Hahaha I'm glad Sargon picked up on this, it's literally like making hitler and his stormtroopers gay and black and Jewish, but in a completely deadpan non satirical way.
I only disagree that its "socialism", it's just money grubbing in the blindest way of a franchise being purchased by clueless people looking to liquidate the company for a quick buck.
Honestly with all the copes and memes people have made about Hitler over the years they kinda already have. How many people think that Hitler was himself jewish?
"it's literally like making hitler and his stormtroopers gay and black and Jewish, but in a completely deadpan non satirical way" Tarkin is gay though, we have black stormtroopers... I'm sure there's got to be a stormtrooper that celebrates Life Day XD
The more time passes, the more I discover that every 'slippery slope' is in fact a slippery slope and the government shouldn't be allowed anywhere near any slopes to grease up and shove us down.
Best thing is, even if something is not inherently a slippery slope, you can trust in some corrupt, crap legislation, to absolutely fuck things up. Good example I can share to underline your point; The government in Denmark shut down the biggest weed market in Scandinavia, not realizing they had just shut down a monopoly, they instead liberalized an unregulated market, crashed prices by 50%, digitalized the whole process, and basically accomplished the exact opposite of the intended effect. Funniest shit is with Germany liberalising, this now means we will eventually see the triumph of crap legislation or corruption, then it comes to my country, we get crap legislation, and the whole market benefits a few wealthy investors, subsequently somehow crashing the remnants of the afghan economy that were not tied up in exporting opium....and that was not even a slippery slope, it was just bad leadership and lawmaking creating a slippery slope out of nothing...I swear they all got tubs of brown soap instead of mothers milk as babies, only way things can be made so slippery
Slippery slope is a made up fallacy to disregard the logical conclusion of something, if a man starts slapping his wife you wouldn't say that it is a slippery slope to claim that the violence will escalate over time.
_Oh boy, four and half hours of Sargon and Arch ranting about female custodes._ "-oh hi guys, sorry to interrupt, I'm a Canadian, and I'm here to talk for hours about anything other than 40k."
7:30 That’s obvious Carl; it’s because the fans would side with the villain because he was based, and become more “heroic” and likable in the eyes of the audience, and they don’t want that. They don’t want to give you any non-ally to root for.
Like with barbie. Ken paints another side to the story and men went out of that movie having watched a different movie to the feminists. The left don't want you to be able to think outside of the left only that those outside of the left are evil.
I demand male Adeptus Soraritas, vegan Tyrannids, capitalist tau, and pacifist necrons! Lore be damned! If it no longer matters, lets make it as ridiculous as possible.
Honestly, I’ve got an army of relatively pacifist Necrons in my own fluff for them. But that’s mainly because they woke up too absolutely microwaved and malfunctioning, to really do much about the outside world. It’s nearly an entire dynasty of Zandrekhs, minus most of the flesh and blood delusions, and they’re fully open to treaties or non-aggression with the outside world. *Because they’re stoned.* Not because it makes sense, but EXPLICITLY because it doesn’t, and their clockwork is broken. It’d be like making diplomatic Orks. It’s funny, because you know eventually it’s going to stop working, and that it’s the exception to the rule for a reason.
Notice as Sargon denounces liberalism and the idea of equality in prefference to fairness, you can immediately hear the part where Dev's religious indoctrination kicks inn to defend his golden bull! When is he gonna see that he is part of the problem? In a smaller way, but still too much to be ignored.
so I was talking to my family about arch, not because their interested into lore like i am but because of the points he makes on politics and wokeism. This lead me to looking up online the "arch banned from being mentioned in games workshop"...defiantly found it, its a real thing and its funny how raciest and communist the people on reddit are why trying to black sheep you, keep fighting the good fight Arch man. I find it inspiring that as being a religious person myself how you are able to logically fight for the moral good even though you don't share the same spiritual belief that i have. Your a great guy man really can't express how much I appreciate your work
Dev declares he wants equality under the law. Something I typically agree with. Argues that it isn't ideological. Then in about ten minutea he declares that two people who commit the same crimes for different reasons should then potentially be treated differently, as Sargon was saying. Dev really is an intellectual lightweight.
The moment he admitted that he think the current president of the United States is legitimate was the moment I stopped listening to his political views. No one that gullible is worth your time.
@1e0isfdkorblpg It's ideological. The meaning is actually fair. The murder vs self defence is actually not ideological, though They are different laws for different purposes. Both laws are referencing homicide, but one is to be used in a circumstance of murder, whilst the other is to be used when a citizen is obligated to use lethal force in their own defence.
2:06:30 Dev is just flat out wrong on this part. China was directly shown to be losing the war with the mainland getting invaded by American forces. They were basically in a WW2 Japan scenario and the nukes were their final gamble (for irl Japan it was biological terror weapons)
Greed? Not likely. After all, who has made any money towing the woke line? And no, esg doesn't count. Getting a handout isn't the same as actually making money off of a woke product.
Dismantled. Each and every time Dev comes up against Sargon, Dev is picked apart and forced to abandon his position or he just changes the goalpost and sticks his fingers in his ears and screech. Arch just sees it, looks at chat, laughs with them and moves on.
Sargon and Arch are pretty much midwits when it comes to philosophy, I clipped and sent the entire talk they had about morality to my Priest, who also happens to be the head of Washington University's philosophy department, and we had a good chuckle over it.
"Equality," is one of the most misused and abused words in English right now. The phrase "all men are created equal," as used in the Declaration of Independence only ever meant that no man is better than another by virtue of birth, that no other man by virtue of birth has the right to rule over you. It was never intended to mean that all people are the same in every respect.
@@kotanightshade8989 Ya, the Declaration was wrong. I am an American, my first direct ancestor came here in 1611AD on the HMS Treasurer. I can still see when things go fundamentally wrong.
What it should mean and means in practice is screwed up. It should mean that people are treated in an equal matter. Your wealth or family shouldnt get you preferential treatment for example. It shouldnt matter if you are a man or a women either and so on. But in courtcases we see a clear biases beeing applied in the man vs women spectrum. And im sure in many other places. So we got the equality on paper, but not in practice.
And his explanation was about why he would not vote for Trump, rather than a reason to vote for Biden, which means all he cares about are the wrongs he sees Trump has committed while saying nothing about why the unconstitutional things Biden has done Iin office should be overlooked.
For f-sake, Dev has hijacked 3/4s of the stream. I don't care what his pseudo intellectual butt has to say about Canada or his politics, just stay on topic.
The argument at around the 1h mark just reminded me of the question of morality without a god that certain theists pose and then just not getting the answer because they can conceptualise morality outside their ideological framework. That's also where I ended the stream after seeing this comment because though the argument was entertaining for a bit, three more hours of it, not so much.
The turbo gay space marine chapter from white dwarf is called the "gate crashers"....sounds like an idiom for losing the ability to hold your ass shut.
They're called the "Gate Crushers", because we can't gatekeep if they crush the gate, right? 🤣 They're so fucking cringe, they just can't help themselves.
Please, stop baiting us by not having Dev's avatar for the first minute or so of the video... I was looking forward to you and Sargon and then he popped up.
Unironically, kick Dev. He's incredibly irrational and decreases everyone's iq just by speaking. It's not even Devil's Advocate stuff anymore, just ignoring objective truths.
@totalkhaos189 never let anyone tell you to abandon your friends. I do not agree with dev almost ever, but his presence on your streams is your decision arch. I'll try to watch as long as I can through his nonsense.
@@ThelastofNazarick I saw them lose their mind arguing with the guy, you could hear the annoyance in their voices. He must be one hell of a friend if they choose to keep hanging out with him despite all that.
@@ThelastofNazarick I understand you completely, if Arch wants Dev on, it's his choice. It's just that I feel like Dev is borderline trolling and just dragging things off topic because he can, it's just very frustrating for me to listen to when I came here to listen to the actual topic at hand rather than whatever crap he throws out.
He sounds like someone having to justify their position for the first time and realizing that they don’t have a leg to stand on. It’s like a crystalis growing into a butterfly.
@@Chromed84 Specialy against Sargon i mean Dev against Vee and Arch more or less has a go, but against Sargon who is clearly more smart and wise you can see he has problem, i mena i am sure i cant do bs against Sargon but i can see when to realize i dont have anything more to do and i am just waisting time, Dev looks he cant even stop and realize not so much lost but he has no position
@@Krysnha that not stopping is the mind working its way to justification. When it goes in circles, like Dev did, that it saying something, realizing it’s not correct and trying another approach. It’s a good illustration of the inverse of the saying you can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. Devs reasoning falls a bit flat under the scrutiny that Sargon applies.
@@Chromed84 I see, so he is thinking what Sargon said and as he said he is slow, and is trying to get out the position as he think what Sarong said. Well i see when he is with Arch and Vee he is faster but i can see against Sargon he is slower and clearly Sargon is too smart for him, or maybe well to use a less formal word in another league for Dev
Arch is a clown, he doesn't gaf, your comment will go unread. The constant donation racket will remain as will the garbage music he adds to every fur King video.
I would vote for Biden - Dev 4/20/2024 Not taken out of context btw. 2:50:32 Are you high dev? Minutes earlier he is explaining how the left will say and do whatever is necessary to get their way or prove their point. (BTW, Congrats for discovering that their defining position is "The ends justify the means" in the year 2024. This isn't some revelations though. They've said it publicly many times... And their actions demonstrate it every day.) Dev then goes on to say he would vote for Biden because of one single piece of evidence that Trump himself didn't write, but his lawyer did. (Which who even knows if it's real with the THOUSANDS of fake things that were made up by his opponents at this point.) You dismiss everything Biden himself has ever done bad. You dismiss everything all his people around him have done. And you say, "I'll vote for Biden because Trumps lawyer said something something bad". Wow... You know you could have just voted for anybody but either of them as well... At this point, I don't see how you can't believe you're a leftist. You're not a centrist. You're a leftist who is too edgy and would get kicked out by the orthodox leftists if you hang around for too long. And you're not fully into "The ends justify the means", but you are a leftist my man.
