Stations of Gratitude (levels of gratitude) by Hamza Yusuf

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • Enlightening lecture by Hamza Yusuf... for the benefit of humanity.
    Very few people will contend with the fact that they have much in their lives to be thankful for. Yet very few people actually realise the extent of the favours they enjoy, and even less truly show gratitude for them. In the Stations of Gratitude, Hamza Yusuf reminds us of these countless, often subtle gifts and discusses the different stations of those who know how to show God proper thanks for them. Giving special attention to the four root blessings as mentioned in Surat Al-Waqi'ah and the specific blessings scholars noted as the greatest of them all, Hamza Yusuf incites in his listeners nothing short of wonder for God's vast grace. One of God's 99 names is Rahman in Arabic... the Most Gracious.
    Hamza Yusuf was born in the U.S.A - Washington state to a Catholic father and a Greek Orthodox mother, neither practising their faith. He was raised with eclectic ideas about God and religion, and baptised into Orthodox Church of the Greek Diocese in the States.
    Hamza began to study religious traditions at a young age, eventually leading to his discovery of Islam, the way of life he embraced at the age of 17.
    Thereafter he studied and travelled extensively in the Muslim world for ten years, to places like U.A.E Saudi Arabia, as well as North and West Africa. Travelling in his search for acquring true knowledge of Islam and its branches of sciences.. his thirst for "golden knowledge" and "treasures for the seeker" led him to the uncorrupted desert bedoiun scholars in Africa who taught him true real authentic spiritual Islamic knowledge and enlightenment... the message of Islam... "Peace with himself, with his Creator, the environment, other living beings & creatures", based on works by great Islamic scholars of the past.
    He also became fluent in Arabic language and then began his studies of the traditional Islamic sciences under the tutelage of some of the greatest Muslim scholars of our age. He received teaching licenses in various Islamic subjects from several well-known scholars in various countries.
    After Ten years of studies and learning he returned to the USA and completed his Western education, obtaining a degree in Religious Studies at San Jose State University in California and a degree in Health Care.
    Words/terminology used in the lecture:
    Mohaba = To Love or to be in love
    Habibullah = Beloved of God
    Maqam = Station (level)
    Naimah = a type of blessing i.e. health
    Eman = Faith
    Shukr or Shukur = Gratitude or thankfulness
    Ibaadahi = Worshipper
    Mumin = Believer
    Qadr Allah = Decree of God
    Inshallah = God willing
    Jannah = Paradise
    Ya'mul Qiyamah = The Day of accounting or the Day of Reckoning
    Dunya = This temporal world
    Shaytan = Satan/devil/lucifer name after he was downgraded
    Akirah = Hereafter/next world
    Alhumdulilah = Praise be to God

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