I see this house on Pinterest all the time too and always thought it was impossible to remake… but here you are with this absolutely fantastic recreation. WOW!! Stunning job!
Kate u cannot just call everyone untalented like that 😭. This is the most amazing build i have ever seen, u don't have to push yourself to make a halloween one too
This was enormous perfection!. YOu never cease to amaze me with the builds you do. Being a huge Marvel /MCU fan, I have to say this was very close to what I'd imagine the TONY Stark Mansion would be like. You are a BUILD/Architectural GODDESS! Fantastic job!
as a marvel fan and a tony stark stan….girl you did that. this looks amazing and watching how everything was basically placed individually, i would never be able to figure out where to start. tv/movie homes series?
I fangirled a little when I saw this on IG 😂❤ I always wondered if anyone could build this so accurately, and ofc I should've known that if anyone can do it, Kate can. This is absolutely superb 👏 I love learning how you made this
Yess yess yess I’ve been waiting for someone to finally build this mansion in the Sims! And you’ve finally done and absolutely crushed it 👏🏻👏🏻 You really outdid yourself with this one 💙
Your creativity and skill are awe-inspiring! This build, like so much of what you provide the community, is absolutely gorgeous and life-affirming. You show us what is possible. Thank you!
finally a house. I just wanted to say that you are very talented and make wonderful houses and are an idol of mine at the sims. Congratulations and make wonderful vids. ps I'm from Brazil
I didn't know you existed up until 5 minutes ago when I read someone's comment about you on another video. Needless to say, I'm so glad I found your channel because this is amazing and glancing at all the other thumbnails of your videos I can already tell I will probably love everything you create. Amazing work!!!
WOW! Kate. Another amazing build. You really know your way around the tool mod. I built an A Frame mansion (before I knew about the tool mod) and it took me 6 weeks to complete! I have children and am at college as well so not much time at the moment to be building. This would take me all year. You have done really well again with your builds and I am just struck with awe every time I watch one of your speed builds. I hope you have a wonderful Samhain (Halloween)
Kate!! I'm shook!!! This build is amazing!! the detail in this is amazing and the limitations you generally have with the sims, then to build this!! Heck!!! This is so so soo cool!! I'll definitely put My Tony Stark in this!! Hes gonna be so happy haha
Kate, you are AMAZING!! I love your builds and your channel and your absolutely blew me away with this one! Keep up the great work. You inspire me to be more creative every day! :)
It's so amazing! I tried to place it in my game tho and it crushed (definitely not the pcs fault cause it's a monster pc made for game development/3D modelling), and looking at the comments in the galery I'm not the only one 🙈 Apparently it's the mannequins bug so I came here to ask for a repost without them, because the build is absolutely stunning and I wanted to challenge my boyfriend to earn for it in his game with a celebrity sim he's been playing with ❤️
This is awesome! I’m so sorry about your embarrassing incident at the eye doctor’s office. It did make me laugh, sorry. I just imagine I would do something similar. 😳 I also get really anxious when I have to go to any doctor. At least now it makes a good story! 😂
I Loveeee your creativity!!! It's sad though we have to get this creative when EA should be giving us these tools to make houses at this level already. It's 2023 for goodness sakes..
Well, I really wish, that I could live this mansion myself, 'cause it's so stylish and gorgeous. Now, though, I just have to settle for moving my sim family into this awesome building, and it makes me very jealous of them, 'cause they can live in there and I'm not, lol. 👍😊
My comment has vanished. That's the second this week that I know of. Oh dear, I hope this it's not happening on this account now. So I'll just say fantastic build and I can see why it took you so long. You really put the effort in and it paid off. Off-topic, have you seen any Hometopia footage? I missed the demo but it looks like it's perfect for you (and me) as a builder. The potential has me hyped. :-)
You can now become a member and receive exclusive perks: th-cam.com/channels/fSA8fw-AoVckUmrkBKR4dw.htmljoin Love you all 💚
do you have a link to download your beautifull mansions?
Fantastic build!! You really outdone yourself with this one! An absolute great build my friend! I appreciate your effort!!!💚💚💚😍😍😍
oh wow you're here too
Both you and Kate are super talented! 😍
Thank you my dear friend :))
I see this house on Pinterest all the time too and always thought it was impossible to remake… but here you are with this absolutely fantastic recreation. WOW!! Stunning job!
