Bought the game cause of your channel then saw your vid of May loose your items when you log back in. So you know you can unequip your backpack in the new slots your bag gives you. Making your backpack disappear until you put on a new backpack to get your old one out XD
@@seethrew my tinnitus!!! lmao. But what hurts even more is that you haven't done a video on Vorax! :p (maybe you have on Twitch, but I haven't been on there in ages) Hope you cover it one day, would be fun to see your reaction to the first night if you're jumping in blind. (don't know if it's been on your radar)
2 walls in a V shape with walltraps is probably more effective to kill invaders you can also create walk ways filled with traps [ ] V on the end to create a deathly maze
TIP: If you get the loading death screen and then log in on accident, hit ctrl-alt-del and "End Task." This worked for me and it just took me into my previous save point. Maybe you can test it on an alt account
i been preaching about solving this issue with ALT+F4 for the past 4 or 5 videos :D, hopefulwith your tip and mine, people are losing less inventories lol.
I asked about molotovs and grenades doing damage to our own base in their Discord. I was told it does NOT do damage to our items, but I have yet to test it
Would be cool if you could just go to your flag to repair all of the base. I find it a pain in the butt going around my base looking to see what they have damaged
i have always used some sort of mouse keybind macro to help me in survival games, picking stuff up and dropping them or something along the lines to help streamline everything.
Why are there no turrets in the game for defences? I mean every other survival game has traps or turrets to defend your base but i guess they are working on it😊
Whaddup bro! First off, nice videos and tips, I got so irritated watching several other folks play this game and witnessing their infinite stupidity, but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders (that PartiallyRoyal guy is a total dbag that is oblivious and lacking critical thinking, super confident in his assumptions/stupidity, treats his viewers like dogs, and yet constantly begs for money and still has almost 1M subs... blows my mind). Ok sry, no more ranting about the scumbag... Have you tried to build a base that is incorporated with an enemy base? I picked the Iron Skull base, and yeah it's weird to build on and a bit scuffed, but you can totally do it. I built foundations underneath in a way to have my own floors in the different back rooms so I can safely put all my stuff there, hardly any ways for them to get in the base. So I'm at about day 60 (only normal difficulty though) and having zero problems taking them out and very little repairs are needed. They cannot destroy the enemy structures, so you can use that to your advantage. Maybe fortify a couple spots where they can make it into the compound (Definitely block off the two ways in/out underneath) and you're good to go! Super cheap, plenty of points to shoot down on them, and hardly any repairs/replacements needed. We'll see how it is around day 90, and man I just don't know about insane difficulty... I mean you could build up on top of the civic center, and they can't touch you. They would probably destroy any ladders up to the roof, so you'd have to deal with the gyrocopter (which apparently sucks unfortunately). And I'm not sure what the best method would be there to look down or have peek downs to shoot at them, but I would highly recommend people try to build in/on an existing base. There are plenty of options! Keep fighting the good fight, see you in the next one!
Man, that was a long read lol. All I can say is I'm glad you like what I'm doing, thus is my second playthrough, first was just out in the water, this time on rubber ducky, I think if we could actually place items on the foundations at enemy bases I would give it a shot, but I picked rubber duck cause it didn't have any structures lol. Much love man
@@seethrew Heard that. Yeah reading sucks sorry! Give it a shot one day, trying to create your own floors to build at the enemy's base. A huge middle finger to truly dominate their home! But yeah if they would just let us build on their foundations... maybe too OP
Turn you music on. When you have an enemy in your vicinity it changes.
Bought the game cause of your channel then saw your vid of May loose your items when you log back in. So you know you can unequip your backpack in the new slots your bag gives you. Making your backpack disappear until you put on a new backpack to get your old one out XD
Had me rolling at 'cover your ears....CLICK' 😂😂 that sound gets me every damn time.
It hurts bro
@@seethrew my tinnitus!!! lmao.
But what hurts even more is that you haven't done a video on Vorax! :p (maybe you have on Twitch, but I haven't been on there in ages)
Hope you cover it one day, would be fun to see your reaction to the first night if you're jumping in blind. (don't know if it's been on your radar)
I put wall spikes on the beach and leave the wooden foundations there or remove them, its ticks the off attackers long enough to snipe them lol.
Big brain!
Developers at least give us Scope x2 or night vision goggles.
