SubhanAllah! If it wasn't for YOU الله، we wouldn't even be here. Ya الله allow us to worship YOU in a proper manner and keep us far away from Shirk. Please purify our hearts/souls from all the illnesses of this dunya and protect us from the whispers of shaytan by YOUR mercy with lots of dua, dhikr and prayer. امين 💚🤍
Assalamualaikum, could you kindly tell me how can i make a payment on comment section please? I've been searched for so long but still couldn't figure it out. Thanks
@@jahidahmedukAsalamu alaykum, it is between the share button and download button on the video (I am using the TH-cam app) you might have to update it. It’s labeled as “thanks”
Allahu akbar mashallah waAzi ndio kila kitu jamani na radhi zetu zipo kwenye nyayo zao hivyo hatuna budi kuwa thamini na kuwa tukuza kwa kuwa pamba vyema yarabi wajuhisi wamezaà na haijalishi ni mama mkwe au baba mkwee aubupande wako wote tuwaheshimu kwa dhati
Your lectures frighten me but it is indirectly helpful for the wise so to improve yourself in all fields of Islam is definitely will get a pure heart and good deeds for Hereafter. IN SHAA Allah. Many are Blessed when Allah gives one naturally a pure heart after reading the Message of Quran Your Lecture does Give a thought to think deeply 100% life without a Pure heart is no life as only pure heart can make you do all good .Aameen!
Ameen Ya Rabb. Mashallah! I am so crying .. May Allah guide us all..Forgive our sins and grant us the highest rank of Jannatul Firdous without reckoning Ameen Ya Rabb.
I must tell my sons when you feel your Emaan is going low "DO CPR" to your soul by running to the masjid. Allahu Akbar! ya Sheikh, you said what is needed to be heard.
يَوۡمَ لَا يَنۡفَعُ مَالٌ وَّلَا بَنُوۡنَۙ The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children اِلَّا مَنۡ اَتَى اللّٰهَ بِقَلۡبٍ سَلِيۡمٍؕ But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart. (26:88-89) ♥ ♥ ♥
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah bless you all. May Allah protect you and your family from all kinds of evils. May Allah accept all your good deeds. May Allah guide us all to the straight path. May Allah grant you Janattul Firdowes. JazakumAllahu Khayran
May allah reward you abundantly our dear respected and beloved sheikh. جزاك اللهُ خيراً for all your beneficial lessons reminders lectures. I have benefited greatly الحمد لله .
Masha'Allah, Sheikh Abu Bakr you are gifted with storytelling, you speak with immense conviction. I pray to Allah to find a man who is firm in his Deen the same way you are Insha'Allah! Asalamu Alaykum w Rahmat Allahu w Barakatou to all!
JazakAllahu khayran katheera our Respected Shaykh !! This talk of yours was really beneficial and Eemaan-reviving for me, can’t thank Allah Swt enough for blessing us righteous scholars like you! May HE AWJ bless us all with pure hearts to follow HIS commands! Aameen ❤
May Allah preserve you always & grant you peace, health & goodness in both the worlds! Aameen جزاك الله خير ✨❤️ AllahuAkbar! Ya Allah keep us all steadfast & cleanse our hearts at all times aaameeen. What an amazing & so insightful lecture! SubhanAllah 🥺💘
Please make duaa for me brother I’ve always gone out of my way to help and support my mother as much as possible to the decree I’ve damaged my health. Her entitlement greed and ungratefulness all she does is curse me out. She makes duaa for the rest of my future to suffer she has always said I will Never marry, if I do marry my husband will abuse me I’m trying it’s never good enough for her. I fear Allah will hear her duaas against me my future seems bleak and I’m suffering immensely
Assalamu alaikum, Keep making dua for her, she'll eventually come around. She's probably going through something herself. Be patient. الله hears all duas. Hang in there and don't argue or talk back to her. May الله grant you ease. امين. "Remember that's your umi"
Salaam it’s very much possible that she may have a personality disorder. If you can study up her psychology you will be able to learn how to navigate around this, build yourself up and have compassion for her. It’s very easy to turn within ourselves and blame ourselves but it is not normal for a human being to keep belittling and criticizing the one whom they are in need of. I urge you to do your research and speak to a mental health professional you can’t change others but you can change yourself, your understanding, thought process and interactions
@@leema365 narcissistic psychopath every thing turns violent and vicious She even cursed my life to never achieve anything. Nothing is ever good enough for her no matter how much £££££ and effort is given. Please pray for me ummah Allah to forgive me and bless me with my own safe home
Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer “None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and all praise and He is over all things omnipotent.” Oh Allah, our Creator, Al Jabr, Al Qudus, Al Qawyi... to You belong the best and most beautiful names. You alone we worship and trust, and to You alone we call out to and return ya Al'Hai Al'Qayum... Blessings and salutations on our noble Mursaleen, their families and their companions - may our entire Ummah be true followers of Your Religion and of Your chosen leaders and enjoy the intercession of Rasul'ul Allah s.a.w. La hawla walla quwata ila bilah - Pour in our hearts the neverending concern and objective of pleasing You, Al'Wadud and envelope us in Your Love in the ways that befit Your Majesty. Make taqwa be the center of our existence at all times, and provide us with all that we need to pass our tests delightfuly and to see and appreciate the wisdom behind them. The Beloved Guest is about to arrive... alhamdulillah, the season where we all feel compelled to thrive... the company that we yearn all year round, the one we dedicate to make our heart sound... the one that comes and goes in Your name, the one we so dearly wish forever to remain, the one in which we have everything to gain, the one we must never take in vain. Your Words revealed - all hearts healed. Allahuma, bless us and bring us forth on this 30 night journey, equipt us in every way to succeed in it every single day - for this, and all past and future Ramadans we pray. Please shelter us from all that displeases You and make The Straight Path our home and our way of life while we are here. Increase us in knowledge and steer us clear from that which does not benefit us. Ya Al'Mu'izz, inject in us the ability to recognize the truth and to distinguish it from falsehood... allow us to see what is true and grant us the ability to accept it as the truth and endear it to us by making what is false appear to us as false indeed- keep it away from us and us from it, to You alone we supplicate and in all aspects of this do not let us procrastinate. Oh Allah Jella Jalaluhu, You know everyone's needs best and You are the Best of Planners, so fulfill them lovingly and make us content and grateful with what You decree. Ya Allah, help us love what You love and hate what You hate... Endear us to what is best for us - illustrate the perfection of Your Plan in ways we can appreciate and understand - eliminate what we should avoid and don't find peace in and enhance what we should embrace and actively engage in. Oh Owner and Turner of All Hearts, keep ours connected to You, cover us in Your comfort and light and provide us with ease whilst You know the true pain behind our wounds... and in this strengthen us to bare patience, remind us of the beauty in pleading to You for guidance, love, forgiveness and victory for You are the All Encompassing, Our Creator, the Most High. Oh Allah, allow us to feel Your Presence throughout our every step... please provide us with deep understanding, free us from ignorance and debt and cleanse our sustenance by supplying us with the highest of halal opportunities in all their forms. Do not deprive us from fulfilling all 5 Pillars during our life time nor from visiting Your Holy Lands, and gift us with the priviledge of enjoying the end of our days in the one You choose for us. Oh Allah Azzawajjal free Your creation from all forms of suffering, lead us into tawba and the wisdom of asking for forgiveness and the nobility of forgiving. Oh Al Aziz, return Your Masjids to Your rightful servants, and protect our ulamah by keeping their teachings alive and having their students apply what Your Quran and our Nabi's Sunnah have established, for us and all future generations. Oh Al Mutakabbir, elevate our status and purify our past, our present and our future... make us and our descendants from amongst those that perfected Your Religion, and grant us victory on that Day. We beg You Allah Ghafur AlRaheem for forgiveness for our sins... wipe our accounts clean and fill them with abundant mandalas of good deeds to receive our book on our right hand and allow us to be from among Your pious allies... a Sabiqun, a Sabiqun. Attach our hearts, minds and souls to Your Message and grant us the incomparable gift of memorizing Your Words, the Quran... do not let us forget the sacrifices that were made in order for humanity and the universe to have access to IT... nor to forget those whom You selected to accomplish Your Mission. Cultivate in us the honor of learning your surahs inside out, but please do bestow upon us the miracle of also living each ayah. Oh Allah we seek refuge in Your perfect words from every fitnah, from the simplest to the most dangerous... including from the trials of the Dajjal and the end of times... and every form of evil You have created... every devil, every jinn, every vermin, every illness, from