The ends always justify the means. That is everyone's position. The means justifying the ends is incoherent. It's a Hollywood meme that got out of hand.
@@Arphemius That is no ones position but that of evil people who wish to justify their evil deeds. "The means justify the ends" is not the other side of the same coin as you're insinuating. A persons actions justify themselves or condemn themselves independent of the outcome. That is one of the reasons why the ends does not justify them means. Also, people who willfully do evil because they think it will have a favorable outcome still did evil. You are your actions. They wont stop just because they got a good outcome. They will continue to do evil and continue to justify all of their actions by the successful outcomes.
@@Xearrik No, that is everyone's position including yours. You just bought into a stupid meme that it's not. ""The means justify the ends" is not the other side of the same coin as you're insinuating. A persons actions justify themselves or condemn themselves independent of the outcome." This is the same statement. You made the same statement, just reworded, after saying I was wrong, literally in the next sentence. I mean damn, just sit on that for a while. They're not sending their best. But of course you're wrong, the meme that "the ends don't justify the means" is nonsense. "Actions justify themselves", hah. Let's all do random nonsense and accept the outcome, yay! You can't define evil without bringing up ends. Which is not just outcomes, but more goals and intentions, btw. Please bring up a certain meme now, show once more how slackbrained one can be. Seriously, try to define what evil is without mentioning an end. Killing is wrong? Why? Because people dying is bad. So you can kill a killer to prevent people from dying? Yes. It's inarguable, all of morality functions that way. The idea that "the ends don't justify the means" somehow is a barely coherent meme no one who repeats it ever thought about a single bit.
@@Arphemius This subject is too complicated for you. It's not "random nonsense and accept the outcome". It's intent and expression of intent through action. This is why attempted murder is a crime. It doesn't matter if a person didn't get hurt. The intent and expression of that intent was evil regardless of the outcome. This isn't some random Hollywood meme like you keep stating... It's been around for at least over 500 years. You're not as smart as you think you are. There's a reason you're in the vast minority in this topic. And really the concept has been around for as long as we have recorded history. Just not expressed in those words. You're way of thinking has been used by hypocritical tyrants to justify their actions for thousands of years. But if you look at the laws they use to govern the masses, you see people punished for actions not just outcomes. Tyrants and generally bad people say the ends justify the means, and everyone else says they don't. The same way they would punish a cheating wife even if it didn't result in a child. No harm was done. There is no bad outcome. Why punish the women? Because intent and expression of that intent is king. I'm done with you. Continue to respond with random nonsense to try to convince yourself that you're not insane. I wont be here to read it.
@@Xearrik No, it's too complicated for you, clearly, Mr. "I will literally contradict myself within two sentences and be too stupid to notice". I already said you need to substantiate *why* intent is bad, which you will do by citing ends. You must, because "the means justify the ends" is incoherent. And no, tyrants are not the only ones that use that reasoning, you yourself inevitably use that reasoning, everyone does. You just don't understand what "the ends don't justify the means" implies, and that is what Hollywood did, it implanted that meme into people's heads so deeply that they don't think about it and don't understand it. Like you.
I still remember this guy getting mad at our hobby table for spending 1 CP to activate 'Trannyhuman Psychology' (Transhuman Physiology) in 8th edition. He also wasn't happy with me calling the 'Methodical Annihilation' stratagem as 'Maximise Autism'. We had weird ways to find fun when we play.
‘Maximise Autism’, knowing full well that it’s in the context of methodical annihilation, might be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard the little voice in my head read out in a serious tone I just imagine a tabletop commander frowning, shaking his head in regret as he reads through his options, and without looking up, saying; “I’ve no choice… Emperor forgive me. *Maximise Autism.”*
@@toastle8005 its funnier when you realise its an Iron Warrior specific stratagem. We also called 'Astral Gaze' from TS 'Asshole Gaze', due to how many times it caused vehicles to blow up. But yeah, the mental image of a commander activating 'Maximise Autism' reminds me of the old Battletech cartoon where the commander suddenly engages 3D view of the battlefield.
At this point i'm starting to think Dev is just a target dummy for the rest to test talking to leftist on... He misses any point you trow at him, wil fall back on his dogma, play word games, and change his goal posts on a whim... The only part that is different is that he comes back instead of running away all the time... And i'm prety certain that's not a good thing, judging by all the people that are sick of this merry go round we have to go trough every single time...
@@kwad8 Don't care, he could be channeling Marx himself for all i care, it got old years ago, if someone wants to run with whatever joke it is, fine but anyone that is stuck in the same joke for years is not joking anymore, he now only laughs as a selfdefense mechanism. Jokes end my friend, and Dev never stops doing this crap, so no, i disagree it is not a joke, he is like this for real...
@@BrandelwynIt all depends on the pfp. For example, Black lagoon pfps are usually chill from my experience, while Serial Lain pfps mean the user is probably a troon.
Dev not understanding the most basic concepts Carl was presenting was one of the hardest things I've had to watch in ages. Fr why is he constantly invited onto this podcast when he wasted time and makes Arch look ignorant for invinting him in the first place. I get they're friends and all but after a 1000 bad takes and that display the best way to help Dev is some distance. Have Vee in his place until he gets his head on straight or better yet a certain utensil we all know and should love
1:02:00. Dev is being purposefully obtuse here because he doesn't want to have to admit what he knows to be true. He knows exactly what Carl is talking about. If he doesn't, then he's not very smart and probably shouldn't be making politically intellectual youtube videos.
@@toastle8005All the Vee rips and jokes aside, dudes got a noggin. I don't watch everything he puts out, but when I do, he always says something out of the box and insightful.
@@toastle8005 Vee fills a different niche from Sargon. Vee's eastern European outlook is very different from the British European outlook, especially tacking on the experience of living in and having immediate family who lived in the Soviet Union. Sargon is notably more enlightened than Vee on account of age and readings, but Vee carries his weight well enough in an argument too. But also yes Sargon is at the point in life of "I don't care, I'll say what I want even if its mean"
You know the rules. Arch is allowed to keep producing TH-cam content so long as he's chaperoned by a glowie (Dev) at all times. A glowie who contributes thought-terminating nonsense every few minutes.
@@adamduffield7782 Scarcity makes something more valuable. Content creators takes on woke companies are a dime a dozen. Dev and Sargon's conversations about the source of wokeness are quite rare (more valuable). From a supply and demand perspective Dev added far more value than arch.
"...are a group of people that you can't really generalize in the same way as a single person." Dev finds out why leftists cannot define what a man, woman or even human is. Dev, we generalize all the time, it is how we create definitions and a functional language. The definition of table applies to more than just one singular instance of a table.
Nah... I'm a veteran that was about to have gun oil for breakfast after losing everything, but Arch's stories did save me from that fate. Also I've been talking to a bunch of SOCOM family people that are saying that he's talking about the stuff that Yuri Bezmenov is talking about.
It's subtle, but if you pay close attention you start to notice how whenever Arch or Sargon cite a factual example of the left doing or saying something indefensibly stupid or evil, Dev just laughs...and laughs...and says nothing...but then immediately carries on as if the presented fact (which should incite anger, not amusement) was never mentioned. Peter Hitchins has spoken about this - the phenomena whereby he will say something in a debate that totally destroys his opponent's position, yet their reaction is simply to laugh and then carry on with their arguments as if Peter had never said anything.
Most of the people screaming at GW to not sink their ship are the ones who have spent thousands of dollars for decades.... they literally KNOW this is the customer base. They know this is financial self deletion, but THE MESSAGE! THE HOLY MESSAGE!
Dev is a good example of the reasons why we need a wall on the Canadian border
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Also why you cannot outright trust people saying they are a fan of something or on your side. They have to prove they aint these wokefiltrators. And that is why they cry over gatekeeping and being called out on not knowing crap about the thing they are trying to corrupt.
They don't care about expanding SOB or SOS because the fans actually want it and no drama would be caused. That's why they went custodes and why they are still pushing for space marines. Gw could even simply show SOB or SOS in promotional trailers more instead of focusing on space marines for representation without changing lore. Show the already established female factions/characters being more badass, simple.
I go dancing, there is a fundmental rule in most partner dance that the male leads and the female follows. Granted, some of the better dancers will dance with same sex partners and will choose to take lessons on the opposite role to better understand the mechanics of the other side and that's fine. We had an event last week, it was sold to me as a role reversal dance class, fine. I get there, they have hung up posters about diversity, inclusion, challenging stereotypes. The lesson was not a clear swap of roles, it was random swapping of roles (men and women were randomly leads or follows), and the routine we learned swapped lead and follow between both partners. It's happening to this hobby now.
I would've walked out the moment I saw the diversity posters
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These crybullies just want to take all we love and break it in front of our eyes and if we fight back they run off to mommy government and claim we hit them. They are mindless children who need a special facility to live in, not be allowed to vote or such as they cannot even compete with a 6yo these days in terms of being able to spearate fiction and fantasy.