2 walls in a V shape with walltraps is probably more effective to kill invaders you can also create walk ways filled with traps [ ] V on the end to create a deathly maze
TIP: If you get the loading death screen and then log in on accident, hit ctrl-alt-del and "End Task." This worked for me and it just took me into my previous save point. Maybe you can test it on an alt account
i been preaching about solving this issue with ALT+F4 for the past 4 or 5 videos :D, hopefulwith your tip and mine, people are losing less inventories lol.
I've really been enjoying the vids and streams. Thanks for the content! I currently can't really game out😢 so I'm living vicariously through you. 😊
Lol, that's great! Glad your enjoying 😀
I stack them on foundations. I'll have some under the water level, one at the water level, and one above. The invaders die fast on them.
Heck yeah that's how my previous build was layer out!
I asked about molotovs and grenades doing damage to our own base in their Discord. I was told it does NOT do damage to our items, but I have yet to test it
Interesting, I feel a myth buster video coming soon.
@@seethrew Cool idea👍
i have not either, i do not even try to use them. cause i saw i could damage my own base.
Would be cool if you could just go to your flag to repair all of the base. I find it a pain in the butt going around my base looking to see what they have damaged
And hitting something with 5000 health with a hammer that repairs 100 at a time, atleast give us a super hammer! Lol
I quit repairing my base, I prefer build a new iron foundation or reinforce wall
I would have rotated them to be sideways to your base. That way raiders cannot use them for cover.
insane playing insane difficulty
you are goated for that mouse tip
i have always used some sort of mouse keybind macro to help me in survival games, picking stuff up and dropping them or something along the lines to help streamline everything.
@@seethrew as a casual gamer i never wouldve thought of it. super useful and much appreciated good sir
Build traps for them
it will be cool if can place land mind
Right! Land Mines would be a life saver!!!
Why are there no turrets in the game for defences? I mean every other survival game has traps or turrets to defend your base but i guess they are working on it😊
There is a turrent, I just chose not to use it. It's a mounted 50 cal machine gun
I think he means like an automated turret
Going to dream about Walls tonight😂
Took a nap while it was upload, nothing but walls 🤣🤣
@seethrew they will fix the inventory problem(deleting problem after relog)? I had this problem and everything was gone..weapons,parts etc
@@HiImAndy30 if you watch the whole video i explain how to prevent that from happening.
Good stuff
Appreciate it
Hard to defense. The place is to big imo but nice
Everything I do is big :)
Whaddup bro! First off, nice videos and tips, I got so irritated watching several other folks play this game and witnessing their infinite stupidity, but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders (that PartiallyRoyal guy is a total dbag that is oblivious and lacking critical thinking, super confident in his assumptions/stupidity, treats his viewers like dogs, and yet constantly begs for money and still has almost 1M subs... blows my mind).
Ok sry, no more ranting about the scumbag... Have you tried to build a base that is incorporated with an enemy base? I picked the Iron Skull base, and yeah it's weird to build on and a bit scuffed, but you can totally do it. I built foundations underneath in a way to have my own floors in the different back rooms so I can safely put all my stuff there, hardly any ways for them to get in the base. So I'm at about day 60 (only normal difficulty though) and having zero problems taking them out and very little repairs are needed. They cannot destroy the enemy structures, so you can use that to your advantage. Maybe fortify a couple spots where they can make it into the compound (Definitely block off the two ways in/out underneath) and you're good to go! Super cheap, plenty of points to shoot down on them, and hardly any repairs/replacements needed. We'll see how it is around day 90, and man I just don't know about insane difficulty...
I mean you could build up on top of the civic center, and they can't touch you. They would probably destroy any ladders up to the roof, so you'd have to deal with the gyrocopter (which apparently sucks unfortunately). And I'm not sure what the best method would be there to look down or have peek downs to shoot at them, but I would highly recommend people try to build in/on an existing base. There are plenty of options!
Keep fighting the good fight, see you in the next one!
Man, that was a long read lol. All I can say is I'm glad you like what I'm doing, thus is my second playthrough, first was just out in the water, this time on rubber ducky, I think if we could actually place items on the foundations at enemy bases I would give it a shot, but I picked rubber duck cause it didn't have any structures lol. Much love man
@@seethrew Heard that. Yeah reading sucks sorry! Give it a shot one day, trying to create your own floors to build at the enemy's base. A huge middle finger to truly dominate their home! But yeah if they would just let us build on their foundations... maybe too OP
9/11 never forget........
Serios. This is cheating
Not considering I'm paying the trader for it. If it was a loot crate I would agree.
Also, I don't know what serios is but sounds like a type of cereal..