misguidance and ingratitude, and protect our Ummah from Shaytaan and his agenda against humanity at large. Allahuakbar! La ilaha illa enta' Subhana! Please purify, strengthen and unite the Muslim Family and the Muslim Ummah in ways that exceed our expectations and envelope our hearts and souls to You alone. Endear us to one another to the point where we want to contribute towards each other's peace with the best of manners - make those closest to us the coolness of our eyes and remind us to remain patient and consistantly practice gratitude. Ya Al'Latif, put Barakah in everything we receive from You and in everything we do. Grant us the strength and the wisdom you deem fit to endure what we may find difficult and beautify the trials You have set for us Rabbi in order to tackle each of them with love and sincerity. Save us from the punishment of the grave and make Jahanam haram for us at all times. Grant us a purified blessed death upon being submitted to You, after uttering the most sincere 'la ilaha il Allah' , and aid us in answering the 3 questions that define our destiny. Ya Rabbi, turner of that which ignites the human core by Your Majesty, cleanse our hearts until they are in a true state of purity and submission before taking us back to You in totality. Unite us with those whom You love most upon the resurection and enter us into every level of Jannah until we are able to finally enjoy YOU in Al Firdeous... let us be honored by your Glorious company forever and ever... We know and recognize that Your Message and Your Promise is true. Amin, amin ya Rabbi Alameen
Assalamu alaikum Jazakkum Allahu kheiran for this. i just wanted to share a tidbit (that i'm still processing) about the distance between the earlobe & shoulder of the angels lifting the throne of Allah Subhanahu wa taala. 72h of fast travel, assuming you're traveling at an average of 70mph is about 5040 miles. that equates to driving from Anchorage, Alaska & Miami, Florida (4952mi) & you'd still need to add 88mi. Subhana Allah & THAT is just the earlobe to the shoulder!!!! one more thing to put things into perspective (& in km) the longest bridge so far is 1.6km, the distance between the earlobe & shoulder is about 8111km. the longest bridge we (humans) have built so far is 0.01% of that distance. How big is this throne? How heavy is it? Subhana Allah.
Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Sheikh, those people you speak of (to whom the Prophet [saw] sent a man to teach them Islam), are they the people whose children stoned Rasulullah (saw) some years earlier? The people of Ta'if?
Sheikh can you please speak on the recent rise in misogyny among the youth as well. There are popular Muslim speakers claiming women who are divorced are used goods and less desirable, among other horrible things.
With all do respect brother , aside from the idiocracy of our young people looking up toward Mr beast speaking on the role model for the youth , how about the Imam driving a 200k dollar Porsche GT3 And the hundreds of MUSLIM ADULTS GLORIFYING HIS CAR AND JUSTIFYING HIS SPENDING 200k on a item just meant to take us places reliably!? We As an UMMAH NEED TO ADDRESS OUR OWN FIRST SECOND AND THIRDLY !!! I spend time at my local masjid speaking to the youth trying to convince them not to be materialistic, and not to look up to people entrenched in materialism, I don’t know if you would be surprised how many adults have one to me made excuses for materialistic behavior and for these like the Imam before mentioned to spend frivolously and have things that don’t compliment them in there deen , as long as the money is halal !! Astagfir Allah Astagfir Allah Astagfir Allah
MashaAllah Tabarakallah Rahman magnificently preached lectured beautifully taught I want to thank you for adding me to your telegram or perhaps it was myself regardless this has inspired me magnificently how to explain I have watched it 3 times and I still can’t stop Ohhhh My Goodness my aspirations is to lecture as it is what I am studying by Allah I will reach my yearning dream one day you are one of my most favored respected scholar sheikh I am devoted to learn from you Allah reward you magnificently my respect you teach magnificently thank you for changing my life with this wonderful video that put things in a beautiful order in a beautiful priority Wow what an inspiration yours 📚🥼💯👌🏽👌🏽🎁👌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
SubhanAllah! If it wasn't for YOU الله، we wouldn't even be here. Ya الله allow us to worship YOU in a proper manner and keep us far away from Shirk. Please purify our hearts/souls from all the illnesses of this dunya and protect us from the whispers of shaytan by YOUR mercy with lots of dua, dhikr and prayer. امين 💚🤍
Aameen Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen.