It's literally EVERYWHERE on Pinterest, haha! :D Thank you soooo much :))
Kate u cannot just call everyone untalented like that 😭. This is the most amazing build i have ever seen, u don't have to push yourself to make a halloween one too
This is INCREDIBLE! Placing the items one by one must have taken forever.
WOW!! I literally just watched marvel movies and was gonna look for builds to make my marvel savefile LOL THIS IS AMAZING!!!
I feel like I'm building in Sims 4 while you're building in Sims 10.
You do things that don't seem possible!
This was enormous perfection!. YOu never cease to amaze me with the builds you do. Being a huge Marvel /MCU fan, I have to say this was very close to what I'd imagine the TONY Stark Mansion would be like. You are a BUILD/Architectural GODDESS! Fantastic job!
as a marvel fan and a tony stark stan….girl you did that. this looks amazing and watching how everything was basically placed individually, i would never be able to figure out where to start. tv/movie homes series?
WOW even the video is just started I already love this build
I fangirled a little when I saw this on IG 😂❤ I always wondered if anyone could build this so accurately, and ofc I should've known that if anyone can do it, Kate can. This is absolutely superb 👏 I love learning how you made this
Yess yess yess I’ve been waiting for someone to finally build this mansion in the Sims! And you’ve finally done and absolutely crushed it 👏🏻👏🏻 You really outdid yourself with this one 💙
Literally HOW? You are a wizard this is incredible
Insane, best version I've ever seen
Yes!!! WHAT?! That is 👏 perfect!
Jeez...the patience with these windows... give us round walls!
WoW. I can't believe you actually made it, so much work but the finished product is amazing.
Kate Emerald is the best builder! The talent is insane! Amazing work :))
Your creativity and skill are awe-inspiring! This build, like so much of what you provide the community, is absolutely gorgeous and life-affirming. You show us what is possible. Thank you!
Wow! I already saw some Tony Stark Mansions in the gallery, but none of them is so good!
OMG OMG, I'm totally speechless, this is outstanding!
literally outstanding! I’m a long time marvel fan and this made my day 🖤
finally a house. I just wanted to say that you are very talented and make wonderful houses and are an idol of mine at the sims. Congratulations and make wonderful vids. ps I'm from Brazil
Awesome builds Kate Emerald I support you from Ohio USA Kate Emerald
Kate you are an absolute genius!
as the biggest tony stark fan on this earth… this is so gorgeous… you made this look perfect. I can’t wait to have this in my game!!
Thank youuu! :))
Omg, this looks PERFECT! Iron man is my most favourite character!!!! ♥
I didn't know you existed up until 5 minutes ago when I read someone's comment about you on another video. Needless to say, I'm so glad I found your channel because this is amazing and glancing at all the other thumbnails of your videos I can already tell I will probably love everything you create. Amazing work!!!
WOW! Kate. Another amazing build. You really know your way around the tool mod. I built an A Frame mansion (before I knew about the tool mod) and it took me 6 weeks to complete! I have children and am at college as well so not much time at the moment to be building. This would take me all year. You have done really well again with your builds and I am just struck with awe every time I watch one of your speed builds. I hope you have a wonderful Samhain (Halloween)
Kate!! I'm shook!!! This build is amazing!! the detail in this is amazing and the limitations you generally have with the sims, then to build this!! Heck!!! This is so so soo cool!! I'll definitely put My Tony Stark in this!! Hes gonna be so happy haha
This is an impressive build, I never thought it was even possible! It's amazing, you're super talented !👏🏿👏🏿
i have no words... so much talent!
How many hours did this take?! Amazing build
Many, I've worked on this for like two weeks or so? (With some breaks and other stuff to do in between) :D Thank you!!
Oh my god this is incredible! I’m speechless.
You’re so incredibly talented
this is insane. I can't even imagine having the patience for this, but wow you nailed it. Fantastic.
i’m a huge marvel fan & a huge fan of your videos so this is super cool!!
Kate, you are AMAZING!! I love your builds and your channel and your absolutely blew me away with this one! Keep up the great work. You inspire me to be more creative every day! :)
Wao…😍❤️👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️❤️ Soy súper fanatica de Marvel y los Avengers. Esto te quedó MARAVILLOSAMENTE PERFECTO!!!
