You need to speak louder. No one gets listened to if they actually talk silently especially when they are on the internet. Ive been there where I talked silently. I didnt like my voice so I didnt like talking, but then I started talking loudly since skipping school presentations didnt become a option anymore. I spoke loudly long enough the voice I hated became one I grew to like. All im saying is if you have enough to learn about a fanbase both of us love your voice should show just how much you love it. Im going to subscribe now and I better see a change in that voice of yours. :)
You need to speak louder. No one gets listened to if they actually talk silently especially when they are on the internet. Ive been there where I talked silently. I didnt like my voice so I didnt like talking, but then I started talking loudly since skipping school presentations didnt become a option anymore. I spoke loudly long enough the voice I hated became one I grew to like. All im saying is if you have enough to learn about a fanbase both of us love your voice should show just how much you love it. Im going to subscribe now and I better see a change in that voice of yours. :)