Ameen ameen may. ALLAH SWT the almigthy accept your duas . Salam from Canada
Allah Almighty Grant Sheikh long life for his knowledge sharing.... very much appreciated listening from your heart...
Abdul Rashied from South Africa
My gift 🎁 to all muslims 🕌🕋
May Allah reward you!
Assalamualaikum, could you kindly tell me how can i make a payment on comment section please? I've been searched for so long but still couldn't figure it out. Thanks
@@jahidahmedukAsalamu alaykum, it is between the share button and download button on the video (I am using the TH-cam app) you might have to update it. It’s labeled as “thanks”
@@jahidahmeduk wa aleikum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, maybe its not available yet in where you live, i cant either
May Allah bless you❤
22:00 - Occupy your time tapping into your heart and figuring out the issues of your heart
Constant saying of "Astagfigrullah," sincere HUMILITY, and ibadah are the best act that ALLAH GRANTS US GRACES OF PURITY OF HEART.
Jazakallahu khair. ❤ Giving as charity
Subhan Allahi Rabill Alamein ❤🎉😢 Thank dear sheik for this besutifull lucturing jaza Allahu keyren.
O turner of the heart, keep my heart clean as snow.
28:00 - We don't have any role models now.
Prophet PBUH was best role model
All the timeless role models in Quran approved by Allah
Jazaakallah khayran sheikh
From France, with love. بارك الله فيك شيخ
Allah y bareek fiek (i)
Allahu akbar mashallah waAzi ndio kila kitu jamani na radhi zetu zipo kwenye nyayo zao hivyo hatuna budi kuwa thamini na kuwa tukuza kwa kuwa pamba vyema yarabi wajuhisi wamezaà na haijalishi ni mama mkwe au baba mkwee aubupande wako wote tuwaheshimu kwa dhati
Your lectures frighten me but it is indirectly helpful for the wise so to improve yourself in all fields of Islam is definitely will get a pure heart and good deeds for Hereafter.
IN SHAA Allah.
Many are Blessed when Allah gives one naturally a pure heart after reading the Message of Quran
Your Lecture does Give a thought to think deeply
100% life without a Pure heart is no life as only pure heart can make you do all good .Aameen!
Ameen Ya Rabb.
Mashallah! I am so crying ..
May Allah guide us all..Forgive our sins and grant us the highest rank of Jannatul Firdous without reckoning Ameen Ya Rabb.
I must tell my sons when you feel your Emaan is going low "DO CPR" to your soul by running to the masjid. Allahu Akbar! ya Sheikh, you said what is needed to be heard.
What an eemaan booster لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله...this was like a form of nutrition for the heart and soul. بارك الله فيكم و أحسن الله إليكم
mashallah . i was cryinh throughout the lecture . may ALLAH SWT reward you immensely . i ask ALLH swt for a pure heart and a pure soul .
يَوۡمَ لَا يَنۡفَعُ مَالٌ وَّلَا بَنُوۡنَۙ
The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children
اِلَّا مَنۡ اَتَى اللّٰهَ بِقَلۡبٍ سَلِيۡمٍؕ
But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart. (26:88-89)
♥ ♥ ♥
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah bless you all. May Allah protect you and your family from all kinds of evils. May Allah accept all your good deeds. May Allah guide us all to the straight path. May Allah grant you Janattul Firdowes. JazakumAllahu Khayran
Wa alaykum as Salam warahmatullahi wa barakatu
Ameen Allaahumma Ameen.