Bravoooo 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am stunned, you did a wonderful job!!! I could never have the patience to do this!!
It's so amazing! I tried to place it in my game tho and it crushed (definitely not the pcs fault cause it's a monster pc made for game development/3D modelling), and looking at the comments in the galery I'm not the only one 🙈 Apparently it's the mannequins bug so I came here to ask for a repost without them, because the build is absolutely stunning and I wanted to challenge my boyfriend to earn for it in his game with a celebrity sim he's been playing with ❤️
Reuploading in a couple of minutes :)
@@KateEmerald thank you!
Omg outstanding. Every build u do is better than the last, ur super talented and amazing..uve out done urself once again
Finally!!! I've been looking everyday in your channel hoping you've posted the video since you announced the mansion. Lol
Oooo! Ammazing! Gorgeous!
wow.. this looks great! well done! 😄
Omg this is ridiculously amazing!! I’m speechless 🖤
Kate is a Queen!
Only 1000 views this is absolutely stunning 😃😃😃😃
This is awesome!
I’m so sorry about your embarrassing incident at the eye doctor’s office. It did make me laugh, sorry. I just imagine I would do something similar. 😳 I also get really anxious when I have to go to any doctor. At least now it makes a good story! 😂
Holly Molly WOW I don't do gameplay but THIS makes me wanna start! Again Wow Kate just wow
I love this build. I have been trying to search for it on the Gallery and havent been able to find this build.
Wow! This is crazy!
Woah! This is awesome! Another great build Kate.
I Loveeee your creativity!!!
It's sad though we have to get this creative when EA should be giving us these tools to make houses at this level already. It's 2023 for goodness sakes..
Omg it’s beautiful
Kate OMG this is SICK 😂😱😍
Goth, we love your builds so much. ❤❤
woww this is awesome!
This is amazing. Wow!!
Siempre quise hacer esa mansion y falle epicamente, pero a ti te quedó genial 👏🏻
looks amazing! I wonder how do the round parts made with windows work with the room system? with lights etc...
great work still!! have a good day!
NO. WAY. Iron Man ahhh 😱
Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with us.
This is sooo amazing!
Omg this is amazing! Great job!
It looks amazing! You’ve done such a good job 👏🏻
A dream came true ❤️
OMG! 🤩 it's amazing! You could also do the wandavision house 😍✨🙌
Wow, just wow. This is amazing 🤩
This is amazing! 😮
Thank you! :)
It's beautiful! 😍👌🏻
This is awesome your stuff is always amazing, such a inspiration for me.
Kate once again rose and shone ❤
Aww, thank you!! :)
this is incredible and so are you!
When I first started watching this I knew this would be one of your builds.Is it just me?who thought of this?
So FAB!!
Omg this is the exactly what i want😍
awesome build
and another day of asking Kate for a vampire castle
Did you hear the end of the video?
Sheshhhhhhh this is good 😊
Thank you sooo much! :))
Omg! Amazing!!!
love this so much
wow 😍😍 I love ist!!! 😍😍
This is so perfect i would love to play in it, is there a way to download it?
you gotta be honest when at the eye doctor (if you don’t see it, say so), but anyways this house is fantastic
Wow 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Which dlc do we need if we download this? I got you mentioned Get Famous. Great work though!
Well, I really wish, that I could live this mansion myself, 'cause it's so stylish and gorgeous. Now, though, I just have to settle for moving my sim family into this awesome building, and it makes me very jealous of them, 'cause they can live in there and I'm not, lol. 👍😊
My comment has vanished. That's the second this week that I know of. Oh dear, I hope this it's not happening on this account now.
So I'll just say fantastic build and I can see why it took you so long. You really put the effort in and it paid off.
Off-topic, have you seen any Hometopia footage? I missed the demo but it looks like it's perfect for you (and me) as a builder. The potential has me hyped. :-)
Amazing!!! Could you build Travis Scott mansion??? please🥺
Good job! Still waiting for the Hogwarts build :P
Where can I download this? XD you and Mr. Olkan make great housings and all xD
He is the best! :) It's in my gallery my ID is KateEmerald. Tray files are available on my Patreon! :)
could you release the link for external download please, you are very good at this
I read the title and I was here in lightning speed