If I was put in charge of GW and asked to salvage the situation, I would unironically just direct a story be written about some sort of new daemonic invasion through subversion. Literally write it as an in-lore gaslighting, and end the event with the Custodes and true loyalist forces rallying to expel the disguised 'female' custodes with some sort of lore-based explanation for why people fell for this massive Psy-Op, and then double down on 'there were never female custodes', do a meta thing where the previous authors were simply caught up in the grand deception, the heresy has been purged, resume enjoying 40k. Work it into the lore as a cheeky nod to the attempted infiltration of the hobby, and the valiant defense of the Imperium (fans) to defeat this rot that looked to take root within. And let it sit there, as a reminder of the left's FAILURE, and as a warning to would-be subversives of the future. It would give a literal event that fans in the future could cite for proof unambiguous and deliberate in order to gatekeep. Sadly, we don't live in that timeline.
The problem is that by creating more meta commentary on it, you increase it, make it bigger. The culture war has gained a foothold regardless of how you 'attack' it. If GW genuinely wants to avert alienating the fans further then all that remains is is pretending that it never happened. She exists in the canon but she's a nobody and it is forgotten.
It would be kind of interesting if she was the only one. Make it so she is a failed experiment that took the resources required to make 10 custodes but is only half as strong but is also a minor psyker. Could have an entire trilogy of a very conflicted character.
Actually what should be done is a full retraction of the entire new codex, then a re-release of the previous Custodes codex. Simply say that "there was an error" with the release and it has "been corrected". Along with a "we apologize for the mistake".
Arch: "Is Teal Deer still alive?" Sargon recalls utterly destroying TL;DR seven years back in a video war. Sargon: "Dunno...wonder what happened to him..." >.>
He's around...Think he gave up and went to alternate platforms when TH-cam just kept throttling his chanel I miss him, his genuine research streams were some of the best content, gaming streams were enjoyable too Shits on par with watching Sseth actually go in detail on immunology back during the Dlive streams
Warhammer is a fascinating fictional concept If you make it reflective of modern feminist western society then it loses its fascination entirely The whole point is to be on the outside looking in Women and feminist people have to see themselves represented in the material and find it impossible to play with something that isn’t them. The self centredness is off the scale in the western world
The problem with Sargon's point is that there is not a problem with Liberalism as a concept, but with an appeasement polici that is practicaly beaten into british politics for at least the last 2 centuries and they force it on every vassal state that they produced. In the truly liberal state the rights of person begins and ends with the rights of every other person so when your wishes damages everyone around you, than you should get the iron fist of the law and not be appeased by giving you at least half of what you wishes for.
Once again, I am at the irony of watching these late and just hearing Sargon say they want to shoot Trump and Dave saying that’s not going to happen little ironic
Although i wasn't a Warhammer 40K fan bur i have been politically aware for a while now and have also noticed how woke politics is in EVERYTHING for a long long time. And this goes back further than most people realize. Most think the left only spawned into existence in the last 10-15 years. But go back and watch old 90's and 80's movies and even older and you can see all this was there too. It just was more subtle or better executed.
I listened for hours just for dev to arrive at the point that the left doesn't have principles and uses whatever set best works for them in the moment. A point Sargo, Vee and Arch along with the viewers of all 4 have known for years
"I don't disagree with you haha, explain how what I said is different to what you said haha, I'm sorry I don't seem to get it haha, its going over my head haha, Canadagud haha." Dev ad nauseam for 2/3 of every stream he shows up. Its like nails on a bloody chalk board.
It’s money. The core hobby represents a fraction of ‘fans’ who actually play the table top games. Everyone else reads books, plays video games, and, GWS is banking on them watching media made in the 40k universe. And they’re operating under the mistaken idea that the way to generate mass appeal for the IP is DEI…only trouble is DEI practices are anti white, anti male, and anti-normal sexuality; and those people are all hard passing on products that incorporate DEI for obvious reasons. Don’t give money to people who hate you.
@@berndberndsen5680There's only a 1-hour "Debate" on Open Bar, but the EFAP Crew was too preoccupied with covering Rebell Moon pt 2 this week. Hopefully they cover Fallout next week, I'm tired of hearing how "great" it is from normies.
2:29:00 - Dev really needs his own "debate Vee" podcast. Or Vee can host it, since he streams 6 times a week. 3:10:00 - Dev, you're fucking canadian. You live in canada. I get that you have foreign friends online, but yah need to touch grass, bud. Really. You live in canada, my friend.
As with video game fans, the warhammer community will just eat the slop given to them. These types of hobbies are filled with either people who like the slop or cowards who are too afraid to speak up.
The missing element of Sargon's mentality is religion. Not everyone will instinctively feel the same moral instincts so in order for Sargon's tradition based system of governance to work there had to be some transcendant rule set to overrule any dispute. Otherwise it turns into "some societies believe you should love your neighbor and some believe you should eat your neighbor. Do you have a preference?"
Every culture has the same morals they are just expressed in different ways, this is also true of different age groups. When you factor in Haidt's moral foundations and the effects of hormones on voting patterns it becomes pretty clear that progressives/libertarians are a kind of developmental defect. To borrow Haidt's comparison, it's almost like if you don't have a healthy relationship with your parents and you don't have healthy T-levels then you can't see half the color spectrum. It used to be true that some ethnicities couldn't see shades of green but that has changed as they interbred with neighbours.
@@dontcallthemliberals3316 libertarians are hyper focused on individual liberty, they dont track well with other conservatives or progressives. Progressives are focused and harm and fairness. Consertives consider all but emphasis purity, authority, and loyalty. Less a defect and more a system on the level of groups and populations imo.
@@DizzyDisco93 Except the only culturally universal group is conservatives. Sure if you want to say narcissism and psychopathy aren't developmental defects be my guest but at that point we are just playing semantics.
@dontcallthemliberals3316 I suspect we are having different conversations. As I can no longer see the initial comment, I'll only be able to guess why. I assume you conflated progressive and libertarians, and that you were using moral foundations theory to do so. A general retort to to this comment would be that every culture has a progressive/conservative divide of some sort. The way in which it manifests differs to time and place. The temperance movement of the 1920s has all the hallmarks of a progressive movement, for instance. Attributing things like narcissism and psychopathy to entire groups is disingenuous. The game could be played by both sides to no real effect, and the only thing gained is wasted time.
@@DizzyDisco93 'Conservative' moral foundations are the result of a healthy balance of hormones. It logically follows that Prog's and lolbert's moral foundations are an unhealthy balance. I don't think that's conflating the two. Oestrogen increases sensitivity to negative emotion, continued exposure to intense negative emotion triggers expression of the dark triad traits (psychopathy, narcissism, etc) it logically follows then that pumping your teenage daughter with oestrogen every day increases the chance of her becoming a narcissist. Denying this stuff without any real falsification is in fact wasting far more time than having the hard conversation.
I swear, the more academic that sargon gets the less coherent his descriptions of concepts gets. Also, per usual, Dev was 95% wrong, band that last 5% was only his anchor point to dance around, beyond, without and away from any point that could have been made. vee needs a cold shower or something, man's got issues. Arch was right, and yet not-right by allowing 1 point to dominate (more of a maypole dance, the points in the middle and everyone was just running around it dodging and weaving) the convo 3-4 effin times in a row.
I think that's the necessary outcome of becoming more philosophical, you start to understand things more on an intuitive plane while trying to use rationality to explain it.
@@TheMithridates oh yeah he threw me out, even though I agreed with him over Dev, I was left there alongside Dev saying “…I’m genuinely sorry, I’m not playing stupid, say that again?”
The thing that Sargon did wrong was get hyper specific in terminology, e.g. Dev says equality before the law and means between different demographics but Sargon wants to get to the root of the idea and misunderstands what Dev means. It's like a physicist who hears someone say weight and starts to talk about the scientific definition of mass time gravity.
"Would you save the last communist?" Dev "I'd put him in a zoo" Yes and charge people to look at him to buy increasingly expensive things to put in his enclosure. That sounds like a laugh.
No, the Brotherhood of Steel were Never a Religious Cult of Tech worshipers. Not at all. They were a Fraternal Military Order of Isolationists whom felt that unfettered advanced tech and experimentation is what led to the destruction of Humanity. They never worshiped technology, they never had religious texts or rituals. If anything they were more akin to Monestary Monks and Knights, learning about technology and preserving knowledge, while keeping it out of the hands of people whom would abuse it.
30:47 Some dont, but a lot of them do. Look at people like Vaush and Keffals and all they’ve done if you want an example. You cant debate people who view you as at best an idiot or at worst a blight to be removed.
I think one example Sargon can use is the difference between say the code of Hamarabi and our current law code. What we do now is write down everything you can't do, so everything that isn't written down is lawful even if it isn't right. Codes like Hamarabi or even the Old Testament laws rely on case law as examples, it puts forth a virtue and an example and judgment from which judges are expected to extrapolate the principles from and apply them to specific cases they experience, as such the law is less important than the underlying principles.
@@BruhMoment-fr4zrNo! He's an activist for the Ts. A light one compared to the real woke-garbage, but still of the "faith". Whenever he says that he hung out with a female he's lying. It's just a female name.
A tourist is someone who brings enters a space that has a specific culture and they while in that space stick to and impose there outside culture onto the space they have entered while putting on a mask of some of the culture they have entered, think the westerner who has lived in Japan for years, puts on the traditional clothes know the correct greeting etc but they are still very western in there mannerisms etc they are a tourist they might really like the Japanese culture but only as far as it fits inside there western sensibilities
The based position is to say that Robyn D Angelo is correct, that everyone is racist and we are all on that spectrum. The point is to have ingroup preference but not be unduly unfair to outgroups and be willing to give people a chance to prove themselves to you regardless of their background. Humans can never reach a perfect state of anti racism, and it is through acknowledging and respecting our differences that the closest thing to harmony can be achieved.