Tawaffanaa muslimeen
Wa alhiqnaa bish shuhadaa - i
was swaaliheen.
24:00 - Find a solution before you die...Always look for a solution to fix your heart. Don't ever give it up.
SubhanaAllah. Speech that make me cry
1:01:00 - Pure heart prefers Allah's love over anyone else
May allah reward you abundantly our dear respected and beloved sheikh. جزاك اللهُ خيراً for all your beneficial lessons reminders lectures. I have benefited greatly الحمد لله .
Amin ya Hayyu ya Qayyum
Masha'Allah, Sheikh Abu Bakr you are gifted with storytelling, you speak with immense conviction. I pray to Allah to find a man who is firm in his Deen the same way you are Insha'Allah! Asalamu Alaykum w Rahmat Allahu w Barakatou to all!
JazakAllahu khayran katheera our Respected Shaykh !! This talk of yours was really beneficial and Eemaan-reviving for me, can’t thank Allah Swt enough for blessing us righteous scholars like you! May HE AWJ bless us all with pure hearts to follow HIS commands! Aameen ❤
Ameen Ameen Ameen to your beautiful duas and jazaka Allah khayran ya Sheikh
May Allah reward you abundantly.
I have benefited so much from your lectures subhanallah.
May Allah preserve you always & grant you peace, health & goodness in both the worlds! Aameen جزاك الله خير ✨❤️ AllahuAkbar! Ya Allah keep us all steadfast & cleanse our hearts at all times aaameeen. What an amazing & so insightful lecture! SubhanAllah 🥺💘
May Allah grant us knowledge and guide us though Such brilliant scholar.
Beautiful Sk Sb ❤
Subhana Allah! Very powerful speech!
Please make duaa for me brother
I’ve always gone out of my way to help and support my mother as much as possible to the decree I’ve damaged my health.
Her entitlement greed and ungratefulness all she does is curse me out.
She makes duaa for the rest of my future to suffer she has always said I will
Never marry, if I do marry my husband will abuse me
I’m trying it’s never good enough for her. I fear Allah will hear her duaas against me my future seems bleak and I’m suffering immensely
Assalamu alaikum, Keep making dua for her, she'll eventually come around. She's probably going through something herself. Be patient. الله hears all duas. Hang in there and don't argue or talk back to her. May الله grant you ease. امين. "Remember that's your umi"
Salaam it’s very much possible that she may have a personality disorder. If you can study up her psychology you will be able to learn how to navigate around this, build yourself up and have compassion for her. It’s very easy to turn within ourselves and blame ourselves but it is not normal for a human being to keep belittling and criticizing the one whom they are in need of. I urge you to do your research and speak to a mental health professional you can’t change others but you can change yourself, your understanding, thought process and interactions
@@leema365 narcissistic psychopath every thing turns violent and vicious
She even cursed my life to never achieve anything. Nothing is ever good enough for her no matter how much £££££ and effort is given.
Please pray for me ummah Allah to forgive me and bless me with my own safe home
Be patient with your mum
Maybe it’s a test from Allah
May Allah shower you with excellent patience
58:00 - Biggest responsibility with your kids is their iman and deen. This is what you will be questioned about on DOJ.
Jazakallahu Khairan
27:37 - Example on how to have a pure heart...
Amazing ustad barakalahu fikum
Subhanallah walhamdeliallah allahuakbar
Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer
“None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner. To Him belongs sovereignty and all praise and He is over all things omnipotent.”
Oh Allah, our Creator, Al Jabr, Al Qudus, Al Qawyi... to You belong the best and most beautiful names. You alone we worship and trust, and to You alone we call out to and return ya Al'Hai Al'Qayum... Blessings and salutations on our noble Mursaleen, their families and their companions - may our entire Ummah be true followers of Your Religion and of Your chosen leaders and enjoy the intercession of Rasul'ul Allah s.a.w.
