!!!!!
Yog kaws nawb 👍💯💯❤️❤️
Yog tshaj li
Cynthia they playing you bro. Last years she went to lor their home and took picture with them
Yes they sure did. That was the last.
. Lol..... everything started after that...
@@luher1914 Everything started because Niam Van Xeeb Khaab khib khib tias tsam kuv txeeb nws lub title “phauj” ntawm nws es nws txhob txwm dag thiab ntxeev lus rau Nkaujsee xwb. Qhov tseeb tiag kuv yeej tsis k nrog nws sib txeeb na. Kuv nim niaj hnub hu Nkaujsee na. 😂 Niam Vam Xeeb pom tias cov nas ej thiab phab ej ncawg ncawg kuv es lawv hu hu kuv es khib nws vim lawv tsis k nws es nws xav ruin kuv xwb mas.
@@cynthiaxiong1120you crazy trying too hard to be around a bunch of young kids
@@cynthiaxiong1120 Sounds like you need a hobby or second job. You people have too much time on your hands to get involved with these overseas people. SMH. Are you getting paid for watching these overseas people's lives ?
Hais yog kawg li os
Luag hais tias tu qaib ntshuag ces tau ncej puab tu ntxhais ntshuag ces tau yeeb ncuab ces yog lauj nkawv ntag
Starts from the top the parents.
Koj puas tau pub zaub mov rau Kajsiab noj nab, koj thiaj siv lo lus neeg phem lo lus ko rau Kajsiab no. Yog hais tias koj tsis tau pub dej pub mov rau Kajsiab noj no ces koj lo lus ko txhaum lawm nawb. Lauj thiab see tsis tau tso cai rau koj cem Kajsiab thiab siv lo lus ko rau Kajsiab vim nkawd tsis tau hais rau Kajsiab rau neeg ntiaj teb hnov nawb.
Kuv tsis ntseeg leej twg li lawm vim ib tug hais li no ces ib tug hais kiag li tov ntag hmoob os hmoob aw nej yeej paub hais tias me nyuam ntsuag ces yeej tsis ntxim hlub li os tus ua nyiam see ces hais tias see yog ho tus ua hlub kab siab ces hais tias kab siab ua yog no xwb nawb hmoob
Tout à fait d'accord. Tout le monde parle trop à travers des vidéo sur youtube, des connaissances mais personne ne fait réellement des enquêtes. Aller directement sur place poser des questions avec les personnes concernées. C'est justes des suppositions... c'est malheureux les neuws hmongs.
Puas lawv khwv nyiaj TH-cam xwb ne?
Koj tsi hnov zeej xeeb thoj twb hai lo tej no yog kev khwv nyiaj youtube xwb yog lawv tsi hai li no ce tsi muaj neeg saib yuav tsum hai li no thiaj muaj neeg saib lawv cov youtube no ne😀😃😄😁
Kaj siab not am pog txiv yawg paub Ces lawv yuav tau hlub kaj siab vim lawv xav tias tau zoo ib tug Nyab
Ua cas hmoob txawm siv muab meskas lub July 4th no ua li hmoob lub tsiab 30 lawm....tij laug puas yog hmoob meskas ruam li miao hais......tsis tau txog July laiv.... .zoo li hmoob lub tsiab 30 pib thaum lub 9 hli ti nkaus lub 1 hli.....cov nyob tim nplog tsim nyog ev lub npe miao hos cov nyob meskas teb tsim nyog ev lub npe ruam.....
Saib pog kaj siab yeej paub tias pog kag kaj siab yog neeg siab phem
Brother imong phamlajvej aw hmoob nplog lub Tswv yim ua TH-cam khwv nyiaj kom cov nyiam2 see thiab cov nyiam2 ks los sib tog es kom neeg thiaj mus saib coob2 kom see thiab ks nkawm thiaj tau nyiaj los ua tsev zoo rau ks xwb os hmoob mekas aw hmoob mekas vaj tsev twb tsis zoo npaum li see lub na nej tsis pom lo?
It’s getting interesting
Kajsiab yog neeg tsis zoo
I believe you talk about those things
CAs kj yuav hais lub phem ua luaj li lawm niag pog los hais ko los cas nim yuav paub zoo ua luaj na nws nrog lawm nyob ua ke los es cas kj ho paub tias tus pog ko hais qhov tseeb no mas kj puas paub qhov tseeb mas
Cov neeg no hnov lus paj lus cua xwb ces txawm siv hais tias yog qhov tseeb. Peb li peb nug kom tau 2 tog, thiab muab kom tau pov thawj. Tsis muaj 2 yam no ces peb yeej tsis tau luag los iab liam leejtwg li os. Pab tus neeg no txaj muag heev.
@cynthiaxiong1120 so did you really do that? Are you really the mastermind?
@mayvang8317 are you dumb no one is the master mind here!!!!
@@mayvang8317 you wanna know? Hu kuv xwb es pheej nkaum behind koj lub computer ua dabtsis
Haha muaj li no thiab ❤❤
Tsi muaj li os!