@@dakabaka4912 The left thinks it is, and they control every institution and all of mainstream thought, including most mainline dictionaries. Basically, a good thought experiment to try is saying everything the left says, but instead of the bits where they say: "this is a problem" you say: "based". It is surprising how often it is more correct than the liberal centre right position.
@@dontcallthemliberals3316 - They are the integration of both. Socialism is Communism without the politics, in its pure form. Fascism... That's a government modifier. Like, you can have a fascist Monarchy or a Fascist Democracy. You don't usually, but you could, technically have one. Ironically, Fascism lends itself well to socialism. Everything in the state, everything for the state, but there are degrees of Fascism, like everything else.
@@TheEldritchGod Yes and the argument of the dissident right (which Sargon is now a part of) boils down to 'I don't like this degree of liberalism so we need to throw out liberalism' its a braindead take. He's just playing a semantic game to dogwhistle for extreme action (understandably due to UK's circumstances). Whereas Dev is being honest and sincere. Dev lives in a fog because Sargon is a giant fog machine.
I like how any of my female friends that likes warhammer or games in general either really like the armies with the buff savage dudes or the turbo murder, goth, stripper elves(witch elves). And yes that's how I describe my armies to them. Female custodes Really isn't doing anything but signal how GW is pissing up their own ass then are about the fans they already have.
Remarkably so. On the other hand, Arch went off the deep end at around 3:25:35 with his notion of oppressing the population to make them grateful afterwards. Dev is right that allowing people to climb out of poverty by the fruits of their own labours is what leads to a growing middle class and a hopeful working class that is resistant to socialist infiltration. If people think they can better their own situation and that of their children, they will work to improve themselves and their own lot; if all you offer is oppression and decline, they lose investment in society and will tear it down to make room for themselves. The abolition of serfdom marks a defining point in societies in which violent revolution no longer becomes possible, because the population no longer finds it desirable, whereas serfdom or slavery breeds envy and resentment, especially if you attempt to enslave people who are used to freedom. I think this is one of the few things that could spark a revolution in the West in current times, which is why the Covid lockdowns were so incredibly dangerous; if you suddenly try to enforce that kind of oppression on people who are used to freedom, you are likely to provoke a counter reaction from them, proportional in measure to the degree to which you attempt to oppress.
I broke some of my ribs once it felt like someone was stabbing me over and over again every time I took a deep breath. Dev has the same effect on my ears every time he speaks.
3:23:00 I almost died from cringe… Dev, I have no idea where you’ve managed to pick this up, but ‘bednyak’ is a Russian word for a ‘poor person’ and ‘srednyak’ is not a thing, but can be interpreted as a ‘not so poor person’. Soviets did not use this ‘classes’ at all.
Jesus Christ, Lord above, I'm tired of the constant, willful dishonesty, nothing but word games and straw man arguments to deny reality, stop it with the 'okay as I understand it' No, listen to the words being said, don't interpret them in whatever method is convenient to maintain your preferred version of reality, the words have meaning, they paint a clear picture, stop redefining concepts to match your view and acting as though it was always the intended meaning, definition is not open to interpretation.
The tourists and cultural marxists are having a field day with this. Well, time for them to receive the esteemed honor of my indifference. Let's see them prop up their new solidified corporate conquest with their own cash. I won't be holding my breath. XD
I very much enjoyed the philosophical conversation it was good and I want to give Dev credit because he had such a good attitude and seemed to be engaging entirely good faith and of course Sargon was excellent because he has years of practice
"May you live long enough to see all your hobbies become mainstream." - ancient internet curse
"May your hobbies forever remain niche" -ancient internet blessing
Or heaven become hell
@@Boss_Tigger In the past we beleive it was consider nothing, now we desire it
I'm going to use AI to flood the internet with female custodies henti.
"If you don't hate GW, you aren't a Warhammer fan."
-The Warhammer fan's adage
Hahaha I'm glad Sargon picked up on this, it's literally like making hitler and his stormtroopers gay and black and Jewish, but in a completely deadpan non satirical way.
I only disagree that its "socialism", it's just money grubbing in the blindest way of a franchise being purchased by clueless people looking to liquidate the company for a quick buck.
Honestly with all the copes and memes people have made about Hitler over the years they kinda already have. How many people think that Hitler was himself jewish?
Google Gemini AI is the Way 😂
Of all the takes, this is what you get? This is way off.
"it's literally like making hitler and his stormtroopers gay and black and Jewish, but in a completely deadpan non satirical way"
Tarkin is gay though, we have black stormtroopers... I'm sure there's got to be a stormtrooper that celebrates Life Day XD
I kinda love Sargons approach to Dev. It's like a dad sitting down and trying to gently explain what his kid did wrong.
And he figured out how to actaully get Dev to listen...... Holy shit, its cause Sargon is an actaul dad.
@DreadnoughtFiend I was thinking that too. I wonder if Dev has teenager Dads in his friend group. They definitely have a different world view.
The more time passes, the more I discover that every 'slippery slope' is in fact a slippery slope and the government shouldn't be allowed anywhere near any slopes to grease up and shove us down.
Best thing is, even if something is not inherently a slippery slope, you can trust in some corrupt, crap legislation, to absolutely fuck things up.
Good example I can share to underline your point; The government in Denmark shut down the biggest weed market in Scandinavia, not realizing they had just shut down a monopoly, they instead liberalized an unregulated market, crashed prices by 50%, digitalized the whole process, and basically accomplished the exact opposite of the intended effect.
Funniest shit is with Germany liberalising, this now means we will eventually see the triumph of crap legislation or corruption, then it comes to my country, we get crap legislation, and the whole market benefits a few wealthy investors, subsequently somehow crashing the remnants of the afghan economy that were not tied up in exporting opium....and that was not even a slippery slope, it was just bad leadership and lawmaking creating a slippery slope out of nothing...I swear they all got tubs of brown soap instead of mothers milk as babies, only way things can be made so slippery
Slippery slope is a made up fallacy to disregard the logical conclusion of something, if a man starts slapping his wife you wouldn't say that it is a slippery slope to claim that the violence will escalate over time.
_Oh boy, four and half hours of Sargon and Arch ranting about female custodes._
"-oh hi guys, sorry to interrupt, I'm a Canadian, and I'm here to talk for hours about anything other than 40k."
*My disappointment is immeasurable, and my Dark Souls/Sargon and Arch rant session is ruined*
This episode almost convinced that Dev is just a bad actor and is trying to disrupt productive conversation, almost.
@@mukingdom Just noticing that eh? Not that he's a bad actor, just the 'Aktually' meme personified.
@@MrKoobuhMaybe this.. I don't believe he's a "bad actor", just that he's actually trying to understand other people's points of view.
7:30 That’s obvious Carl; it’s because the fans would side with the villain because he was based, and become more “heroic” and likable in the eyes of the audience, and they don’t want that.
They don’t want to give you any non-ally to root for.
Exactly this. Our ideas MUST NOT be represented in order for them to successfully take things away from us.
Like with barbie. Ken paints another side to the story and men went out of that movie having watched a different movie to the feminists. The left don't want you to be able to think outside of the left only that those outside of the left are evil.
Gangs of New York
@imperius88 correct. Same reason that 1984 character was reducing words in the dictionary.
Arch: "We keep getting off topic."
You do this to yourself, Arch.
I demand male Adeptus Soraritas, vegan Tyrannids, capitalist tau, and pacifist necrons!
Lore be damned! If it no longer matters, lets make it as ridiculous as possible.
And we bring father Curze and brother Sevatar back as well!
I want the Femboys of Battle. Slaanesh will go crazy.
uhh necron's are pacifist's you just need to get out of the way
Let's go accelerationists
Honestly, I’ve got an army of relatively pacifist Necrons in my own fluff for them.
But that’s mainly because they woke up too absolutely microwaved and malfunctioning, to really do much about the outside world. It’s nearly an entire dynasty of Zandrekhs, minus most of the flesh and blood delusions, and they’re fully open to treaties or non-aggression with the outside world.
*Because they’re stoned.* Not because it makes sense, but EXPLICITLY because it doesn’t, and their clockwork is broken.
It’d be like making diplomatic Orks. It’s funny, because you know eventually it’s going to stop working, and that it’s the exception to the rule for a reason.
Notice as Sargon denounces liberalism and the idea of equality in prefference to fairness, you can immediately hear the part where Dev's religious indoctrination kicks inn to defend his golden bull!
When is he gonna see that he is part of the problem?
In a smaller way, but still too much to be ignored.
Yes, "fairness". What with "fair" being the second most misused word in English right after "equal".
so I was talking to my family about arch, not because their interested into lore like i am but because of the points he makes on politics and wokeism. This lead me to looking up online the "arch banned from being mentioned in games workshop"...defiantly found it, its a real thing and its funny how raciest and communist the people on reddit are why trying to black sheep you, keep fighting the good fight Arch man. I find it inspiring that as being a religious person myself how you are able to logically fight for the moral good even though you don't share the same spiritual belief that i have. Your a great guy man really can't express how much I appreciate your work
🫡 for the Old Guard, and the gate keeping. Fight on, brother, for the youngsters who are yet to see the beauty of what we fought to protect
Dev declares he wants equality under the law. Something I typically agree with. Argues that it isn't ideological. Then in about ten minutea he declares that two people who commit the same crimes for different reasons should then potentially be treated differently, as Sargon was saying.
Dev really is an intellectual lightweight.