La hawla walla quwata ila bilah - Pour in our hearts the neverending concern and objective of pleasing You, Al'Wadud and envelope us in Your Love in the ways that befit Your Majesty. Make taqwa be the center of our existence at all times, and provide us with all that we need to pass our tests delightfuly and to see and appreciate the wisdom behind them.
The Beloved Guest is about to arrive... alhamdulillah, the season where we all feel compelled to thrive... the company that we yearn all year round, the one we dedicate to make our heart sound... the one that comes and goes in Your name, the one we so dearly wish forever to remain, the one in which we have everything to gain, the one we must never take in vain. Your Words revealed - all hearts healed. Allahuma, bless us and bring us forth on this 30 night journey, equipt us in every way to succeed in it every single day - for this, and all past and future Ramadans we pray.
Please shelter us from all that displeases You and make The Straight Path our home and our way of life while we are here. Increase us in knowledge and steer us clear from that which does not benefit us. Ya Al'Mu'izz, inject in us the ability to recognize the truth and to distinguish it from falsehood... allow us to see what is true and grant us the ability to accept it as the truth and endear it to us by making what is false appear to us as false indeed- keep it away from us and us from it, to You alone we supplicate and in all aspects of this do not let us procrastinate.
Oh Allah Jella Jalaluhu, You know everyone's needs best and You are the Best of Planners, so fulfill them lovingly and make us content and grateful with what You decree. Ya Allah, help us love what You love and hate what You hate... Endear us to what is best for us - illustrate the perfection of Your Plan in ways we can appreciate and understand - eliminate what we should avoid and don't find peace in and enhance what we should embrace and actively engage in.
Oh Owner and Turner of All Hearts, keep ours connected to You, cover us in Your comfort and light and provide us with ease whilst You know the true pain behind our wounds... and in this strengthen us to bare patience, remind us of the beauty in pleading to You for guidance, love, forgiveness and victory for You are the All Encompassing, Our Creator, the Most High.
Oh Allah, allow us to feel Your Presence throughout our every step... please provide us with deep understanding, free us from ignorance and debt and cleanse our sustenance by supplying us with the highest of halal opportunities in all their forms. Do not deprive us from fulfilling all 5 Pillars during our life time nor from visiting Your Holy Lands, and gift us with the priviledge of enjoying the end of our days in the one You choose for us.
Oh Allah Azzawajjal free Your creation from all forms of suffering, lead us into tawba and the wisdom of asking for forgiveness and the nobility of forgiving. Oh Al Aziz, return Your Masjids to Your rightful servants, and protect our ulamah by keeping their teachings alive and having their students apply what Your Quran and our Nabi's Sunnah have established, for us and all future generations.
Oh Al Mutakabbir, elevate our status and purify our past, our present and our future... make us and our descendants from amongst those that perfected Your Religion, and grant us victory on that Day. We beg You Allah Ghafur AlRaheem for forgiveness for our sins... wipe our accounts clean and fill them with abundant mandalas of good deeds to receive our book on our right hand and allow us to be from among Your pious allies... a Sabiqun, a Sabiqun. Attach our hearts, minds and souls to Your Message and grant us the incomparable gift of memorizing Your Words, the Quran... do not let us forget the sacrifices that were made in order for humanity and the universe to have access to IT... nor to forget those whom You selected to accomplish Your Mission. Cultivate in us the honor of learning your surahs inside out, but please do bestow upon us the miracle of also living each ayah.
Oh Allah we seek refuge in Your perfect words from every fitnah, from the simplest to the most dangerous... including from the trials of the Dajjal and the end of times... and every form of evil You have created... every devil, every jinn, every vermin, every illness, from misguidance and ingratitude, and protect our Ummah from Shaytaan and his agenda against humanity at large. Allahuakbar!
La ilaha illa enta' Subhana! Please purify, strengthen and unite the Muslim Family and the Muslim Ummah in ways that exceed our expectations and envelope our hearts and souls to You alone. Endear us to one another to the point where we want to contribute towards each other's peace with the best of manners - make those closest to us the coolness of our eyes and remind us to remain patient and consistantly practice gratitude.