The moment he admitted that he think the current president of the United States is legitimate was the moment I stopped listening to his political views. No one that gullible is worth your time.
He's good at being a chronicler of the Internet and remembering and bringing up prior events and posting them. Otherwise he should let Sargon talk
@1e0isfdkorblpg It's ideological. The meaning is actually fair. The murder vs self defence is actually not ideological, though They are different laws for different purposes. Both laws are referencing homicide, but one is to be used in a circumstance of murder, whilst the other is to be used when a citizen is obligated to use lethal force in their own defence.
Dev is here to make everyone else seem smarter.
@@60sSam Dev is the intellectual equivalent of the fat friend you get to make you look skinny.
2:06:30 Dev is just flat out wrong on this part. China was directly shown to be losing the war with the mainland getting invaded by American forces.
They were basically in a WW2 Japan scenario and the nukes were their final gamble (for irl Japan it was biological terror weapons)
It actually makes perfect sense for an evil character to not be "transphobic" considering what "transphobic" means.
It's not what the word/position means to them. The woke-garbage has decided that phobia is a different thing than what it is. It's very 1984.
No one fears them, but they are revolting and perverted.
Eh, I’m done with GW. Been a fan for 25 years but them bowing to the leftists shows either greed or cowardice. I am not a fan of either.
Are you sure it's not a grim combination of both? It wouldn't be the first time for GW
"...shows either greed...", noooooo, GW? You don't say...
Greedy cowards?
Greed? Not likely. After all, who has made any money towing the woke line? And no, esg doesn't count. Getting a handout isn't the same as actually making money off of a woke product.
You're forgetting the third possibility : subversion.
Can't bow the knee to leftists if you're leftist.
Dismantled. Each and every time Dev comes up against Sargon, Dev is picked apart and forced to abandon his position or he just changes the goalpost and sticks his fingers in his ears and screech.
Arch just sees it, looks at chat, laughs with them and moves on.
Arch and chat in their echo chamber.
Arch and Sargon: deep philosophical musings. Dev: "I'M GAY
If you put a chirping monkey in the corner, it tends to distract from the rest of the room.
The fuck are you on about. Arch barely had any "deep philosophical conversation" and wanted to stay on topic.
Haha that reminds me of Cum Town
Sargon's not really a great philosopher. Neither is Arch, but he doesn't pretend to be one either.
Sargon and Arch are pretty much midwits when it comes to philosophy, I clipped and sent the entire talk they had about morality to my Priest, who also happens to be the head of Washington University's philosophy department, and we had a good chuckle over it.
"Equality," is one of the most misused and abused words in English right now. The phrase "all men are created equal," as used in the Declaration of Independence only ever meant that no man is better than another by virtue of birth, that no other man by virtue of birth has the right to rule over you. It was never intended to mean that all people are the same in every respect.
But that's not true. Those born of noble or royal birth are better.
@@BogaSlawayou mean like the system the Declaration was specifically calling out?
@@kotanightshade8989 Ya, the Declaration was wrong. I am an American, my first direct ancestor came here in 1611AD on the HMS Treasurer. I can still see when things go fundamentally wrong.
@@BogaSlawa Yes, all that inbreeding gives their line a certain zest.
What it should mean and means in practice is screwed up. It should mean that people are treated in an equal matter. Your wealth or family shouldnt get you preferential treatment for example. It shouldnt matter if you are a man or a women either and so on. But in courtcases we see a clear biases beeing applied in the man vs women spectrum. And im sure in many other places. So we got the equality on paper, but not in practice.
Well that was something. I also couldn't believe Dev said he'd vote Biden 2024 if he could.
I wasn't surprised, because I know people in Romania 50+ years old, anti communism, but at the same time they say Biden is better.
RFK Jr. 2024!
And his explanation was about why he would not vote for Trump, rather than a reason to vote for Biden, which means all he cares about are the wrongs he sees Trump has committed while saying nothing about why the unconstitutional things Biden has done Iin office should be overlooked.
Dev is ultimately a useful idiot when it comes right down to it.
I mean, he IS a communist...
For f-sake, Dev has hijacked 3/4s of the stream. I don't care what his pseudo intellectual butt has to say about Canada or his politics, just stay on topic.
Time to deploy Agent Orange.
Isn't that every stream Dev is on? I don't watch all of them but I feel like every one I've watched ends up with him arguing with Sargon, Vee or both
I don't mind him disagreeing, but by the very least disagree _on the actual topic_
Dev is really irritating. He does this wherever he goes
The argument at around the 1h mark just reminded me of the question of morality without a god that certain theists pose and then just not getting the answer because they can conceptualise morality outside their ideological framework. That's also where I ended the stream after seeing this comment because though the argument was entertaining for a bit, three more hours of it, not so much.
"This world will burn."
"It won't be the first. Nor the last."
Most commies are upper class. Most working class are left wing economics plus right wing socially, not commies.
Working class are perfect mix of nationalism and socialism 🙏
Id love to see a reality TV show on champagne socialist living in communism.
@@reiisthebestgirl Hey there's a word that perfectly describes these two things combined.
The turbo gay space marine chapter from white dwarf is called the "gate crashers"....sounds like an idiom for losing the ability to hold your ass shut.
The cake smashers....The AssBlasters!
The Emperor's uphill gardeners.
They're called the "Gate Crushers", because we can't gatekeep if they crush the gate, right? 🤣
They're so fucking cringe, they just can't help themselves.
@@Azraiel213 exactly gatecrashers wasn't dominant enough.
@@Azraiel213 Tzeentch probably swapped the single letter and gave everyone else false memories to torture me. Yeah, that's probably it.
Please, stop baiting us by not having Dev's avatar for the first minute or so of the video... I was looking forward to you and Sargon and then he popped up.
Unironically, kick Dev. He's incredibly irrational and decreases everyone's iq just by speaking. It's not even Devil's Advocate stuff anymore, just ignoring objective truths.
@@totalkhaos189 I legit will not watch the rest of this stream, after I saw Dev pop up. I don't care if Arch likes him, the audience doesn't
@totalkhaos189 never let anyone tell you to abandon your friends. I do not agree with dev almost ever, but his presence on your streams is your decision arch. I'll try to watch as long as I can through his nonsense.
@@ThelastofNazarick I saw them lose their mind arguing with the guy, you could hear the annoyance in their voices. He must be one hell of a friend if they choose to keep hanging out with him despite all that.
@@ThelastofNazarick I understand you completely, if Arch wants Dev on, it's his choice. It's just that I feel like Dev is borderline trolling and just dragging things off topic because he can, it's just very frustrating for me to listen to when I came here to listen to the actual topic at hand rather than whatever crap he throws out.
Dev is cringe and a great example why Canada has turned to shit.
Yes rigth, i mean come on, i was hatting listening these he was always interrupting Sargon and he contradicted in some parts, it was so sad
He sounds like someone having to justify their position for the first time and realizing that they don’t have a leg to stand on. It’s like a crystalis growing into a butterfly.
@@Chromed84 Specialy against Sargon i mean Dev against Vee and Arch more or less has a go, but against Sargon who is clearly more smart and wise you can see he has problem, i mena i am sure i cant do bs against Sargon but i can see when to realize i dont have anything more to do and i am just waisting time, Dev looks he cant even stop and realize not so much lost but he has no position
@@Krysnha that not stopping is the mind working its way to justification. When it goes in circles, like Dev did, that it saying something, realizing it’s not correct and trying another approach. It’s a good illustration of the inverse of the saying you can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. Devs reasoning falls a bit flat under the scrutiny that Sargon applies.
@@Chromed84 I see, so he is thinking what Sargon said and as he said he is slow, and is trying to get out the position as he think what Sarong said.
Well i see when he is with Arch and Vee he is faster but i can see against Sargon he is slower and clearly Sargon is too smart for him, or maybe well to use a less formal word in another league for Dev
You know, I once broke my ankle, and it was almost as painful as listening to Dev.
Ouch! 🤣
Almost 😂
Boot dev
10 minutes in and I gotta say: goddammit those constant donation voice lines are distracting and annoying!
Service DOES Guarantee Citizenship!
Do you have what it takes? Would you like to know more?
_Heresy Detected!_
If heresy is the question, fire is the answer! Huehuehue
I'm probably going to stop listening because of that crap.
Arch is a clown, he doesn't gaf, your comment will go unread. The constant donation racket will remain as will the garbage music he adds to every fur King video.
"Equal before the law" I think politicians shouldhave harsher punishments than citizens.
I would vote for Biden - Dev 4/20/2024 Not taken out of context btw. 2:50:32 Are you high dev?
Minutes earlier he is explaining how the left will say and do whatever is necessary to get their way or prove their point. (BTW, Congrats for discovering that their defining position is "The ends justify the means" in the year 2024. This isn't some revelations though. They've said it publicly many times... And their actions demonstrate it every day.) Dev then goes on to say he would vote for Biden because of one single piece of evidence that Trump himself didn't write, but his lawyer did. (Which who even knows if it's real with the THOUSANDS of fake things that were made up by his opponents at this point.) You dismiss everything Biden himself has ever done bad. You dismiss everything all his people around him have done. And you say, "I'll vote for Biden because Trumps lawyer said something something bad".
Wow... You know you could have just voted for anybody but either of them as well... At this point, I don't see how you can't believe you're a leftist. You're not a centrist. You're a leftist who is too edgy and would get kicked out by the orthodox leftists if you hang around for too long. And you're not fully into "The ends justify the means", but you are a leftist my man.
The ends always justify the means. That is everyone's position. The means justifying the ends is incoherent. It's a Hollywood meme that got out of hand.
@@Arphemius That is no ones position but that of evil people who wish to justify their evil deeds.
"The means justify the ends" is not the other side of the same coin as you're insinuating. A persons actions justify themselves or condemn themselves independent of the outcome. That is one of the reasons why the ends does not justify them means.
Also, people who willfully do evil because they think it will have a favorable outcome still did evil. You are your actions. They wont stop just because they got a good outcome. They will continue to do evil and continue to justify all of their actions by the successful outcomes.
@@Xearrik No, that is everyone's position including yours. You just bought into a stupid meme that it's not.
""The means justify the ends" is not the other side of the same coin as you're insinuating. A persons actions justify themselves or condemn themselves independent of the outcome."
This is the same statement. You made the same statement, just reworded, after saying I was wrong, literally in the next sentence. I mean damn, just sit on that for a while. They're not sending their best.
But of course you're wrong, the meme that "the ends don't justify the means" is nonsense. "Actions justify themselves", hah. Let's all do random nonsense and accept the outcome, yay!
You can't define evil without bringing up ends. Which is not just outcomes, but more goals and intentions, btw. Please bring up a certain meme now, show once more how slackbrained one can be.
Seriously, try to define what evil is without mentioning an end.
Killing is wrong? Why? Because people dying is bad. So you can kill a killer to prevent people from dying? Yes. It's inarguable, all of morality functions that way. The idea that "the ends don't justify the means" somehow is a barely coherent meme no one who repeats it ever thought about a single bit.
@@Arphemius This subject is too complicated for you.
It's not "random nonsense and accept the outcome". It's intent and expression of intent through action.
This is why attempted murder is a crime. It doesn't matter if a person didn't get hurt. The intent and expression of that intent was evil regardless of the outcome.
This isn't some random Hollywood meme like you keep stating... It's been around for at least over 500 years. You're not as smart as you think you are. There's a reason you're in the vast minority in this topic. And really the concept has been around for as long as we have recorded history. Just not expressed in those words.
You're way of thinking has been used by hypocritical tyrants to justify their actions for thousands of years. But if you look at the laws they use to govern the masses, you see people punished for actions not just outcomes. Tyrants and generally bad people say the ends justify the means, and everyone else says they don't. The same way they would punish a cheating wife even if it didn't result in a child. No harm was done. There is no bad outcome. Why punish the women? Because intent and expression of that intent is king.
I'm done with you. Continue to respond with random nonsense to try to convince yourself that you're not insane. I wont be here to read it.
@@Xearrik No, it's too complicated for you, clearly, Mr. "I will literally contradict myself within two sentences and be too stupid to notice". I already said you need to substantiate *why* intent is bad, which you will do by citing ends. You must, because "the means justify the ends" is incoherent.
And no, tyrants are not the only ones that use that reasoning, you yourself inevitably use that reasoning, everyone does. You just don't understand what "the ends don't justify the means" implies, and that is what Hollywood did, it implanted that meme into people's heads so deeply that they don't think about it and don't understand it. Like you.
I still remember this guy getting mad at our hobby table for spending 1 CP to activate 'Trannyhuman Psychology' (Transhuman Physiology) in 8th edition.
He also wasn't happy with me calling the 'Methodical Annihilation' stratagem as 'Maximise Autism'.
We had weird ways to find fun when we play.
‘Maximise Autism’, knowing full well that it’s in the context of methodical annihilation, might be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard the little voice in my head read out in a serious tone
I just imagine a tabletop commander frowning, shaking his head in regret as he reads through his options, and without looking up, saying;
“I’ve no choice… Emperor forgive me. *Maximise Autism.”*
@@toastle8005 its funnier when you realise its an Iron Warrior specific stratagem.
We also called 'Astral Gaze' from TS 'Asshole Gaze', due to how many times it caused vehicles to blow up.
But yeah, the mental image of a commander activating 'Maximise Autism' reminds me of the old Battletech cartoon where the commander suddenly engages 3D view of the battlefield.
At this point i'm starting to think Dev is just a target dummy for the rest to test talking to leftist on...
He misses any point you trow at him, wil fall back on his dogma, play word games, and change his goal posts on a whim...
The only part that is different is that he comes back instead of running away all the time...
And i'm prety certain that's not a good thing, judging by all the people that are sick of this merry go round we have to go trough every single time...
Dev is doing this intentionally his goofy laughs help give it away. You can hear his shit
Eating grin through his nonsense
@@kwad8 Don't care, he could be channeling Marx himself for all i care, it got old years ago, if someone wants to run with whatever joke it is, fine but anyone that is stuck in the same joke for years is not joking anymore, he now only laughs as a selfdefense mechanism.
Jokes end my friend, and Dev never stops doing this crap, so no, i disagree it is not a joke, he is like this for real...
The more left leaning you are, the more you will lie and use deceit in discourse
My God you guys are as bad as leftist you criticize.
@@kwad8So he’s “only pretending?”
0:00:00 Beginning of pleasant conversation
0:01:48 Fuckin Dev arrives
3:43:30 Dev finally fuckin leaves
Not all heroes wear capes.
Anime pfp's are the indigenous people of the internet.
Jajaja, i hate them too
@@10011110011 why tho? Many of us are pretty chill.
@@BrandelwynIt all depends on the pfp. For example, Black lagoon pfps are usually chill from my experience, while Serial Lain pfps mean the user is probably a troon.
@@loke801 lol
What Abt furries????
The alternate electors...that's the reason to vote for Biden. Wtf?!
Dev not understanding the most basic concepts Carl was presenting was one of the hardest things I've had to watch in ages. Fr why is he constantly invited onto this podcast when he wasted time and makes Arch look ignorant for invinting him in the first place. I get they're friends and all but after a 1000 bad takes and that display the best way to help Dev is some distance.
Have Vee in his place until he gets his head on straight or better yet a certain utensil we all know and should love
Vee cant due to time difference
@@OUTLAW1345It's 2 hours. How late are they starting these?
And canada is not???
Because Dev's retardation generates superchats like nothing else
@@10011110011 Vee also has wife who is pregnant and due that he does not stay late
'I will never vote for Trump"
And this, Dev, is why we dinae take your opinions seriously. ^.-.^
1:02:00. Dev is being purposefully obtuse here because he doesn't want to have to admit what he knows to be true. He knows exactly what Carl is talking about. If he doesn't, then he's not very smart and probably shouldn't be making politically intellectual youtube videos.
Dev really sounds worried when he comes up against Sargon
Sargon is certainly a one-up from Vee
@@reiisthebestgirl Vee’s second phase is that he stops playing nice, and just transforms into Sargon, Elder of TH-cam, as his health bar fills back up
As he should be
@@toastle8005All the Vee rips and jokes aside, dudes got a noggin. I don't watch everything he puts out, but when I do, he always says something out of the box and insightful.
@@toastle8005 Vee fills a different niche from Sargon. Vee's eastern European outlook is very different from the British European outlook, especially tacking on the experience of living in and having immediate family who lived in the Soviet Union. Sargon is notably more enlightened than Vee on account of age and readings, but Vee carries his weight well enough in an argument too. But also yes Sargon is at the point in life of "I don't care, I'll say what I want even if its mean"
Kick Dev. Bring back Kirsche.
"I'm not a Warhammer fan" -Dev
Why Is he here? He contributes nothing.
He didn't just contribute nothing, he also derailed what could have been four and half hours of Arch and Sargon dissecting GW.
You know the rules. Arch is allowed to keep producing TH-cam content so long as he's chaperoned by a glowie (Dev) at all times. A glowie who contributes thought-terminating nonsense every few minutes.
He contributed more than anything in this comment section. If his contribution went over your sperg heads that's on you.
@@dontcallthemliberals3316he didnt contribute nothing to what the conversation topic was ment to be, aka games workshop!
@@adamduffield7782 Scarcity makes something more valuable. Content creators takes on woke companies are a dime a dozen. Dev and Sargon's conversations about the source of wokeness are quite rare (more valuable). From a supply and demand perspective Dev added far more value than arch.
"...are a group of people that you can't really generalize in the same way as a single person."
Dev finds out why leftists cannot define what a man, woman or even human is.
Dev, we generalize all the time, it is how we create definitions and a functional language. The definition of table applies to more than just one singular instance of a table.
Nah... I'm a veteran that was about to have gun oil for breakfast after losing everything, but Arch's stories did save me from that fate. Also I've been talking to a bunch of SOCOM family people that are saying that he's talking about the stuff that Yuri Bezmenov is talking about.
You know our military is in service of evil when every other veteran you come across wants to kill himself.
The older generations weren't like that
Suicide is cringe, stay strong brother, thank you for your service.
It's subtle, but if you pay close attention you start to notice how whenever Arch or Sargon cite a factual example of the left doing or saying something indefensibly stupid or evil, Dev just laughs...and laughs...and says nothing...but then immediately carries on as if the presented fact (which should incite anger, not amusement) was never mentioned.
Peter Hitchins has spoken about this - the phenomena whereby he will say something in a debate that totally destroys his opponent's position, yet their reaction is simply to laugh and then carry on with their arguments as if Peter had never said anything.
Most of the people screaming at GW to not sink their ship are the ones who have spent thousands of dollars for decades.... they literally KNOW this is the customer base.
They know this is financial self deletion, but THE MESSAGE! THE HOLY MESSAGE!
Dev is a good example of the reasons why we need a wall on the Canadian border
Also why you cannot outright trust people saying they are a fan of something or on your side.