Ya Al'Latif, put Barakah in everything we receive from You and in everything we do.
Grant us the strength and the wisdom you deem fit to endure what we may find difficult and beautify the trials You have set for us Rabbi in order to tackle each of them with love and sincerity. Save us from the punishment of the grave and make Jahanam haram for us at all times. Grant us a purified blessed death upon being submitted to You, after uttering the most sincere 'la ilaha il Allah' , and aid us in answering the 3 questions that define our destiny. Ya Rabbi, turner of that which ignites the human core by Your Majesty, cleanse our hearts until they are in a true state of purity and submission before taking us back to You in totality. Unite us with those whom You love most upon the resurection and enter us into every level of Jannah until we are able to finally enjoy YOU in Al Firdeous... let us be honored by your Glorious company forever and ever... We know and recognize that Your Message and Your Promise is true.
Amin, amin ya Rabbi Alameen
Am humbled yaah Raabi
AstuFallah alhumdallah
Allah a allahu akbar
Jazaak llahu khayra
Assalamu alaikum Jazakkum Allahu kheiran for this. i just wanted to share a tidbit (that i'm still processing) about the distance between the earlobe & shoulder of the angels lifting the throne of Allah Subhanahu wa taala. 72h of fast travel, assuming you're traveling at an average of 70mph is about 5040 miles. that equates to driving from Anchorage, Alaska & Miami, Florida (4952mi) & you'd still need to add 88mi. Subhana Allah & THAT is just the earlobe to the shoulder!!!!
one more thing to put things into perspective (& in km) the longest bridge so far is 1.6km, the distance between the earlobe & shoulder is about 8111km. the longest bridge we (humans) have built so far is 0.01% of that distance. How big is this throne? How heavy is it? Subhana Allah.
1:06:00 - heart clean from sins, shirk, etc
Allah bless you
Alhumdulillah 🤍
Assalaamu Alaikum Dear Sheikh, those people you speak of (to whom the Prophet [saw] sent a man to teach them Islam), are they the people whose children stoned Rasulullah (saw) some years earlier? The people of Ta'if?
49:00 - Patience (Stuff is Hard)
1:03:30 - Will tested by commands
27:00 - People complain about iman but don't do something about it.
58:50 - Submit to Allah's commands
Is this sheikh hablos.
What exact verses in the Quran say all this story about Abraham and Ishmael?
Sheikh can you please speak on the recent rise in misogyny among the youth as well. There are popular Muslim speakers claiming women who are divorced are used goods and less desirable, among other horrible things.
May Allah guide us and protect us from our tongues
30:10 - Best role models are in Quran...role models are not out of date!!
With all do respect brother , aside from the idiocracy of our young people looking up toward Mr beast speaking on the role model for the youth , how about the Imam driving a 200k dollar Porsche GT3
And the hundreds of MUSLIM ADULTS GLORIFYING HIS CAR AND JUSTIFYING HIS SPENDING 200k on a item just meant to take us places reliably!?
I spend time at my local masjid speaking to the youth trying to convince them not to be materialistic, and not to look up to people entrenched in materialism, I don’t know if you would be surprised how many adults have one to me made excuses for materialistic behavior and for these like the Imam before mentioned to spend frivolously and have things that don’t compliment them in there deen , as long as the money is halal !!
Astagfir Allah
Astagfir Allah
Astagfir Allah
27:00 - complain about iman but don't do anything about it
MashaAllah Tabarakallah Rahman magnificently preached lectured beautifully taught I want to thank you for adding me to your telegram or perhaps it was myself regardless this has inspired me magnificently how to explain I have watched it 3 times and I still can’t stop Ohhhh My Goodness my aspirations is to lecture as it is what I am studying by Allah I will reach my yearning dream one day you are one of my most favored respected scholar sheikh I am devoted to learn from you Allah reward you magnificently my respect you teach magnificently thank you for changing my life with this wonderful video that put things in a beautiful order in a beautiful priority Wow what an inspiration yours 📚🥼💯👌🏽👌🏽🎁👌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