They have to prove they aint these wokefiltrators. And that is why they cry over gatekeeping and being called out on not knowing crap about the thing they are trying to corrupt.
They don't care about expanding SOB or SOS because the fans actually want it and no drama would be caused. That's why they went custodes and why they are still pushing for space marines. Gw could even simply show SOB or SOS in promotional trailers more instead of focusing on space marines for representation without changing lore. Show the already established female factions/characters being more badass, simple.
I go dancing, there is a fundmental rule in most partner dance that the male leads and the female follows. Granted, some of the better dancers will dance with same sex partners and will choose to take lessons on the opposite role to better understand the mechanics of the other side and that's fine.
We had an event last week, it was sold to me as a role reversal dance class, fine.
I get there, they have hung up posters about diversity, inclusion, challenging stereotypes. The lesson was not a clear swap of roles, it was random swapping of roles (men and women were randomly leads or follows), and the routine we learned swapped lead and follow between both partners.
It's happening to this hobby now.
I would've walked out the moment I saw the diversity posters
These crybullies just want to take all we love and break it in front of our eyes and if we fight back they run off to mommy government and claim we hit them.
They are mindless children who need a special facility to live in, not be allowed to vote or such as they cannot even compete with a 6yo these days in terms of being able to spearate fiction and fantasy.
1:58 Ah fucking goddammit, Dev. Really? And here I thought it'd be worth watchign for once
Skip to 3:43:20 to skip Dev.
Too bad you can't skip him forever. That'd be glorious.
Dev is good and the hate he receives is cope.
@@afrofrycook Seems like you're the one coping since you feel the need to defend him.
They got him to admit the left lies for their strategy.
If I was put in charge of GW and asked to salvage the situation, I would unironically just direct a story be written about some sort of new daemonic invasion through subversion. Literally write it as an in-lore gaslighting, and end the event with the Custodes and true loyalist forces rallying to expel the disguised 'female' custodes with some sort of lore-based explanation for why people fell for this massive Psy-Op, and then double down on 'there were never female custodes', do a meta thing where the previous authors were simply caught up in the grand deception, the heresy has been purged, resume enjoying 40k. Work it into the lore as a cheeky nod to the attempted infiltration of the hobby, and the valiant defense of the Imperium (fans) to defeat this rot that looked to take root within. And let it sit there, as a reminder of the left's FAILURE, and as a warning to would-be subversives of the future. It would give a literal event that fans in the future could cite for proof unambiguous and deliberate in order to gatekeep.
Sadly, we don't live in that timeline.
The problem is that by creating more meta commentary on it, you increase it, make it bigger. The culture war has gained a foothold regardless of how you 'attack' it. If GW genuinely wants to avert alienating the fans further then all that remains is is pretending that it never happened. She exists in the canon but she's a nobody and it is forgotten.
It would be kind of interesting if she was the only one. Make it so she is a failed experiment that took the resources required to make 10 custodes but is only half as strong but is also a minor psyker. Could have an entire trilogy of a very conflicted character.
Actually what should be done is a full retraction of the entire new codex, then a re-release of the previous Custodes codex. Simply say that "there was an error" with the release and it has "been corrected". Along with a "we apologize for the mistake".
They could literally just explain that the special way custodies are made allows for women.
That's it. That's all they needed to do
Alpha legion tier warpfuckery
"We don't have time for that" dev- "ok here's my 30 second version" *takes more than a minute to introduce the point
Arch: "Is Teal Deer still alive?"
Sargon recalls utterly destroying TL;DR seven years back in a video war.
Sargon: "Dunno...wonder what happened to him..." >.>
He's around...Think he gave up and went to alternate platforms when TH-cam just kept throttling his chanel
I miss him, his genuine research streams were some of the best content, gaming streams were enjoyable too
Shits on par with watching Sseth actually go in detail on immunology back during the Dlive streams
Spent The entirety of Dev's blathering reading comments shitting on Dev.
Turn your god damn stream notifications off. god damn they are annoying while trying to listen to y'all speak
agreed 100%
Have them interrupt everytime dev speaks, he offers nothing anyway
@@chriscormac231 preach
Warhammer is a fascinating fictional concept
If you make it reflective of modern feminist western society then it loses its fascination entirely
The whole point is to be on the outside looking in
Women and feminist people have to see themselves represented in the material and find it impossible to play with something that isn’t them.
The self centredness is off the scale in the western world
It would be like adding dudes to the Bene Gesserit, having some bloke weigh in on their political and sexual scheming.
I hate having to agree with dev but i would rather die than call myself a Canadian
That's sad, isn't it? Your people are more than what a government does...
Dev adds nothing to these discussions. No more Dev.
Not entirely in HH books it was specifically said that ultramarines and blood angels looked huge but symmetrical.
do you mean the Forge World HH books or the Black Library HH series?
The problem with Sargon's point is that there is not a problem with Liberalism as a concept, but with an appeasement polici that is practicaly beaten into british politics for at least the last 2 centuries and they force it on every vassal state that they produced. In the truly liberal state the rights of person begins and ends with the rights of every other person so when your wishes damages everyone around you, than you should get the iron fist of the law and not be appeased by giving you at least half of what you wishes for.
Once again, I am at the irony of watching these late and just hearing Sargon say they want to shoot Trump and Dave saying that’s not going to happen little ironic
Vee, God of War Ragnarok was moderately infiltrated, but for the most part you’re right… Still far from ruined or lost…
This entire stream was Dev trying to say Being a Liberal and Commie was a good postion. Poor Sargon was gonna pop a vesesl at the end.
Although i wasn't a Warhammer 40K fan bur i have been politically aware for a while now and have also noticed how woke politics is in EVERYTHING for a long long time. And this goes back further than most people realize. Most think the left only spawned into existence in the last 10-15 years. But go back and watch old 90's and 80's movies and even older and you can see all this was there too. It just was more subtle or better executed.
The channel "Blackpilled" is all about this.
Thanks Arch, Man it's great to have the band back together.
Have we teleported back to 2016?
Lets see...
-Progressives ruining the hobby
-Gamergate 2.0 is unfolding
-Trump is on the campaign
Seems like it.
Dev is cringe and refuses to admit there are issues because it would mean he would actually have to do something.
I listened for hours just for dev to arrive at the point that the left doesn't have principles and uses whatever set best works for them in the moment.
A point Sargo, Vee and Arch along with the viewers of all 4 have known for years
This is just Dev's latest struggle session
"I don't disagree with you haha, explain how what I said is different to what you said haha, I'm sorry I don't seem to get it haha, its going over my head haha, Canadagud haha." Dev ad nauseam for 2/3 of every stream he shows up. Its like nails on a bloody chalk board.
It’s money. The core hobby represents a fraction of ‘fans’ who actually play the table top games. Everyone else reads books, plays video games, and, GWS is banking on them watching media made in the 40k universe. And they’re operating under the mistaken idea that the way to generate mass appeal for the IP is DEI…only trouble is DEI practices are anti white, anti male, and anti-normal sexuality; and those people are all hard passing on products that incorporate DEI for obvious reasons.
Don’t give money to people who hate you.
Sargon thinks fallout is competently written sigh. Long man really needs to make an unbridled rage.
Five part 2-3 hr video series, I'm fkn down!
Isn't there an EFAP on it yet?
I enjoyed it for the most part, but too many "oh he/she's fucked" moments, only for a random character be right there when they needed them though.
@@berndberndsen5680There's only a 1-hour "Debate" on Open Bar, but the EFAP Crew was too preoccupied with covering Rebell Moon pt 2 this week.
Hopefully they cover Fallout next week, I'm tired of hearing how "great" it is from normies.
Eh, I'm guessing it'll be a coin toss as to whether they rip it a new one or lick its boot...
2:29:00 - Dev really needs his own "debate Vee" podcast. Or Vee can host it, since he streams 6 times a week.
3:10:00 - Dev, you're fucking canadian. You live in canada. I get that you have foreign friends online, but yah need to touch grass, bud. Really. You live in canada, my friend.
As with video game fans, the warhammer community will just eat the slop given to them. These types of hobbies are filled with either people who like the slop or cowards who are too afraid to speak up.
Stop givong Dev the time of day. He is subversive and not a friend.
The missing element of Sargon's mentality is religion. Not everyone will instinctively feel the same moral instincts so in order for Sargon's tradition based system of governance to work there had to be some transcendant rule set to overrule any dispute. Otherwise it turns into "some societies believe you should love your neighbor and some believe you should eat your neighbor. Do you have a preference?"
Every culture has the same morals they are just expressed in different ways, this is also true of different age groups. When you factor in Haidt's moral foundations and the effects of hormones on voting patterns it becomes pretty clear that progressives/libertarians are a kind of developmental defect. To borrow Haidt's comparison, it's almost like if you don't have a healthy relationship with your parents and you don't have healthy T-levels then you can't see half the color spectrum.
It used to be true that some ethnicities couldn't see shades of green but that has changed as they interbred with neighbours.
@@dontcallthemliberals3316 libertarians are hyper focused on individual liberty, they dont track well with other conservatives or progressives. Progressives are focused and harm and fairness. Consertives consider all but emphasis purity, authority, and loyalty. Less a defect and more a system on the level of groups and populations imo.
@@DizzyDisco93 Except the only culturally universal group is conservatives. Sure if you want to say narcissism and psychopathy aren't developmental defects be my guest but at that point we are just playing semantics.
@dontcallthemliberals3316 I suspect we are having different conversations. As I can no longer see the initial comment, I'll only be able to guess why. I assume you conflated progressive and libertarians, and that you were using moral foundations theory to do so. A general retort to to this comment would be that every culture has a progressive/conservative divide of some sort. The way in which it manifests differs to time and place. The temperance movement of the 1920s has all the hallmarks of a progressive movement, for instance. Attributing things like narcissism and psychopathy to entire groups is disingenuous. The game could be played by both sides to no real effect, and the only thing gained is wasted time.
@@DizzyDisco93 'Conservative' moral foundations are the result of a healthy balance of hormones. It logically follows that Prog's and lolbert's moral foundations are an unhealthy balance. I don't think that's conflating the two. Oestrogen increases sensitivity to negative emotion, continued exposure to intense negative emotion triggers expression of the dark triad traits (psychopathy, narcissism, etc) it logically follows then that pumping your teenage daughter with oestrogen every day increases the chance of her becoming a narcissist. Denying this stuff without any real falsification is in fact wasting far more time than having the hard conversation.
The funniest thing about "old=bad" is that Marx published his books almost 200 years ago
Nice, sargon and no Dev. I can watch this one.
Edit, goddamnit arch. Again a bait and switch. Shame, i wanted to hear sargons opinion.
I swear, the more academic that sargon gets the less coherent his descriptions of concepts gets.
Also, per usual, Dev was 95% wrong, band that last 5% was only his anchor point to dance around, beyond, without and away from any point that could have been made.
vee needs a cold shower or something, man's got issues.
Arch was right, and yet not-right by allowing 1 point to dominate (more of a maypole dance, the points in the middle and everyone was just running around it dodging and weaving) the convo 3-4 effin times in a row.
Honestly dev just come across as a pseudo intellectual more and more.
I think that's the necessary outcome of becoming more philosophical, you start to understand things more on an intuitive plane while trying to use rationality to explain it.
Sargon need to become better at explaining his position, he tends to start his explanations without grounding them or being needlessly complicated.
@@TheMithridates oh yeah he threw me out, even though I agreed with him over Dev, I was left there alongside Dev saying “…I’m genuinely sorry, I’m not playing stupid, say that again?”
The thing that Sargon did wrong was get hyper specific in terminology, e.g. Dev says equality before the law and means between different demographics but Sargon wants to get to the root of the idea and misunderstands what Dev means.
It's like a physicist who hears someone say weight and starts to talk about the scientific definition of mass time gravity.
"Would you save the last communist?" Dev "I'd put him in a zoo" Yes and charge people to look at him to buy increasingly expensive things to put in his enclosure. That sounds like a laugh.
No, the Brotherhood of Steel were Never a Religious Cult of Tech worshipers. Not at all.
They were a Fraternal Military Order of Isolationists whom felt that unfettered advanced tech and experimentation is what led to the destruction of Humanity.
They never worshiped technology, they never had religious texts or rituals. If anything they were more akin to Monestary Monks and Knights, learning about technology and preserving knowledge, while keeping it out of the hands of people whom would abuse it.
30:47 Some dont, but a lot of them do. Look at people like Vaush and Keffals and all they’ve done if you want an example. You cant debate people who view you as at best an idiot or at worst a blight to be removed.
I think one example Sargon can use is the difference between say the code of Hamarabi and our current law code.
What we do now is write down everything you can't do, so everything that isn't written down is lawful even if it isn't right.
Codes like Hamarabi or even the Old Testament laws rely on case law as examples, it puts forth a virtue and an example and judgment from which judges are expected to extrapolate the principles from and apply them to specific cases they experience, as such the law is less important than the underlying principles.
Redo this stream, but without Dev (or Vee).
I love Vee
@@soaringbumnm8374did he contribute anything here whatsoever?
@@TheMithridates he was around to help bash Dev. I consider that a contribution
Dev has gone crazy
He’s always been
Dev was always an idiot designed to be useful. He only tried to sound reasonable when he saw profit from it.
No, he’s just Canadian.
@@BruhMoment-fr4zrNo! He's an activist for the Ts. A light one compared to the real woke-garbage, but still of the "faith".
Whenever he says that he hung out with a female he's lying. It's just a female name.
A tourist is someone who brings enters a space that has a specific culture and they while in that space stick to and impose there outside culture onto the space they have entered while putting on a mask of some of the culture they have entered, think the westerner who has lived in Japan for years, puts on the traditional clothes know the correct greeting etc but they are still very western in there mannerisms etc they are a tourist they might really like the Japanese culture but only as far as it fits inside there western sensibilities
The based position is to say that Robyn D Angelo is correct, that everyone is racist and we are all on that spectrum. The point is to have ingroup preference but not be unduly unfair to outgroups and be willing to give people a chance to prove themselves to you regardless of their background. Humans can never reach a perfect state of anti racism, and it is through acknowledging and respecting our differences that the closest thing to harmony can be achieved.
I think ingroup preference exists, but that is not what I would call, racism...
@dakabaka4912 semantics.
And while you are bogged down with it, the other side advances an everything else
@@dakabaka4912 The left thinks it is, and they control every institution and all of mainstream thought, including most mainline dictionaries. Basically, a good thought experiment to try is saying everything the left says, but instead of the bits where they say: "this is a problem" you say: "based". It is surprising how often it is more correct than the liberal centre right position.
No, the based position is to reject that entirely and stop surrendering to the idea that groups of any kind are anything but cancer.
Dear god, Dev... you live in a fog, don't you?
Communism and Fascism disagree.
@@dontcallthemliberals3316 - They are the integration of both. Socialism is Communism without the politics, in its pure form.
Fascism... That's a government modifier. Like, you can have a fascist Monarchy or a Fascist Democracy. You don't usually, but you could, technically have one.
Ironically, Fascism lends itself well to socialism. Everything in the state, everything for the state, but there are degrees of Fascism, like everything else.
@@TheEldritchGod Yes and the argument of the dissident right (which Sargon is now a part of) boils down to 'I don't like this degree of liberalism so we need to throw out liberalism' its a braindead take.
He's just playing a semantic game to dogwhistle for extreme action (understandably due to UK's circumstances). Whereas Dev is being honest and sincere. Dev lives in a fog because Sargon is a giant fog machine.
Most renewable energy is NEGATIVE energy, means it takes more energy to construct a solar panel or windmill than it will EVER produce in most areas
Also maintenance costs and waste produced by making and disposing of them, ends up being a lot more too.
I like how any of my female friends that likes warhammer or games in general either really like the armies with the buff savage dudes or the turbo murder, goth, stripper elves(witch elves). And yes that's how I describe my armies to them. Female custodes Really isn't doing anything but signal how GW is pissing up their own ass then are about the fans they already have.
I know three lasses who play and they play thousand sons, space wolves and daemons of slaanesh. Not one of them wants this nonsense.
@@Ragehaven I have come to the conclusion many a lady who gets into 40K likes big buff hairy space viking werewolves.
It does seem to be either the astartes or some sort of scantily clad sex criminal
I found Dev to be unusually reasonable in this episode
Remarkably so. On the other hand, Arch went off the deep end at around 3:25:35 with his notion of oppressing the population to make them grateful afterwards. Dev is right that allowing people to climb out of poverty by the fruits of their own labours is what leads to a growing middle class and a hopeful working class that is resistant to socialist infiltration. If people think they can better their own situation and that of their children, they will work to improve themselves and their own lot; if all you offer is oppression and decline, they lose investment in society and will tear it down to make room for themselves.
The abolition of serfdom marks a defining point in societies in which violent revolution no longer becomes possible, because the population no longer finds it desirable, whereas serfdom or slavery breeds envy and resentment, especially if you attempt to enslave people who are used to freedom. I think this is one of the few things that could spark a revolution in the West in current times, which is why the Covid lockdowns were so incredibly dangerous; if you suddenly try to enforce that kind of oppression on people who are used to freedom, you are likely to provoke a counter reaction from them, proportional in measure to the degree to which you attempt to oppress.
Buffy was good. Angel was better. Firefly could have been epic, and was still quite good with what we got.
Now that I’ve watched a portion of this, I now get the Dev hate
Kick Dev
Well if they're making Female Custodes a real thing in the lore then i'm bringing Father Curze and brother Sevatar back in the lore as well damnit!
Dev being wrong, consecutively, for 4 and a half hours. Arch has truly condemned us to the worst possible fate.
I broke some of my ribs once it felt like someone was stabbing me over and over again every time I took a deep breath. Dev has the same effect on my ears every time he speaks.
3:23:00 I almost died from cringe… Dev, I have no idea where you’ve managed to pick this up, but ‘bednyak’ is a Russian word for a ‘poor person’ and ‘srednyak’ is not a thing, but can be interpreted as a ‘not so poor person’. Soviets did not use this ‘classes’ at all.
Jesus Christ, Lord above, I'm tired of the constant, willful dishonesty, nothing but word games and straw man arguments to deny reality, stop it with the 'okay as I understand it' No, listen to the words being said, don't interpret them in whatever method is convenient to maintain your preferred version of reality, the words have meaning, they paint a clear picture, stop redefining concepts to match your view and acting as though it was always the intended meaning, definition is not open to interpretation.
2:28:52 the male sex drive is waaaaay stronger than the female. There are women who would refuse the last man
The tourists and cultural marxists are having a field day with this. Well, time for them to receive the esteemed honor of my indifference. Let's see them prop up their new solidified corporate conquest with their own cash. I won't be holding my breath. XD
I felt bad for Dev until he said he’d vote for Biden over Trump in 2024. What the fuck?
I very much enjoyed the philosophical conversation it was good and I want to give Dev credit because he had such a good attitude and seemed to be engaging entirely good faith and of course Sargon was excellent because he has years of practice